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ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

Will you buy Arma 3 (Steam exclusive)  

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  1. 1. Will you buy Arma 3 (Steam exclusive)

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Some people actually believe having deviant ideas makes them look smart or something. Which is sad really...Anyway as I said before this thread is pointless, you guys are welcome not to buy the game if you don't like it.

@dunnobe - This is a perfect example of what i was talking about. Apparently dunedain put quite a bit of thought into said post, as he quickly took out the rest.

---------- Post added at 03:31 ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 ----------

Then you must vote with your wallet and not buy Arma3. The use of Steam, and Arma 3's Steam-exclusivity has been decided. No matter how much or how loud you bitch and moan about it here.

The only way you, as a consumer, have to really provide feedback to the company is to not buy their product.

(If only you would provide the rest of us with the luxury of not vomiting your diatribe here all the effing time in the meantime...)

Point proven yet again. As this guy clearly, didn't even take the time to read. Also,I like how he picks only parts of my post, as to try and invalidate the rest of my post by not including it. Like the fact steam ripped me for 40$... left that part out LMAO.Thats super awesome!

Edited by Iceman77

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@dunnobe - This is a perfect example of what i was talking about. Apparently dunedain put quite a bit of thought into said post, as he quickly took out the rest.

I rephrased my sentence in a less frankish way, the content is still the same. Stop implying things... Moderators are welcome to check the changes and distribute penalties for those who can't respect forum rules.

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Point proven yet again. As this guy clearly, didn't even take the time to read.

Indeed, because there is no point reading it: it is the same pointless diatribe over and over.

"Steam/Valve is evil"

"The just want to take away my control/options"

Point is, the decision has been made, no one cares if you moan about it on some forum, it is happening, whether you like it or not.

Either: get on with your life and forget about Arma

Or: get over yourself and buy it. Steam isnt going to rape your wife and steal your car...

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So you have an issue with a developer giving away something that is usually kept behind closed doors? Would you rather pre-order it now and get nothing for months and then get an extremely buggy unpolished game with no community support ready?

The 'The War Z' did make me aware you need to be cautious with promises (I don't not purchase The War Z to be clear).

I prefer buying a game that has been 'completed', with bugs and a full content list than a game that is unfinished with bugs and promises.

I'd feel much safer if BIS would make an announcement on what they will add in the future. (E.g. a list of all weapons, vehicles, attachments in the full game.)

You'll still be able to buy it from anywhere once the game is released at full price. Anyway are you seriously complaining that they offer ArmaIII for 25€?

What EA did for BF3 is that they sold a nearly gold version at full price and called it Alpha to avoid bad press...

If you can't even afford 25€ for ArmaIII and give your feedbacks so the full release may be much more stable and less buggy than ArmaII was and to some extent is still is, that's very cheap. That's very little love you're showing here mate...

I'm not complaining about the price, it is a nice gesture. I have no problem with waiting a couple of months and paying a the normal price (50 EUR), money is not the issue.

I realize BIS has a better reputation than EA and studio/publisher of The War Z, but still...

Edited by dunnobe

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I disagree, steam exclusive to me means that it can only be purchased on Steam but at the end of the day its an issue of semantics.
You're right, it seems some people here are still stuck in the 90's...

Alright then. What would you call a game that exclusively installs and plays on Steam no matter where you actually buy it, regardless whether it's an actual Steamworks title?

Although I'm a bit confused over the latter remark. Did the meaning of exclusivity change after the 90s into something that doesn't make a thing exclusively associated with another thing exclusive to that another thing, as in another thing-exclusive?

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Indeed, because there is no point reading it: it is the same pointless diatribe over and over.

"Steam/Valve is evil"

"The just want to take away my control/options"

Point is, the decision has been made, no one cares if you moan about it on some forum, it is happening, whether you like it or not.

