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Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

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Well, playing SP mission #2 and looking good so far. Did Mr. Light finish this CAMP or is it still in progress?

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Why had this CAMP been hidden so deep and for such a long time?

Damn good fun, I's tells ya!

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An update for all the GR fans - I will be doing a GR pack with all of the missions I have created for both Podagorsk and Island Thunder - working out all the bugs and adding several missions that were never part of either of these campaigns. It will be Vanilla GR COOP and possible SP. No timeframe for release but I will look at all the threads and try to fix everything that is broke and maybe update a few missions slightly to make it fresh. I will remove the Fast Rope Addon from all missions bcoz there have been some issues and will instead revert to the chopper landing.

Will make a total of at least 20 missions and I have a couple more which I've been working on recently so could go higher. After this update then we wait for Arma3.

Regards Lighty.

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An update for all the GR fans - I will be doing a GR pack with all of the missions I have created for both Podagorsk and Island Thunder - working out all the bugs and adding several missions that were never part of either of these campaigns. It will be Vanilla GR COOP and possible SP. No timeframe for release but I will look at all the threads and try to fix everything that is broke and maybe update a few missions slightly to make it fresh. I will remove the Fast Rope Addon from all missions bcoz there have been some issues and will instead revert to the chopper landing.

Will make a total of at least 20 missions and I have a couple more which I've been working on recently so could go higher. After this update then we wait for Arma3.

Regards Lighty.

Good news! If I may, can I ask for the coop missions to be without respawn (group respawn is ok though...)?

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No respawns or limited revives?

---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------

I put the Medic in there to give some reviveability which is supposed to be more realistic.

I can reduce them - possibly I can set the number in the parameters if I haven't already. In fact in the parameters you should be able to turn off I'm sure.

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No respawns or limited revives?

no respawn at all (that or "GROUP" respawn, which is maybe even better then no respawn at all) and revives limited by parameters.

Thanks for your willingness to support the hardcore parts of the community!

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Yeah no respawn at all.

Maybe reduce enemy numbers in no-respawn versions only so slightly if you yourself will think it will be imbalanced.

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Quick update - I have revisited 5 out of 8 missions and removed the FastRope addon and tweaked or changed objectives and enemy positiions. The missions will be much better for the changes and just as exciting.

At present they are coop only updates - but once I have the 8 missions updated I will convert them to SP.

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but once I have the 8 missions updated I will convert them to SP.

Now that's some good news. Made my morning coffee taste even better :)

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Working on the 8th and last mission update now - which is getting a major overhaul and is fitting for a the last mission for a GR campaign. Should be ready by end of the weekend.

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Lighty: nice! any chance of an update to your GR campaign on Lingor?

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Very glad to see a post in this thread. Can't get it fast enough! Like Now???? Really! :o

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Mission 8 finished, doing final checks then converting to SP and uploading in the next day or two. ;)

Then on to Lingor and finally about 5 missions which I made on Takistan.

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Is there any info on how to install, or first off, where ican find the mod and installation guide?

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Hi Chammy

Once I put the new files up I'll post the details. V easy though. And I notice u have a new sound pack out!

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I have decided to spend a little more time adjusting the kits for night missions. The fnfal with nv scope just makes it way too easy. A couple of other changes to kits and will pho the files.

Also for coop, changing to a medic only revive. Medic died then no revives. Some may not like the revives but that's what medics r there for. I will allow revive but the recovery of the revived player will be only about 30-40%.

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Just out of curiosity, are you aware the video itself is set for private? I'll stive it a go, just wanted to see the trailer before I did.

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