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Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

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Just started the campaign - that is just so amazing that I can`t even find words! No one campaign that I`ve played earlier, can stand close to it. Please, teach BIS to do such campaigns :)

P.S. there goes bugreport - mis Coast II notes-situation brifieng if empty. A2CO 1.59 nobeta NC+hotfix.

And - in a very first scene, when some one coming out of the house and get strike in his face - I saw a waypoint on the screen, I think "showWaypoint' command will help you with it.

Edited by Li0n

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Thanks all ;)

Li0n: :)

Can you please tell me, what language of Arma II are you using? (it is possible that string is missing in some language)

Thanks, I will take a look on it ;)

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No doubt Sumrak. This is AAA rated: astonishing, amazing, awesome!

I've followed the development of this project since day 0 and it keeps getting better and better with each new release. Thank you very much for kindly giving this to the comunity!

Hats off mate!

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Hi Sumrak,

Thank you for your job that is just amazing!!!

It's a very good idea to include a Warfare BE mission in the pack (I'm a great fan of Benny's Warfare!!).

I just have a problem about this mission : it works good in MP on my computer, but I can't host it on a dedicated server. When I start a session on the dedi, the warfare mission does not start...

For info, i use a french version of ArmA CO

Thank you again for your huge work!!!!

Edited by SniperOne

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Thanks Sumrak :yay:

help missions Domination Namalsk Crisis download ?

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Can you please tell me, what language of Arma II are you using? (it is possible that string is missing in some language)


Another bug:

When kiling a zombie first time waypoint waits too much time before switch to "reach Vorkuta"

Edited by Li0n

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Yea, this mod and the campaign is completely awesome. Never felt my nerve so tense ever before.

Also thanks by the warfare of USMC and Spetsnaz after few more missions.

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I have a problem with the 2nd prolouge mission:

The Hind that heads towards the island in the first couple minutes of the game always crashes into the tree line once it reaches the land.

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I'm too tired to remember which mission I'm currently on, but it's the one where the player finally encounters the


for the first time.

I'd badly like to achieve the secondary objective, which is

locating a working pair of Night Vision Devices

. Is this randomly generated, or can it be located at a particular location?

I really need them, badly, because I'm playing your excellent mod with several AI mods, and they're just owning me till I get their numbers whittled down in a major way.

Thanks in advance for directions!

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Dry: Thanks ;)

SniperOne: Thanks, have you tried to host other missions, maybe on Namalsk too? I'm sorry, I don't have much experience with dedi servers :o

TYRAN: Sorry, I don't know, what do you exactly mean, you can try to search for some domination mission on Namalsk, I think, someone already did, but if you are looking for domination with Namalsk Crisis theme, I don't know about it yet..

Li0n: Missing strings for toher Arma II lanaguages were added, waypoint fixed, Thanks

Dysta: Thanks, I'm glad you are enjoying it ;)

viper0311: This never happened to me, are you using any AI mods? Maybe it could case it, if game is fine, no crashes, you can continue, that helicopter is not important, some bad pilot probably :D

Kyle_K_ski: Thanks ;)

Particular location, try to focus on searching in that village, it should be somewhere at bottom of player accessible area.

Anyway, bloodsuckers are fully controlled by my scripts, they should have same / similar behaviour also with ai mods.

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Another bug:

Mission "10 Namalsk" not ending when all objectives completed.

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Another bug:

Mission "10 Namalsk" not ending when all objectives completed.

This mission ends fine, but I did a little mistake in design (will be fixed), you have to eliminate attackers in the mission beginning. (there is also hint for mentioning that you need to eliminate them) in order to launch next radio chat and following actions... (you will have one more task, describing why you have to go into Vorkuta at all)

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Ok, I see. Suggestion:

"12 Reconnissance" - "Tip: press J to set task HALO as current for better orientation" - this can be done by missionmaker by setCurrentTask command.

Also landing on a water will complete mission.

Find Mark is very hard, besides he was talking that he has swithced on emergency lights, it would be nice to add them

Edited by Li0n

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I have 2 advices:

1. Would you please add some alarm for bloodsucker's attack, such as a loudly holw. It's more dangerous than STALKER itself now.

2. Would you please make the player able to heal herself? Or would you please add some medicine bags in the gear?

I just think this 2 additions will make the campaign more enjoyable.

Edited by msy

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Finally... beat it, the ending is out of my expecting.

