orcinus 121 Posted January 14, 2012 I 100% agree and as PurePassion says the BIS dev's sets their own standard when it comes to support. I've been playing PC game's/sim's since the late 80's and no other development studio comes close!What I (and I hope others?) do to give back to BIS is to spread the word about this awesome game and their incredible support - as well as their openess to everyone in the community. IMO BIS deserves every cent they can get and the more people bying ArmA 2 and addons the more the can dev's support and polish it, so win-win for everyone. /KC What he (and many others have) said :) Only s/w that I know of personally that has a better level of support is for telecoms IT - B&OSS especially. But there you're talking installations that cost USD tens to hundreds of millions.. BIS support puts to shame pretty much every other s/w company I've come across in the consumer field, and many 'professional' vendors as well. BR Orcinus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SWAT_BigBear 0 Posted January 23, 2012 I've enjoyed this patch so much and forgot to post my impression. I'm still replaying all Campaigns and SP missions that I have. All have been twice the fun. ;) MP is really smooth now, even in large scale battles. Thanks BI. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foop 10 Posted January 30, 2012 I just tried 1.60. It's a big improvement. The FXAA makes it look really nice, and still run at a good framerate. But the big star for me is the AI. The enemy AI is much brighter; taking cover etc. I was really impressed yesterday when they threw up lots of smoke to allow them to withdraw after a tank appeared. Squad mates are now helpful; meaning I'm finding the game easier (no longer doing all the work on my own), and more enjoyable. I tried a couple of missions from Harvest Red campaign. One was excellent - greatly improved by the ai. The other crashed twice. In general I don't play campaigns because of the tedious dialogue and cut scenes. I'd have paid for an improvement this big. Roll on arma3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katipo66 94 Posted January 30, 2012 (edited) Just thought I'd drop a line here on AI... There's a thread going on about AI precision, I just thought I'd say that I love the AI now, pretty much on par with when I play MP, if they see me I'm either hurt or dead... And for once I want to see a video off the elusive takistani headshotting someone whilst running with an AK at 500 metres (from last post) away. Of course AI are not perfect and there's another thread regarding forests and AI ability but all in all I can get a good work out from them... The times that I have been one shotted to the head I've deserved it as my head was in the open too be shot! If there was ever any future development in this area then I would like to see more realistic behavior with armour and apc's... Currently I witness armour trying to pursue individual foot units, it's like as if the tank commandr is on foot, also I've witnessed or I'm sure I've witnessed armour chasing helo's!? What I mean is an enemy helo will buzz around and armour will move accordingly as if the helo is a ground unit, similar too above. This is with me playing Opfor, but all in all I fear the foot units more than apc's or armour and not because they're aimbots, just worthy opponents :D Edited January 30, 2012 by Katipo66 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted January 30, 2012 The Ai is really quite good. My only problem with them is that they are standing too much. They should stay crouched or go prone more often. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
niteshade 0 Posted January 31, 2012 the only big prob i have with this patch is that the older BEwarfare ai will not engage as my net con is bad i realy cant play to meny games online so i play with ai but now they are fubar what ever tweeks to the ai that wher made has realy messed them up i even tryed to depbo go to the editor and reset the independets to freindly to none and repbo and still they will not engage they seem to only shot me i have dumped and reinsalled still same thing. this patch is grate but with the ai tripping out and having conversations insted of killing it just kills all the good parts the ai will fight in the ferst town and take it but after the ferst town is when they just chat with the ress Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
160thSOAR 10 Posted February 10, 2012 I'm very impressed by the 1.60 patch. The new netcode is amazing... now convoys actually work in public servers. You can shoot moving AI as well, although they can also shoot back at you far more effectively. I've been flanked far more often by AI since 1.60, and I really enjoy it. Thanks BI! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
