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ARMA 2: OA beta build 84467

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Pressing the F-buttons to assign AI orders lags the game.

-Me as leader with a few AI squaddies. Press for example F3 to give the AI an order and the game starts lagging when moving around while AI selected.

EDIT: Selecting ALL will not make the game lag. Only if one AI is selected the problem occur.

EDIT: Although i havent had a crash so far i do get a lot of lag when only a few squads of AI are fighting, and the lag kicks in for a while and then goes back to great FPS again. Back and forth like this. However the FPS in general regarding the island seems very good.

It seems like the FPS gets capped at 30FPS when the lag kicks in. Im running VSYNC so when the lag stops it goes back to 60FPS again. But i noticed now that when the lag kicks in it is halfed and stays exactly at 30FPS. This is single player.

Edited by Alex72

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tested the beta in mp, with jets. the laggy jumps with planes close to other planes are nearly gone. really cool ! it was never good/smooth like this. and we tested it several times.


dedicated server and game was running on my maschine, and several DAC3 zones where aktive. 3 clients connected.

video was recorded ON CLIENT SIDE.

nice work BIS ! love it already.

Edited by themaster303

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But in the ticket that Sickboy posted above Suma says that he has fixed the issue already. So I'll keep my fingers crossed that these problems are gone with the next beta.

Not sure, there is no setDir issue I could reproduce.

So you say in the same game, someone with a later beta saw all buildings oriented towards north, while you saw it correctly? :eek:

That would mean structure orientation would not be transmitted in latest beta. :butbut:

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Not sure, there is no setDir issue I could reproduce.

So you say in the same game, someone with a later beta saw all buildings oriented towards north, while you saw it correctly? :eek:

That would mean structure orientation would not be transmitted in latest beta. :butbut:

I made the above ticket, and included this problem in my original description. Structures built in CTI (at least promans crCTI) are always aligned north/south, regardless of how the player tries to place them. This is true with both the client and server being beta 84467. No saving or loading involved in this.

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Apologies if this has been covered already, I didn't see anything that quite fit in this thread.

This beta does something funny to join-in-progress on missions like Domination and Insurgency. Playing BLUFOR in Insurgency, on my screen the 'HQ' spawn is stuck in the default location in the far corner of the map, even though it's been moved several times. Other players (also JIP, using vanilla/older betas) see it where it's supposed to be. Similar issue in Domination- if an MHQ is moved and deployed by someone else, I am able to use the teleport function but it moves me to where the MHQ spawns in the base. It seems like the positions arn't updating as they should.

Sorry I can't provide a repro. I do know that both servers were not running a beta version and I havn't been able to test if it occurs on a server running the same beta.

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Already covered by my CIT ticket.

Ah good stuff. I do note that, if it is the same issue, the client-side issues occur whether or not the server is also running the beta. If that matters.

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This is news.

However, what you precisely mean by "client-side issues" is unclear. Could you explain?

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Played some Insurgency tonight...AI warping and jittering is almost non-existant now, excellent. Still a fair bit of jitter when you are in a vehicle (even with a low ping), i.e. trying to gun for a heli or something, but I think it's much improved there as well. A bit more work and it'll be great.

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Can you please fix the other two AI movement issues with crouch:

# AI with rifle: Bug #24405: AI with a rifle moves very strange while crouch.

# AI without weapon: Bug #16229: AI without weapon gets stuck when ordered to move crouched

Also please apply the simple config fix for AI pistol use:

# Bug #12143: KSK specops units using pistols at long range

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Two things i noticed with this beta:

* Most AI units switch to binuculars way too often, even in CQB.

* Problem with AI stuck in handgun animation when crouched is still there.

Did anybody experienced the same?

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Problem i see is not "bunny hopping", but rather AI units being stuck in crouch position after switching to handgun (very old issue).

See http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16676 for reference.

That's still not fixed to me, i've seen the problem happen many times now running 84467, wondering if anybody else can double check this.

