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About mach1muscle351

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  1. mach1muscle351

    [WIP] =ARC= Tribute

    Cool, but FYI if wanted only sbeneh outskirts. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/221872-sbeheh-outskirts-syria/ I have done a couple other PR ports too. PS. I also have Shijia Valley 25% complete on a HD somewhere.
  2. mach1muscle351

    Is combined arms PvP possible?

    Frontline has logistics now and fortifications. Additionally, they have pretty beefy statics for both WW2 and RHS versions. Also, there is the 'dynamic frontline' mode which doesn't require any points at all.. rather a large AO to fight over. Also have S&D if you want to build a nice fortification as defenders 😛 The only thing is, they are starting to build the population up again and they only play on Sundays at 1800GMT. But it is def worth a check out again!
  3. mach1muscle351

    Kokan, Afghanistan

    Thank you good sir!
  4. mach1muscle351

    Sbeheh Outskirts, Syria

    Thank you very good sir!
  5. This is a pretty 1:1 port of the Sbeneh Outskirts PR2 map by Rabbit. This one is done by Gunther.S and Adanteh with alot of help from Leon, Acki, and Cole for object placements. We don't think this map is fully done yet, but don't have the time to work on it. The attribute mask needs work. For real time discussion regarding the terrain and the mod it will be used with, join our discord! Download at Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1644071854 Download from Frontline Launcher: https://get.frontline.frl/ Do you want to help? Please contact us at http://discord.frontline.frl Dependent on CUP Terrain Core and FRL Terrain Objects Feel free to post bugs/suggestions here, discord, steam, or PM!
  6. mach1muscle351

    Kokan, Afghanistan

    FRL Kokan is a fictional terrain custom designed for maximum gameplay purposes. Designed around the region(s) of Kunduz Afghanistan by Gunther.S. Some say there are alot of similarities to the BF2:PR terrain. Designed specifically for PVP action. Enjoy them wheaties! Download at Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1426683465 Download from Frontline Launcher: https://get.frontline.frl/ Do you want to help? Please contact us at http://discord.frontline.frl Some gameplay footage of the terrain Dependent on CUP Terrain Core and FRL Terrain Objects Feel free to post bugs/suggestions here, discord, steam, or PM!
  7. mach1muscle351

    Dynamic Frontline PvP mod

    Just a heads up!! We've added Faces of War mod which includes Japan, US Pacific and UK factions and 3 new terrains to the Iron Front server mod set. It's a rather big download (~4 gig) so if you want to join us in the Pacific theater, this Sunday 18:00 GMT, make sure to open the launcher, choose Iron Front server and click "Install" beforehand! Make sure you tell your WWII friends about this and bring in as many as you can! Also be sure to convince them to play in the RHS modern day sessions that we host too to ensure max players so we can build this great mod and community!
  8. mach1muscle351

    FIA Offroader augmentation.

    Nice work! Would it be possible to make an armored gun version :ph34r: I know you dont have much to work with within a3 objects. Havent really seen any apex stuff :/ Steel plates? Or possibly make an 'addon' version and use some of the a2 source armor plates? ;)
  9. If not requested already. Please do this for techies :D or
  10. Does Unsung have a discord or skype channel?
  11. Who wants to play this with @TacBF? www.tacbf.com 35v35 pvp Vietnam style? ;) Great work guys!
  12. mach1muscle351

    Shotfinder Boomerang Script

    I used FSM Editor from a3 tools Just copy pasted it from poseidon sry I shoulda clarified.
  13. I want to port Zephyrdark shotfinder script to arma 3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16595 But I cant for the life of me get it to work. init if (!(isNull player)) then //non-JIP player { nul=[[rhsusf_m1025_d_m2]]execVM "sf2_startEH_fsm.sqf"; }; if (!isServer && isNull player) then //JIP player { waitUntil {!isNull player}; nul=[[rhsusf_m1025_d_m2]]execVM "sf2_startEH_fsm.sqf"; //?? May need to make JIP start file ?? }; startEH vehArraySF = _this select 0; {nul= _x addEventHandler ["fired", {nul=_this execFSM "shotfinder.fsm";}]} forEach allUnits; shotfinder.fsm /*%FSM<COMPILE "scriptedFSM.cfg, Shotfinder">*/ /*%FSM<HEAD>*/ /* item0[] = {"Start_",0,4346,-40.348839,-132.558136,49.651161,-82.558136,0.000000,"Start" \n ""}; item1[] = {"Ammo_Check_",4,218,77.325584,-132.558136,167.325684,-82.558144,0.000000,"" \n "Ammo Check" \n ""}; item2[] = {"Range_Check_Comp",2,250,212.591873,-131.328552,302.591888,-81.328552,0.000000,"Range Check" \n "Compile"}; link0[] = {0,1}; link1[] = {1,2}; globals[] = {0.000000,0,0,0,0,640,480,1,5,6316128,1,-143.836792,493.242920,86.587273,-311.587555,1032,618,1}; window[] = {0,-1,-1,-1,-1,868,78,1518,78,1,1050}; *//*%FSM</HEAD>*/ class FSM { fsmName = "Shotfinder"; class States { /*%FSM<STATE "Start_">*/ class Start_ { name = "Start_"; itemno = 0; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"private [""_firer"",""_ammo"",""_rDir"",""_fireLoc"",""_xcor"",""_ycor"",""_ammoArray"",""_sDir"",""_rDistArray"",""_rCheck"",""_maxDetect"",""_vehCount"",""_numCur"",""_vDet""];" \n "" \n "_firer = _this select 0; //Unit who fired weapon" \n "_ammo = _this select 4;" \n "_maxDetect = 300;" \n "_rCheck = [];" \n "_rDistArray = []; " \n "_vehCount = [];" \n "_vDet = [];" \n "_numCur = 0;" \n "_ammoArray = [""B_556x45_ball"", ""B_65x39_Caseless""];" \n "{_vehCount = _vehCount + [_numCur]; _numCur = _numCur + 1;} foreach vehArraySF;" \n "{_rDistArray = _rDistArray + [_x distance _firer];} forEach vehArraySF;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "Ammo_Check_">*/ class Ammo_Check_ { itemno = 1; priority = 0.000000; to="Range_Check_Comp"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"_ammo in _ammoArray"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ /*%FSM<STATE "Range_Check_Comp">*/ class Range_Check_Comp { name = "Range_Check_Comp"; itemno = 2; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"{ if (_x <= _maxDetect) then {_rCheck = _rCheck + [1]} else {_rCheck = _rCheck + [0]}; } forEach _rDistArray;" \n "{if (_rCheck select _x == 1) then {_vDet = _vDet + [vehArraySF select _x];};} forEach _vehCount;" \n "" \n "{" \n " _fireLoc = getpos _firer;" \n " _xcor = (_fireLoc select 0) - ((getPos _x) select 0);" \n " _ycor = (_fireLoc select 1) - ((getPos _x) select 1);" \n " " \n " " \n " switch (true) do" \n " {" \n " case ((_xcor > 0) && (_ycor > 0)): //Quadrent I" \n " { _sDir = asin (abs(_xcor) / (_x distance _firer));};" \n " case ((_xcor < 0) && (_ycor > 0)): //Quadrent II" \n " {_sDir = (360 - (asin (abs(_xcor) / (_x distance _firer))));};" \n " case ((_xcor < 0) && (_ycor < 0)): //Quadrent III" \n " {_sDir = (270 - (asin (abs(_ycor) / (_x distance _firer))));};" \n " case ((_xcor > 0 ) && (_ycor < 0)): //Quadrent IV" \n " {_sDir = (90 +(asin (abs(_ycor) / (_x distance _firer))));};" \n " case default" \n " {hint ""Script broked"";};" \n " };" \n " _rDir = _sDir - (getDir _x);" \n " if (_rDir < 0) then {_rdir = _rdir + 360};" \n " " \n " switch (true) do" \n " {" \n " case ((_rDir > 345) ||(_rDir <= 15)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""12oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_12oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 15) && (_rDir <= 45)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""1oclock""; { [""sf_1oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 45) && (_rDir <= 75)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""2oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_2oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 75) && (_rDir <= 105)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""3oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_3oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 105) && (_rDir <= 135)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""4oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_4oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 135) && (_rDir <= 165)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""5oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_5oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 165) && (_rDir <= 195)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""6oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_6oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 195) && (_rDir <= 225)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""7oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_7oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 225) && (_rDir <= 255)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""8oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_8oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 255) && (_rDir <= 285)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""9oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_9oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 285) && (_rDir <= 315)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""10oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_10oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case ((_rDir > 315) && (_rDir <= 345)):" \n " {_x vehicleRadio ""11oclock""; {titleRsc [""sf_11oclock"",""PLAIN""];};};" \n " case default" \n " {hint ""scriptbroked"";};" \n " };" \n " } forEach _vDet;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ }; initState="Start_"; finalStates[] = { }; }; /*%FSM</COMPILE>*/ What am I missing here? I dont get it. Are there some things in .fsm's that dont work in arma 3? Any help would be appreciated.