eggbeast 3685 Posted July 31, 2011 (edited) script that uparms planes - needs integrating into yourmission etc but might be useful pointers as to what weapons we are using if(_type == "I44_Plane_A_P38_HVAR_AAF")then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10"; _vec addMagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10"; if(not ("GAU8" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GAU8"}; _vec removeMagazine "38Rnd_FFAR"; _vec addMagazine "38Rnd_FFAR"; if(not ("FFARLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "FFARLauncher"}; _vec removeMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; _vec addMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; if(not ("GSh23L" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GSh23L"}; }; // if(_type == "A10_US_EP1_JDAM") then if(_type == "I44_Plane_A_P38_AAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10"; _vec removeMagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10"; _vec addMagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10"; _vec addMagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10"; if(not ("GAU8" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GAU8"}; _vec removeMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; _vec addMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; if(not ("GSh23L" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GSh23L"}; }; // if(_type == "STI_A10_SHARK_GREEN") then if(_type == "I44_Plane_A_P51D_AAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; _vec removeMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; _vec addMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; _vec addMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; if(not ("GSh23L" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GSh23L"}; _vec removeMagazine "14Rnd_FFAR"; _vec addMagazine "14Rnd_FFAR"; if(not ("FFARLauncher_14" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "FFARLauncher_14"}; }; // if(_type == "STI_A10_DESERT") then if(_type == "I44_Plane_A_P51D_250lb_AAF")then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; _vec addMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; if(not ("GSh23L" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GSh23L"}; _vec removeMagazine "2Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "2Rnd_FAB_250"; if(not ("HeliBombLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "HeliBombLauncher"}; }; if(_type == "I44_Plane_A_P51D_HVAR_AAF")then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; _vec addMagazine "520Rnd_23mm_GSh23L"; if(not ("GSh23L" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GSh23L"}; _vec removeMagazine "28Rnd_FFAR"; _vec addMagazine "28Rnd_FFAR"; if(not ("FFARLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "FFARLauncher"}; }; // if(_type == "F35B") then if(_type == "I44_Plane_B_SpitfireMk1a_RAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; _vec removeMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; _vec addMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; _vec addMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; if(not ("GAU12" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GAU12"}; }; if(_type == "I44_Plane_B_SpitfireMk1a_M64_RAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; _vec addMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; if(not ("GAU12" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GAU12"}; _vec removeMagazine "40Rnd_80mm"; _vec addMagazine "40Rnd_80mm"; if(not ("S8Launcher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "S8Launcher"}; }; if(_type == "I44_Plane_B_SpitfireMk1a_M57_RAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; _vec addMagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12"; if(not ("GAU12" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GAU12"}; _vec removeMagazine "3Rnd_Mk82"; _vec addMagazine "3Rnd_Mk82"; if(not ("Mk82BombLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "Mk82BombLauncher"}; }; if(_type == "I44_Plane_B_HHmkIIa_RAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; _vec addMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; if(not ("TwinM134" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "TwinM134"}; _vec removeMagazine "750Rnd_M197_AH1"; _vec addMagazine "750Rnd_M197_AH1"; if(not ("M197" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "M197"}; }; if(_type == "I44_Plane_B_HHmkIIa_M57_RAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; _vec addMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; if(not ("TwinM134" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "TwinM134"}; _vec removeMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; if(not ("AirBombLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "AirBombLauncher"}; }; if(_type == "I44_Plane_B_HHmkIIa_HVAR_RAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; _vec addMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; if(not ("TwinM134" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "TwinM134"}; _vec removeMagazine "64Rnd_57mm"; _vec addMagazine "64Rnd_57mm"; if(not ("57mmLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "57mmLauncher"}; }; if(_type == "I44_Plane_A_B17_AAF") then { _weapons = weapons _vec; _vec removeMagazine "750Rnd_30mm_GSh301"; _vec addMagazine "750Rnd_30mm_GSh301"; if(not ("GSh302" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "GSh302"}; _vec removeMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec removeMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec removeMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec removeMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec removeMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec removeMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; _vec addMagazine "4Rnd_FAB_250"; if(not ("AirBombLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "AirBombLauncher"}; }; here's our ammo crate script too - might be useful _FillAmmoBoxR = { _vecRu = _this select 0; clearWeaponCargo _vecRu; clearMagazineCargo _vecRu; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemCompass",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemGPS",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemMap",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemRadio",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemWatch",5]; _vecRu addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_Binocular_TypeEE",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_itemShovel",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P08",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P38",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust30",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust60",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust100",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_RPzB54",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_StG44",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_bipod",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_Zf4",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_Zf4_bipod",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42II",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG42",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k_GGrGer",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98kZf42",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43Zf4",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_8rd_9x19_Ball_P08",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_8rd_9x19_Ball_P38",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_149mm_PzF_100",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_149mm_PzF_60",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_149mm_PzF_30",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_88mm_RPzBGr4322_RPzB54",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Mine_AT_TMi42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_GbLadung10kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_GbLadung3kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_SprB24",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_Rohrladung",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_throwable_GbLadung10kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_throwable_GbLadung3kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GSprgr",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GPzgr30",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GGPzgr40",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GFlgr",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_HandGrenade_StiHgr24x7",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_HandGrenade_StiHgr24",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_NbHgr39",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_32rd_9x19_Ball_MP40",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_Mix_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_Tracer_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_Ball_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_AP_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_Mix_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_Tracer_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_Ball_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_AP_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_30rd_792x33_Ball_MP43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_Mix_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_Tracer_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_Ball_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_AP_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG42",20]; Sleep 