I don't understand the ending of the final mission, is Namalsk received the strongest blowout, or Russian Submarine has nuked it? Whatever it is, I would be curious if there will be another conflict after the NAC's mutilation.

The Spec-Ops missions are extremely challenging, no medic's help, and really easily getting spotted since these hostiles are well-equipped. And yea, maybe some packable medkits or auto-healing (just very slow and cannot entirely healed) would be good if alone.

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Ok, I see. Suggestion:

"12 Reconnissance" - "Tip: press J to set task HALO as current for better orientation" - this can be done by missionmaker by setCurrentTask command.

Also landing on a water will complete mission.

Find Mark is very hard, besides he was talking that he has swithced on emergency lights, it would be nice to add them

Maybe, but game can't read it for player :) (I'm trying to give players more reasons to actually read some descriptions)

Do you mean that mission will continue or it will really ends?

Mark have an emergency light turned on.

Thank you Sumrak for the nice Island&Campaign! Here is our DL-Mirror!


Regards Moerderhoschi

Thanks ! ;)

I have 2 advices:

1. Would you please add some alarm for bloodsucker's attack, such as a loudly holw. It's more dangerous than STALKER itself now.

2. Would you please make the player able to heal herself? Or would you please add some medicine bags in the gear?

I just think this 2 additions will make the campaign more enjoyable.

Actually, random sounds are playing very often at bloodsucker, you can hear different sounds (some of them very loud), you can also hear his footsteps, I think it is all about listening..

Finally... beat it, the ending is out of my expecting.

I don't understand the ending of the final mission, is Namalsk received the strongest blowout, or Russian Submarine has nuked it? Whatever it is, I would be curious if there will be another conflict after the NAC's mutilation.

The Spec-Ops missions are extremely challenging, no medic's help, and really easily getting spotted since these hostiles are well-equipped. And yea, maybe some packable medkits or auto-healing (just very slow and cannot entirely healed) would be good if alone.

Well, if you read ending texts, you should know, what really happened ;)

(it is written there :p)

btw.: If you want to know even more, try to search for password for NAC HQ section on http://www.nightstalkers.cz/, there are tons of information about NAC

To autoheal, medkits idea:

Since you guys asking for it, I will consider adding some medkits or autoheal into some missions.

To all:

I would like to announce small survey on http://www.nightstalkers.cz/ , if you already finished campaign, please, visit http://www.nightstalkers.cz/ and vote for mission, which do you like most.

And of course, don't forget to find important login information for NAC HQ section on http://www.nightstalkers.cz/


Edited by Sumrak

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And there is a little bug:

Once I played the mission 07, I approached the 4# measure system, then it entered the intro, but at this moment a bloodsucker attacked me and I couldn't do anything till game over.

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Been messing with modules and units in the editor.


Zombies attack each other when on the same group (didn't tested it with non grouped units though) and wearing the "mutant heart" artifact does not prevent being chased by them. When they reach you at first they stand by your side but eventually start hitting you.

As msy pointed out bloodsuckers are way too stealthy but unexpectedly your AI buddies can "feel" them from a distance and are able to shoot them effectively. I guess that it is indeed difficult replicating their behavior in Arma.

On the other hand zombies are way too noisy and can be located with relative easiness, maybe you can try to lower the volume of their groans?

Zombies spawn module

Seems to spawn a good ammount of units when you are the only one group in the island but when populated it with other AI i didn't get jumped that often.

As a suggestion I'd wish that safe zones (with triggers) could be stablished so no monsters are spawned within a perimeter and you can play the obvious "oh my! we're surrounded" scenario :D

Anyway, I have to say that this module is very well done: I got zombies steping out of doors from buildings, around a corner... and never saw a single one spawning before my eyes, they always do out of player's line of sight. Good work!

Now a request: if you ever do mutant dogs and hogs like Charon did with his infected dog you will make (again) my day. :bounce3:

Keep up Sumrak, this mod is superb!

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Do you mean that mission will continue or it will really ends?

Missions fails ( and ends ) but then next mission starts.

Mark have an emergency light turned on.

Well then it seems they not worked for me.

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ok maybe it's because im new and not very good at this game but i just can't kill a bloody bloodsucker :(

I've emptied 2 mags into one and they just won't go down?

I am of course trying to hit them in the head...they are really tough!!

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Thanks for the hint regarding the secondary objective. I will look "near the bottom" of where I spawned and hope to find 'em real soon.

