OMAC 254 Posted March 17, 2012 They need to pivot back to OA temporarily to at least fix the Javelin locking! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alwarren 2767 Posted March 18, 2012 -completed usermade missions are not marked as accomplished in the scenarios list Missions need completion keys to be marked as completed. I don't know how many user missions have those. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted March 18, 2012 Have the AI changed lately? Feels like I am seeing slow following team-members more often now. In a night mission on Utes the team-members totally slowed to be stucked in about 40m radius area (with fence) for 15 minutes while I went after various tasks. Enemies and friendlies were standing only about 100-200m from each other without proper behaviour. They seemed to act like in danger, but didnt try to engage all the hostiles. With bugs like that time to time the AI commanding is really poor and slow. There really would need to be a way to command the team-members to follow more fluently without them slowing down for every target in 700m radius even when there is no much bullets flying. The danger detection could also be more local. Currently if any of the team-members is in enemy contact, the whole team acts that way even when the rest are in safe-zone mile away.Not very often used, but also if there is fighters (air) in infantry group. The land-units that have bigger team order number, try to follow the fighter running back and forth, totally out of leader's control. The same way an injured or stucked unit easily slow down the whole group. Yeah, since 1.60 AI responses to commands have become seriously problematic. One issue I found this weekend was that in a 12-man squad in a HAC + DAC mission I'm designing, , all the units from 5 onwards kept stopping & getting lost. Investigations showed that unit 5 - a medic - took out his binocs every 50 metres or so & spent up to a couple of minutes gazing at the scenery (bloody tourists!). Solved it by removing his binocs (& NVGs to be sure, there's posts elsewhere about bizarre use of NVGs as if they were binocs). The failure to engage is a really bad bug - there's a ticket on dev heaven, IIRC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fruity_rudy 16 Posted March 19, 2012 Any ticket to vote on? yeah, that i wanna vote too..for non trackIR users it could be good, but if you got one, it's really strange to drive now. make it optional, i can't use the beta anymore, cause i'm only wrecking humms :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted March 19, 2012 Im now realy curious when the now one years old EWR bug wil be fixed that broke a key OA feature und is reason for massive annoyance in multiplayer for about a years now...this function, once one of the main reasons why to play OA and not arma is broken since 1.58 most US und some OPFOR Aircraft without any missile warning is a bit too much an issue to be ignored. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rough Knight 9 Posted March 19, 2012 (edited) I have been noticing that sometimes when NAPA soldiers (spawned with side WEST) join player team (US soldier) as members, one of them may begin to shoot player (without me shooting any friendlies before that). Dosent happen always, but sometimes. With allowdamage false for player, it continues often for long time. Cant reproduce that yet, but have someone else spotted similar bug? Yes I have noticed this SaOk, when I was trying to spawn armed civilians from the Isla Duala addon to the independant side (by default they are east [intended to be rebels]). No amount of spawn delay; setFriend [West,1] etc seemed to fix it. Nearly always one or two units in a group of 10 would spawn as east. In the end I found a workaround by spawning a Guerilla [or a guy of whatever side you want] as a placeholder. Then join the spawned units to him and after that delete the leader [the side placeholder] and do whatever you want with the group that is left. In the spoiler is the script I wrote to get around the issue, it took ages to find a solution, although I am not sure if it was attributed to the beta or not as I always just use the beta. Excuse the script, I am not very good at it but hopefully you get the idea of what worked for me. //Script to spawn enemies for an attack at x location if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_unit", "_spawnpoint", "_wp1", "_wp2", "_patrol", "_delay1", "_delay2", "_entry_locations", "_sideHQ", "_group", "_car1", "_ca1", "_ca2", "_ca3", "_ca4", "_ca5", "_ca6", "_ca7", "_ca8", "_ca9", "_ca10", "_ca11", "_ca12", "_ca13", "_ca14", "_civ_all_array", "_enemy_leader_array", "_waypoint1"]; sleep 0.1; _unit = _this select 0; _spawnpoint = _this select 1; _wp1 = _this select 2; _patrol = _this select 3; _delay1 = _this select 4; _rn_array = _this select 5; _wp3 = _this select 6; _SideHQ = createCenter RESISTANCE; RESISTANCE setFriend [WEST, 1]; RESISTANCE setFriend [EAST, 0]; sleep 0.1; _group = createGroup RESISTANCE; sleep 0.1; ///////////////// _ca_td = _group createUnit ["GUE_Commander", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _group = group _ca_td; /////////////////////// _delay2 = time + _delay1; waitUntil {Time > _delay2}; sleep 0.1; _car1 = "V3S_Gue" createVehicle (getMarkerPos _spawnpoint); _car1 setDir 270; _ca1 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel11", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca2 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel22", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca3 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel33", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca4 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel44", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca5 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel55", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca6 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel66", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca7 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel77", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca8 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel83", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca9 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel95", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca10 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel102", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; _ca11 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel111", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"]; sleep 