1.0; }; //ranked russian ammo box _FillAmmoBoxRR = { _vecRu = _this select 0; _playertype = typeOf (vehicle player); clearWeaponCargo _vecRu; clearMagazineCargo _vecRu; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemCompass",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemGPS",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemMap",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemRadio",5]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["ItemWatch",5]; _vecRu addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_Binocular_TypeEE",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_itemShovel",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P08",20]; switch (_rank) do { case 0: { _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; }; case 1: { _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98kZf42",20]; }; case 2: { _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P38",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98kZf42",20]; }; case 3: { _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P38",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust30",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_bipod",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k_GGrGer",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98kZf42",20]; }; case 4: { _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P38",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust30",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_RPzB54",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_bipod",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42II",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG42",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k_GGrGer",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98kZf42",20]; }; case 5: { _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P38",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust30",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust60",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_RPzB54",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_StG44",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_bipod",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_Zf4",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42II",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG42",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k_GGrGer",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98kZf42",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43Zf4",20]; }; case 6: { _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P38",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust30",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust60",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust100",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_RPzB54",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP40",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MP43",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_StG44",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_bipod",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_Zf4",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42I_Zf4_bipod",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_FG42II",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG34",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_MG42",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98k_GGrGer",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_K98kZf42",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_G43Zf4",20]; }; }; //ammo _vecRu addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_8rd_9x19_Ball_P08",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_8rd_9x19_Ball_P38",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_149mm_PzF_100",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_149mm_PzF_60",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_149mm_PzF_30",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Rocket_88mm_RPzBGr4322_RPzB54",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Mine_AT_TMi42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_GbLadung10kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_GbLadung3kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_SprB24",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_Item_Rohrladung",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_throwable_GbLadung10kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_throwable_GbLadung3kg",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GSprgr",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GPzgr30",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GGPzgr40",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_GFlgr",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_HandGrenade_StiHgr24x7",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_HandGrenade_StiHgr24",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_NbHgr39",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_32rd_9x19_Ball_MP40",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_Mix_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_Tracer_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_Ball_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_10rd_792x57_AP_G43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_Mix_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_Tracer_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_Ball_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_5rd_792x57_AP_K98",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_30rd_792x33_Ball_MP43",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_Mix_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_Tracer_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_Ball_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_20rd_792x57_AP_FG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG34",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG42",20]; _vecRu addMagazineCargo ["I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG42",20]; Sleep 1.0; }; If (ranklock ==1 || ranklock == 3) then //russian { deletevehicle ammobox6;ammobox6 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob6";ammobox6 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob6";[ammobox6] call _FillAmmoBoxR; deletevehicle ammobox7;ammobox7 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob7";ammobox7 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob7";[ammobox7] call _FillAmmoBoxR; deletevehicle ammobox8;ammobox8 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob8";ammobox8 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob8";[ammobox8] call _FillAmmoBoxR; deletevehicle ammobox9;ammobox9 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob9";ammobox9 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob9";[ammobox9] call _FillAmmoBoxR; deletevehicle ammobox10;ammobox10 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob10";ammobox10 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob10";[ammobox10] call _FillAmmoBoxR; player reveal ammobox6 } else //russian ranked { deletevehicle ammobox6;ammobox6 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob6";ammobox6 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob6";[ammobox6] call _FillAmmoBoxRR; deletevehicle ammobox7;ammobox7 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob7";ammobox7 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob7";[ammobox7] call _FillAmmoBoxRR; deletevehicle ammobox8;ammobox8 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob8";ammobox8 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob8";[ammobox8] call _FillAmmoBoxRR; deletevehicle ammobox9;ammobox9 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob9";ammobox9 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob9";[ammobox9] call _FillAmmoBoxRR; deletevehicle ammobox10;ammobox10 