Either: get on with your life and forget about Arma

Or: get over yourself and buy it. Steam isnt going to rape your wife and steal your car...

uhhh... yeah i never said anything about steam being evil. Also, quite clearly, I've "gotten over it"... but you wouldn't know that since you didn't read any earlier posts where I said I'd aquired steam and even bought max payne 3. Infact, the posts leading up to you where you're insulting me..lmao

Angry little man - "I like typing in bold letters!! That way my point gets across! :rolleyes:. Cause only my points & opinions are valid, if you don't agree then go to hell!!"

Edited by Iceman77

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As I said before this thread is pointless. You few are welcome not to buy the game if you don't like it which makes this whole debate even more pointless for you.

I firmly believe Iceman77 and I enjoy the Arma series as much as the rest.

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Point is, the decision has been made, no one cares if you moan about it on some forum, it is happening, whether you like it or not.

Indeed! It's not like a forum is a means to voice one's opinion or any nonsense like that! A forum is obviously reserved for discussing things that are directly affected by what people say in a thread, right?

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Also disappointed in the fact they charge money for the alpha and beta version.

But they're not charging for the Alpha. They're charging for the full game, you simply get access to the Alpha and the Beta in the mean time until release.

I prefer buying a game that has been 'completed', with bugs and a full content list than a game that is unfinished with bugs and promises.

Note that every paid package includes the versions after it (Alpha gets Beta and Gold, Beta gets Gold)

If you dont want to play the alpha, you can either ignore what would be considered a per-order and wait until the gold is released. Or you can buy access to the Alpha, ignore that and wait for the gold to be released (which, as we can see by their pricing will be cheaper than waiting until release).

I honestly dont see how this is any different from a pre-order of BF4 or MW4 or any other game that lets you pre-order (often with NO alpha/beta access) months and months before release date...

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Indeed! It's not like a forum is a means to voice one's opinion or any nonsense like that! A forum is obviously reserved for discussing things that are directly affected by what people say in a thread, right?

Apparently it isn't. If your opinions differ from that of others, then you spewing worthless diatribe here.

---------- Post added at 03:52 ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 ----------

"Bold is a font style used for emphasis"


yeah...what about it?

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Angry little man - "I like typing in bold letters!! That way my point gets across!

Uhh, yeah...

1. thats what bold is for.


3. at least I'm not calling anyone names (fanboy, idiots, angry little man, etc etc)

Might be worth taking a chill pill, bro. You seem to be the angry one here...

"Bold is a font style used for emphasis"



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yeah...what about it?
Trying to make someone look silly for putting emphasis - a broadly used and accepted method - on some of his words, seems silly by itself, and only backfires :)

In any case, I suppose the level of this thread has dropped so deep, it warrants a lock and a good spankin :D

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Trying to make someone look silly for putting emphasis - a broadly used and accepted method - on some of his words, seems silly by itself, and only backfires :)

uhhh... Okay confused.png.Yet the only thing I can think of that looks silly atm is... nvm

---------- Post added at 04:03 ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 ----------

Uhh, yeah...

1. thats what bold is for.


3. at least I'm not calling anyone names (fanboy, idiots, angry little man, etc etc)

Might be worth taking a chill pill, bro. You seem to be the angry one here...


Coming from the guy who just 20min ago raged at me about my opinions. :386:

Edited by Iceman77

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In any case, I suppose the level of this thread has dropped so deep, it warrants a lock and a good spankin :D

I think it would be preferable to steer the discussion into an area that might be more productive. ;)

Edited by MadDogX
Correction of spelling mistake, sponsored by Sickboy. ;)

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I think it would be preferrable to steer the discussion into an area that might be more productive. ;)

Very diplomatic and right :)

It's preferable btw. (Sorry, but I just had to do it just once, you spelling .... Still owed you :p)

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Coming from the guy who just 20min ago raged at me about my opinions.

I dont see any rage, but if you want to make some up where there isnt any, then thats your perogative.

I think it would be preferrable to steer the discussion into an area that might be more productive. ;)

If only. I somehow doubt it tho.

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I dont see any rage, but if you want to make some up where there isnt any, then thats your perogative.

Oh okay.So you jump down my neck, and then sickboy comes on here, nitpicking the meaning of bold letters, and then you jump on his nuts, and then play the "Who me?" routine... GG.

