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ArmA 2 site hacked

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[~P8H8~]r3dp3ga5u5 posted in the following threads (highlighted words seem to be of importance):

  1. Music sheet : Organ work
  2. 3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset
  3. AI throwing lots of smoke?
  4. Dedicated Server Won't Open
  5. Terrain
  6. Native FSM?
  7. Running beta patch with CA
  8. BI maps for AIIOA - Is it possible open
  9. Fresh start/ P partition
  10. Beta Patch and slow internet connection
  11. Bomb site reticule?
  12. Request to SP-missionmakers
  13. CO10 ACE Operation Roadgunner (Afghanistan)
  14. looking to download special insurgency dedi setup

Might seem random, but it clearly covers all aspects of A2 as we know it. Could as well be some sort of hint in the end, or nothing at all

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Maybe it's nothing but i paired the passwords for the zip's:

stop ignorance

think difference

nothing fools

Might be something or nothing at all.

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greek and 1821.. all I got is

Monemvasia was finally liberated by the Greeks on July 23, 1821.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5420079

maybe not..

1821 was the beginning of the Ottoman-Persian war, when the Persians invaded Anatolia in Eastern Turkey and won a victory against superior forces at the Battle of Erzurum.

So, again, looks like a little bit of history repeating itself.

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[~P8H8~]r3dp3ga5u5 posted in the following threads (highlighted words seem to be of importance):

Might seem random, but it clearly covers all aspects of A2 as we know it. Could as well be some sort of hint in the end, or nothing at all

"13. CO10 ACE Operation Roadgunner (Afghanistan)"

Hey, that's my thread!

...I feel so honored, don't know who to thank, no speech prepared *sob sob* :D

I am clearly in on this.

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The Skyros island would be perfect for modelling in RV. About 200 sq km (80 sq mi), a few tiny villages, an airport, and one larger town. The town of Skyros is locally known as "Chora" (see wikipedia, source of all truth), which obviously points to the Chora trees in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. These trees spread a peacegiving aura of some sorts. So it'll be a peacekeeping operation in Jordan.

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As long as BIS don't go mainstreme to make more cash and they fix the issues causing the online server - client lag to be soo bad the next game will be awesome, although I would personally like to see ACE put more effort into wounds if it is redone, I mean, complex artillary, complex wind drift and ballistics, simple wounding system?!?

But I am getting offtopic :D

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Has anyone found out yet why they call themselves Persian Black Hats Boys?

Any idea what Black Hats with the association to Persia could mean?

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Has anyone found out yet why they call themselves Persian Black Hats Boys?

Any idea what Black Hats with the association to Persia could mean?

Black hat hacker = "bad/malicious" hacker.

As opposed to white hat hacker.

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The Skyros island would be perfect for modelling in RV. About 200 sq km (80 sq mi), a few tiny villages, an airport, and one larger town. The town of Skyros is locally known as "Chora" (see wikipedia, source of all truth), which obviously points to the Chora trees in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. These trees spread a peacegiving aura of some sorts. So it'll be a peacekeeping operation in Jordan.

Almost every greek island has a village/town called Chora, it is the capital of the island.

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Black hat hacker = "bad/malicious" hacker.

As opposed to white hat hacker.

Ok thanks for your answer.

Could it be that that the Black Hats point towards some military unit, e.g. the Royal Queensguards have special hats that are well-known through-out the world?

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Has anyone found out yet why they call themselves Persian Black Hats Boys?

Any idea what Black Hats with the association to Persia could mean?

Probably as Mad Dog X says... but here's a small coincidence - in many travel books written about Persia in the 19th century, you’re struck by the many references to the black hats the locals wear.

Search Google for “persia black hatâ€, check out the Amazon books excerpts, and you’ll see what I mean.

Edited by SwiftyBoy
Incorrect URL-age.

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So obviously this last attack has a lot to do with Greece... Where are BIS leading us...?

Does anyone know how many attacks are "scheduled"? Surely there can't be too many more... Tbh, it loses it's "fun" after awhile.

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Hmm red pegasus is obviously a reference to red river which is also a reference to operation flashpoint and the anniversary coming up I'm sure u guys are in for a treat.

Aye maddogX

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So obviously this last attack has a lot to do with Greece... Where are BIS leading us...?

Does anyone know how many attacks are "scheduled"? Surely there can't be too many more... Tbh, it loses it's "fun" after awhile.

This time we got a lot of hints about Greece and some dates, which probably means that there will be a completely new terrain, factions around Greece or something like that, atleast that's what I think.

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Have a theory :

the choice of topic post corresponding a features of arma II game

but it make a choice : I say in this : Is an annoucement of Arma III

"You think you can stop us? You think it will make any difference? You are fools who know nothing and the PBHB will not be stopped by your ignorance!"

this phrase, make us confuse ...

remember don't trust anybody ....

at all authors of one of this 13 topics can posts your idea about this arg to confirm my theory ?

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"You think you can stop us? You think it will make any difference? You are fools who know nothing and the PBHB will not be stopped by your ignorance!"

Those black marked words are passwords :p

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Those black marked words are passwords :p

You missed "stop".

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does one have any idea what happened to Ivan's presentation?

nvm, it is at 19:00 CET laters today


Next Monday, on the 16th - 19:00 CET - should learn to read the whole thing next time

Edited by PuFu

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May be pure coincidence however take a look at this: WW2 - Arma 2 Engine

During world war II 842sqn RAF did the famous Damn Busters raid. Like a say I may be just over analyising the picture but just the way it bounces before it hits the wall reminds me of this. The fact also that this WW2 thing has been annoucned using the same engine as OA adds to my suspicions that BI are developing either a new stand alone expansion or an entirely new game!

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