My advice regarding dealing with bloodsuckers: about the ONLY way I've been able to drop one and come out unharmed (still very hard to do though!) is to keep a wall behind you, and ensure that you have PLENTY of grass around you as well. The completely invisible blooksucker will still displace vegetation as it moves. Shoot at where the vegetation is flattened.

That said, I still wish that there was still some way to see it to some small degree. Bloodsuckers are extremely hard in STALKER, which has far better body movements than ArmA II, which means that one's reaction times are much better in keeping one's weapon on it to kill it. As suggested before, adding a touch of the invisibility effect from the Predator mod would help a great deal. I'm not looking for an easy fight against the bloodsuckers, but they're far too powerful right now, in my opinion. Even if their eyes were just to glow. Could this be done as a separate Addon? One version of the bloodsucker with the Predator-partial-invisibility effect, and another with just glowing eyes? That way, the player could determine just how brutal an experience this could be.

I've seen some strange animation behavior in the bloodsucker, such as standing at an odd "towards the ground" angle when its feet touch a tiny concrete riser, such as the ones that run along the paved paths at the entrances of buildings. It'll get "stuck" there for up to 5-7 seconds. Also, its animations can get very slow, almost as if its stuck in a type of Matrix-bullet-time.

Could its animations be altered to more closely match those that we've seen in STALKER? Most of the time, the bloodsuckers in STALKER swipe at you while it's in a crouched position, while most of the time in ArmA II, it attacks while standing fully.

As you can tell, I'm not looking for an "easy" to defeat bloodsucker. One that's a little more visible while having deadlier attacking animations keeps it dangerous enough.

As much as I love STALKER, I'm perplexed as to why they didn't develop mutants that more closely resembled native creatures that have become horribly altered. For example, a mutated deer could be truly terrifying (I've contributed creature/space ship/weapon designs to other mods in the past--if you think you could find someone who could model/texture new mutants for you, and if you'd like me to come up with some concept drawings of what I mean, I guarantee they would be pretty horrific and would be pretty intimidating to experience in-game).

Oh, and one other point about bloodsuckers, perhaps they're only partially visible when near a light source that's sufficiently bright, and also partially visible with NVD's on...

The very first zombie I encountered had terrific animations. Were they ported over from STALKER? If that's the case, then could the same be done for bloodsuckers?

That's it for now. Keep up the great work!

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Somewhere near coordinates 074 and 018.5, I keep "losing" my grenades in the pistol-ammo slots for the grenade launcher-ready AK 107. I have no clue as to what's causing this, as I'm not picking up any items from corpses. I may inspect them, but I have yet to take anything from this in this region.

Also, while ammo crates are abundant, time and again, they're empty. Couldn't there be a 50/50 chance of finding something worthwhile in such crates?

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Sorry, but probably bad luck :o, You had probably some mutants behind chasing you, because in Vorkuta itself, spawning is of something is done after intro anim.


Sorry, but I really do not have idea, where did get get these results - zombies (or just mutants), if they are in any group, they are in their initialization disjoined from any group. Next, mutant heart does prevent from mutant attacks, they are not chasing you and they are not attacking you even if you are close to them. That are actual results from what I tested right now... from version you have too of course. About zombie sounds and volume, well, that's on purpose, they should be easily detected. About bloodsucker, I have tried to minimize their presence for AI, anyway, I think, it is good, they are not shooting bloodsuckers on 200 meters, it is still better to have an AI friend against bloodsuckers unless you will get a shot by him trying to kill bloodsucker attacking you :D


It really ends, fixed thanks. ;)

Just tested it on the same version you have, light is working (blinking properly) at Mark's position - http://download.nightstalkers.cz/arma2/light.jpg


He can't survive 1 mag, try to switch to the short burst, it should be more efficient ;)


I thought about adding some visibility for bloodsucker, but I did not get much time to realize something, there was an idea with glowing eyes.

Making fully proper new animations requires a lot of time to have some good results, current anims are done by some mixed Arma 1 animations, also,

that slow effect is just sign of that he running out of his strength (I thought, it will be good, sign that he needs little bit more and he will be dead).

So, partly visibility for bloodsucker - maybe yes in future update, animation change unfortunately no.

About other mutants - I have no plans to add more, first, and main is not enough time and second, mutants (if they are even mutants :p) on Namalsk (which you can see in the campaign) have completely different origin than you can see in stalker for example..

Zombies have excellent animations by TeaCup, from Arma 1.

Interesting anomaly, I never saw issue like this. All crates have static content.

Are you using any mods? Because this is really weird.. this shouldn't happen at all..


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