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Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

Who here wants accurate depiction of battlefeild violence  

695 members have voted

  1. 1. Who here wants accurate depiction of battlefeild violence

    • I want to full gore
    • i want to see it toned down a bit , but i want dismemberment
    • i dont want realistic wounds

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We are currently pushing the envelope here on what constitutes linking. You are welcome to share your techniques on how to find exploding head videos in PM. If we continue to basically spell out links to explicit videos in prose, you will force me to do some serious soul searching on the definition of the words 'link' and 'infraction'.

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We are currently pushing the envelope here on what constitutes linking. You are welcome to share your techniques on how to find exploding head videos in PM. If we continue to basically spell out links to explicit videos in prose, you will force me to do some serious soul searching on the definition of the words 'link' and 'infraction'.

Point taken, I was just really surprised at the widespread lack of knowledge of ballistics trauma around here. Back on topic BIS won't incude gore in vanilla Arma3, that is beyond doubt, gore would need to be modded in. I think it would be an extremely popular mod, and the beauty of mods is that people aren't compelled to run them , it's about freedom of choice. Gore mod FTW.

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What's so wrong with only adults playing ArmA? COD is rated M in the U.S. And kids still play it. A rating doesn't really have any effect. So what if you cut out the under 18 demographic? Then they'll just have to wait til they're older, or get their parents to pay.

Why needlessly cut them out? Many countries would also outright ban, or have to make fundamental changes to the game to allow it to be sold. Why purposefully segregate your product like that when all in all its a minor feature in the grand scheme of things.

And, sorry, but I don't consider gore eye candy. It's a realistic features that underscores realistic wounds. If they can get gore working in a realistic fashion, then I'd say that's an indicator that the wounding system is improved. If BIS can get gore working to where, if I shoot an enemy soldier in the head with a .50 cal, his head blows off, then I know

that finally their shooting system works.

Realistic wounding and gore are not mutually exclusive, and the absurdity of many of the posts here reflects that. I've never indicated that I don't wish to see realistic wounding, far from it, it would add to the gameplay options, even the small act of dragging wounded in ArmA 2 was very nice. However the ability to play digital watermelons is little more than eye candy and a worrying reflection on some of your adolescent years.

Tired of the many times I shoot an enemy in the head and that doesn't drop him. If there's a hole exactly where you shot, then you know that the shooting system is working perfectly.

As do I, it annoys me beyond belief. However, surely the measure of a perfect shooting system is if the guy you shot in the head, dies. If you shoot him in the leg, he limps or is unable to walk. If you shoot him in the arms he is unable to operate his weapon (and related gameplay options, such a medical first aid and all things associated). A perfect shooting system has nothing to do with whether or not his head explodes into a million tiny fragments. I'll concede entry wounds if it makes you happier, but this is also rather detached from the initial subject. I still doubt that you have ever, or ever will after the first week stop up to inspect if the entry wound is perfectly placed where you shot someone, you'll have moved on to engage someone else, or slinked away before being discovered.

And, again, who's to say what the engagement ranges are in ArmA? That can be from a click (or klick) out up to 10m away). Honestly, I hope that there are some close quarters engagements. We're playing as SF operators, not some squad sized, or platoon sized, or company sized element. There better be some close quarters engagements.

I merely meant typical engagement ranges. I hope there's a sense of CQB as well, but exploding heads and chunked legs aren't the end all of a CQB experience. ArmA has some very fundamental CQB issues that need to be addressed even before they could consider something like that. Hence, its merely eye candy.

mods have no effect on game ratings. The poll proves that the overwhelming majority want it, installing mods is optional, take it or leave it.

I missed any mention of this being an optional mod, my appologies there. Your response is hardly indicative of being open to discussion, which is rather typical for many of the responses in this discussion.

Edited by Messiah

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I missed any mention of this being an optional mod, my appologies there. Your response is hardly indicative of being open to discussion, which is rather typical for many of the responses in this discussion.

You must have missed posts #442 ,#444 and #448. It often pays to actually read the discussion before commenting.

Edited by Whirly

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You must have missed posts #442 ,#444 and #448. It often pays to actually read the discussion before commenting.

Well my deepest appologies for not discovering three posts hidden amongst 500+ of melon related drivel. I got to a point where one felt like laughing or crying. At any rate, trying to steer this somewhere, a mod seems a happy go between, although then one has to contend with issues of MP compatabiliy across those who don't wish to, our regionally/demographically aren't allowed to and all things inbetween.

Edited by Messiah

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to be honest i don't think they should worry about ratings and just make a total sim. no bullshit.

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to be honest i don't think they should worry about ratings and just make a total sim. no bullshit.

