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I'd really like to know how soldiers used their mortars in eg. Vietnam. Did they really only have aiming posts? I know they didn't have T&E mode that's for sure, so I don't mind that it has been removed, but using the mortar now seems like it's more difficult than it has to be - since they're usually close to the fighting/front line unlike the artillery guns.

Am I the only one a bit frustrated by this?

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I'd really like to know how soldiers used their mortars in eg. Vietnam. Did they really only have aiming posts? I know they didn't have T&E mode that's for sure, so I don't mind that it has been removed, but using the mortar now seems like it's more difficult than it has to be - since they're usually close to the fighting/front line unlike the artillery guns.

Am I the only one a bit frustrated by this?

You can still use the awesome Click-Boom Artillery.

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You can still use the awesome Click-Boom Artillery.

I guess that is still an option.

If only the collimator worked with the mortars. Aiming posts take up too much space.


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You only need to use 1 collimator for the 60mm really. The ranges its fires the amount of displacement error is minimal, so there is no need to correct for it using two aiming stakes.

Also yes, mortars are aimed with aiming stakes, have been for almost 100 years now. Before that they just fired into the unknown (well they usually had a gunner quadrant type scale, but no good azimuth calculating, it was mostly direct fire).

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You only need to use 1 collimator for the 60mm really. The ranges its fires the amount of displacement error is minimal, so there is no need to correct for it using two aiming stakes.

Also yes, mortars are aimed with aiming stakes, have been for almost 100 years now. Before that they just fired into the unknown (well they usually had a gunner quadrant type scale, but no good azimuth calculating, it was mostly direct fire).

Thanks for the reply.

Yea, I noticed how little offset there was when turning it 90 degrees, almost none. Problem for me was then to convert from mils to deflection. I tried using the targeting computer but it gave me a script error.

But deflection is just the difference between the direction the mortar is pointing and the the direction of the target in mils, right?

EDIT: The error is:

Script x\ace\addons\sys_arty_ammunition\60mm\tables\ace_arty_60mm_genericBtab_LA_chg0.sqf not found
Edited by RedSnt

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Thanks for the reply.

Yea, I noticed how little offset there was when turning it 90 degrees, almost none. Problem for me was then to convert from mils to deflection. I tried using the targeting computer but it gave me a script error.

But deflection is just the difference between the direction the mortar is pointing and the the direction of the target in mils, right?

EDIT: The error is:

Deflection is the number of mils from the initial direction of fire, subtracted from 3200.

So say your initial direction of fire was 1600 mils on the compass, and your target direction is 1400, It'd be 3200-(1600-1400), or 3200-200 or 3000.

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Utilizing the Ace Wounds Prevtime script on pvp, I noticed that the players will never get the kills anymore because 98% of the time the player just clicks respawn. How do I make it so the player who wounded the Prevtime player gets the kill added to his score?

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You could probably give all units a "hit" eventhandler, save the person who shot him to a variable and then when "ace_sys_wounds_rev" event is triggered give that unit more score.

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You could probably give all units a "hit" eventhandler, save the person who shot him to a variable and then when "ace_sys_wounds_rev" event is triggered give that unit more score.

This is a little bit above my capabilities could you maybe give me an example on how to do this?

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I'd guess this would be a start, untested.

["addScoreEV", {(_this select 0) addScore 1 }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; 

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};

LAST_HIT_BY = objNull;
player addEventHandler ["Hit", {
_shooter = _this select 1;
if (isPlayer _shooter && side _shooter != playerSide) then {
	LAST_HIT_BY = _shooter;
	LAST_HIT_BY = objNull;

["ace_sys_wounds_rev", {
if (!isNull LAST_HIT_BY) then {["addScoreEV", [LAST_HIT_BY]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;};
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventhandler;

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NouberNou and Ace team are serious heavyweights in the modded Armaverse - you boys must be expensive as I can't see any god given reason BI don't just build you guys a wing at HQ and let you have at it ArmaIII :)

I'm all SP but I love me some Ace!

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Thanks. They are building us a castle, but the gold and marble floors we demanded are not yet there and they figured better to spend money on A3.

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Then they're spending in the wrong thing. ;)

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Thanks. They are building us a castle, but the gold and marble floors we demanded are not yet there and they figured better to spend money on A3.

Wait until BI says "Here's your castle ACE Team, its in a little cornor on Limnos, and is about 10cm x 10cm x 20cm. Have fun!" (Yes I know what you said was a joke.)

Back on topic:

Nou, just to ask, are you currently working on a controllable HUD designator thing (been a while since i've been in DCS, can't remember the dang things name), that will allow as to manually designate targets for CCRP, or possibly a 'gps' kind of designation due to the limitations of view distance in ArmA2?

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Thanks. They are building us a castle, but the gold and marble floors we demanded are not yet there and they figured better to spend money on A3.
and why would you want to move from the North West... Question, is the Tactical ladder working?

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Wait until BI says "Here's your castle ACE Team, its in a little cornor on Limnos, and is about 10cm x 10cm x 20cm. Have fun!" (Yes I know what you said was a joke.)

