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RedFox studio - Russian modern motorized infantry

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RedFox Studio presents - "Modern Russian motorized infantry"


Addon has 2 versions of camoflauge:

- Russian digital

- Russian flora


you can find addon:

East\motorized infantry RF\Men

East\motorized infantry RF\Men (Flora camo)

You should have arma 2 CO 1.59,but maybe it will work with arma 2 1.10

Authors of 3d models and textures:

- EugenyKrag

- Gerasimow9

- Max1048

- Nik2009

- Slayer

- dcvm


- Modul

- Ingram


- Ural59

- ArmaDen


- SilenHunter

- Alexander47

- Dimanych

- dcvm


- EugenyKrag

- ArmaDen

- dcvm


- 1.0








Edited by Max Power

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Excellent news... downloading now. Will give them a go later. :cool:

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This will surely work with AA2 with no expansions, but it may cause some bugs and errors. It won't work with Standalone Operation Arrowhead. So, Combined Ops is strongly reccomended :).

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Really nice addon! Great work, guys! Is there any option to use this as a replacement?

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Really nice addon! Great work, guys! Is there any option to use this as a replacement?

there will be such option :)

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Great to see more Opfor, will download as soon as SU get it, will be requesting it now..

Great work and thank you...

Edit: Just requested to have it put on SU, fingers crossed..


Edited by HR4 Elite

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Thanks EugenyKrag :smile_o:

ArmA2Base.de Mirror:


Kind regards


Edited by Max Power

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Really great units. I already think that, as soon as there will be a replacement file, they will be my default russian soldiers. Thank you.

By the way, I have noticed one problem : all faces become white when you are about 30-40 meters from those units. Faces are back to normal when you get closer or farther from this critical distance.

And one more thing : why putting AK107 on those units and not AK74M that is far more reallistic for this type of infantry ?

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Added to Six Updater Network.


Edited by Max Power

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Looking really good, great work. Going to put them into combat to see how they handle themselves, very well I am sure..

By the way, I have noticed one problem : all faces become white when you are about 30-40 meters from those units. Faces are back to normal when you get closer or farther from this critical distance.

Can confirm this..

Great mod, thank you..


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Great units but no medic also the vest seems a little big on them at times also the headgear straps seem too big also other than that these units are great

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Congrats on the release!

Really lovin' these guys and allready use em a lot :) But as it was pointed out by Dom8758 they're missing a medic and not only the vest looks strange, but their backpacks too, almost (please forgive me) opf like.

Speaking of backpacks (yeah I know I'm the backpack bitch) the operation arrowhead rucksacks don't show up on the units are they still missing the proxy? could you add a rpg gunner with backpack like in vanilla Arma2?

thanks again for releasing these guys!

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I dont think the units have the proxy nor the ability to carry backpacks. There is also no medic. Other than that they are awesome, i like the new helmets alot.

I sent Kis4M3 flora backpack textures for the BIS ALICE pack about 4 months back to be included in a project but they must of never been used.

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I sent Kis4M3 flora backpack textures for the BIS ALICE pack about 4 months back to be included in a project but they must of never been used.


He didn't sent the textures to me.

"why putting AK107 on those units and not AK74M that is far more reallistic for this type of infantry ?"

because vanilla arma 2 and co haven't got any ak-74m.

Btw,thanks to all, in next versions I hope we'll correct all errors and features.

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Good work! But it seems to me the helmet is from US Army models, isn't it?

No, its a new Russian 6Б7 helmets.


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I sent Kis4M3 flora backpack textures for the BIS ALICE pack about 4 months back to be included in a project but they must of never been used.

I had totally forgotten I apologize....:(

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"why putting AK107 on those units and not AK74M that is far more reallistic for this type of infantry ?"

because vanilla arma 2 and co haven't got any ak-74m.

Sorry, my bad, foolish question just because I play every time with ACE...

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