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bad benson

Afghanistan-Uruzgan-Shahidi Hassas

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Nice! ... whoohohooo... :p

Cool map BB, will be great for my Devil Dogs.

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nice looking map i dont know did u decide on names would be cool if you used real names

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It looks absolutely brilliant. Excellent work Benson! Keep it up! "Basta" by the way, do you happen to be swedish? or is that an expression used elsewhere aswell?

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did u decide on names would be cool if you used real names

as stated before: i used the real names of the villages in that area from here http://www.aims.org.af/maps/district/uruzgan/shahidi_hassas.pdf

only the little city is made up.

"Basta" by the way, do you happen to be swedish? or is that an expression used elsewhere aswell?

lol i always thought it's an italian expression. i myself am from good old germany. now u made me curious. i'm gonna investigate further (google:o)

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basta is italian language ;) anyway nice map and good luck for your exam ;)

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Basta is in fact swedish as well. ;) Means to use a sauna.

Sweet island Bad Benson. Looking forward to it.

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I was thinking more of the swedish expression "därmed basta!" which probably means the same as the italian basta, we probably stole it from there.

Anyway, getting offtopic here.

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reading this

Awesome work there! Looking forward to this island.

in combination with this in your sig

Operation Reality member & Mission Builder Team

just made my day.

i really hope that when i release the new version there will be more (or at least one:o) missions for it. cuz it is really great for large scale operations with all kinds of vehicles.

anyways i had little time and added some functional stuff to the map. i will also add lamps to the rural areas later..for now it's just the small city. and also - unfortunatly - the wooden bridge is ignored by AI even after i manually added it to the config. seems like the model itself is missing the parts to make it work. i'll try to make my own wood bridge and see if i can make it be used by AI. the other bridge is fine though.




i also started fiddling with caves. and the good news is that there will definatly be some. the bad news is though that i couldn't make AI behave well in them yet.

Edited by Bad Benson

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Looks great man! I was thinking a bit about the sandy hills around the green areas, maybe you shouldn't have any grass there? since it doesn't look like there is any on the satmap as far as I can see, and instead use some sort of sand-dune texture and add rocks with a few bushes around them here and there perhaps? maybe add them on the satmap aswell, although that would be some tedious work. Just an idea. I'm really looking forward to the map. :)

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yeah i'm still thinking about how i will handle the sand mountains. atm the clutter is really basic. i will add more types later for more variation. there will be most definatly clutter on the mountains but i'll maybe have to cut down on the amount. i will also add rocks and bushes (objects not clutter) to the mountains with world tools after everything else is done. i will have to see which is better. reskinning stuff so it blends in from a distance or adding it to the satmap which isn't very hard. so no worries all options are there:)

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Sounds good! :) maybe you could do it like they've done in the small "desert"-map for OA, with only those small patches of grass, and maybe some small rocks as clutter if there is clutter like that available? Anyway, some rocks and bushes is good aswell! Looks like you've got it all under control, haha. :)

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if u are talking about the cornfield, yes. i already have a nice custom corn plant. overall there will be both. open plains and dense areas with lots of trees and bushes. variation is the key;)

the number of fields overall will depend on performance and AI behaviour though. i want it all to be as playable as possible. i will maybe post a video from inside the greenzone next weekend.

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Looking amazing bad benson, and yes the green zone needs to be heavy vegitated in some parts because if the green zone on this map is too open then there wouldnt be much fun in my opinion. My suggestion is to watch the ross kemp in afghanistan videos the greenzone on the vidz will give you amazing ideas on the green zone ;) keep up the good work!

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Hey mate map is looking amazing, myself and my clan seriously cant wait. Quick question though, are there any plans for lots of lil small walls, ditches, irigation channels? mainly stuff that inf can get some cover behind?



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I don't know how hard it would be, but I recognize it would, if it was possible to have a cave type network in the mountains, would be friggin nice. It looks great though.

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yeah i'm trying to achieve that. the only problem right now is AI behaviour. the caves themself are great:). gonna post some screens or a video later today or tomorrow.

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