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob10";ammobox10 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob10";[ammobox10] call _FillAmmoBoxRR; player reveal ammobox6 }; }; BIS_EVO_AmmoBox = // Creates and fills local rank based ammo boxes { _rank = _this select 0; //US weapons non ranked _FillAmmoBoxU = { _vec = _this select 0; clearWeaponCargo _vec; clearMagazineCargo _vec; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_Binocular_M3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_itemBayonet",20]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["revolver_EP1",20]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["Colt1911",20]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1911A1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_WebleyMk6",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Bazooka",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2S",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk5",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M37Ithaca",20]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A4",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1_T",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_DeLisleCarbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3_M1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand_M7",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1918A2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_BrenMk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; //ammo _vec addmagazinecargo ["7rnd_45ACP_1911",20]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["6Rnd_45ACP",20]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["10x_303",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_7rd_1143x23_Ball_M1911",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_6rd_12x20R_Ball_WebleyMk6",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Rocket_60mm_M6A1_M1A1Bazooka",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Grenade_PIATMk3",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Mine_AT_M1",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Mine_AT_GrenadeNo75",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M37DemoKit",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M37DemoKitHalf",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M2DemoCharge",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M1A1Bangalore",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_throwable_M37",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_throwable_M2",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M1Mk2",20]; // _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M9A",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_SignalM17A1",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M17",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M1Mk2_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M9A1_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_SignalM17A1_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M17_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_HandGrenade_No82",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_HandGrenade_Mk2",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_HandGrenade_No36M",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_ANM8",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Red",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Green",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Violet",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Yellow",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Mix_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Tracer_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Ball_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Mix_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Tracer_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Ball_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_32rd_9x19_Ball_Sten",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_10rd_77x56R_Ball_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_7rd_1143x23_Ball_DeLisle",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_15rd_762x33_Mix_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_15rd_762x33_Tracer_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_15rd_762x33_Ball_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_Mix_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_Tracer_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_Ball_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_AP_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_Mix_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_Tracer_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_Ball_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_AP_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_4xM19_12ga_00Buckshot_M37",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_Mix_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_Tracer_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_Ball_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_AP_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_77x56R_Mix_Bren",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_77x56R_Tracer_Bren",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_77x56R_Ball_Bren",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_Mix_M1919",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_Tracer_M1919",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_Ball_M1919",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_AP_M1919",20]; Sleep 1.0; }; //US weapons ranked _FillAmmoBoxUR = { _vec = _this select 0; _playertype = typeOf (vehicle player); clearWeaponCargo _vec; clearMagazineCargo _vec; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_Binocular_M3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_itemBayonet",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_WebleyMk6",20]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",20]; switch (_rank) do { case 0: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; }; case 1: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; }; case 2: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M37Ithaca",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_BrenMk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; }; case 3: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1911A1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M37Ithaca",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_BrenMk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; }; case 4: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["revolver_EP1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1911A1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Bazooka",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2S",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M37Ithaca",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand_M7",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_BrenMk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; }; case 5: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["revolver_EP1",20]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["Colt1911",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1911A1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Bazooka",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2S",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M37Ithaca",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_DeLisleCarbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3_M1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand_M7",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1918A2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_BrenMk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; }; case 6: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["revolver_EP1",20]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["Colt1911",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1911A1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Bazooka",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_PIAT",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk2S",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_StenMk5",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M37Ithaca",20]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1A1Carbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A4",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1_T",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_DeLisleCarbine",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3_M1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1Garand_M7",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1918A2",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_BrenMk1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1919A4",20]; }; }; _vec