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An Arma 2 questionnaire

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[*]How often do you play and for how long for?

2-3 times per week, 2-4 hs everytime. Also I do stuff with the editor

[*]What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?


[*]Are there any must have MODs for you?

ACE2, cant back to vanilla after that

ACRE, WarFX, BDTracers

[*]What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

mm.. I dont know, headphones?

[*]Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?


[*]If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

Private Clan server, some times pub server

[*]What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

Favorite role, mmh... Rifleman, Engineer, Marksman

not a hate rol, but... Medic, Radio operator

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How often do you play and for how long for?

I try to play everyday, 4-6 hours.

What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?


Are there any must have MODs for you?

J.S.R.S, ShackTactical Movement/HUD, Zeus AI.

What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

Logitech G19 (G Keys help alot), Mouse buttons for TeamSpeak & Game chat.

Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?


If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

1Para, 5CR.

What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

Pilot. People not clearing all grids behind before moving up (Insurgency) & Sad people who use childish, immature "hacks" to spoil the game.

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Q: How often do you play and for how long for?

A: I haven't played for 6 months, but now that I can I'd say once or twice a day/every other day, for anywhere from 1-12 hours, depending on whether it's a weekday or not, if I have anything better IRL etc.

Q: What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?


Q: Are there any must have MODs for you?

A: ZuesAI, A random sound mod, PRACS beta's, and IceBreakr's islands.

Q: What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

A: An microphone I found in the basement of this house when I moved in, my Verizon Android phone that I use to tether for my internet/gaming, and my Saitek CyborgX joystick.

Q: Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

A: After playing in the editor for 6 months straight I'm mainly multiplayer for a while.

Q: If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

A: SPAFF, 21CW, 506thPIR, occasionally a Zargabad Life server for some laughs, locally hosted servers.

Q: What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

A: Fav Role: Engineer or Medic (I've preferred pilot for years, but can't pull it off these days with my ever aging PC), and it would be a tossup between Desync, Rain, and people who don't know how to play.

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Q: How often do you play and for how long for?

A: Mainly weekends, during worktime I rather concentrate on missionmaking for my clan. But I play ArmA 2 someimes in the week, too. Circa 1-2 hour a day, weekend - 5 - 14 hours, depending on events.

Q: What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

A: OA only, I have no DLCs, probably as most Poles (still unpopular here)

Q: Are there any must have MODs for you?

A: ACE2 + my clan adjustments, currently working on Georgians, besides I44. ZeusAI is my "must try"

Q: What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

A: Quite expensive microphone, Edit Plus for config works, of course GIMP and cpbo/eliteness :P

Q: Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

A: Only MP and editor. I just CAN'T play SP anymore since I tried ArmA 2's perfect coop mode!

Q: If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

A: Clan only, rarely DAO/BaseCamp. I am 90% coop player, just 10% focus on PvP

Q: What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

A: Fav Role: I hunt tanks. Less aerial shit. Besides, I am Teamleading and Squadleading, happens also grenadier and basic marksman. I generally dislike medic role the most and sniper (Hell, I got ADHD, sniper is suicide for me! :P)

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How often do you play and for how long for?

When I'm home maybe 2 times a week. Editing incorporated in my life so hard to answer how much time spent on ArmA2..

What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?


Are there any must have MODs for you?

Luckilly not anymore. HiFi is used all the time though.

What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

TrackIR. A full CH hotas setup.

Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?


If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?


What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

Team leader/grenadier. Hate when people don't pay attention to the mission we play.

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How often do you play and for how long for?

Try to play at least twice a week.

What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?


Are there any must have MODs for you?


What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

Logitech force3D joystick

Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?


If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

Public servers

What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

fav role: tank gunner

hate: none

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I play once every few months.

I play for one or two days at a time. Typically a weekend.

I play original for MP and BAF currently for SP. I expect to be playing PMC next time I have an SP session.

The only mod I run is OKT_Noblur. I run that on all my machines.

I run a bucketload of extra hardware for this game, from GFX cards, triple screen rigs, flight yoke joysticks, configurable mice. VR goggles and solid state drives. Dedicated servers, wired LAN. Track IR. Gamepads.

6 PC's but no utilities.

I play single player slightly more often than I play multiplayer. But not by much.

I bought it for multiplayer, but the price of buying all the software and expansion packs for each PC on my LAN has greatly limited the amount of times I get to use this game.

I have two copies, so if just one person comes over and wants to play, we play, but otherwise we all play a different title.

But er.. I like to play through all the new campaigns on my own. Either official ones or some of the excellent fan made ones.

I play MP on my own servers hosted on my LAN. Dedicated or normal depending on whether I am playing a campaign or single mission.

My favourite role is air taxi but my typical role is squad leader. The guy who fights with the AI management.

I also like to play the front runner, getting in close for some eye to eye murdering.

My pet hate in multiplayer is people crying "lag" or buggering around patching computers.

Edited by Baff1

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1. How often do you play and for how long for?

Play almost every day, most days not long, just enough for a mission tweak or 2. Weekends are a different story...

2. What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

Combined Ops and DLCs

3. Are there any must have MODs for you?

Always JSRS, also CBA and Lost key when mission editing.

4. What utilities/hardware helps assist you?

Notepad ++, squint editor, arma edit, dropbox, pandora (always need music), saitek x52, eliteness

5. Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

Singleplayer when I dont have much time, multiplayer on weekends

6. If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

I host games sometimes, and othertimes I just join a random server.

7. What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

Role: Anything offered. I have a love affair with the M249, but if a sniper is available I will take that.

Hate: Don't really have one besides blatant idiocy...

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1. How often do you play and for how long for?

Around 3 hours per, about 2-3 days per week

2. What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

I play combined ops

3. Are there any must have MODs for you?

No, I love vanilla!

4. What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?


5. Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

almost always multiplayer

6. If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

DAO.nu or C5. Anything PvP.

7. What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

Anything flying, hate having to gun. Pet hate? Lack of teamwork, people getting in 6 man vehicles alone!

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How often do you play and for how long for?

When I can, a few hours.

What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

Combined Operations (ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead) with all DLC

Are there any must have MODs for you?


What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

Logitech G940, TrackIR

Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?


If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

I like to play on coop servers. But I also like the role-playing missions.

What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

I love being on the front line where all the action is. I hate when everybody wants to fly helicopters and be snipers.

Edited by Nicholas

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How often do you play and for how long for?

About an hour or so...

What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

I guess i can say the original, Can't seem to get away from the Marines.

Are there any must have MODs for you?

Not really, but if I had to choose one it will be the Land Texture for Chernurus

What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

No Additional Hardware or software, never got into my games to buy any. (Not yet of course ;))

Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

I will say single player, Im always playing by my self in the editor.

If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

Random server jumping for me.

What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

I really never cared for any specific role... but if there was a role to play as a chicken then hey time to have some fun. :D But truly im a front line kind of person. Hiding behind tress and rocks is my thing.

Edited by Haystack15

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How often do you play and for how long for?

Wednesdays & Sundays, 8-10.30/11ish, more if I'm mission making for the group

What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

OA with a buncha UK addons

Are there any must have MODs for you?


What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

Notepad app on my iPhone, lol

Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?


If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

Me squad

What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

+Point man/Lead Scout

-Human controlled pilots -you can't 'balance' a mission for both air and infantry to have fun

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Q: How often do you play and for how long for?

Once a week, 3-4 hours

Q: What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?


Q: Are there any must have MODs for you?


Q: What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

I don't need assistance

Q: Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

Organized coops on locked servers

Q: If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

Most often GOL and Comrades in Arms clan servers

Q: What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

Fav role: as long as I get to blow stuff up I'm fine, hate: clean that village #1035 objectives

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1. Several times a week, from 2-6 hours, depending on how much I feel like playing and if I have a reason to play (cool new addons, etc)

2. I have Combined Ops and both of the DLC packs

3. Community Based Addons, Mousewheel View Distance, Anders Sound Mod

4. Saitek x52 Joystick, ArmA 2 launcher, Symbolic links (I keep my addons on another HDD)

5. Singleplayer

6. Usually small-scale COOP with friends

7. Grunt or high-level commander. I'm usually not decisive/quick enough to be an effective squad leader, although I am pretty good at running larger formations. Long range spec ops can be exciting, I love selecting my loadouts/filling backpacks, etc. Also nothing is more rewarding than wiping out an enemy base without firing a shot.

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How often do you play and for how long for?

Once or twice a week for 2-3 hours at a time.

What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

Combined Ops (plus BAF)

Are there any must have MODs for you?

GLT Missile Box, Mando Missile, CBA, JSRS, RH gun packs, Zues, GL4

What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

Some old joystick I use so I don't wear out my mouse.

Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

Singleplayer, always.

If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?


What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?


Edited by Nightrain

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1. How often do you play and for how long for?

Three to four times a week for a total of four to six hours.

2. What do you play most? Original, OA, BAF or PMC?

Combined Operations with BAF and PMC.

3. Are there any must have MODs for you?

None, default game content suffices.

4. What utilities/additional hardware help assist you?

Notepad, ArmaEdit, Eliteness.

5. Do you play singleplayer or multiplayer the most?

Spread evenly.

6. If you play multiplayer, what server(s) do you play on? Clan, favourite or random?

Comrades in Arms or hosting myself.

7. What's your favorite role and pet hate when playing multiplayer?

Medic with a machinegun (think of it as preventive medicine).



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