Back on topic:

Nou, just to ask, are you currently working on a controllable HUD designator thing (been a while since i've been in DCS, can't remember the dang things name), that will allow as to manually designate targets for CCRP, or possibly a 'gps' kind of designation due to the limitations of view distance in ArmA2?

There are three methods to input targets for CCRP on most aircraft with out using any external systems. The first is CCRP via the radar, where you slew your targeting radar and designate a ground target. The second is to enter a steerpoint and then drop on that steerpoint. The third is the one I think you are thinking of, which is called Dive Toss, or DTOSS. This is where you get a little box on your HUD that you can slew around and designate with.

I plan to implement steerpoints and DTOSS.

I also plan to implement targets via laser spot tracking, and it would be nice in the future to have a targeting pod or something, but that might have to wait for A3, or maybe something specifically for TakeOn.

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There are three methods to input targets for CCRP on most aircraft with out using any external systems. The first is CCRP via the radar, where you slew your targeting radar and designate a ground target. The second is to enter a steerpoint and then drop on that steerpoint. The third is the one I think you are thinking of, which is called Dive Toss, or DTOSS. This is where you get a little box on your HUD that you can slew around and designate with.

I plan to implement steerpoints and DTOSS.

I also plan to implement targets via laser spot tracking, and it would be nice in the future to have a targeting pod or something, but that might have to wait for A3, or maybe something specifically for TakeOn.

Awesome. Also, not to dig in to much, but will we be getting a Pipper(CCRP/CCIP) for the rocket pods as well, or something similar? One of the things that I've always hated about fixed-wing rocket pods as having to get up close and personal and still missing because of the ballistics of the rockets.

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Awesome. Also, not to dig in to much, but will we be getting a Pipper(CCRP/CCIP) for the rocket pods as well, or something similar? One of the things that I've always hated about fixed-wing rocket pods as having to get up close and personal and still missing because of the ballistics of the rockets.

Possibly, but it would be a ways off. Rockets and bombs (besides the Mk82s and any other dumb bombs in this system) use the ammo simulation type shotRocket, which is fairly complex and even after some deep analysis (with trained astrophysicists nonetheless) it still remains a mystery... Rockets are even more confusing than dumb bombs because if ammo that uses shotRocket has any thrust applied to them by the engine (their own motor for example) then gravity no longer plays a part in their trajectory. ACE gets around this by constantly updating the rockets pitch vector as it flies based off of its velocity, so its even more confusing!

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Hi ACE team

I understand this is not a 100% ACE qeustion but it is related bare with me please.

I play Dynamic zombie mision made by craig this mission is not made for ACE exactly BUT

In an old version of this mission I could use weapon resting and place weapons and stuff on my back now due to an ace update or him changing some thing in the mission if I try to weapon rest the gae stutters for a bit and nothing else happens.

All so the button to place things on my back are all ways greyed out and all so I cant use back packs.

What I would like to know has some thing changed in ACE if so what and cold I make this mission work with AE my self till craig fixes it officially?.

I love ACE and cant play ARMA with out it as it adds so much cool stuff I just love.

Or is there some thing he needs to add to his mission for the ACE features to work or could I add some thing to make it work till he does.

Please advise as I really want all the gooides of ACE 2.

Thanks so much in advance.

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If you disable stamina effects, weapon on back and rucks will be disabled.


Important note! Disabling the stamina system also disables the ruck system (incl weapon on back).

I don't think weapon resting should be affected tho.

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Oh damn there is an optoin in this mission for disabling ace stamina sweet will enable it next time

Yeah weapon rest is dead ya press the keys game stutters and noting happens :(

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Yeah weapon rest is dead ya press the keys game stutters and noting happens :(

If scripts like weapon rest fail it might be the mission which overloads the scripting engine (but just guessing here, don't know the mission).


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Possibly, but it would be a ways off. Rockets and bombs (besides the Mk82s and any other dumb bombs in this system) use the ammo simulation type shotRocket, which is fairly complex and even after some deep analysis (with trained astrophysicists nonetheless) it still remains a mystery... Rockets are even more confusing than dumb bombs because if ammo that uses shotRocket has any thrust applied to them by the engine (their own motor for example) then gravity no longer plays a part in their trajectory. ACE gets around this by constantly updating the rockets pitch vector as it flies based off of its velocity, so its even more confusing!

That would explain why I've had so much trouble with my Active Countermeasure System. It was supposed to simulate the TROPHY system and take out RPGs heading for specific vehicles. Tried to make it so that if the rocket was to hit the vehicle, that it'd run through the rest of the script. I could never get the ballistics formulas to work out right. I might give you a PM with the problems I've been having. So far, I think its just the info that i've been getting with the vector commnds and the CBA command vectElev (or whatever it is) that have not been giving me the right numbers I need.

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If scripts like weapon rest fail it might be the mission which overloads the scripting engine (but just guessing here, don't know the mission).


Ah ok I will post this in the mission devheavon section and see what he says thanks

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