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Blake's Carrier Ops

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Blake's Carrier Ops.



v0.2a (EE) & v0.1.1a(module

A quick fix where I hadn't limited the getin handler to the player allowing the addon to possibly run multiple times


Ok this is my first addon, and is implemented via a module. It has been tested on my small test dedicated server by me, but hasn't had any real MP testing. All good in SP at least.

RL is limiting my online time atm, and a lot of things I have played around with are just getting dusty on my HD. So I figure better to just release as an ALPHA product and hope the community can enjoy some of these addons. Hopefully I'll find time to upload some other stuff soon.

Feedback would be great.

Hopefully A3 will make this one redundant :)


Adds the ability to manouver aircraft around, to facilitate the ability to utilise the likes of the LHD more fully.

Any aircraft can be moved, even if inoperable, as long as it isn't destroyed. This allows the clearance of damaged aircraft from vital areas.

It also enables the ability to backup aircraft that are parked on a ramp etc.

As a side benefit it also allows the emulation of ground manouving of helicopters. Yes those with skids will also do this (though would look funny). Also allowing for more realistic ground operations if required.

Some helicopters behave better than others. One way of improving movement on some is to engage auto hover while taxiing forward, disengaging when turning is required. No it is not designed to be a proper simulation of ground movement for any aircraft, rather it is a simplified method of allowing more precise ground handling.


Install as you would any other addon. (Check the BIS forums if unsure!).

In the editor place a Blake's Carrier Ops module onto the map. All editor placed aircarft are now enabled.


Engage ground manouver mode : Press Gear key default G. (There is a short delay before movement is engaged).

To go forward heliforward key default W.

Back heliback key default S.

Rotate Left HeliRudderLeft key default X.

Rotate Right HeliRudderRight key default C.

Or use your joystick.

Requirements are the vehicle must be on the ground and have a speed between -20 and 30.


By placing the module in the editor, any editor placed aircraft will have this functionality. If the payer starts in the aircraft, functionality is created through the getin event handler requiring the player to dismount and get in the aircraft again as pilot.

If you wanted to give spawned aircraft the ability,

Eg creating a helicopter within a script. Script must be executed on the server. First name your carrier ops module, in the example below it assumes the module is named cops.

_heli = createVehicle ["AW159_Lynx_BAF", getMarkerPos "helimarker2", [], 0, "NONE"];

waituntil {(cops getvariable "COPS_initDone")};

[[_heli]] CALL Fcn_Blakes_C_OPS;

Notice the function call requires you to pass an array, which is why there are double square brackets.


This module is really designed for analogue inputs. eg joystick. This will give smoother results. Esp with helicopters. If your joystick sensitivity is reduced, you may not get full speed from planes either increase it or quickly press to equivilent key to boost movement.


Important: Ensure only one version is installed and active. You only need one. Module version allows benefit of selecting if you want it in different missions. EE version is also active in all missions.

Both versons from Armaholic:


Blake's Carrier Ops v0.1.1 Alpha

Blake's Carrier Ops - Extended Eventhandlers v0.2 Alpha

Link to updated mirrors :

Carrier Ops (v 0.1.1alpha) : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1808

Carrier Ops - EE version (v 0.2 alpha) : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1834

Needed :

@CBAv0.7.10 (v build 167) : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1814&game=1

Added to Six Updater Network.

2yvv67o.png Direct Download | Mod info

Edited by blakeace

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This is sounds really useful thanks! Downloading now will give some testing.

Nice Job!

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very useful. good job :bounce3:

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Hello Mr Blake and congratulations on an excellent mod.

I have a question, though. I'd like to use this mod with my current ARMA2 missions. Will I have to edit them in order to add the module to the mission map?

Is there a plan to make addon auto-enable in all missions by loading it at the beginning of the game or is it not feasible?

Thanks again for a great mod. :bounce3:

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Thanks all for your kind words, though please remeber at this stage it hasn't had any real dedicated server testing sorry.

@Foxhound Thanks.

  henrique_rp said:
I have a question, though. I'd like to use this mod with my current ARMA2 missions. Will I have to edit them in order to add the module to the mission map?

Yes at the moment you would.

  henrique_rp said:
Is there a plan to make addon auto-enable in all missions by loading it at the beginning of the game or is it not feasible?

TBH I hadn't really thought about it, I would need to research it a little from this great community resource in the specifics of how, but it is possible. Time is prob my biggest hinderence. There are a few other things I would like to get organised to upload.

