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Less content/features more polish please

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Would be nice to be able to move while changing weapons. And not always stand up to pull out another or be able to holster your pistol. Those few things would really help above all else.

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Arma 2 Combined Operations Plus all the DLC's is an amazing package already content wise and feature wise.

The list goes on and on and on it is really amazing what BIS has created.

I agree, this game needs alot of focus on polishing what we already have in the game at the moment as to me it already feels like the complete mil sim experience especially when you add mods like ACE2 and others in the mix.

AI sector of the game needs alot of improvement

small details like seeing shards of glass when you shoot out windows (individually being able to shoot out windows instead of all the windows becoming broken).

Texture improvements on weapons and gear, maybe higher polycounts on some of the weapons.

Improved hand models (they look really bad :p )

weapon loadout functionality without init script for people who want to do fast loadouts in editor.

overall improved decals and particles on weapons (muzzle flashes, smoke from chambers)

Vanilla sounds and voice overs could deffinetly be more improved.

The only real feature I still want and would pay for is 3D editor fully working, other than that im fine with Arma 2:CO this game truely has it all unlike some other game that was trying to compete with arma 2 awhile back but failed miserably.

This summs up pretty much every aspect of the game that needs improvement

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I totally agree with STGice, I often die when I try to put away my rocket launcher and my guy has to stand up for some reason.

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From my point of view, the following "polish" would be needed to make the Arma2 experience more enjoyable for newcomers. Some of these probably won't be doable since it would involve too much work, so a lot of this list is just wishful thinking.

1. Make characters look and feel more life like.

  • Fix facial animations (expressions + blinking)
  • Make animations look less stiff (more use of inverse kinematics)
  • AI movement should be more natural (eliminate instances where they do weird stuff)
  • Player movement should be more fluid (no more erratic weapon switching bugs, allow changing weapons on the move, fix bugs like grenade throw while walking)
  • As an added bonus, more natural sounding radio voices would be awesome, but very unlikely as stated above.

2. Improve the MP experience.

  • Integrate something like YAS into the game. (Ideally this would include dynamic loading and unloading of addons... but that's probably not gonna happen.)
  • Improve the net code, for example the interpolation (fix jittering of non-local entities).
  • Make error messages on kick more verbose, so players can get a better idea of what is causing their problems.
  • Integrate Mumble into the game, including positional audio.

3. GUI Improvements

  • The control settings screen is in serious need of an overhaul. At the very least we need key grouping (movement, combat, interaction, comms, etc.) and better key function naming (some are just absurd, mainly the prone / crouch controls).
  • Add more video options to allow fine tuning of graphics vs. performance (individual PP options, shader settings, separate object draw distance).
  • (A fully integrated 3D mission editor really would be cool.)

Most of these are from recent experience, since I got the whole Arma 2 CO package (+ DLCs) for a friend as a Christmas present, and now I'm trying to teach him the basics and get him properly interested. :)

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I think, we also need better animations, for example new animation for soldiers getting in cars, tanks etc.

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@MadDogX "and now I'm trying to teach him the basics and get him properly interested"

so true I could have said that... the difference is I'm the one who buys the dlcs for them. Am I doing something wrong? :j:

and "key function naming" you are absolutely right here. I'm playing the German version and this is even more confusing because the translation is wrong sometimes. As a beginner you're lost. More than once I gave it up, but I always had this feeling about the potential this game might have.

No doubt arma2 is the best drug so far, but if you are new to it you almost need a tutor ;-) (especially when it comes to mods and stuff)

@krz9000 You simply can't compare Arma2 to ANY other game. Example? After jumping out of a plane at 7000m height I'm sneaking into an overwatch position on a map which is the size of 40x40 kilometers equipped with a SD sniper rifle (plenty of excellent guns to choose from). After observing by using my TWS scope I silently eliminate an anti-air position. Meanwhile a friend of mine circles in a A10 in a safe distance close to the target tanks which I then laser for his guided precision bombs. An other friend plays either the pilot of an attack chopper or jumps into the role of a spookygunship weapons operator. This is not even 1% of what arma can do! And the best of it, I built the mission myself for me and my buddies. Where else can you do that? It takes some time to get into it, but I can assure you it's worth it.

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I agree with the OP. Whilst minor cosmetic and aesthetic mistakes don't bother long-time fans and hardcore simmers like us, the average gamer will be turned off, thus losing the developers money. For many people, its the little things that count. ;)

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i played dragon rising again yesterday after not touching it for almost a year...templargfx just released an update to his islandwarfare and his ai tweaks and the game plays great!! the last half year i tried to get into arma but i gave up now. its way too bugged to enjoy. i prefer a limited but more polished game to something overambitious but bugged. thx and good bye

and you have 6 posts, wow

good bye too :P


there comes a day when rambo cod kids came to army and said to corporal :

- hi, i want black vest to look badass, i don't want green vest, cause it doesn't look special forces, and i want HK 416 SCAR in digital camo, not M4 cause it is odd, and he said i want bandana on my head

and they get kick from corporal

if you dont accept that Arma is aiming to be mil-sim, go away with all your "suggestions"

Arma is "cheap VBS for public, continuation of unique OFP"

if for you DR, CoD is better, than don't spoil our fun and love

it reminds me situation


there are 99 disco in town playing disco music

there is one small club and metal is played there

there comes kid "turn off that noise, play some love songs from Britney and Madonna"

you have 99 clubs where they play Madonna, go to hell, cause we love to hear Metallica and we do not want our "only one unique" club to turn into mainstream shit, i dont want "all to be the same" cause i am hardcore OFP/Arma fan and i dont even touch other games , i have installed ONLY Arma now , nothing more i would need

i hate such attitute like in 2000s cause some years ago we had for example "only disco music at 30 radio stations" and people who listen to rap, classic, metal, blues had only MP3 and CD cause it was not present in single radio station from 78 to 108 MGHz FM , it was horror that no mater how you turn scale on your radio, you hear only disco, those time ended for god sake , but from time to time i read appeals on internet to rock-radio that they should play other music

this is not a love song

Edited by vilas

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I have been an avid fan of this series since the beginning (even helped beta test OFP:Resistance MP on version 1.60) and have finally invested in a machine that runs the latest rendition.

My main gripe now would be the obvious spelling and grammar issues - especially in the training. Since I am reasonably familiar with the layout I didn't read all the text but what I did had many errors. I understand that this is a Czech produced game but I know there is a decent mix of nationalities in BIS and someone should be able to pick up on them.

The example that comes to mind right now is "we're" instead of "were" but this is one of the less obvious ones. Some stick out more when reading.

Never the less I am still looking forward to digging into this game series again.:yay:

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While i agree a more polished Arma would be great... Its actually all the content and features that keep me coming back to this game. I recently took a 3 month break and just a couple days ago played a session with some mates and found my self thinking.... god i've missed Arma.

I bought bad company 2 when it came out and after a month i had stopped playing and have not touched it since. Yep its pretty and quite immersive but TO ME it becomes very repetitive where as in arma i have the Editor, the sole reason i play these games.

Praise to the community though, the mods and maps have extended Arma's lifespan greatly. :)

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