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Multi-Session Operations v4.0 released

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Have just finished a session with no crashes running the default 1.60 patch.

Jedra can you confirm exactly which version number you have for the game itself and the server. Server version can be found in the .rpt

Will report more on dev-heaven, see if i cant recreate the crash again with the beta.

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Jedra can you confirm exactly which version number you have for the game itself and the server. Server version can be found in the .rpt

I am running beta 87816 and it's running as sweet as a nut - four hour session so far with no crashes. Got the persistant session running thanks to Das Attorney. I spotted a couple of bugs in the most recent version of MSO, which I'll re-create when I have had a few hours sleep and CIT them if not already reported.

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Jedra is the server version 1.60.87820? Again should be able to see this in your .RPT

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Jedra is the server version 1.60.87820? Again should be able to see this in your .RPT

Yes. Sorry mate didn't realise that the arma2oaserver version was different from the beta it was extracted from.

Version 1.60.87820

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Mate i spent most of Friday night trying to understand what was going on with the versions ;)

Going to give it another go with the Beta tommorow and see what happens.

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Came back from skiing holidays and saw MSO 4.0 is out and went OH SHIT HELL YEAH AWSOME!

Just going over all the postings and have to get the new MSO package INSTANTLY to check it out.

Just saw: Fritz, i had WICT running for 2 days while testing and had also one big base like this. It was a massacre, but with a fair performance on my bad "server" and 4 teamm8s connected :)

I really love you guys!

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Getting a lot of good feedback about WICT Highhead - really glad you put it together as a module for us.

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Yeah! Awsome work wollfy! 4.0 was hard work!

And WICT is also really awsome on MSO! Since it runs really well (thx tup for lookin in it also), im also sure arma2holic is happy to see his wict in use! im in contact with him and im also informing him on changes i made so he can adopt it if he likes it.

i cant wait to get it played after holidays!

Really thx for the feedback!

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Thanks old bear!

And thanks to foxhound and crew!

V4.1 should be out next week with additional fixes and updates.


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There's some really good gameplay to be had in this mission. In the space of fifteen minutes, you can go from watching shepherds herd their flock in the wilderness to wreaking carnage in a brutal town assault.

Some feedback based on play (all on the 32 player BAF and US Army vs Taki rebels in Takistan) I could do some of this in the editor, but it would be better built into the mission.

Can you add some 7.62 x 51mm 100 round belts into the BAF weapons crates? Currently, there's nothing for the BAF MG units to reload from without going to the US base.

Could you add params into the mission setup to define default respawn times for ammo crates, choppers, tanks etc with the option to change the repawn times if desired? It would be really useful to select the respawn times without having to edit the mission.

I have to do some more testing, but I think sometimes the convoys are messed up. The manual states they should go Green > Yellow > Red. Sometimes they spawn from the yellow marker. Again, I'm not sure on this and need to test more.

I had a server crash earlier tonight. If you want to check the rpt and mdmp file, please DL the following link: (It's my server file and has the rpt and mdmp in the respective folder).


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Ammo crates etc are entirely up to the mission maker - those included are merely example missions so feel free to edit as much as you want. I'll bear it in mind for the next major update (if I remember, but age is playing havoc with my memory so I can't promise I will).

Params for respawn times sounds like a good idea, but there's only two resupply scripts (one for vehicles and one for everything else) so you won't get the granularity you get at the moment (longer times for higher value equipment) without a significant script rewrite. Stick a feature request up on the MSO project page on Dev Heaven and vote it up for the next release!

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i have an question,

there are some primary missions on map,that says "..... 0,7 kliks E from city name and 7.9 kliks from objective,..... "what does it mean by objective ? no marker on map , i am getting diffulcties find the base on map ?

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That is WICT. I believe it's referring to your own base. The primary objective for WICT is to clear the area of enemy. Would suggest recce the local area to start with.

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I've disabled rmm_tasks so no more convoy tasks.

How do I disable the capture base tasks?

I just want to try out MSO but with my own missions.

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I've disabled rmm_tasks so no more convoy tasks.

How do I disable the capture base tasks?

I just want to try out MSO but with my own missions.

Disable rmm_convoys and WICT_enemypop modules.

My advice to you would be to read the Editor manual http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/documents to learn more about how the MSO and its modules work.

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Look for modules.hpp in each of the different module folders core, support, enemy, ambience.

Simply comment out the modules you do not want.

WICT is responsible for the Primary task. You would need to either disable WICT or edit the code in WICT that sets the task - up to you!

Agree with Wolffy, hopefully the documentation makes sense, if it doesn't let us know.



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WICT is responsible for the Primary task.

Thanks, just what I needed to know.

hopefully the documentation makes sense, if it doesn't let us know.

I read through the entire manual but I could not see anything relating to tasks at all.

I think some info giving the user more control over task generating would be good.

I.e. "how limit amount of tasks", "how to generate new tasks on the fly", "how to specify type of tasks to be generated".

One last question: are the start-up text (sidechat) from all the modules or is there a single switch to turn it off?

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The editor manual, as you no doubt can see, is aimed at a pretty basic level for aiding people with creating new missions using MSO. While it's pretty simple to disable modules in the hpp files, editing scripts to remove auto created tasks is not really in scope of the document. If people want to poke around in the scripts then I sort of have to assume they know how to use tools like WinMerge, grep and notepad++ and know their way around ArmA2 scripting, in which case there's not a lot of need to provide a scripting tutorial in the MSO docs too!

Meanwhile, the Tasks Module allows you to place your own tasks on the map, with appropriate text (as long as you have a radio) which is more in the spirit of MSO - as a multiplayer game the idea is that at least one player is acting as the commander, doing the planning and creating the missions for the team to complete. VCB does this to great effect with the Pl HQ planning team assigning tasks based on AARs and intel from recce Patrols for the Sections to carry out in their own time.

There has been a feature request on dev hev for some time to implement SOM to have an AI commander generate tasks, but I think it's proving difficult to make it MP compatible.

You can disable the initialisation sideChat by commenting out the last line in ..\core\functions\common\fn_iniStat.sqf

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Anyone having weird issues trying to de-pbo these missions for editing? Every time I try, cpbo throws up an error saying " pboEx: unknown block in header! aborting" for every MSO pbo. I can de-pbo any other pbo file I have from any other mission and addon, but I just can't get the MSO ones opened. Not sure if there is a workaround or a better program than cpbo that I can then try instead?

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Anyone having weird issues trying to de-pbo these missions for editing? Every time I try, cpbo throws up an error saying " pboEx: unknown block in header! aborting" for every MSO pbo. I can de-pbo any other pbo file I have from any other mission and addon, but I just can't get the MSO ones opened. Not sure if there is a workaround or a better program than cpbo that I can then try instead?

With this version, we automated the mission build process using a modified version of Xeno's Domi build script and Mikero's Eliteness.exe.

Use Eliteness (https://dev-heaven.net/projects/mikero-pbodll/files) to unpbo the missions.

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Great mission set btw !!

I am trying to add baf units to replace the Cz units on the zazgabad co mission

when i replace the cz guys with the baf guys the baf TL looses the ability to see mission objectives on the map IE no tasks.

How do i ensure that the BAF TL can see the task etc ?

Edit .. when i replaced teh cz guys I added = 1 BAF team leader (editor rank sarg) 1 BAF team leader (editor rank corp) 6 BAF riflemen (editor rank private)

recruiting works but task dont show

Any help welcome

Love and kisses


Edited by BL1P

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It shouldn't affect it. I'll keep it in mind thats what you're trying to do and maybe add them to the next version of the mission.

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