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Decades Of Tiberian

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Decades of Tiberian is a Mod for ArmAII CO, Displaying the CnC Tiberian Universe from Dawn to Sun. The Mod Is still in Development and is Being made by a Small Team, Progress will not be fast but when it is Released it will be Only Our Best work, a Blend of ArmAII and The Two Tiberian Games to make a Less-realistic although Fun Game There is No Release Date and there will never be, Content will always be added as long as the team is Active.

Decades of Tiberian spans from 1995 to 2040, essentially Tiberian Dawn to Tiberian Sun. The mod will have everything you remember and then some. With the mod only being about 5 to 6 days, we do in fact have a lot to show for it. Yet the amount of work and time is still large and because ARMA 2 is in a Dawn like period it is only smart for us to start with Dawn.

However small things have been made or started and put aside from Sun as well. Because we just started we are a very small team. As such, we have a couple of Mod Policy’s, these are just so people understand our point of view and we do in fact accept help from those who wish to contribute to the mod.


- You can Submit any work you have done to us, full credits will be given and you will be given access to the Mod internal versions, so long as what you Submit or offer has to do with the project and/or content

- We are not making this mod to be Exact to the Dawn/Sun, but still as close as possible

- The Weapons are not Accurate, This is just Because We like Long Fire-Fights.


- Infantry Models

- Vehicle Models

- Weapon Models

- Static Models


- Mission Makers

- Modelers

- Texture Artists


-TankGun: Research, Public Relations, Modeller.

-Wedding: Texture Artist, Coder

-Hetsar: Promotional Video and Graphics Development Artist, Web Site Admin

Our ModDB page.


Edited by TankGun

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Yes, if I actually manage to do it then yes or if another modeller joins or if someone makes it and donates it yes :D

It’s one of the few vehicles that I can't wait to see in game ^^

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I'm eager to see a stealth tank in action :D That could be fun on the battlefield. Or the flamethrower tank. Hell .. those were good times back in 1995.

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@ArmAriffic Yes, we will be doing orcas, probably one of the last things however since getting retextures done now is easier and of top priority but yes we expect to have it or hope to have it just as we hope to have the Mammoth tank :)

@[GLT] Legislator Same, the new ones are not all that good; Dawn and Sun are the true Tiberian ones. But yes Stealth tank and Devils Tongue are also on the list of things to do like the Orca and Mammoth. They should prove to be interesting to make and get in to the game ^^

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Finally a Tiberian War mod for ARMA II... Is there going to be a Mammoth Tank?

Ew no, Dawn, Red alert 1 and sun is where the best is at.

It's always in my opinion great to have some of the classic C&C mixed into war games, all you need is Act on Instinct and Valves (Bigfoot and Face the Enemy also bring back some memories)

I don't really have anything to offer but a good luck at this point..I would however like to propose donating a Nod apache in the future, derived from my apache set.

Peace through power.


Edited by NodUnit

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Did you know that in the german releases of the early C&C games the soldiers of GDI and Nod were made into cyborgs for the german publishers? Please don't create any cyborgs :D The english C&C versions were always better (and uncut) than the german versions.

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Good luck with your project, always enjoyed the series.

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@Nodunit: Ya well I was not such an RA fan as a Tiber fan but I do enjoy the RA ones just as much :) Yes don't worry we already have songs from Sun and I'm working on get ones from Dawn like Act On Instinct(love this one) and others like Warfare, Radio and Thang :)


@[GLT] Legislator: Ya don't worry the only time a Cyborg will be included(I hope) is for Nod in the Sun era :)

Also thanks for the info, I didn't know the German version was like that or even had cuts in such things.