addmagazinecargo ["7rnd_45ACP_1911",20]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["6Rnd_45ACP",20]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["10x_303",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_7rd_1143x23_Ball_M1911",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_6rd_12x20R_Ball_WebleyMk6",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Rocket_60mm_M6A1_M1A1Bazooka",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Grenade_PIATMk3",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Mine_AT_M1",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Mine_AT_GrenadeNo75",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M37DemoKit",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M37DemoKitHalf",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M2DemoCharge",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_Item_M1A1Bangalore",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_throwable_M37",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_throwable_M2",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M1Mk2",20]; // _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M9A",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_SignalM17A1",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M17",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M1Mk2_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M9A1_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_SignalM17A1_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_RifleGrenade_M17_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_HandGrenade_No82",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_HandGrenade_Mk2",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_HandGrenade_No36M",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_ANM8",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Red",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Green",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Violet",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_SmokeGrenade_M18Yellow",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Mix_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Tracer_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Ball_M1A1Thompson",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Mix_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Tracer_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_1143x23_Ball_M3Greasegun",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_32rd_9x19_Ball_Sten",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_10rd_77x56R_Ball_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_7rd_1143x23_Ball_DeLisle",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_15rd_762x33_Mix_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_15rd_762x33_Tracer_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_15rd_762x33_Ball_M1Carbine",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_Mix_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_Tracer_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_Ball_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_8rd_762x63_AP_M1Garand",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_Mix_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_Tracer_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_Ball_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_5rd_762x63_AP_M1903",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_4xM19_12ga_00Buckshot_M37",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_Mix_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_Tracer_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_Ball_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_20rd_762x63_AP_M1918",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_77x56R_Mix_Bren",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_77x56R_Tracer_Bren",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_30rd_77x56R_Ball_Bren",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_Mix_M1919",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_Tracer_M1919",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_Ball_M1919",20]; _vec addmagazinecargo ["I44_50rd_762x63_AP_M1919",20]; Sleep 1.0; }; If (ranklock ==1 || ranklock == 3) then //US weapons { deletevehicle ammobox1;ammobox1 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob1";ammobox1 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob1";[ammobox1] call _FillAmmoBoxU; deletevehicle ammobox2;ammobox2 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob2";ammobox2 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob2";[ammobox2] call _FillAmmoBoxU; deletevehicle ammobox3;ammobox3 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob3";ammobox3 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob3";[ammobox3] call _FillAmmoBoxU; deletevehicle ammobox4;ammobox4 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob4";ammobox4 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob4";[ammobox4] call _FillAmmoBoxU; deletevehicle ammobox5;ammobox5 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob5";ammobox5 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob5";[ammobox5] call _FillAmmoBoxU; deletevehicle ammobox11;ammobox11 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob11";ammobox11 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob11"; //ammobox11 SetPosASL [(getMarkerPos "HMS-GITS" select 0)+1,(getMarkerPos "HMS-GITS" select 1)+1, 16.5]; [ammobox11] call _FillAmmoBoxU; player reveal ammobox1 } else //US weapons ranked { deletevehicle ammobox1;ammobox1 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob1";ammobox1 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob1";[ammobox1] call _FillAmmoBoxUR; deletevehicle ammobox2;ammobox2 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob2";ammobox2 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob2";[ammobox2] call _FillAmmoBoxUR; deletevehicle ammobox3;ammobox3 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob3";ammobox3 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob3";[ammobox3] call _FillAmmoBoxUR; deletevehicle ammobox4;ammobox4 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob4";ammobox4 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob4";[ammobox4] call _FillAmmoBoxUR; deletevehicle ammobox5;ammobox5 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob5";ammobox5 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob5";[ammobox5] call _FillAmmoBoxUR; deletevehicle ammobox11;ammobox11 = "USVehicleBox" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "ammob11";ammobox11 setpos getmarkerpos "ammob11"; //ammobox11 SetPosASL [(getMarkerPos "HMS-GITS" select 0)+1,(getMarkerPos "HMS-GITS" select 1)+1, 16.5]; [ammobox11] call _FillAmmoBoxUR; player reveal ammobox1 }; }; ---------- Post added at 11:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ---------- and lastly - please excuse my verbosity here... could you make a 250 round drum for MG42 M1919A3 and a 75 round drum for the MG34 also many ofthe weapons have no image in the ammo screen dialog, e.g. rifles panzerfaust pistols appear but are tiny and is there a set of country flags? we have stock US and UK ones but there is no german one as far as I can see... we're looking at the RUG_DSAI german mod too - can't seem to get it to work. (We have made a VC one for unsung before, and used the arabic one in fallujah and duala well enough) - the german one released has a lot of script errors and doesn't want to work properly... not your bag i know... anyway we're looking at that. sorry for demands! Absolutely love the mod guys - keep up the good work. Edited July 31, 2011 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted July 31, 2011 Thanks for the info eggbeast I'm sure a few Evo fans will be very happy to see this, I'll see if I can cover a few of your points, forgive me if I miss anything. Currently our stance on including missions requires them to not use any custom maps not included with the mod as it can cause some users confusion when they don't have the island. Sorry, but onto the rest! First the new units are unlikely to happen anytime soon, we only really have one active modeller right now as the few others left in the team are a bit busy with real life. You will probably see more groups and factions in the future but right now we're focusing on the british/commonwealth and winter troops for the US and Germans for release with 2.6. With regards to the maps, its not really possible to expand either Omaha or BotB to the areas you describe, the scale of the map would have to be immense and that would hinder both performance and terrain detail (the larger the less detail you can have, so detailed things like the trenches