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Rifle mounted grenade launcher. Tips and Tricks?

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I've been terribly lazy and haven't invested the time learning how to use the underslung grenade launcher, especially on the L85.

I've done the training mission, but it doesn't really go beyond "put grenade in, press fire" and I've tried to force myself to use it in game, but I seem to be missing something crucial as my rounds are never even close to my target.

I'd really appreciate some tips and tricks.

Edited by Tankbuster

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There may be more or less awkward workarounds (like that guide in the link, or just firing enough grenades that you get pretty good at learning to guess where they'll hit), but the grenade launchers are just broken, as there's no way to set the range of the sights and aim them properly. This has been discussed in several threads here on the forum.

So you're not the only one having trouble hitting anything. Fortunately, this will be fixed in Arma 3, as demonstrated in this video:


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Thanks mate. I think that page has found the source of my problem..

(about the L85) This is the only launcher where zoom level affects the aiming point.

As a TrackIR user, I'm forever zooming in and out and so the aim point is screwed up unless I'm at full zoom. That's something I'll have to practice.

Edited by Tankbuster

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Try picking one kind of GL and stick with it. I use the M16A2/M203 and have drawn a little picture on a postit that I keep next to me when I play that shows where I need to aim to hit a target at ranges from 25-300m

Also try piking one spot on the sight picture that you can remember, for example I always remember that the GL on the SCAR's has a little red dot sight which is zeroed at roughly 200m, so I just work from there to guesstimate for other ranges

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Good ugl use is more about range estimation than it is about getting the grenade there, for one simple reason:

As a grenade travels in a parabolic arc it's particularly consistent in how the grenade behaves. When you point up at 45 degrees and fire, the grenade will travel to its max range of 400-450m. If we drop that angle by half (22 degrees), the grenade will go half that distance, 200m. Half that again, 100m, and so on -once you keep this in mind, it's fairly simple to use the ugl

Guesstimate the range (lets say 300m), point your ugl up at 45 degrees, then go down to half that, 22 degrees (200m).. Then maybe go up half that, 10 degrees, then fire. Boom! With practise you'll be able to know roughly where these elevations are and just point the ugl in the right place

Using this method in VCB we've used ugl's as near indirect fire weapons, engaging and killing enemies out at the max range

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GL is all about just using it a LOT and getting a feel for it. You can easily train yourself to use the sights accurately ingame, but it all changes as soon as you need to use it on sloping terrain. You have to be able to guesstimate the new landing zone based on whether you're firing uphill or downhill, and how much of a hill it is.

I've never fired a GL IRL but I'd expect the same problems to occur :)

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You have to be able to guesstimate the new landing zone based on whether you're firing uphill or downhill, and how much of a hill it is.

I've never fired a GL IRL but I'd expect the same problems to occur :)

I was just reading yesterday that on extreme uphill angles the grenades tend to land base first and not detonate.

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So, the prevailing opinion seems to be that there's no quick way to get proficient with these weapons. I've been playing all evening and have been using the L85 SUSAT GL where possible.

I am getting some kills with it. I will persevere.

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After using it a lot I've gotten to where I don't even use sights and just guestimate with the reticle and angle of the gun. I can usually get within 20 meters after about 3 seconds of aiming. Takes a lot of practice tho

edit: I should also mention that I spent most of my time learning in the editor...just place a few targets at several distances to get the feel. Then start putting patrols with moving targets so you can better lead them and plop one down right in their path

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Practice, practice, practice, training, training, training will do it. You are best doing this with static targets and then move up to moving targets like the previous post points out.

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It's a difficult weapon to use effectively but once you know the way, you know the way -I had a look through some old videos to see if they showcased the method any better but it doesn't show much beyond pointing it and firing

The first engagement in the open then engaging the footpax in the small wooded valley are great examples of where the UGL works best -medium/long range engagements with clustered enemies in little/no cover

Little bit during this contact -firing in to embedded enemy positions doesn't give the best of the UGL but with something like ACE a nearby explosion will still put the enemy out of fighting effectiveness

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