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ArmA 2 site hacked

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Okay, the arma3 and arma4-pages: renewed on april 20th.

creation date of the materials: april, 20th.


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Someone grabbed the domain over a year ago.


and the pics looks the same as back then.

  • Copyright © 2009
ARMA 3| Designed by Free CSS Templates| ARMA 3 fan site
This is not the official web site of ARMA 3. This site has no connection with Bohemia Interactive or IDEA Games.

Edited by SWAT_BigBear

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come on guys rather than arguing about an fanmade Arma3 site

lets try to connect the clues

We could be so more efficient if we all would just concentrate on the important things


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Oh Oh!!!! :(

Was just reading about http://www.carriercommand.com/ and the original game:

(from wiki)


*carrier command is naval game (as the name indicates)

*Several islands have greek names and references

*"the world will change" maybe a drastic change?

*The game is set in the near future, where a team of scientists have developed two robotic aircraft carriers to colonise an archipelago of sixty four islands. Unfortunately, the more advanced carrier falls into the hands of a terrorist organization, and they plan to conquer the archipelago for their own evil ends. It is the player's job to use the less advanced carrier to colonise the islands and destroy the enemy carrier.

Ok, I'm just another conspiranoic but: carrier command from BIS will need much more than the simple storyline of the original game....

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Oh Oh!!!! :(

Was just reading about http://www.carriercommand.com/ and the original game:

(from wiki)


*carrier command is naval game (as the name indicates)

*Several islands have greek names and references

*"the world will change" maybe a drastic change?

*The game is set in the near future, where a team of scientists have developed two robotic aircraft carriers to colonise an archipelago of sixty four islands. Unfortunately, the more advanced carrier falls into the hands of a terrorist organization, and they plan to conquer the archipelago for their own evil ends. It is the player's job to use the less advanced carrier to colonise the islands and destroy the enemy carrier.

Ok, I'm just another conspiranoic but: carrier command from BIS will need much more than the simple storyline of the original game....

You do notice that Carrier Command is a sci-fi game don't you?

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it is very unrealistic that they announce Carrier Command

every single clue was strictly related to the Armaverse and was

With ToH BIS also used Arma websites but they did this simply because they were the biggest platforms and this way they could reach the most users

but in this case its different we have the maped found near by spukayevs house the submarine in the arma2 scenery, an CIA agent ( not confirmed he is really part of the CIA) and so on.... so all that is related to Arma and not Sci fi or something like that

but lets get back to the IMPORTANT things: where do you think is the connection between the previous hacks and the latest one which obviously had a focus on Greece

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I seriously doubt they will put out ArmA 3 only two years after ArmA2, this isn't call of duty you know.. Call of duty 17: Some op and/or warfare...

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where do you think is the connection between the previous hacks and the latest one which obviously had a focus on Greece

The map. Whatever the map is about, will be played in Greece in the ArmA storyline?

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Hi Guys...my thoughts

Thanatos (greek lenguage) = Death!

Picture with statue:

Hephaestus = Greek god of fire, engineering, technology and metallurgy

Picture with snake:

name of this "snake" = Anguis Cephallonica / Name of discoverer Werner

File with text:

anthemis werneri

Werner??? Von Braun??

Maybe has something to do

Sry for my bad english ;-)

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I seriously doubt they will put out ArmA 3 only two years after ArmA2, this isn't call of duty you know.. Call of duty 17: Some op and/or warfare...

It wouldn't be out of character for any game developer to announce their next title about a year before its planned released at a major gaming industry convention, however. :rolleyes:

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I seriously doubt they will put out ArmA 3 only two years after ArmA2, this isn't call of duty you know.. Call of duty 17: Some op and/or warfare...

So do I, but then I wouldn't expect them to release Arma 3 at the end of this ARG. Just announce that there will be an Arma 3 and that they're working on it for a release in a year or so. Thats my current belief on the matter anyway.

Maybe a 2nd cold war scenario between China and/or Iran and Europe, that for some reason comes to a head on a couple greek islands......:confused:

Who knows, maybe we are reading to much into these clues...