David Schofield 10 Posted February 18, 2012 I just wish the patches and everything would have covered ALL rifle scopes in the game. I don't like the fact that the older black G-36s don't have the scope-switch ability and the fact that you can still turn on NV goggles with them, also the fact that the sights are less detailed as the new ones. I also wish the weapons like the Pecheneg, the CZ hunting rifle, the VSS, and the AK-107 PSO variants were affected by the NV Goggle restriction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stagler 39 Posted February 19, 2012 Seems that after 1.60 the AI are reluctant to use their unguided rockets on helicopters for attacking ground targets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted February 19, 2012 Seems that after 1.60 the AI are reluctant to use their unguided rockets on helicopters for attacking ground targets. Really? I find the opposite is true. Sure, I'm using an wld427's Taki Ext Mi8, which is only too fond of doing a rocket run, but also the bog standard L39 does too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strac_sapper 1 Posted February 19, 2012 I am quite impressed by the AI. It is quite vicious, flanks constantly, and will engage at long ranges. Very impressive for such a large, open world type setting. The AI on other open world video games is pathetic by comparison, and even most other military shooters don't hold a candle. Bravo. Negatives: the AI should be crouching and prone by default. Never standing. They are too accurate by a lot. If I don't lessen their skills I am too often shot before me and my teammates even get a visual; and this isn't from snipers either. Thanks BIS! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted February 21, 2012 They are too accurate by a lot. If I don't lessen their skills I am too often shot before me and my teammates even get a visual; and this isn't from snipers either.Thanks BIS! Have a look at Jedra's newly-released "Enhanced-Skills-Slider" - get real control over the various skill settings, even those "embedded" in the engine and not readily accessible: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131233-Enhanced-Skills-Slider BR Orcinus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mant3z 1 Posted February 22, 2012 1.60 is one of the best but new beta patches are even better :) Very good progress, keep it up guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Uglyboy 10 Posted March 1, 2012 I did not play for a long time, downloaded the patch the other day and wow big improvements! Smoother, better, enjoyable, the only thing that still annoys me are the population ratio and public server gameplay but the game itself is better than ever was! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted March 2, 2012 I did not play for a long time, downloaded the patch the other day and wow big improvements! Smoother, better, enjoyable, the only thing that still annoys me are the population ratio and public server gameplay but the game itself is better than ever was! Public Server game play is never a great experience, i you want a better experience i would suggest you look at joining a squad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eclipse4349 1 Posted March 30, 2012 With 1.60, ARMA is now at a level that is smoothly playable. Gone are the join-in-progress lag and desync, the warping AI, the warping at distance, and other issues that made multiplayer unplayable for so long in the ARMA series. ARMA can finally be given the credit it really deserves, in my opinion. For the first time, I would say that the engine is mature and fully playable over the internet. It's like a new experience all over again. Along with the other tweaks and fixes, such as AI combat tweaks, ARMA is finally living up to its potential. Previously, the AI usually had a predictable reaction to coming under fire, which was stop, take a knee, wait, lay down, wait, stand, run a short distance, wait, rinse and repeat. AI caught in the open was like shooting fish in a barrel. Watching the AI react now is a thing of beauty! They run, zig-zagging all the way to present a difficult target, to nearby cover that actually shields them from fire, and take an appropriate position in that cover from which to engage! I can't grasp the complexity of programming something that, to us, seems like a simple task, but along with so many other things, you nailed it, BIS!! I am actually psyched about finishing some scripting now that the game is playable in multiplayer, too! The frustration of even a handful of players creating a warpy, laggy, and desynced experience are GONE! The only downside to ARMA 1.60 is the lack of time that I have to dedicate to gaming! Very well done, BIS! I was probably not going to bother with ARMA 3 when I first heard about it, due to multiplayer being killed by lag and warping AI. Now that I have played 1.60, ARMA 3 is a definite purchase for me! Please take as much time as you need to have a smooth, (mostly) bug free release with great out-of-the-box multiplayer content! ARMA is ready for the masses! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spinear 1 Posted April 3, 2012 Anyone noticed grasses are shorter? Yes! Grasses are no more poke your eyes when you're go prone. Now I can enjoy both of beauty and game play. Grass should have been like this at first time, Just decoration. Well, Other things are so many mentioned already. So, I particularly like this one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neokika 62 Posted April 3, 2012 Anyone noticed grasses are shorter? Yes! Grasses are no more poke your eyes when you're go prone. No it is not, the grass is the same has always. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spinear 1 Posted April 3, 2012 No it is not, the grass is the same has always. I'm afraid I completely misread the situation. That's weird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Argonb 1 Posted May 17, 2012 Definitely improved AI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ivan911 1 Posted July 9, 2012 First time i have problems installing patch for Arma2. Dozen times update has bin stoped by antivirus or it just stop. I had to disable antivirus and UAC to install. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
headstro 1 Posted July 17, 2012 i had to do the same thing worked like a charm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites