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Take On Helicopters Beta Patch 91543

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Beta patch rev. 91543 released (1.05 required!)


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This is the first beta patch containing Take On Helicopters: Rearmed. Unfortunately one of its main features, automatic and smooth merging, does not apply yet. It does allow testing of the 'merging' add-ons, which will solve the compatibility issues as much as possible. Check the community Wiki for a quick guide on how to run Rearmed. Many thanks go to PvPscene and OMAC for their work on this! :ok:

Also included are improvements to head-tracking and tweaks of the Medium flight model.

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Installing now....

BIS rules.


My command line (the shortcut "Starts in" ToH folder, which for me is "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters"):

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\beta\takeonh.exe" -nosplash -skipintro -mod=C:\a2_link;C:\a2oa_link;Hinds;beta


C:\a2_link = C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

C:\a2oa_link = C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion

The above are directory sym links placed at system root C: which eliminate the issues of a shortcut command line being too long and the need for quotes around mod line to take care of spaces.

Note that "-skipintro" use is recommended because of an issue (just identified) with the Takistan intro cutscene that will prevent Free Flight from being started after flying or editing in Takistan.

Edited by OMAC

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Great! I'll try it right away.

God job BIS! (misspel intentional)

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Thanks! :thumbsup:

I made quick test. Even helicopters from Arma 2 are included in free flight :). I think that ui.pbo, uifonts.pbo are better to take out from addons folder, otherwise UI is somehow damaged, or maybe I made something wrong.

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Good so far. Track-IR seems to be better now - I'll need to fly more to prove this though. Arma integration working with Vanilla combined ops - it was nice to fly around a bit in Chernarus and Takistan with official blessing!

I can still land a light/medium and heavy without too much trouble and the medium seems a little less volatile on the pedals.

The Hind is still a beast - but I guess you didn't touch that!

If I can get my machine to run it at decent framerates then I might do some time trials on Chernarus next!

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BoboCZ what is your modline?

The A2/OA ui should be hidden if launched correctly.

Make sure to have the beta folder at the very end.

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Quick question: the target line isn´t big enough to fit all the entries for me, is there any way to circumvent this? My windows-fu is inadequate for this :<

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I´ve fixed up a batch file from which to call the beta. However, despite the paths being correct, no arma 2, or TOH bonus content (hinds) shows up when the beta is started. Main menu animations are also missing. This is the command line I use:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\beta\takeonh.exe" -mod=Beta;c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2;c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\Expansion;C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters;C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\beta;C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\Hinds -nosplash

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Try this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\beta\takeonh.exe" "-mod=c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2;c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\Expansion;C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters;C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\Hinds;C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\beta" -nosplash

This should also work if the batch file is in your TKOH folder:

beta\takeonh.exe "-mod=c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2;c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\Expansion;C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters;Hinds;beta" -nosplash

Maybe even this:

beta\takeonh.exe "-mod=c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2;c:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\Expansion;Hinds;beta" -nosplash

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Thanks PVP, that got it working.

Very nicely so, too. Really great having the arma 2 stuff in there, can´t wait for the full patch.

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  PvPscene said:
BoboCZ what is your modline?

The A2/OA ui should be hidden if launched correctly.

Make sure to have the beta folder at the very end.

Thanks, that was exactly my problem.

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Works nice, only with Chernorus low fps with this view and settings of TOH.

I dont see only additional maps like : Lingor island. I have for expample folder named @lingor in main folder of Arma II. Any ideas why or this beta dosent allow addons for Arma?

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You either have to copy the @Lingor folder to your ToH folder or use a Symlink (which is what I do) - it won't pick up addons in your Arrowhead folder.

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Any additional maps or addons you have in your arma2 directory you can bind them individually on the -mod parameter.

Some comparisons screens from Lingor at A2OA and TKOH.


Anyone managed to load the BAF and PMC DLC? It pops a addon decrypting error if you bind them.

Or aren't the locked DLCs yet supported?

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Just noticed - no speach of pilot if he did checklist (APU on, Engine IDE ect), only something like "beep".

@Jedra, TonyGrunt, thank You, I will try.

Edit: no, cant see and addons in expansion in TOH menu too. My TOH Folder: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/9553/catalogl.jpg

If I run the normal version of TOH, or ArmA I have this map of Lingor (in ToH only with many errors missing objects).

"G:\Take On Helicopters\beta\takeonh.exe" "-mod=G:\ArmA II;G:\ArmA II\Expansion;G:\Take On Helicopters;G:\Take On Helicopters\Hinds;G:\Take On Helicopters\beta" -nosplash

Edited by _YoYo_

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@ TonyGrunt

No DLC support so far. You can cast your vote for it here. :)

@ _YoYo_


"G:\Take On Helicopters\beta\takeonh.exe" "-mod=@lingor;G:\ArmA II;G:\ArmA II\Expansion;G:\Take On Helicopters;Hinds;beta" -nosplash

Or even:

"G:\Take On Helicopters\beta\takeonh.exe" "-mod=@lingor;G:\ArmA II;G:\ArmA II\Expansion;Hinds;beta" -nosplash

You can reference modfolders inside the TKOH folder with a relative path too.

For the beta patch, you shouldn't need to add the path to TKOH folder either.

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Don't forget that lingor requires additional addons (brg_africa,ibr_plants,mbg_buildings2), if those are not in the lingor directory.

Your line might look like:

"G:\Take On Helicopters\beta\takeonh.exe" "-mod=G:\ArmA II;G:\ArmA II\Expansion;G:\ArmA II\@lingor;G:\ArmA II\@brg_africa;G:\ArmA II\@ibr_plants;G:\ArmA II\@MBG_Buildings2;Hinds;beta" -nosplash

@PVPscene My vote is in. :)

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The tweaks to the medium FM are a step in the wrong direction for me. Too much yaw at low speeds. To hell with yaw. The new one is much more like Hinds, and that says a lot (but somehow, even though the Hinds FM is brutally hard, I like it). 1.05 was damn near perfect for kb/mouse on expert. I'm sure all the expert controller people will love the new FM.

Whatever FM is decided upon, I hope very much that one is indeed arrived upon and fixed in stone so that we don't have to keep relearning over and over again. IMO, as new FMs (including user-made ones like Nightstalker's) can be added using the HSIM folder method, 1.05 should be locked in place, and hard-core, psychotic, "realistic," mega-yaw FMs should be provided as customizations. Ha! Dream on.....

I know I'll eventually get used to the current one, and manual trim set helps a little, but......


Can anyone repro this: make a simple mission and play it in the editor for a while. Then exit the editor and try to enter Free Flight. I get kicked back from Free Flight to the main GUI screen.

My mission includes a saveGame, so I'm reloading saved games a lot in the editor before exiting it - maybe that makes a difference.

Edited by OMAC

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Not tried the beta yet, does the seas around smaller islands look okay now or are they still missing once you get outside the original maps size range?

PMC and BAF support voted for, although I would happily pay for proper functioning ToH versions of all the helis in those DLCs.

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man this is so nice to have. thanks BIS. one small thing - i get 2 modules called colours. be handy if one was labeleld coloursTKOH or something. amazed at how different utes and takistan look. r

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  Liquidpinky said:
Not tried the beta yet, does the seas around smaller islands look okay now or are they still missing once you get outside the original maps size range?

Yes, this is still the case. It's been a known issue. Especially noticeable around Utes.

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