Edited by fabrizioT

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Both "bunny hopping" and no movement is fixed for me with 84467.

Only without a weapon or a rifle there are still issues. Try the repros.

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Already covered by my CIT ticket.

I'm sorry, your ticket was very voluminous and presented three extremely heavy missions and confused more than it helped.

I reduced it to the setPos case, but also added in setDir (which was working on my tests).

So it is NOT a simple setDir, which is not working, not even on a DS.

We need a different ticket for the orientation of buildings not transmitting and a different repro mission.

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Well I am sorry. I covered it the best that I could with the information that I could gather. I can't see why referencing official modules, and just running 10 seconds of gameplay, is confusing (which was really all that was needed). I would assume that all information is welcome, even if you are not able to express yourself as a programmer with intimate knowledge of the engine and scripting concepts. If this is not the case, I shall refrain from reporting on the betas in the future.

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I would assume that all information is welcome, even if you are not able to express yourself as a programmer with intimate knowledge of the engine and scripting concepts. If this is not the case, I shall refrain from reporting on the betas in the future.

Well, Suma/we do need quality tickets and full custom missions like Warfare are so complex that they're not useful for debugging per se, specially if the person debugging is not familiar with them and they're big and take a long time to load.

I'd say of course it's welcome that you report bugs, but sometimes writing less is more. One issue, one repro case.

And only thanks to your ticket, I got to see the issue and created a repro mission for it which Suma could use, so keep up the good work.

A repro mission should be on Desert or Utes (they load quickly) and should only contain units/code to present the one very issue.

I've created now a second ticket about the setDir issue, maybe it IS fixed by the setPos fix, maybe not. If it's the same issue, the new ticket is quickly closed or set as a dupe.


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Any reason why with this patch vehicle animations (let's say, a door) stutter while the animation is being performed? It moves as if it was in several, small bits instead of a "flowy" way.

EDIT: Just found the DH Ticket about it.

Edited by Evil_Brownie

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Well, Suma/we do need quality tickets and full custom missions like Warfare are so complex that they're not useful for debugging per se, specially if the person debugging is not familiar with them and they're big and take a long time to load.

I'd say of course it's welcome that you report bugs, but sometimes writing less is more. One issue, one repro case.

And only thanks to your ticket, I got to see the issue and created a repro mission for it which Suma could use, so keep up the good work.

Thank you for clearing that up.

A repro mission should be on Desert or Utes (they load quickly) and should only contain units/code to present the one very issue.

I can't script and I am just learning to use the editor. I do however have knack for finding bugs. I thought that was the point of having discussions and the ability to edit everything in the tickets... that people who are more knowledgeable about and skilled with the code could pick up the ticket and cooperate on improving the contents.

I've created now a second ticket about the setDir issue, maybe it IS fixed by the setPos fix, maybe not. If it's the same issue, the new ticket is quickly closed or set as a dupe.


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Non-local objects (in MP game) are moving jerky.

This BUG have 3 parts:

1. BUG "non-driver passenger" ... NOT FIXED

2. BUG "observer outside vehicles" ... FIXED ... "[84464] Improved: MP: Remote units should move a lot smoother."

3. BUG "stop jump" ... APPEARED AGAIN ... "[84285] Fixed: MP: Remote units jumping back when stopping"

Other informations and VIDEOS of those BUGS are here: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24252 .

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When you are in a vehicle driven by other players, theres much stuttering going on. Tested with this beta patch on NON beta patched servers with NON beta patched clients.

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When you are in a vehicle driven by other players, theres much stuttering going on. Tested with this beta patch on NON beta patched servers with NON beta patched clients.

Yes, that is "1. BUG: non-driver passenger" from this ticket:

Trouble ticket here: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24252

Video of this bug:

It was introduced in build 82901.

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Will this work with ~90-100 clients connected to the server?

On PR pvp servers it is impossible to shoot anyone on the move since they teleport from spot to spot. Vehicles also skip around a lot.

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