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Take On: Hinds!

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Yes indeed I have, Love it, with the roll pitch and yaw stabilizers turned on (Auto pilot flight comps) it is easy as pie in my opinion.

Give it some time, and you'll probably feel the same way about the Hind.

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According my opinion better way is to use manual trimm (Expert mode) than this auto but like always - do it what You like :).

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if we buy this can we add it also to arma2 oa plss let me no guys thanx

technically - yes. legally - apparently not

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i doubt even technically as the DLC is protected

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i doubt even technically as the DLC is protected

Of course - I was thinking the other way around!

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Yeah, I know you can put in some of the Islands. I'm not sure if you can put in the vehicles, etc. Really, the best thing would be to move Arma into TOH.

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After a few days flying the Hind my opinion is that i like TOH as "civil" simulator. I like the Hind indeed, but i like the non military use much more.

I would like a develope of the game in the way of SAR, police support, firefighter etc..

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Yep, the Hind needs to be an addon for Arma 2. Let TOH be the civilian simulator.

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After a few days flying the Hind my opinion is that i like TOH as "civil" simulator. I like the Hind indeed, but i like the non military use much more.

I would like a develope of the game in the way of SAR, police support, firefighter etc..

Cant agree with this. Potential of TOKH is very big so why only civil helis? Hinds addon isnt very perfect but I hope BIS will improve it. TOKH is good idea for all helicopters including civil and military for me. Maybe in te future we will have more DLC and You will choose Your way - civil or military addons?

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The people of BI most to know that the add-on of hind is not successful. Maybe for the game-boys is funny, but for someone that love the flight simulation I find the hind like a toy. In the cockpit I cant see the instruments numbers. Some instruments panels just not exist. The hud is like the stars wars. The weapons sistems are a imitation of the stars wars. I just have to say to BI please work hard with the hind. Thats a great Heli to earn that bad experiece. Others way the TOKH is a boys-game

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Yeah, hence I was saying in another thread, it needs to be at least on par with the aircraft in Flaming Cliffs 2, and even those are very dumbed down. It looks like they just took the Hind from Arma 2 and gave it a few startup switches. FAIL.

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Guys, what did you expect for 12 (that is twelve!) bucks? Eagle dynamics sold the A10 as a full price game. The update to bring Black Shark up to the same engine level as A10 20 bucks. The upgrade FC2 (which is ridiculous) also for almost full price.

If you're expecting a fully clickable cockpit for the hind, then you're in for disappointment.

I'm very satisfied with the 12 bucks I spent. I got a new helicopter which has a dedicated combat role and a new flight model with it.

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It looks like they just took the Hind from Arma 2 and gave it a few startup switches. FAIL.

No, they gave it a whole new flight model. If you have ever looked at the XML and supporting configs that run the flight model you would see that this is not a five minute job. Plus we got a ton of liveries and several variants. I would agreee that the cockpits could probably do with some more work in a future upgrade, but like Loogan9773 said, the price of the DLC should have helped managed expectations. Fot the price of the DLC we were not going to get a whole new game as some people seemed to expect.

The great thing about BI is that they do listen to what people say in these forums and they do work hard to make the products better but I doubt that the hind (or any other new heli) is ever going to be as complex as the stuff that DCS produce - the aims and goals are different. All I would say is that BI repsond better to constructive critisism (as do we all) so if you want improvements then be more expansive about which areas need to change and why.

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After 20years of hardcore air combat simulations, i can say that the more i play TOH hind, the more i like it. The FMs and the combat environment are very good.

TOH hind doesn't need to have a fully clickable pit to be great, just a more accurate avionics(simple but more accurate), more military content with warfare mode(even as a DLC), classic air combat sim views(chase, fly by, firendly air/ground view, ennemt air/ground view...) and thats all :)

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TOH hind doesn't need to have a fully clickable pit to be great, just a more accurate avionics(simple but more accurate), more military content with warfare mode(even as a DLC), classic air combat sim views(chase, fly by, firendly air/ground view, ennemt air/ground view...) and thats all :)

I follow both of you !:)

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warfare mode(even as a DLC)

Who knows, someone might make a warfare style mission within the community.

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After a few days flying the Hind my opinion is that i like TOH as "civil" simulator. I like the Hind indeed, but i like the non military use much more.

I would like a develope of the game in the way of SAR, police support, firefighter etc..

Cant agree with this. Potential of TOKH is very big so why only civil helis? Hinds addon isnt very perfect but I hope BIS will improve it. TOKH is good idea for all helicopters including civil and military for me. Maybe in te future we will have more DLC and You will choose Your way - civil or military addons?

Because ToH IS civil helicopters simulator. And because soon there will be ArmA 3 which IS military simulator where hind and other military helicopters belong. What would be the point to improve ToH when it's gonna be the same game as Arma 3? Will anyone buy Apache DLC for ToH if one can buy Apache DLC for Arma 3?

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TKOH code will be most probably merged in Arma3 when it is out, but dont expect it will be used completely for helicopters there. Making flight model for Hind took a lot of effort. It was based on real world helicopter references and feedback of real military pilot. Arma3 fictional helicopters will most probably not have such authentic flight models and all interactive features like TKOH.

TKOH is not civilian helicopter simulator like FSX or X-Plane. It is helicopter flight game. Hind was developed for those who like to challenge authentic flight model and blow things up.

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Hey please here is my count. TOKH 36 euros http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B005VNV8CA/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details plus the hind 12 euros http://www.sprocketidea.com/joomla/index.php?page=shop.product_details&product_id=57&option=com_virtuemart all that is 48 euros. So the DCSs series I think have a great price just take a look here: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=1322&scr=shop〈=en. Great comunity and good quality at all.

I will keep the TOKH in my computer, but sorry I cant make flight the Hind with that current quality!!! The canon shot is like a lazer. The cockpit is so bad!! even bad than the EECH last update, even when that game have just comunity improvements!!! Please

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TKOH is not civilian helicopter simulator like FSX or X-Plane.

Ofcourse it's not like FSX or X-Plane. It's waaaay better :)

Ok, in the end I don't mind military helicopters in ToH, but please don't forget about us - civil pilots. Thank you! :)

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Hey BeePee - did you ever get those cows working in Multiplayer?

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Hey BeePee - did you ever get those cows working in Multiplayer?

No, sorry Jedra, I haven't enough time and will to do this. But next week I'll have some time so maybe I'll try once more. Plus it's gonna be legal now :)

Can some admin move above question and answer to this topic? Thank you!

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