This link will take you to a page with a link that cautions Warning! The images you are about to see may be disturbing. Click here to continue.

The link on the warning page will open a photo gallery of simulated amputee casualties. Have a good hard look at the realistically simulated amputations, then have a good hard think about why it is essential to simulate similar disturbing scenarios in Arma 3.


Edited by Max Power

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The fact that the conversation has gone so far into absurdity is rather telling. Gore up to the level of someone's head being evolved into the preverbial watermelon has no place in the ArmA series. Gore and wounds that add to the simulation is all well and dandy, and welcome to an extent, but you need to weight up between what adds to the game, and what is just pointless eye candy, not to mention something that pushes the game's rating into 18+ bracket, and cutting a key gaming demographic out of your final sales (in technicality).

Also consider your engagement ranges in ArmA. Half the stuff presented here bears no merit or useful addition to a game when a high proportion of the people you shoot are far beyond the scope of being able to assertain if they're anything more than dead or alive, let alone if his right ear lobe happened to turn into a 3am kebab. On a personal level I've never stopped to look at whatever enemy I may have shot to take notice if the bullet hole happens to be positioned exactly where I aimed, I couldn't care less, and neither do most of you. At the scale of the ArmA verse, its such a small and insignificant detail, one that after the first week of the pro-camp here playing 'shoot a cock' with their poor digital lab rats, is more than likely forgotten. Truely useful and important additions, such as the physics changes are fundamental and long lasting, unlike the lab rat's man sack.

Completely agree. Whats more, Rye is correct an +18 rating will have it banned in Australia.

In my real life experience the level of gore shown is less revelevant than the slipping up in pools of blood.

Edited by Pathetic_Berserker

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Do not link to pages with explicit content.

The default penalty for such an act is a 90 day ban. Thank you.

+1 warning for explicit content

§6) No posting of explicit images

No posting of pictures containing porn, real killing, mutilations, wounds, carnage, and other disgusting/explicit images. This also includes links to pages that contain such images. If you are in doubt, contact a moderator via private message before posting. You won't be banned for checking out if a link is ok to post if it's a genuine request.

Edited by Max Power

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PhysX will add ragdolls. Meanwhile, I always thought the Red Orchestra series had nice deaths and ragdolls, no? Well, not nice death, but ok looking animations.

Hopefully not like BF2 ragdolls, those are crazy. Hit by grenade: spazzing out mid-flight across the area.

I too would like realistic medical applications, like the ability to apply a bandage to a specific place to stop bleeding, or the epipens, or tourniquets. Also: dismemberment would add a nice touch to the game simulator, as long as we get replacement legs and arms (well, provided that you can survive such a thing that dismembers you).

Also, Iron Front-style bits where blasts and ramming blows off parts of vehicles. Same would apply to people, hence dismemberment.

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I too would like realistic medical applications, like the ability to apply a bandage to a specific place to stop bleeding, or the epipens, or tourniquets

its be posible if bullets impacts on body be drawed by model local XYZ coordinates, or be unified for body parts, its posible now in A2 too, but dont have time to make it

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How did dragon rising do it? I didn't get the pleasure to play that... game.

I would totally love a more realistic medical system... but not like ace. No epi that can be used in the middle of combat to "revive" someone, or morphine that has no negative effects.

Wonder if we might get a peak at the medical system in e3. Maybe during the infantry showcase, or Deterrence. I know that in the confirmed features it read that the wounding system is going to be improved but there are no further details. I'm personally am interested to know.

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How did dragon rising do it? I didn't get the pleasure to play that... game.

Ever revived someone in ME3 MP? Similar sort of thing - the guy is speaking out of his rear.

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I'm trying to think of any game that has a realistic medical system. ACE 2 is probably the closest thing, perhaps maybe Americans Army 3? Which I have not played at all.

AA3's medical system is ok. When you check a wounded soldier it will tell you his symptoms, which are 1 of 4 things, then you select the proper treatment which is also 1 of 4 things. It's pretty simplistic, but I dont mind that since the game is first and foremost a FPS. The graphics aren't really too good, and you can't see any gore or visual signs of the downed soldiers possible symptoms. I havent used ACE 2 so I can't compare.

I voted yes to full gore, but on second thought, I think a realistic view of the bloody mess of a war would not be good for people to emerse themselves in. Rape and torture is part of war too, but we're not going to want it simulated in the game. I would like to see some blood or whatever, a good animation, something that looks like X player got shot, but I think x players head and guts should stay in one place.

