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Crowdsourced Hardcore Tactical Shooter

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I think it's dead, the deadline is too near.

A bit OT: Reading all this about CQB gave me some inspiration to mod for SWAT3, will try to add the reticles on the weapon models (it's really easy, just need to edit the aiming animation to align the sights with the player view). Sadly, you need to type in a command in the console so the model shows up (why didn't they make it an out of the box feature?). First I need to find my old SWAT3 CDs...

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Yeah his past track record of Halo games, FEAR2 and GRAW(?) doesn't look reassuring.

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Strange, I can't recall any developer of a shooter claim they wanted to exactly match those specific titles. Since I've been waiting for about 10 years to hear someone say that, I think I might have recalled.

Oh well I don't recall any of those neither, the closest one I can get was codie's utter failing OFP:DR, but then OFP was not in the same arena as GR and R6 where(and we got ARMA for that as well), and with codie's track record, we already know those were lies from ground up:p

Yep, the concept artist screw them up pretty hard FPDR

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Their initial response was to call those that pointed it out, and I quote; "Trolls". They (the CEO himself) then called said concept art, "paintings that mimic photographs". Please.

He probably didn't notice it. I even thought it was a painting/digital art created from scratch. Now, when you show the real photos side by side it is obvious, but for those of us who are not familiar with photoshop/GIMP/whatever, it is not very obvious by simply looking at it. He paid someone to make concept art, and they more than likely gave him those photos. He probably never saw the originals in his life prior to it being brought up on the forums.

Though he did the right thing. He took down the concept art/edited photos, apologized, and took responsibility. No reason to revoke your pledge for what looks like an honest mistake. Though, each to their own.

Edited by Flogger23m

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And it ain't even on the same level with the people who use a photo where russian soldier holding pictures of their fallen comrade and shop them into holding pictures of socom 4, which is utterly tasteless, nothing really surpass that kind of action, so why all the fuss?

10 hours left and still 40K to go, no, I don't think he can make it.

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I was referring to developer claims, any developer, that promises one thing and delivers another, that they are/were producing realistic shooters, an unparalleled attention to detail, or a followup in the genre of a previous title. However, it usually becomes apparent upon release or prior to, that that isn't or won't be the case. Realism is a very broad and subjective term, it encompasses a wide variety arena's, and its meanings vary according to the individual. I think you need to take a step back and approach this project a bit more subjectively instead of drinking their kool-aid, it enables logical thinking on a much broader scale. Now, would I like to see a "throw back" to the good 'ol days of a thinking mans shooter a la R6:RS or OGR? Most certainly.

Christian's last five games were console only titles. I'm not saying this can or will have a impact upon the completed project but again... subjectivity, mate.

EDIT - With all that said, my other issues with this project and the people or person behind it is a different story.

That's been a problem in the past. I agree it seems almost every developer has always stated those buzzwords (hardcore, tactical, realist/authentic, old school, etc.) and when the game comes out it's nothing like one might imagine. It has came to a point of developers "crying wolf" one too many times and the tactical shooter community has become jaded to those descriptions. But, even if it's not exactly like old R6, GR or SWAT games it wouldn't be the end of the world. If it's even remotely close (no health regen, no respawn, non-linear), I would still consider it infinitely better than every other mainstream shooter that has been released in the last 8 years.

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That's been a problem in the past. I agree it seems almost every developer has always stated those buzzwords (hardcore, tactical, realist/authentic, old school, etc.) and when the game comes out it's nothing like one might imagine. It has came to a point of developers "crying wolf" one too many times and the tactical shooter community has become jaded to those descriptions. But, even if it's not exactly like old R6, GR or SWAT games it wouldn't be the end of the world. If it's even remotely close (no health regen, no respawn, non-linear), I would still consider it infinitely better than every other mainstream shooter that has been released in the last 8 years.

This. We have a chance of having a true SWAT/Raven Shield sequel, and if it isn't up to par, at least it can be somewhat decent (one would hope). Not like there is much in terms of tactical shooters on the horizon (ArmA 3, I44 which is essentially ArmA 2 in WWII). Worth the chance for $15 IMO.

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pledged of $200,000 goal


Hours to go

Fuckin' A! :slayer:

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I was just on my way here to post that. Awesome!

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Just rose to $202,548. Looks like there's still hope after all.

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i wasn't expecting that...at all. Good for them


Seems Notch had a hand in this, as well as some lad who used to work at COD, both via twitter, with 650K , respectively 375k+ followers...

Edited by PuFu

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wow, now that's what I call a finish!

Looking forward to what these guys may achieve :)

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The guy who transformed Rb6 and Ghost Recon into "Advanced Warfighter" and "Vegas" will reinvent classic gaming.. urrr. wait? Pledged.


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This. We have a chance of having a true SWAT/Raven Shield sequel, and if it isn't up to par, at least it can be somewhat decent (one would hope). Not like there is much in terms of tactical shooters on the horizon (ArmA 3, I44 which is essentially ArmA 2 in WWII). Worth the chance for $15 IMO.

Speaking of SWAT 4... Know where I can get a digital copy from (CD's long since gone)? It's no longer available via Direct2Drive and Vivendi has been adsorbed into other studios.

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No one was expecting that... I mean, it changed so suddenly... Congratulations to the lads there, and hoping to see the final product 2 years from now I suppose :)

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Speaking of SWAT 4... Know where I can get a digital copy from (CD's long since gone)? It's no longer available via Direct2Drive and Vivendi has been adsorbed into other studios.

Man, I owned Swat 4 thru D2D but have recently reformatted my HD. Now Gamefly has bought them out (thanks for the notice D2D wih my 3 games :mad: ) and they're telling me it's not available for download at this time. Another casualty of digital distribution I guess....

Great news that they actual pulled it out at the finish! Sad that we Tac-shooter lovers are reduced to this tho.

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I just updated my account from D2D at Gamefly and I can download SWAT 4, along with all of my other D2D games.

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I don't see how...Im on their page right now and under Purchase History they correctly show: Warband; Swat 4 and RavenShield. Only Warband takes me to a download page while the other 2 display:

"Game Details Are Currently Unavailabe...we are working hard to have all your games available soon. Thank you for your patience."

..and Ive been all over that site. How is it that you have a download link?

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After signing in, I clicked on My Account, then on the bottom left of the screen Purchase History. It's listed under "Store Purchases", click on the order number and below where it shows you your cd-key there is a download link.

*EDIT* NVM, just looked in the Gamefly client and it's not available. Under the D2D Download tab in Puchase History, those games you can download from the website, but yea SWAT 4 is not listed on that tab for some reason, but some of the others are,even though the Gamefly client says their not available.

Edited by BOTA:16

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