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Isn't that sorta what he says. That depending on the shape it will create different values of lift?

Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I gathered from what he said

EDIT: Arrrgh this thread is moving too fast :S

Edited by Aussie_Osiris

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build up speed over time. At a rate of 9.8 m/s/s. That value is correct at the Earth surface.

If you want to be really anal about it, it varies depending where you are on the earth, both in realation to your lat/long position, and your height above the surface (i.e. up a mountain vs. at the sea shore)

But the variances are so small as to be negligable. :bounce3:

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Stop before Walker notice this or we are all doomed;)

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Some people here needs to retake high school physics class:p

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Motion in this case would be as a result of the sum of the forces acting on an object. The force of gravity is always the same, and a drag force applied to a leaf would increase as its velocity increases. Once the leaf is falling at its terminal velocity, the forces are balanced and no more acceleration occurs. Of course they are unstable and they flop all over the place, varying the amount of drag and what not, but essentially this is what is happening.

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what about chopper lift with the new physx engine

Take on pics



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Yeah since ToH has the lifting ability in, It'll be intresting to see:

1. What transport copters NATO will use in ArmA 3.

I think its safe to presume it won't be Uh60 :rolleyes:

2. Will we be able to drive vehicles inside a helicopter / VTOL, and just

lift it with no additional scripts?

3. Will we be able to walk in cargo DURING flight?

(Presuming BIS even bothers to make cargo walkable in helos / planes)

4. Rapelling?

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You guys are wrong. Get over it.



Gravity, wind resistance, and weight all affect how fast something falls.

Who cares how fast something falls in a vacuum, this game is not simulating vacuums unless BIS has decided to include space travel :butbut:

I wonder, does PhysX take wind resistance into account?

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Erm... weight is just the mass of an object times the acceleration due to gravity. It does not effect how fast things fall. If anything, you could say that weight is effected by how fast things fall.

Btw, nobody can argue with NASA: http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/falling.html

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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-Ziggy-;1955750']get over it' date=' NASA is wrong.


Wrong?!? They lie!

Moon landing...yeah right. Anybody who's seen Capricorn One with OJ Simpson knows the depths and tangliness of their deceit. Lying about falling objects ain't that far from lying about the Man on the Moon.


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What, NASA said objects fall at 9.8m/s? :O :O

gotta check this link

EDIT : actually, good trolling, dieter! Nice try

Edited by whisper

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Erm... weight is just the mass of an object times the acceleration due to gravity. It does not effect how fast things fall. If anything, you could say that weight is effected by how fast things fall.

Btw, nobody can argue with NASA: http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/falling.html

Ok ok I should have said mass. It's what people usually mean when they say weight anyway :p

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The internet is the only place where everyone is simultaneously right and wrong.

Quantum Internet Theory

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So for as far as Physics go, we have the basics now, but what about more complex things, like Traction? or Friction? or even Suspension

I saw the cars in VBS2, honestly, it's a step forwards, but it still looks clunky, we need cars getting stuck in mud, actual weight that doesn't look so much like feathers being thrown into each other...

is all that possible? or am I just blowing smoke? :o

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I can't imagine a heavy vehicle flipping up on its nose for no reason like that.

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No reason? Like driving into a wall of indestructible boxes at 60 km/h? That no reason?

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Since they are supposed to be pallets of bricks i was pretty amazed he bounced them away so easily. :p

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Oh nice demos - i liked that Smoke , we can only dream to see that in ArmA 3 :-(

Edited by RobertHammer

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