in BotB would be lost). We're hoping to provide a larger map or two in the future but there are no plans for a large scale france+ type map as they really just don't work in the engine or in multiplayer especially. On the planes front we currently have Gnat locked in a quiet corner looking to give the planes an overhaul and making full use of the Few's extra features for planes integrated to our own planes and hopefully balancing that side of things but it will take some time, and most likely released sometime after 2.6 so your workaround should hold for a while. For the extra ammo drums, I'm not too sure myself on whats historically accurate, we've been keeping the 250 round mag as a belt for the emplaced weapons, Mac's working on something for this so expect more info on that in the future. Inventory icons should definitely all have images, there were a few ammo types that used some default A2 images before but most changed (by myself) to new ones with 2.51's release, so if you're seeing nothing you may have a faulty download. If not please report (with images) on our dev-heaven site (link on first page of topic). There are full sets of country flags, though I haven't used or looked over them in a long while, they're in I44_flags.pbo: flag_france flag_france_free flag_germany flag_uk flag_usa I haven't had a chance to use the RUG_DSAI german mod so can't help there, all I do know if we replaced the german and american voices DAC used so there may now be some mis-matched filenames I know a couple crept in that I've had to fix for 2.6. Also we've got a full german radio voice set coming with 2.6 so they won't be speaking russian for too much longer anyway, as well as giving AI sound mods a few more options to use. Glad you're enjoying the mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tom3kb 15 Posted July 31, 2011 @PacUK I realy like this mod and waiting for 2.6 patch but i have question du you maybe have plans to make a campaign in future patch. I have on my hdd ~40 sp/coop missions for inv44. But its always nice when such a big mod have good campaign for play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted July 31, 2011 thanks PAC - great reply. ok in case you want this, we've modded the MG42/34 and M1919 #define _ARMA_ //Class config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class I44_fixes_gits { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"I44_M1919A4","I44_MG42","I44_MG34"}; magazines[] = {"I44_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919","I44_250rd_762x63_Tracer_M1919","I44_250rd_762x63_Ball_M1919","I44_250rd_762x63_AP_M1919","I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG42"}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {"I44_base_w","I44_base_editor"}; }; }; class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class I44_fixes_gits { list[] = {"I44_fixes_gits"}; }; }; }; class cfgAmmo { class Default; class BulletCore; class RocketCore; class ShellCore; class TimeBombCore; class MineCore; class FlareCore; class LaserBombCore; class BulletBase; class Grenade; class GrenadeHand; class SmokeShell; class RocketBase; class ShellBase; class TimeBomb; class Mine; class FlareBase; class I44_B; class I44_B_762x63_Ball: I44_B { hit = "12.1* 1.1"; typicalSpeed = 850; airFriction = -0.00105; caliber = 1; airLock = 1; model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; tracerScale = 1; tracerStartTime = "0.081/2"; tracerEndTime = "0.97*1.25"; supersonicCrackFar[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\fly\Supersonic_Crack1",1,0.3,1200,"\I44_sounds_w\fly\Supersonic_Crack2",1,0.4,1200,"\I44_sounds_w\fly\Supersonic_Crack3",1,0.3,1200}; supersonicCrackNear[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\fly\Supersonic_Crack4",1,1,150}; }; class I44_B_762x63_AP: I44_B_762x63_Ball { hit = "12.1 * 0.8"; caliber = "1.0 * 1.5"; }; class I44_B_762x63_Tracer: I44_B_762x63_Ball { hit = "12.1 * 0.8"; caliber = "1.0 * 0.75"; }; class I44_B_792x57_Ball: I44_B { hit = "12.8* 1.1"; typicalSpeed = 755; airFriction = -0.0008; caliber = 1.1; airLock = 1; model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_yellow"; tracerScale = 1; tracerStartTime = "0.10/2"; tracerEndTime = "1.19*1.25"; supersonicCrackNear[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\fly\SonicCrack_exp_near",1,1,150}; supersonicCrackFar[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\fly\SonicCrack_exp_far",1,1,1200}; }; class I44_B_792x57_AP: I44_B_792x57_Ball { hit = "12.8 * 0.8"; caliber = "1.1 * 1.5"; }; class I44_B_792x57_Tracer: I44_B_792x57_Ball { hit = "12.8 * 0.8"; caliber = "1.1 * 0.75"; }; class I44_B_792x57_Ball_R: I44_B_792x57_Ball { model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; }; class I44_Besa_792x57_Ball: I44_B_792x57_Ball { model = "\ca\Weapons\Data\bullettracer\tracer_green"; }; class I44_B_792x57_Ball_R_x2: I44_B_792x57_Ball_R { hit = "12.8* 1.1 * 2"; }; class I44_B_792x57_Ball_R_x4: I44_B_792x57_Ball_R { hit = "12.8* 1.1 * 4"; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto{}; class Mode_Burst: Mode_SemiAuto{}; class Mode_FullAuto: Mode_SemiAuto{}; class cfgWeapons { class Default; class RifleCore; class MGunCore; class PistolCore; class LauncherCore; class GrenadeCore; class CannonCore; class Rifle; class GrenadeLauncher; class I44_Rifle: Rifle { scope = 0; displayName = "Rifle"; cursor = "RifleCursor"; cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty"; value = 4; class OpticsModes { class IronSights { opticsID = 1; useModelOptics = 0; opticsZoomMin = "0.25/1"; opticsZoomMax = "0.25/0.25"; opticsZoomInit = "0.25/0.7"; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsBlur1"}; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; opticsFlare = 0; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0; distanceZoomMin = 300; distanceZoomMax = 300; cameraDir = ""; visionMode[] = {}; discreteDistance[] = {300}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; }; }; dexterity = 0.75; dispersion = "0.15/100"; aiDispersionCoefX = 6; aiDispersionCoefY = 6; }; class I44_MG: Rifle { scope = 0; displayName = "Machine Gun"; cursor = "RifleCursor"; cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty"; value = 4; type = "1 + 4"; class OpticsModes { class IronSights { opticsID = 1; useModelOptics = 0; opticsZoomMin = "0.25/1"; opticsZoomMax = "0.25/0.25"; opticsZoomInit = "0.25/0.7"; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsBlur1"}; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; opticsFlare = 0; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0; distanceZoomMin = 500; distanceZoomMax = 500; cameraDir = ""; visionMode[] = {}; discreteDistance[] = {500}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; }; }; dexterity = 0.5; dispersion = "0.30/100"; aiDispersionCoefX = 7.5; aiDispersionCoefY = 6; magazineReloadTime = 3; }; class I44_M1919A4: I44_MG { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_DN_M1919A4"; model = "\I44_Weapon_M1919A4\I44_weapon_M1919A4.p3d"; picture = "\I44_base_w\Pics\A\M1919A4"; uiPicture = "\I44_base_w\PicsUI\A\M1919A4"; dexterity = "1/(4.3367+0.6592) * 1.5"; weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; class OpticsModes: OpticsModes { class IronSights: IronSights { distanceZoomMin = 500; distanceZoomMax = 500; discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 4; }; }; magazines[] = {"I44_50rd_762x63_Mix_M1919","I44_50rd_762x63_Tracer_M1919","I44_50rd_762x63_Ball_M1919","I44_50rd_762x63_AP_M1919","I44_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919","I44_250rd_762x63_Tracer_M1919","I44_250rd_762x63_Ball_M1919","I44_250rd_762x63_AP_M1919"}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\machinegun_reload",0.000562341,1,20}; modes[] = {"FullAuto","AI_Close","AI_Medium","AI_Far"}; class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto { begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\M1919_shoot",10,1,1000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1}; soundBurst = 0; reloadTime = "1/(550 / 60)"; recoil = "I44_M1919A4recoil"; recoilProne = "I44_M1919A4recoilprone"; dispersion = "0.35/100"; minRangeProbab = 0; midRangeProbab = 0; maxRangeProbab = 0; }; class AI_Close: Mode_Burst { showToPlayer = 0; burst = 4; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\M1919_burst4",10,1,1000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1}; soundBurst = 1; reloadTime = "1/(550 / 60)"; recoil = "I44_M1919A4recoilAI"; recoilProne = "I44_M1919A4recoilprone"; dispersion = "0.35/100"; aiRateOfFire = "1.0/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 20; minRange = 0.1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 10; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 60; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class AI_Medium: AI_Close { burst = 6; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\M1919_burst6",10,1,1000}; aiRateOfFire = "1.5/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 50; minRange = 50; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 80; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 150; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class AI_Far: AI_Close { burst = 8; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\M1919_burst8",10,1,1000}; aiRateOfFire = "2.0/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 100; minRange = 100; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 200; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 800; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "M1919A4"; }; }; class I44_MG34: I44_MG { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_DN_MG34"; model = "\I44_Weapon_MG34\I44_weapon_MG34.p3d"; picture = "\I44_base_w\Pics\G\MG34"; uiPicture = "\I44_base_w\PicsUI\G\MG34"; dexterity = "1/(5.9934+0.6592) * 1.5"; weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; class OpticsModes: OpticsModes { class IronSights: IronSights { distanceZoomMin = 500; distanceZoomMax = 500; discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 4; }; }; magazines[] = {"I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG34","I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34","I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG34","I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG34","I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG42","I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42","I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG42","I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG42"}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\machinegun_reload",0.000562341,1,20}; modes[] = {"FullAuto","Semi","AI_Close","AI_Medium","AI_Far"}; class Semi: Mode_SemiAuto { begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG34_shoot.wss",1.77828,1,1700}; begin2[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG34_shoot2.wss",1.77828,1,1700}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.33,"begin2",0.34}; soundBurst = 0; reloadTime = 0.1; recoil = "I44_MG34recoil"; recoilProne = "I44_MG34recoilbipod"; dispersion = "0.30/100"; minRangeProbab = 0; midRangeProbab = 0; maxRangeProbab = 0; }; class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto { begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG34_shoot",10,1,1000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1}; soundBurst = 0; reloadTime = "1/(900 / 60)"; recoil = "I44_MG34recoil"; recoilProne = "I44_MG34recoilbipod"; dispersion = "0.30/100"; minRangeProbab = 0; midRangeProbab = 0; maxRangeProbab = 0; }; class AI_Close: Mode_Burst { showToPlayer = 0; burst = 4; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG34_burst4",10,1,1000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1}; soundBurst = 1; reloadTime = "1/(900 / 60)"; recoil = "I44_MG34recoilAI"; recoilProne = "I44_MG34recoilbipod"; dispersion = "0.30/100"; aiRateOfFire = "1.0/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 300; minRange = 0.1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 10; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 60; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class AI_Medium: AI_Close { burst = 6; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG34_burst6",10,1,1000}; aiRateOfFire = "1.5/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 600; minRange = 50; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 80; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 150; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class AI_Far: AI_Close { burst = 8; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG34_burst8",10,1,1000}; aiRateOfFire = "2.0/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000; minRange = 100; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 200; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 800; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "MG34"; }; }; class I44_MG42: I44_MG { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_DN_MG42"; model = "\I44_Weapon_MG42\I44_weapon_MG42.p3d"; picture = "\I44_base_w\Pics\G\MG42"; uiPicture = "\I44_base_w\PicsUI\G\MG42"; dexterity = "1/(5.7403+0.6592) * 1.5"; weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; class OpticsModes: OpticsModes { class IronSights: IronSights { distanceZoomMin = 500; distanceZoomMax = 500; discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 4; }; }; magazines[] = {"I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG42","I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42","I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG42","I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG42","I44_50rd_792x57_Mix_MG34","I44_50rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34","I44_50rd_792x57_Ball_MG34","I44_50rd_792x57_AP_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG42","I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG34","I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG34"}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\machinegun_reload",0.000562341,1,20}; modes[] = {"FullAuto","AI_Close","AI_Medium","AI_Far"}; class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto { begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG42_shoot.wss",1.77828,1,1700}; begin2[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG42_shoot2.wss",1.77828,1,1700}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.33,"begin2",0.34}; soundBurst = 0; reloadTime = "1/(1200 / 60)"; recoil = "I44_MG42recoil"; recoilProne = "I44_MG42recoilbipod"; dispersion = "0.35/100"; minRangeProbab = 0; midRangeProbab = 0; maxRangeProbab = 0; }; class AI_Close: Mode_Burst { showToPlayer = 0; burst = 5; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG42_burst5",10,1,1000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1}; soundBurst = 1; reloadTime = "1/(1200 / 60)"; recoil = "I44_MG42recoilAI"; recoilProne = "I44_MG42recoilbipod"; dispersion = "0.35/100"; aiRateOfFire = "1.0/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 300; minRange = 0.1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 100; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 300; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class AI_Medium: AI_Close { burst = 7; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG42_burst7",10,1,1000}; aiRateOfFire = "1.5/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 600; minRange = 300; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 450; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 600; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class AI_Far: AI_Close { burst = 10; begin1[] = {"\I44_sounds_w\MG42_burst10",10,1,1000}; aiRateOfFire = "2.0/2"; aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000; minRange = 600; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 800; midRangeProbab = 0.5; maxRange = 1000; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class Default; class CA_Magazine; class CA_LauncherMagazine; class VehicleMagazine; class I44_250rd_762x63_Ball_M1919: CA_Magazine { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919"; type = "2* 256"; picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\m_m240_ca.paa"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_LT_762x63"; }; ammo = "I44_B_762x63_Ball"; count = 250; initSpeed = 853; }; class I44_250rd_762x63_AP_M1919: I44_250rd_762x63_Ball_M1919 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919"; ammo = "I44_B_762x63_AP"; }; class I44_250rd_762x63_Tracer_M1919: I44_250rd_762x63_Ball_M1919 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919"; ammo = "I44_B_762x63_Tracer"; tracersEvery = 1; }; class I44_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919: I44_250rd_762x63_Ball_M1919 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_762x63_Mix_M1919"; tracersEvery = 5; lastRoundsTracer = 5; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG34: CA_Magazine { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34"; type = "2* 256"; picture = "\I44_base_w\Pics\G\m_mg34.paa"; ammo = "I44_B_792x57_Ball"; count = 250; initSpeed = 755; reloadAction = "ManActReloadMG42"; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG34: I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG34 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34"; ammo = "I44_B_792x57_AP"; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG34: I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG34 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34"; ammo = "I44_B_792x57_Tracer"; tracersEvery = 1; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34: I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG34 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG34"; tracersEvery = 5; lastRoundsTracer = 5; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG42: CA_Magazine { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42"; type = "2* 256"; picture = "\I44_base_w\Pics\G\m_mg42.paa"; ammo = "I44_B_792x57_Ball"; count = 250; initSpeed = 820; reloadAction = "ManActReloadMG42"; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_AP_MG42: I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG42 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42"; ammo = "I44_B_792x57_AP"; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_Tracer_MG42: I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG42 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42"; ammo = "I44_B_792x57_Tracer"; tracersEvery = 1; }; class I44_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42: I44_250rd_792x57_Ball_MG42 { displayName = "$STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42"; tracersEvery = 5; lastRoundsTracer = 5; }; }; would be easy to paste this into your next release if you wanted to... this makes the MG quite useful now. on vehicle spawning we're having some very strange issues with the respawn in evolution - the scripts use the "spawn" function or createvehicle function in cities we use this script BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle = { _type = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _side = _this select 2; _radi = _this select 3; _dir = _this select 4; _vel = _this select 5; _grp = creategroup _side; _returnarray = []; // _vec = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], _radi, "NONE"]; _newvec = [_pos,_dir,_type,_grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; debuglog format["********************************************** Created Vehicle : Type = %1",_type]; // _vec setDir _dir; _vec = _newvec select 0; _vec engineOn true; _vec setVelocity [(sin _dir*_vel),(cos _dir*_vel),0]; Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep; [_vec] call BIS_EVO_Lock; /* _crewtype = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "typicalCargo"); _max = (count _crewtype)-1; //_crewpositions = if((_vec emptyPositions "commander") > 0) then { //_crewtype select (round random _max) createUnit [_pos, _grp]; //Better? _unit = _grp createUnit [_crewtype select (round random _max), _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _unit moveinCommander _vec; }; Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep; if((_vec emptyPositions "gunner") > 0) then { _unit = _grp createUnit [_crewtype select (round random _max), _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _unit moveinGunner _vec; }; Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep; if((_vec emptyPositions "driver") > 0) then { _unit = _grp createUnit [_crewtype select (round random _max), _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _unit moveinDriver _vec; }; */ Sleep BIS_EVO_GlobalSleep; _vec addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "data\scripts\bury.sqf"}]; _unattended = [_vec] spawn {[_this select 0] call BIS_EVO_idelSVEC}; _returnarray = [_grp,_vec]; debuglog format["********************************************** Created Crew : Type = %1",(_crewtype select 0)]; _returnarray; // _returnarray }; //added 2 ; notice we had to change _vec = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], _radi, "NONE"]; to _newvec = [_pos,_dir,_type,_grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; to get the german tanks to spawn, before this they just would not spawn. then for vehicles that have been destroyed like a sherman from our team... sinits.sqf has case "I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwII_F_WH": { if(Param1 == 7) then {deletevehicle _x} else { _unit = [_x,_type,"Panzer II",position _x] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3] call BIS_EVO_VecR}; }; }; and in evo_vecR if (not alive _vcl) then { {_x setpos position _vcl} forEach crew _vcl; Sleep 10; _respawnpoint = position _vcl; _posasl = getPosASL _vcl; _vecup = vectorUp _vcl; _vecdir = vectorDir _vcl; deleteVehicle _vcl; if (_posasl select 2 < 1.0) then { sleep 3200.0; _vcl = _class createVehicle _oldpos; // _vcl = [_oldpos,_vecdir,_class] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;//was trying this out bit it wont work either _vcl setpos _oldpos; _vcl setdir 0.0; } basically createvehicle and spawn does not work with your armour units and i have NO IDEA why?? any thoughts? the net result for us is that we cannot get the vehicles to respawn once destroyed, although for some strage reason the aircraft do respawn... 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PacUK 1 Posted July 31, 2011 I'm not the best scripter so most of that is kinda whoosh over my head tbh, I'm not too sure what changes you weapon script is making, is it just enabling the 250 round magazine on the carried versions? With the vehicle scripting I think you might be calling a loaded vehicle with troops in rather than the base empty version but I could well be wrong there, I haven't really fooled around with Evo's scripts at all to know how it works and tend to rely on DAC for my AI vehicle spawning, and 'simple vehicle respawn script' for my player based vehicles. Right now theres no real plans for a fully fledged story led campaign. The missions we do have work quite well in an order though so that might be converted in some way to a coop campaign if someone gets time. Any COOP missions I do make I tend to play a lot solo so they should be completely playable by a lone player but obviously its not how they were intended to be played so not as fun as missions designed for the solo player could be. We are always looking for new members to help produce things for all areas of the mod, missions especially so if you are a budding mission maker, feel free to send or link me to some of your sample works. If you've contacted in the past and I never got back, please poke again as I probably lost track of you :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gerwazy 10 Posted July 31, 2011 The only thing I don't like in this mod is sound. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted July 31, 2011 I won't write what Macolik asked me too.. even though it did make me belly laugh... but what exactly is wrong with the sound? We've worked pretty hard to sample authentic sources and match those we couldn't sample directly, is there something specific you've got issue with, or a certain area of the sound design you dislike (such as ambient backgrounds etc)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tom3kb 15 Posted July 31, 2011 (edited) @PacUk Sorry but we do not understand together. On me hdd i have missions from others missionmakers for this mod, there are not mine. :) Last missions i did it was 9 simple /basic missions for Project RACS, but if i find some time maybe i will try make few missions for Invasion 44. Its great mod and cant wait for next update. :) Edited July 31, 2011 by tom3kb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
czachoblachaPL 10 Posted July 31, 2011 how to use a bayonet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted July 31, 2011 You need either the M1 Garand or K98k and a bayonet in your inventory (all soldiers should have one by default). Press either left or right windows key to bring up the user interface, the top button is used to attach your bayonet. Once attached you can either use Caps Lock to jab the bayonet, or shift+f2 to enter charge mode you can then sprint and the first person you run into will get poked. Note there are currently issues with the bayonet not working after switching weapons (e.g. to grenades) or causing you gun to dissapear when removing it. We're hoping to have these fixed for 2.6 but they might have to come in later patch depending on time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
