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Isla Balkania (aka Project Massacra)

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IceBreaker, working with some of the communities top map makers on parts of the cities is a great idea, I look forward to seeing the results. I was just wondering, have you created some sort of design brief to give an overall idea of style and layout for everyone to follow? Or will you have everyone let their imaginations run wild?

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Wow, that satmap looks just........GORGEOUS!!!

I cant see anything on this SS but a plane. So, I dont see what's GORGEOUS did you notice too.

Peninsula's suck. Just look at how bad Podagorsk is then say you want a peninsula again. I really hope this stays a Isla, because Isla's are the best.

Podagorsk is just fine. Why do u think its bad? Chernarus is a peninsula also, and its one of the best maps for arma2. I would mostly like that balkania is open world ground, not an island. Mission makers could easily prevent the cheating on mission. If its island its loosing on the real world looking shape, and there was just a liitle fighting near do costline in exyu wars, mostly in-land..but its on mapper to decide.

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I've been taking a rest for a few days now, family comes first (sons birthday, bbq parties, etc). Also reason for a bit of delay is... a new rig that will come handy with mapmaking ;)

I would like to thank for all the project supporters on my website, especially the ones that enjoy playing on my maps daily and made donations.

New rig that will "sweat" on 20480x20480 multi-layered textures is:

- I7 3820 3,6 Ghz (now 4,6 Ghz with water cooling system)

- Gigabyte X79/UG5 board

- 16 GBs Crucial 1866Mhz RAM

- AMD Radeon 6870 2GB gfx

- Dell 23" U2311H monitor

- dual SSDs (tnx to girlfriend for a gift!)

- Crucial 500R case

First tests were successful, daaamn fast ;)

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Are there gonna be some rivers on the map,we got a problem that on chernarus we didnt have?

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There are at least 2 rivers. One on southern end is quite long. Its called Mirna in RL. But these are very small rivers for smaller boats only.

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I cant see anything on this SS but a plane. So, I dont see what's GORGEOUS did you notice too.

Podagorsk is just fine. Why do u think its bad? Chernarus is a peninsula also, and its one of the best maps for arma2. I would mostly like that balkania is open world ground, not an island. Mission makers could easily prevent the cheating on mission. If its island its loosing on the real world looking shape, and there was just a liitle fighting near do costline in exyu wars, mostly in-land..but its on mapper to decide.

Correct, not everywhere has an ocean around it.

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There are at least 2 rivers. One on southern end is quite long. Its called Mirna in RL. But these are very small rivers for smaller boats only.

That is great! Will there be some bridges on them? In ARMA we had destroyable bridges and in ARMA 2 we dont have nither one.Will we be able to cut of enemy reinforcmets by blowing a bridge on Balkania?

Sorry for my bed english.

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Hi there Icebreaker, u may use this houses at ure island?

In city's?




I will happy, if u will use this houses!

---------- Post added at 05:35 ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 ----------

This houses for Armed Assault, but they work in ArmA 2 too, i use this!

And again: I will happy, if u will use this houses at ur map ).

Edited by KamikadzeVM

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Podagorsk is a thing of beauty and brilliant for missions because it has lots of unique locations which set the scene for interesting missions.

I hope Balkania is as good or better which Im sure it will be with Ice in command.

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Looking forward to this, alot..:)


I didn’t pick up on the earlier comment regards Podagorsk, I have to say Podagorsk is indeed an incredible island/map, complements Chernarus as does Zernova, Miroslavi the island of Moschnyi and others, nicely.

We are lucky to have soo many great terrains/islands/maps made by the gifted makers and then shared with us. To criticise, well shame, I have around 160ish (probably more) that run with a2 and each one I like for different reasons…

Plus each one I have made at least one mission for, played by the group of friends I play with, can’t and wouldn't, criticise any myself..

Edited by ChrisB

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Podagorsk is just fine. Why do u think its bad? Chernarus is a peninsula also, and its one of the best maps for arma2. I would mostly like that balkania is open world ground, not an island. Mission makers could easily prevent the cheating on mission. If its island its loosing on the real world looking shape, and there was just a liitle fighting near do costline in exyu wars, mostly in-land..but its on mapper to decide.

I'm just going to point out that Chernarus is not a peninsula, two of its "sides" border land making it a section of coastline. Relating that to the discussion at hand, I do agree that a Chernarus style map would have actually be pretty cool, but alas, it is not to be.

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Interesting how barely any images have been released for the island, yet its so popular heheh

Goes to show you how good IceBreakr's islands are :D

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Your plan sounds pretty ambitious but I wish you'll be successful and bring us another great island! I wish I could say "looks good" but I haven't seen anything yet. Hope to see some shots soon. :) Good luck!

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Looks great buddy. Fits perfectly with my "Faction within the faction" of my Red Brigade troops!

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Looks great buddy. Fits perfectly with my "Faction within the faction" of my Red Brigade troops!

what were you commenting on? was this for another thread?

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what were you commenting on? was this for another thread?

wld427 is assume is commenting as RACS are one of the independent forces of the island. See the first page of the thread for more information:

Sahrani Colony (SACO)

Controls the biggest landmass of all three countries. SACO controls the Rahmadi island with a military base and a small fishing town. Rahmadi airbase is used as a staging area for any area conflicts and acts as a bridge between Sahrani and Balkania.

- local SACO forces are used for guarding Town of Komunovo (largest on the island that lies in the central Valley). Many units guard the important military installations and the border outposts in Northwest part. Inhabitants see them more as a frienldy police force than a real mean looking army. For any bigger conflicts a full RACS Army is "just around the corner" with full support. Colony is just a short flight from Sahrani. SACO has couple of A4 Skyhawk planes stationed at their airport shelters and very limited armor force. Infantry is their strength. SACO's stance is Independent.

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Thanks guys. I've been around for the past week taking shots (a bit more successfully than 2 BIS guys on Lemnos ;) so resource files are all collected. Too bad I've been busy with other RL stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to do this mapmaking thing that I love as a full-time thing. I just need to eliminate couple of RL factors that bother me right now to speed up the production ;)

p.s. not a BIS employee, just a guy providing you & my team with free content.

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(a bit more successfully than 2 BIS guys on Lemnos ;)

Ohhh, low blow! :D

Really looking forward to the island but remember RL first !

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There will be a trailer when I feel comfortable with the look of the areas.

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