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End of the day even if the enhanced system is just a less buggy, visually awesome AIS module that doesn't need to be syncronised to everyone when placed in the editor I will be happy. Soldiers can stop [light] bleeding, Medics can stop bleeding and "refill" blood (IV = excuss for this) and all rifle rounds that penetrate the body (not just hit body armour but don't penetrate) will incapacitate a unit (agony) until "healed" by medic. Other soldiers can stop bleeding at this time but not heal.

I was all for a complex wounding system with different treatment objects and options, but really all that needs to be done is a simulation of modern ammunition and tactics - rounds designed to wound targets to slow down enemy who are now busy attending to the casualty. Medevac can be added in via scripts but otherwise once "healled" the casualty can play again. Yes arcady but in order to get to this stage correct casualty reaction drills must be used and those seriously good enough/tactically sound to do this in a tight spot will have the option to script in (or call for human) medevac.

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Personally I would love something like what this guy suggested in the wishlist.

I would love for there to be medevac / casevac support in some missions and available as a very simple to use module in the editor. I've always thought that the thing to detract most from the Arma series realism is when someone is killed, all that happens is your team-mates call '4. Is. Down' with no emotion at all.

By adding the medevac module in the editor I would like there to be the following levels of 'Injured'

1. 'Flesh wound.' = Soldier receives a minor injury, takes a bit of shrapnel to the leg, hurts himself falling, is grazed by a bullet etc. In this instance, ANY team-mate can heal the wounded soldier and he can continue fighting (perhaps with reduced stamina and accuracy.)

2. 'Serious wound.' = Soldier receives a non lethal gun shot wound, non lethal shrapnel or the like. Only a medic can stop the bleeding and give him morphine if required, then he must 'sit' or 'lie' behind cover for the remainder of the mission. (he can still defend himself but cannot move, he will not bleed out, unless injured further)

3. 'Critical wound' = Only a medic can stop the bleeding and give morphine if required. However the unit is incapacitated / unconscious after healing. His life now depends on your actions. A (in?)visible blood meter starts to count down. The focus of the entire mission now shifts to saving this soldiers life. This could involve calling in a Chinook, or ambulance to extract the mortally wounded soldier. Depending on your actions and speed, you get a message later on telling you if the soldier survived or not.

I know this sounds pretty complex and some people wouldn't like it but you ideally wouldn't have to use it.

I just think this is way more true to live, and shows that modern war is often, (maybe even mostly) about saving your comrades life, not killing loads of enemy and ignoring your team mates when they drop down dead.

*Forgot to mention 'state' 4. 'Killed outright' Shot in head, IED strike, artillery etc. Medic runs over and checks soldier pulse, pronounces him dead. This wouldn't happen that often, but when it did there could be some cool effects, desperate radio comms, increased anger and determination in rest of squad.

Possibilities are endless really.

P.s Im sure this could all be scripted into Arma 2, If I was any good I'd do it without a doubt!

But I understand that thats not everyones cup of tea. To me, I think it is just necessary to put as much emphasis on the wounded, dead or incapciated as is put on them in reality. I hate just leaving all the dead/incapacitated teammates behind. "Jimmy died. owell lets just leave him there to rot and be desecrated by the enemy." when someone goes down a whole new objective should simply be to retrive them, stabilize them if they weren't killed and medevac them. That way combat in arma would have a realistic flow. Morphine, epi, IV's and all those little details aren't really necessary, as long as this gneral twist in combat is represented.

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AA3's medical system is ok.

Yes, the vitals: It provided signs and symptoms, you had to make a diagnostic evaluation of your patient. It was easy to use and not overly complex, it was quick to use for the corridor shooting standpoint. People got the hang of it easily, a mistake could cost your a buddies life.

I agree about the animations, not just crouching and throwing arms about - TA DA! But at the end of the day it doesn't really matter for a REVIVE system.




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I didn't think gore and dismemberment would be beneficial to Arma3, until I seen the latest VBS2 video -


It looks very professional, now I shall cast my vote and it will be for full gore.

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I didn't think gore and dismemberment would be beneficial to Arma3, until I seen the latest VBS2 video -


It looks very professional, now I shall cast my vote and it will be for full gore.

Definitely full gore if it is possible. NO QUARTER!

I have finally found the Black Hawk Down convoy scene, where an RPG hits a truck full of WIAs - this is war.


Starting 3:50. The footage is from the BHD movie, containing all humvee convoy scenes, so it should pass the censors - if not, I apologise. :)

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BIS has said (Numerous times) that dismemberment will not be a part of vanilla ArmA3, or any ArmA game for that matter. You won't change their minds.

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BIS has said (Numerous times) that dismemberment will not be a part of vanilla ArmA3, or any ArmA game for that matter. You won't change their minds.

IIRC they also said it would be easier/possible to mod in.......SOLUS!!!!!!!

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