  Kremator said:

Is there a script version available yet / planned?

TBH hadn't thought about it. Main reason for the module was having it being very simple for even beginner mission designers to use. If there is enough interest and desire for a script version, time permitting it should be doable.

First I hope for some feedback on how it does or doesn't perform on dedicated servers, which would really dictate where I spend my efforts.

Cheers all Blake.

P.s. I had a quick play(in SP) using Gnats great Cessna 185 Amphibian today, and it seemed to work nicely with it on the water too.


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This is very nice, I too would be happy to have a script version so no addons are required on my missions! thanks for your hard work this is so useful!

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Waiting for this nice addon, thanks

strange the planes not moving!

Edited by mikerally

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  jivenasty said:
for some reason can not find a blake carrier mod to place on the map

Select Modules (F7) on the right of the editor.

Double click anywhere on the map, then in the dialog that appears, open the drop down list titled Unit:

From that list select the option named Blake's Carrier Ops.

Press the ok button and the module icon should then be visible on the map.

Edit: Altered the first post to make it a little more clear that it is a module :)

Edited by blakeace

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The necessary thing for ArmA 2. Thanks!

P.S. I saw your video about mirrors for ArmA2, Whether will be release? What kinds cars(maybe armored, planes and choppers) they will be?

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is there any way to also make this work of AI? Specially for the chopper taxi, as in RL we never lifted off from HLZ we usually taxied to the runways like the fighters did...if i didnt know any better i would have sworn Pavehawks were Short Take Off and Landing aircraft lmao!

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  Hand of MoscoW said:
P.S. I saw your video about mirrors for ArmA2, Whether will be release? What kinds cars(maybe armored, planes and choppers) they will be?

Yes it will be, it uses a similar implementation to the carrier ops module, so just hoping for some feedback with that in regards to if it functions correctly in MP before releasing that one. Or if not look at what the problems are first.

  soldier2390 said:
is there any way to also make this work of AI? Specially for the chopper taxi, as in RL we never lifted off from HLZ we usually taxied to the runways like the fighters did...if i didnt know any better i would have sworn Pavehawks were Short Take Off and Landing aircraft lmao!

I don't believe so, all I am doing is adding some rotation and velocities correspond to the related control inputs. You would probably need to disable the ai and create some way of pushing the aircraft around to the specific points. That I forsee would require a bit of work to get right. Plus you would probably have to disable the ai while doing so which could have other implications within a dynamic environment.

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  BossDawg said:
how something so simple becomes so effective, great job mate!

my words have been said before (read the Quote :P ) very good work :) :) :yay::yay:

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  mikerally said:
nothing happens !

Sorry there really isn't enough information to help you, or me if it is something amiss with the module.

Things to try:

  • Have you started Arma2&OA and opened the editor. :eek: ;)
  • Did you access the modules and place the carrier ops one onto the map.
  • If the module doesn't appear in the list check you have setup all your addons and modlines correctly. Check Günter Severloh's tutorial
  • Are you holding down whatever key/button you have assigned to gear.
  • Are you using the controls assigned to Left/Right pedal & Nose Up/Down.
  • Did you start the mission in an aircraft, if so you need to get out then get in, as the act of getting into the aircraft is what activates the modules functionality in an aircraft.

Offtopic, I also find setting up my Auto-hover On and Auto-hover Off to the same button helpful. This way I can quickly toggle between the two states whilst taxiing helicopters that like to nose over or if I am not using a joystick and using keys instead.

Edited by blakeace

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Things to try:

  • Have you started Arma2&OA and opened the editor. :eek: ;)
  • Did you access the modules and place the carrier ops one onto the map.
  • If the module doesn't appear in the list check you have setup all your addons and modlines correctly. Check Günter Severloh's tutorial
  • Are you holding down whatever key/button you have assigned to gear.
  • Are you using the controls assigned to Left/Right pedal & Nose Up/Down.
  • Did you start the mission in an aircraft, if so you need to get out then get in, as the act of getting into the aircraft is what activates the modules functionality in an aircraft.

Offtopic, I also find setting up my Auto-hover On and Auto-hover Off to the same button helpful. This way I can quickly toggle between the two states whilst taxiing helicopters that like to nose over or if I am not using a joystick and using keys instead.

thanks for the reply,

my problem was i hold the G key and used the W,S,A,D, for moving

and not my joystick

so thanks again

greetz Mike

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