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New Russian Soldiers

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HMMM....Sorry but they look like reskined US-Soliers....

This begins with the Helmets and stops with the Uniform.



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Looks very nice Tankist... A nice new variation to the Russians, have you given them any Armpatchs..? What unit are the representing (fictive or real)..?

I really like the camo-scheme. :)

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Interesting idea, though they do look like reskinned US troops, does an actual Russian unit use similar equipment? or is it fictional?

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Tankist nice, what changed in the new version..?

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I really like the look of these, like a shock and awe style intervention force, would make an interesting modern opfor or genfor special forces unit

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I took a larger/clearer picture of "Tankist001"'s lovely units, incase someone wants a better look at them, sorry about my face camo, heh. :)

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Hmm....If they have other Helmets there were a perfect addition !

Dont get me wrong. I like the Addon!

The Helmets fit somehow not to Russian units!



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Nice units. Great. But quality of textures isn't so good.

1)Size of pixels is too large. Look carefully at this camouflage at those photos.



2)Backpacks textures also aren't too good. Hope you'll improve it.

3)You could also add some units knee pads.

4)Nowdays russian army doesn't use these "Вооружённые Ñилы" stripes with flag.

Good luck :)

About helmets - Russia buys so much foreign equipment, that helmets doesn't look so unrealictic :)

P.S. There is another one awesome camouflage.


Edited by Alexander47

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ST6 Predator since 2006 is the 6B26,27,28 helmet the new standard helmet in the Russian Federation.

The helmet protection level is quite exceptional vs the weight.

Weight: 0,9…1,25 кg

Protection: (V50 = 600…650 м/s)

The Russian Federation has changed from quantity to quality these last 2 decades and I expect there will be more of this in the future as that country modernize itself.

Now there is still lots of helmets that needs to get issued army units and it is a process in progress.

I tried the mod out and found out that rifle for the Officer Army is probably suffering from space bar issue -

" AK_107_pso" or "AK_107_pso " I manage with this myself quite often when playing with the editor.

then there were small co.paa error message on the Russian Federation Infantry unit.

I would rather see the officers armed with Makarov instead of Glock 17 or if I had it my way I would prefer the RH Makarov PM or even better the MP-443 "Grach" pistol if it had been available.

I welcome mods like this why I wholeheartedly supports them as its darn difficult to find two sides comparable when on the Mission making trail with the OPFOR I often got to use super glue and duct tape to get decent units.

Edited by opffever

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Looks like you put alot of work in these units.

I can't get past the pictures though. Did you do something to the pics? Extreme shadows and too much contrast or something. I want to see what they look like in the game. The colors look really weird, pinkish red skin etc..

Do you have pics of how they look in the game?

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Looks like you put alot of work in these units.

I can't get past the pictures though. Did you do something to the pics? Extreme shadows and too much contrast or something. I want to see what they look like in the game. The colors look really weird, pinkish red skin etc..

Do you have pics of how they look in the game?

click on my spoiler earlier on this page(page 2)

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Very Nice Tankist001, they look awesome. hey are the Nvg fixed or you used the setidentity function

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Nice desert uniforms for the Russians.

There seem to however be some kind of performance issue when looking at the troops though. My fps goes down to a halt if I swipe the view over a squad of em as apposed to vanilla. Anybody else getting this?

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First of all: Great work on these units, although with the textures and helmet, they look more Georgian than Russian.

But I really like the idea with flag camo on face. Pretty good.

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Nice desert uniforms for the Russians.

There seem to however be some kind of performance issue when looking at the troops though. My fps goes down to a halt if I swipe the view over a squad of em as apposed to vanilla. Anybody else getting this?

Yes i get this also, nice units tho, thanks

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Adding these units in the editor most units carry a rucksack. Upon saving the mp mission and loading up the game the units don't carry any rucksacks? The Russian units that carry rucksacks are.




Even some units from the Takistan militia carry rucksacks but again don't show up ingame? The TK units are




Any help would be greatly appreciated were trying to get any OPFOR Enemy faction to carry rucksacks on ARMA 2 OA/ACE2.


Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon.

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Good luck with that, you're resurrecting a 6 year old post

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Thankyou for the reply.


To be honest one had to post replies before one could even start a thread apparently with the forum rules.


Today I see the ''Start New Topic'' so hopefully one can start a thread.


Thanks again.

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