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ArmA 2 site hacked

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With all the debate about what the helicopter is, This is set at least 10-15 years into the future, It may be a hybrid of both the Havoc and Kamov

Shape of tail looks like Mi-28n, but obviously it's got twin rotors.

The aircraft entered service in 2006. A total of 24 Mi-28s were in service with the Russian Air Force as of February 2011 (frum Wiki...).

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I'm gonna assume that is a KA-50 in that image. The nose and dual rotor set up looks like it. If so that may add a clue to where this place might be, and when it was taken.ka-50_1.jpg

EDIT: Like to add that the tails do not seem to match up so I may be wrong of course.

Edited by Steakslim

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2K22 Tunguska in the grassfield? See the cable going over the road and to a pole, look half way down the pole and to the left of that. Right above the first dark bush there.

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The helicopter closest to the camera... it looks awfully low, unless the perspective is wrong, it's at pylon height, pretty risky.

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Is there a Tunguska on the left side of the image near the runway? Just to the left of the pole on the left side of the road? Maybe I've just been using them to much in ArmA though.

Yep, it looks like some sort of SPAAG, possibly a Tunguska.

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btw: the 5th image looks real and not rendered if you ask me. The poor quality might come from jpg compression (i know it is a .png) but i am uncertained how the Kamran lad got it to look that clear (i have tried pretty much everything in PS now, and without a blend mode that would behave exactly the other way than difference does, there is no way - that i know of - to get that clarity of the embedded picture)

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how you got that picture so clear?

I put every screenshot into a layer, then XORed them together, with Paint.NET.

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btw: the images looks real and not rendered if you ask me. The poor quality might come from jpg compression (i know it is a .png) but i am uncertained how the Kamran lad got it to look that clear (i have tried pretty much everything in PS now, and without a blend mode that would behave exactly the other way than difference, there is no way - that i know of - to get that picture)

JOin the club, tried every different way of blending the photos I can think of but Can't come anywhere near to the quality of the one we have :s

EDIT: ^ well theres my answer...

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looks like there is somthing writen in the sky.

left it starts there are some strange dots too.

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Kamran hotlinked the image from kamran.cc/arma2/5thImage.png

kamran.cc doesnt hold any information

kamran.cc/arma2 also holds no information

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2K22 Tunguska in the grassfield? See the cable going over the road and to a pole, look half way down the pole and to the left of that. Right above the first dark bush there.

or a gepard

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Actually I'm kinda convinced now that it is a Havoc, despite what Pufu has said.

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Oh, we investigating Kamran now? Hahaha

This is definitely not Greece - they apparently don't have airbases near the sea (unless that there is a lake).

The Tunguska/SPAAG adds credentials to all parts of the picture being real. However, what military base allows people to take pictures of it? :confused:

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Actually I'm kinda convinced now that it is a Havoc, despite what Pufu has said.

Havocs only have one rotor blade.

I believe it to be neither Kamov or havoc.

Probably a kamoc or Hamov

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I put every screenshot into a layer, then XORed them together, with Paint.NET.

or this in qt c++:

QImage i1("screenshot1.png");

QImage i2("screenshot2.png");

QImage i3("screenshot3.png");

QImage i4("screenshot4.png");

QImage dest(i1);

for (int i = 0; i < i1.height(); ++i)


for (int j = 0; j < i1.width(); ++j)


QRgb pixel1 = i1.pixel(j, i);

QRgb pixel2 = i2.pixel(j, i);

QRgb pixel3 = i3.pixel(j, i);

QRgb pixel4 = i4.pixel(j, i);

dest.setPixel(j, i, pixel1 ^ pixel2 ^ pixel3 ^ pixel4);




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Kamran hotlinked the image from kamran.cc/arma2/5thImage.png

kamran.cc doesnt hold any information

kamran.cc/arma2 also holds no information

No duh, he's just another user just like you and me trying to figure out the puzzle. He just hosted the image on his personal website. Nothing wrong with that, he's been registered since 2005.

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The traffic sign in that photo looks like it has a yellow background... might just be the lighting, though. Could be useful for narrowing down where it was taken, if it is.

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Kamran hotlinked the image from kamran.cc/arma2/5thImage.png

kamran.cc doesnt hold any information

kamran.cc/arma2 also holds no information

Kamran.cc/arma2 has a bunch of Arma II patches on it and the ArmA II demo.

Not to mention he translated something for me earlier. I trust him.

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Thats for sure a river in the background, or at least a lake (possibly a reservoir).

It really looks like the Columbia River valley for some reason... At least that dry, arid, rain shadow terrain that you see near large mountain ranges in the northern hemisphere.

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He's trying to figure out the puzzle just like you and me. He just hosted the image on his personal website. Nothing wrong with that, he's been registered since 2005.

His forum posts says he has 7 post, in 6 years. Yet only two show up on his profile.

Im only looking around :-X

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Personal opinion: it's an image doctored by BIS to give the impression of Eastern bloc hardware occupying a Mediterranean airfield.

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This is definitely not Takistan, i have never seen the buildings there.

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