czachoblachaPL 10 Posted July 31, 2011 the user interface doesn't work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted July 31, 2011 Are you running CBA alongside I44? If not you'll experience a few problems with certain features so that might be the root cause of your issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brisax 10 Posted August 1, 2011 I won't write what Macolik asked me too.. even though it did make me belly laugh... but what exactly is wrong with the sound? We've worked pretty hard to sample authentic sources and match those we couldn't sample directly, is there something specific you've got issue with, or a certain area of the sound design you dislike (such as ambient backgrounds etc)? I don't know what his problem is with the sound, but (as I posted earlier in this thread) I can't hear much of the voice commands. When I play one of your missions, I hear the normal stuff like, "Two, Three, Four, move to that tree," or "All, stay crouched." When I make my own missions in the editor, though, I hear the equivalents, " . . . Three . . .," or " . . . stay crouched." Also, niether my character nor my ai team call out enemy contacts or wounds. I am running CBA and all requirements in CO. I have also tried moving the priority of the mod to no avail. Any suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted August 1, 2011 Can't say I've noticed it but I often had radio volume muted in favour of voice comms for MP so I'll try and remember to take a listen while I'm testing the german radio see if I can figure what might cause that, off-hand guess would be the lack of personal radios on most units could cause some problems with the way the voices are handled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigpickle 0 Posted August 1, 2011 I'm having a problem with RUG DSAI running with the mod, its just not working at all. I still here the occasional sounds within the mod for the german troops but they appear to be very quiet and infrequent. Is there anyway to get RUG working alongside your mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SigintArmA 10 Posted August 1, 2011 @Brisax Hrm... since the units don't have the hand radios all you catch is them speaking normally which I assume you're only catching parts of. I remember throwing down a group of rifleman and hearing 'Move to...' 'Engage...' but adding a radio 'ItemRadio' to their gear returns the full radio commands and phrases. Hope that somehow helps, if not I don't know what is going on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SFG 1 Posted August 1, 2011 (edited) ToAqOY2YRnM Edited August 1, 2011 by SFG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaveP 66 Posted August 1, 2011 Nice little vignette, I hope the missions can catch the atmosphere as well as your D-Day ones did Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted August 2, 2011 (edited) hi Pac thanks for your reply this is such a great mod I'm planning a full set of Evolutions to go with each island and the mod. the MG patch we made makes each MG work with 250 round ammo boxes and increases the damage about 40 percent. They now work real well in a firefight. The balance of gameplay comes from having to lie down to use them etc. At the end of the day mission makers can choose what ammo to put in their crates, but for realism freaks you'd behard pressed to find someone toting an MG42 without at least 2 bandoliers of 150 rounds or a guy with him carrying 2 boxes of 200 or 250... we just did this for effectiveness - patch is here With the vehicle scripting I think you might be calling a loaded vehicle with troops in rather than the base empty version but I could well be wrong there, I haven't really fooled around with Evo's scripts at all to know how it works and tend to rely on DAC for my AI vehicle spawning, and 'simple vehicle respawn script' for my player based vehicles. yeah the first part spawns enemy tanks with troops in it - this had to be changed as the previous (othwerwise working) script did not work any more with your mod. I think because you have these custom seating arrangements, it's causing the errors using the script suite we use, so we needed to adapt it with the function quoted the second part is supposed to respawn friendly tanks when they are destroyed could you (or anyone else) possibly point me to a mission where empty friendly tanks are spawned in the map? or provide a chunk of example script that works? with every other mod and vehicle in arma and arma 2 we have never encountered this problem before... I've spent ages going through the scripts to make sure there's nothing else afoot. I'm wondering if it's something to do with the wreck model function... or maybe the check that looks to see if the vehicle is under the sea... might have a go at that bit... Edited August 2, 2011 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted August 2, 2011 The custom seats don't remove any classes only add the two extra spots so shouldn't cause any problems with standard scripts, more likely as said before you're calling the manned US vehicle class names not empty ones. I've had no problems with DAC spawning except for that due to it not having references to the new crew spots it only loads the tanks with 3 crew. For a working vehicle respawn script, the easiest mission to see it on is D+1, I've used simple vehicle respawn script to respawn vehicles in several ways, basic transport respawns where it started and will respawn on destruction or after being left idle for time, while armour vehicles respawn on the spot they were destroyed but with low health to simulate damage and the ability to repair in the field (and save having to drive it all the way from the spawn point again). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted August 2, 2011 cool that's ideal mate - will take a look - we're having hideous trouble getting this mod to work with evolution scripts - no ther mod (unsung, vilas, RACS, RH, UKF, etc) has these problems - just don't understand it... btw in the ammo crate - these weapons don't have images Lee Enfield No.4 mk1 _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfield",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1",20];//this one i think _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1_T",20]; M1903A3 Springfield _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3",20];//this one i think _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A4",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1903A3_M1",20]; M37 Ithaca _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M37Ithaca",20]; Pzfaust _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_PzFaust",20]; These weapons have icons that are way too small Webley MkVI M1911A1 Colt _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_M1911A1",20]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["I44_WebleyMk6",20]; P38 Walther P08 Luger _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P08",20]; _vecRu addweaponCargo ["I44_P38",20]; Also the Jeeps have tyres that are way too soft and they breakdown if you so much as look at a small shrub, making them unusable. The windows key functions - can they be bound to anything else? Playing in windowed mode, the windows key doesn't work. Other players in our clan have MACs and therefore no Bill Gates special key lmao. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted August 2, 2011 I44_M1903 - is the base class and shouldn't be used in the crates, has no icon I44_M1903A3 - standard version I44_M1903A4 - sniper scoped version I44_M1903A3_M1 - grenade launcher version I44_LeeEnfield - base class... I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1 - standard version I44_LeeEnfieldNo4Mk1_T - sniper scoped version Note, the Ithaca is an old weapon that hasn't had much attention in the while which is why its not included in any units directly at this time, it still uses the M1 Carbine UI picture, not sure on what the diff versions are exactly, but again you've used the base class rather than the ones for equipping... I44_M37Ithaca - base class I44_M37Ithaca_20 I44_M37Ithaca_26 I44_M37Ithaca_30 Note we had some issues with the PzF's versions and I haven't had time to look them over in a while so not 100% on the different versions performance and looks, pretty sure we have them all modelled but only the 60's model is used, could be wrong. I44_PzFaust -base class I44_PzFaust30 - 30m range ver I44_PzFaust60 - 60m range ver I44_PzFaust100 - 100m range ver The small pistol icons I know about, whether I'll get time to update I'm not sure. Jeeps and other wheeled vehicles had some issues with their health level settings, we've since fixed that for 2.6 and also implemented destroyable wheels on most vehicles with tyres so they shouldn't be a problem in 2.6 The interface key is locked to the windows key in the current public version but should be a bindable key in 2.6. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JdB 151 Posted August 2, 2011 I44_M37Ithaca - base class I44_M37Ithaca_20 I44_M37Ithaca_26 I44_M37Ithaca_30 Iuka coded those in for me when I was working on that weapon, but it was sidetracked because of other priorities. I didn't know any model ever went in. 20, 26 and 30 denote the length of the barrel in inches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macolik 1 Posted August 2, 2011 The interface key is rebindable as of 2.51 ([2.51] Added: Option to customize action dialog key). Go to controls-> custom controls and set your userAction 17 key. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted August 3, 2011 ok thanks guys my bad on putting in the base classes! good to see the jeeps getting some attention - they're lovely models Share this post Link to post Share on other sites