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Yeah basicly it was a totally different story. For example in Red Alert there were talks about a cyborg-war-treaty that was broken by the Soviet Union by taking the war into civilian areas :eek: And when a tank crushed a soldier they used the sound for crushing a dose of coke :D Videos had been cut, there was no Hitler scene in the intro of Red Alert, no plane hitting the mosque in Tiberian Dawn, no screams of the units ... also Kane's synchronous voice was very weird ... it was very dark in Tiberian Dawn but very high-pitched in every other part as far as I remember. It was fun though but it was a totally different game. By the way .. C&C 1 and 2 had become freeware by now C&C 1 download and C&C 2 download.

But that's just for information, don't want to take your thread offtopic ;) I'm excited about the first release. You've got a lot of work in front of you. :p

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Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes, we will need them :p

And [GLT] Legislator: That is a very interesting thing indeed actually, never knew the German version was so how to say butchered or changed, still all in all must have been fun to play none the less. But if you look on our ModDB page you will see that only after about 7 days we have a lot already in the way of retextures and new sounds and mags, etc.

More screen shots and videos should be up soon :)

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Ok Boys and Girls(mostly Boys) here is a little teaser/ taste of my latest(only 8 minutes ago) work on the GAU-3 Eliminator. The GAU-3 Eliminator is the standard weapon used my Minigunners of both sides or so the manual book says.

You can see a picture of a real one and the Minigunner picture below showing the weapon and then on top my version in Oxygen 2.


Also I would like to welcome Hetsar to our group, he is our Video/Graphics developer/artist for promotional videos.

That is all for now. Feel free to comment here or on the ModDB page about the model.

Edited by TankGun

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One small request, I know it is a bit nit picky but rather than using C&C EA logo's can you please use the originals?

Not the whole thing but say either red or black tail and the borderline http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=media%3Bsa=media%3Bin=636%3Bpreview versus the C&C3 http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/222/6/3/New_Version_of_Nod_logo_by_HexanV.jpg

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Ok, I didn't actuarially notice those Mate

I will try and get updated ones up in the Promos ASAP

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Can't wait to see some proper NOD soldiers :D

Good luck with this.

Proper as far TD is concerned would be a a mix of urban in both brighter and dark

along with a mix of painted and non painted bare kevlar helmet. (can't find that cutscene atm though)

Though I have to admit their uniforms in TS were the best..of course the world was pretty much FUBAR..that is one thing I hate about C&C3, TS painted a grim, desolate and forever changed world with new life forms and the music just strengthened that, even the chirpiest of TS tracks had a sense of eerieness to them.

Tiberium wars pretty much said TS didn't happen, the world wasn't the desolate tiberium torn world we saw in TS, the skies could be blue, ion storms didn't exist, the landscape was far less barren, even the "Red zones" didn't look nearly as desolate as TS. /rant

Ok, I didn't actuarially notice those Mate

I will try and get updated ones up in the Promos ASAP

Not a problem, and thank you, the less C&C 3 and 4 reference we have on the classic the more people will love it. for your pictures here is the TD GDI symbol http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=getfile&id=8755&private=0

Looking forward to seeing things advance and maybe donating something at some point :)

Edited by NodUnit

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Classic is what we are aiming for :)

Also this is what we have so far for Nod soldiers.

(Sorry for the bad quality image Boys and Girls)


Edited by TankGun

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Hey Mate, The Nod Soldiers are Still WIP, We are working on trying to get the TS Music Working Ingame as well.

And you are right about C&C3, its Pretty much saying TS Didn't happen, Why would They go back to Grenades for example? And wheres my Iron Storms? (Hopefully we can get a Environmental Simulation of one at some stage)

The 'Sun Era will be Next up after the Dawn Era as well, and it will be a bit harder due to the Sci-Fi like Helmets and whatnot

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...not to make unrealistic demands but in the philosophical sense of the term you need to do RA1 stuff when you get around to it. :D

Btw I'd love to help make a version of Warfare for this mod. Feel free to PM me or GossamerSolid about that.

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yep, RA1 Stuff is Planned later on.

And ill Like to take you up on that Warfare Offer, I'll PM you the Classnames For everything When ive done all the Config work for the Beta Version

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