0.1; ///////////////////////// deleteVehicle _ca_td; ///////////////////////// _civ_all_array = [_ca1, _ca2, _ca3, _ca4, _ca5, _ca6, _ca7, _ca8, _ca9, _ca10, _ca11]; {_x allowdamage false} foreach _civ_all_array; sleep 0.1; _count1 = count _civ_all_array; _count2 = 0; while {_count1 > _count2} do { //Assign the unit as a new group _unit = _civ_all_array select _count2; [_unit] joinsilent grpnull; [_unit] joinsilent _group; _group = group _unit; _group selectLeader _unit; _group allowFleeing 0; _unit allowfleeing 0; //assign unit a name; _a = random 20000; _b = (_a - (_a mod 1)); _name1 = format["obj3civ_%1", _b]; _unit setVehicleInit format ["%1 = this;", _name1]; _VarName = _name1; _unit SetVehicleVarName _VarName; _unit Call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_VarName]; sleep 0.1; _dir = 0; _dir = [_unit, getMarkerPos _wp1] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; _unit setDir _dir; if (alive _unit) then {obj3_civs = obj3_civs + [_unit]; blueforunits = blueforunits + [_unit]}; _unit addEventHandler ["killed", {obj3_civs = obj3_civs - [_this select 0]; blueforunits = blueforunits - [_this select 0]; civ_casualties = civ_casualties + 1; if((side (_this select 1) == resistance) && ((_this select 1) in switchableUnits))then{civ_cas_by_west = civ_cas_by_west + 1};}]; _count2 = _count2 + 1; //deleteunits causing a problem due to spawning on the wrong side.->fixed? //if (side _unit == east) then {deleteVehicle _unit}; }; {_x setBehaviour "AWARE"} foreach _civ_all_array; {[_x] joinsilent grpNull} foreach _civ_all_array; {addswitchableunit _x} foreach _civ_all_array; selectPlayer (_civ_all_array select 0); {[_x] joinSilent player} foreach _civ_all_array; {_x enableAI "MOVE"} foreach units group player; player addWeapon "Binocular"; sleep 2; {_x allowdamage true} foreach _civ_all_array; if (true) exitWith {}; What I did find with this script also was that originally I was trying to spawn them in a truck as cargo. If I do this, I can order them out but most of them refuse to move anywhere after that. I am not sure if that is a beta bug also. I will try do some more testing later tonight. Thanks Rough Knight Edited March 19, 2012 by Rough Knight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guess Who 10 Posted March 19, 2012 yeah, that i wanna vote too..for non trackIR users it could be good, but if you got one, it's really strange to drive now. make it optional, i can't use the beta anymore, cause i'm only wrecking humms :/ No, it's really not! Driving ain't fun anymore ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaOk 112 Posted March 19, 2012 (edited) I noticed that AI is now much worse to shoot flares with code: unitname addmagazine "FlareWhite_GP25"; sleep 2; unitname fire ["GP25Muzzle","GP25Muzzle","FlareWhite_GP25"]; Most of the time they shoot so low that you can see only flare for 1 second. Before they shoot it always to good heights. Edit: Is there a way to force AI to shoot up? Edited March 19, 2012 by SaOk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
On_Sabbatical 11 Posted March 19, 2012 I have a small about Hyperthreading : Will the game ignore HT ? or it's really needed to be disabled via BIOS ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaOk 112 Posted March 19, 2012 I have HT enabled with i7 2600k and no problems with this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted March 19, 2012 If you notice (micro)stutter, try disabling HT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
On_Sabbatical 11 Posted March 19, 2012 Yes, I have exactly the same CPU,and i am not experiencing any problems with it ON,so that's why i am a little bit confused ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaOk 112 Posted March 22, 2012 For me this beta seems to crash very often (I sent dumbs), after keeping the game open for some time. It suddently just freeze. Once the game even crashed when I had the editor open on background, while I was editing scripts in desktop view. Before the game sometimes halted for second or few, before working normally again. Now the halt crashes it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted March 22, 2012 For me this beta seems to crash very often (I sent dumbs), after keeping the game open for some time. It suddently just freeze. Once the game even crashed when I had the editor open on background, while I was editing scripts in desktop view.Before the game sometimes halted for second or few, before working normally again. Now the halt crashes it. I had the very same issues, letting OS handle the swap file size solved it for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaOk 112 Posted March 22, 2012 (edited) How I do that? Edit: I think - I found it (virtual memory?), its set automatic as default. Lowest allowed 16Mt, Recommended 12252Mt, Currently 8168Mt. How I should set those? I have 8Gt DDR1600 memory in this machine. Edited March 23, 2012 by SaOk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted March 22, 2012 anyone who had 90242 crash (double time if server) please don't forget to send me compressed arma2oa.mdmp, arma2oa.bidmp and arma2oa.rpt to my email (my forum nickname @ with subject starting [crash] thanks in advance and thanks if You already did Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
On_Sabbatical 11 Posted March 24, 2012 i still have an old problem with this beta ... i get a lot of "flushable" blackscreens in chernarus especially ?! is it the same for you ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaOk 112 Posted March 24, 2012 (edited) I dont have those, the game just freeze until I force to shut down the game. To make sure its not the mission, I have tested again vanilla 1.60 version that works without a problem. Very positive side is that this beta is a lot of smoother to run heavy scripting. In vanilla 1.60, you can notice slight stuttering while spawning objects/units (+other scripts running). With this beta the performance is ultra smooth until suddent end that comes often only after about 30 min playing. But cant wait to see how the next betas improve things. ;) Edit: Now the vanilla 1.60 game also did the freezing until forced shut down. :S This time in smaller SP mission. Edited March 24, 2012 by SaOk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atkins 10 Posted March 25, 2012 I've got few freeze-crashes with the latest beta and while playing PR. RPTs always end with: Client: Object 2:4185 (type Type_149) not found. Cannot find base à for /value/Item2/data/value/Item1/data/type/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites