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Question. is this the right way to add backpacks on ground for ACE? reason i ask is that i cannot take backpack only open it - even if using PMC man

Weapon1 = createVehicle ["weaponHolder",getPos _tPos, [], 0, "NONE"];

if (_WeaponH == "backpackUS") then {_WeaponH = "empty"; _Weapon1 addBackpackCargoGlobal ["ACE_ALICE_Backpack",1];};

then i use the placement on ground code

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I'm getting an avg of about 40-60 fps and I've waited long enough for crosshairs to kick in that's for certain, the crosshairs just never come on. I'll re-read the documentation as duckmeister said above. Apparently I have missed something if he had the same issue and got it resolved. I'm guessing the clippi "animated reticle" may have something to do with this?

Duckmeister could you tell us what you did to fix the issue? It would be a great help for me if you could.

Edited by jpoo78
missing info...

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Script lag. If things are happening slowly, even with good FPS, it usually means the mission is poorly written and eating up all the resources used to execute SQF scripting commands.

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That said, I've only ever seen a delay of the scripted reticule by a second or so, with FPS in the low teens or worse.

jpoo78, test in the editor and turn off the scripted reticules.

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Will try when I get back to my home PC. That said, I have left the scope open for a few minutes straight and it still never showed up. I think that they just won't show up, not that they are delayed. I'll attempt the editor without the animated reticles if just disabling the reticles itself does not correct the issue.

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Okay, I'm back. I didn't fix the issue, I only looked up the documentation and realized that I wasn't pressing Shift+L.

So I go into the game, press Shift+L, nothing. Now I'm sitting there in ACE Demo trying out a bunch of different scoped weapons and pressing Shift+L like an idiot and they're all blank.

Animated reticles option is being turned off for now, as I'm fairly certain that I'm not doing anything wrong.

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Okay, I have got the reticles back by disabling Animated Reticles in Clippi. This will have to do but it still really doesn't fix the problem completely. I'm sure the Animated Reticles adds something that I want in there but it just refuses to work correctly, I am almost certain this is a glitch of some sort.

Disabling Animated Reticles fixes the issue partially, I have crosshairs again, but what am I missing out on with it being disabled?

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Animated Reticules are nice to have but you don't lose functionality by disabling them. You just won't see the recoil of the scope and zeroing will change the ballistics rather than moving the reticule.

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Animated Reticules are nice to have but you don't lose functionality by disabling them. You just won't see the recoil of the scope and zeroing will change the ballistics rather than moving the reticule.

You do lose some functionality in multiplayer as adjusting the ballistics of the round makes it much harder to walk tracers onto a target because the shooter and the observer see something entirely different in terms of end result. Where tracers land for the observer is not where the tracers (and real bullet impact events internally in the engine) are happening. Thats why adjustable sights are so important.

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Dang, I figured it was something important. How do I get this script enabled AND showing crosshairs correctly?

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Did you try locking on to something?

I've had this problem myself, and I have tried locking onto both the wooden tank targets, along with an OPFOR T-72B. The Javelin never seems to complete its loading sequence.

Edited by RAKtheUndead
Missing quote

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Yeah, last night I got a single javelin lock in about half an hour of staring at targets. Maybe my framerate was lowish, and maybe the view screen was cluttered with a dozen tanks (around 900m), but the CLU was completely malfunctioning. It won't even begin to lock unless I am holding the weapon at the perfect angle (not centered), making it one big guessing game.

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I can't seem to reproduce it reliably, but I find that occasionally when using ACE mod whenever I press "R" to reload, it plays the animation, but does not actually reload the gun, and says "empty" for the roundcount. I have to scroll wheel and choose the "Load 30Rd Whatever" action in order to actually reload the gun. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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Can't seem to get a lock with the stinger since update today. Has something changed or is it just me?

Edited by inf25th

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What does the maxillofacial shield kit add precisely? Is it supposed to protect the lower face area? Also how do you use it? Simply having it in the your inventory doesn't do anything and there doesn't appear to be an option through ACE interaction menus.

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What is your keybind for magazine check?

Ah, that might be it, I had changed it to to Shift+Alt+R I think. Is that bad?

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If you're walking and freelooking and reloading at the same time, you will check your magazine instead of replenishing it.

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Hi everyone, i just installed ace 2 and was trying out the new gear and, when ever i use items such as sunglasses, masks, goggles, well mostly anything i can use on head, all works great.

but after i issue commands to my AI squad the voice radio of my character pitch changes to lowest only when i use those items, i then take off items but voice remains, any thoughts ?

ive been trying googling for such a thing and couldnt find anything about it, this is my last resort.

Thanks in advance and great mod, a must for arma, keep up the good work.


Just tryed russian side and when i use the head gear the voice changes to english and lowest pitch.

Im only using @ACE, @ACEX_RU, @ACEX_USNavy, @ACEX, @ACEX_SM; @CBA; @CBA_A2, @CBA_OA; @LEA; -nosplash

Edited by Chanfanas

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hi. am making a mission but cannot for the life of me figure out how to enable the cargo system so i can load any ammocrates into any vehilces. any one know how? i have looked at devheaven ace2 page but i cannot find answer.

i have looked at these but seem very specific to certain vehicles/cargo


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What does the maxillofacial shield kit add precisely? Is it supposed to protect the lower face area? Also how do you use it? Simply having it in the your inventory doesn't do anything and there doesn't appear to be an option through ACE interaction menus.

+1 from me as well. Couldn't get it working neither.

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Only pilot can use MFS , and it act basicly like some sun glasses ;)

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Only pilot can use MFS , and it act basicly like some sun glasses ;)

Not exactly...it's the lower face shield portion which can be attached to pilot/crew helmets.


Never used them with ACE, but I use Davey Gary's all the time.

Here are a couple of posts regarding the goggles/gas masks etc with ACE. Should work the same for face shields.

How do I use the goggles or masks

How do I alter my ACE userconfig

How to get your glasses/gas masks working in ACE mod

I've checked on the SIX config browser, but what's the name of the MFS in ACE??

I would think it would be under this:


Maybe this has been changed in ACE. In the ace_clientside_config.hpp there is this section:

//CONFIG SETTING FOR : ACE 2 MOD - Changeable glasses ingame


//FEATURES: Lets you choose different glasses


//TO ENABLE: Please ADD your Player Profile Name




//#define ACE_IDENTITY John Doe





////////--E D I T below THIS LINE--//////////*/

#define ACE_IDENTITY yourPlayerProfileNameHere

Edited by panther42

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i speak about the effect in game not in real life in real life it's to protect from the rotor wave the microphone and from the dust too

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