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I don't think you're entirely getting my point DM.

What I would want BIS to do, is to give a list of all content & features they will implement in the final game, so customers are aware of what they will be getting in the end.

Hypothetically speaking, BIS could sell this alpha, fix a bug or 2, add 1 weapon and 1 vehicle in the upcoming months and then call the game golden. Customers would be really disappointed and feel deceived, wouldn't they?

The good decision BIS made is offering the game at a nicely reduced price. 25 EUR to buy yourself into this is a nice gesture, so I haven't made up my decision yet, but if I had to pay 50 for an alpha with promises, that would be too much.

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Oh okay.So you jump down my neck, and then sickboy comes on here, nitpicking the meaning of bold letters, and then you jump on his nuts, and then play the "Who me?" routine... GG.

Come on now, don't involve me in your evil schemes, I am innocent!

Now all kiss and make up, and get back to contributing​ to this thread's topic already ;-)

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Just saying. The guy came on here, jumped down my neck. You come on here, nitpicking what bold letters mean. Then, the guy acts like some innocent sheep. Like "rage?I never raged.". Yes, DM never rages at others on the Bi forums... :rolleyes:

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Alright then. What would you call a game that exclusively installs and plays on Steam no matter where you actually buy it, regardless whether it's an actual Steamworks title?

Although I'm a bit confused over the latter remark. Did the meaning of exclusivity change after the 90s into something that doesn't make a thing exclusively associated with another thing exclusive to that another thing, as in another thing-exclusive?

I personally wouldn't call it exclusive unless you can only buy it from steam, but it is as I said purely a semantic issue. No idea what he was going on about the 90s though, pretty sure the definition hasn't changed in the last 20 years.

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Doesn't this encapsulate Steam fandom just perfectly? Even Origin and Uplay have their loyal fans that operate with the exact same logic.

I've used Steam actively since 2007 and I currently have almost 200 titles in my Steam library, and I haven't personally had much trouble with Steam, except for their shitty attempt at an offline mode. Still that doesn't make me turn a blind eye to problems that others have with Steam, nor want Arma 3 to be Steam-exclusive.

Fandom? So now we have fanboism for delivery methods of getting games? Thats like accusing someone of fanboism for picking one pizza delivery service over another -pretty sure people are just happy to get an intact tasty pizza :)

The fact that you yourself have bought 200 (!?!) games from them would firmly put you in a "fanboi" category far more than someone who merely stated "Ive never had a problem there". Thats like going to the same restaraunt everyday, but bitching about this or that and then stating "Hey, Im no regular here!!" :rolleyes:

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Definitely buying on steam; owning it on steam doesn't prevent anyone from modding it via means other than the workshop. This is why most of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout players (who use mods) use the Nexus sites and their mod loader instead of the workshop, because it is very poorly laid out and generally a pain to use.

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Fandom? So now we have fanboism for delivery methods of getting games? Thats like accusing someone of fanboism for picking one pizza delivery service over another -pretty sure people are just happy to get an intact tasty pizza :)

The fact that you yourself have bought 200 (!?!) games from them would firmly put you in a "fanboi" category far more than someone who merely stated "Ive never had a problem there". Thats like going to the same restaraunt everyday, but bitching about this or that and then stating "Hey, Im no regular here!!" :rolleyes:

I have remained a Steam customer solely because I find good deals there on a per-game basis and I need Steam to run those games. Contrast that with someone who thinks Steam deserves every last penny it can squeeze from its customers by trampling on their consumer rights because he's bought games from Steam and they've worked okay.

Having used Steam for x years and having had very few problems is a very poor validator for outright fandom where Steam-exclusivity can only be seen in a positive light. The fact that I've used Steam for x years and have had very few problems and I'm still not supporting Steam's supposed right to put its own gain ahead of everything else is sort of making the point here: it doesn't mean anything, or at most it means that some people simply don't care about problems that don't directly concern them and that their loyalty is gained simply by not failing utterly at what's expected of you.

So was your point that since I'm a big Steam customer, I should automatically support this Steam exclusivity endeavor?

Edited by Celery

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