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according to armed assault info page the coordinates with china and Iran was the main point for theme.

But this sounds so ahhhh don't know like Codmasters.

Marines move to takistan shoot takistanis, china don't like it and starts war with NATO in takistan?

sounds like red river.

but maybe the Greek hack was only maskirofka for something else.

I am confused.


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Hi Guys...my thoughts

Thanatos (greek lenguage) = Death!

Picture with statue:

Hephaestus = Greek god of fire, engineering, technology and metallurgy

Picture with snake:

name of this "snake" = Anguis Cephallonica / Name of discoverer Werner

File with text:

anthemis werneri

Werner??? Von Braun??

Maybe has something to do

Sry for my bad english ;-)

Your English is fine, and you got some neat thoughts there! Although von Braun's name was Wernher, not Werner, at least in German it makes quite a difference.

The map looks a bit like a WW2 map, but there are no other references. There must be a relation to the original ArmA2 campaign and the documents Spukajew blew up, that's the place where the map was found in RL. Also UTES looks quite mediterian to me

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I am excited but also exhausted on this ARG. The time between the hacks takes to long to get me

in and no significant info is released. All in all I am just waitin' for an announcement. The ARG takes

five days now and theres still no real evidence for anything. This is also the reason why the number

of viewers got down to the high 200.

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This is also the reason why the number

of viewers got down to the high 200.

You have a good point, although i still read it i backed up on it, it is a nice way to bring something to the puplic BIS community but on the other hand it is not something that can take to long or people will lose interest.

kind regards

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Iranian is near of Israël, but the game turn arround of the hunt of the last Nazie or somthing like ...

Keep close of the western Europe and Island ! not *China

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I seriously doubt they will put out ArmA 3 only two years after ArmA2, this isn't call of duty you know.. Call of duty 17: Some op and/or warfare...

they released arma 2 only 3 years after arma 1, besides if they announce arma 3 at E3 it'll be at least 2 years till release so arma 2 will be around 5 years old by then.

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they released arma 2 only 3 years after arma 1, besides if they announce arma 3 at E3 it'll be at least 2 years till release so arma 2 will be around 5 years old by then.

Arma 1:

Release date(s)

CZ November 10, 2006

UK February 16, 2007

EU February 23, 2007

AUS March 8, 2007

NA May 4, 2007

Arma 2:

Release date(s)

CZ June 17, 2009

EU June 19, 2009

Steam June 26, 2009

NA July 7, 2009

AUS July 20, 2009

I actually didn't realise how close the actual release dates were between the 2 games...

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It doesn't matter all that much how close the release dates are between a game, what matters is what the next game brings to the table, how has it evolved, what more does it contribute, between call of duty's there hasn't been a whole lot...Arma on the other hand..

From Arma1 we saw graphic improvements, leaning, UH-60 with TWO miniguns, wheeled vehicles with weapons, basic destruction, 3D water, 3D weapon sights, jogging with shoulder mounted weaponry, new flight model, ballistics, better physics (none of them running fast then crouching and clipping through something or walking into a house and getting stuck in a couch or table), and more.

Arma2 was an improvement on movement, brought in hand signals, high command, improved graphics, a 'sort' of FLIR system, wheeled artillery, medical system, modules, carrying/dragging wounded, armory, reload on the move, VBS2 tracers, UAV in some cases more advanced destruction and more.

Operation Arrowhead brought in vbs2 FLIR, backpacks, lasers, flashlights, more graphic improvements (light being able to use NVG's effectively at night without HDR ravaging your eyes), the ability to disassemble and re-assemble weapon mounts such as MG's, enhanced UAV.

This doesn't begin to include the various commands such as attachto, the ability to animate multiple parts of the same object, more bulldozer commands as well as ingame commands to do with all aspects of the game itself.

Edited by NodUnit

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Oh mate I agree totally, I was just trying to highlight the time between releases, thats all.

I would rather bis not release anything if its not ready. Lets hope the next release doesn't come with so many "annoyances" shall we say! :p

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It would be nice to see your faces when the secret is revelead and it's not Arma3.

...and equally nice to see yours if it is.

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