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Blastcore removes all the ammo from the LAV-25's M242, at least together with ACE2 it does. I'll check out if its standingwithout ACE2.

And in Bradley M2A2 also.


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And in Bradley M2A2 also.


Theres a unoffical fix floating about here somewhere, which might fix the issue.



As for the update on the mods itself

Made some changes to the magazines and ammoclasses which may fix some of the major issues currently being reported, not yet tested but will be doing some testing during next week proberly. Also started doing some sidework on user control over some of the effects like muzzleflashes and stuff. But obv most of my efforts are currently focased on fixing the current issues which is a tough one because i cant see it nor can i test it myself as it only seems to happen in multiplayer games?

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Optical alot of people in our clan use this mod so maybe we can do some testing for u

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Hey Optical,

This mod is conflicting with JSRS somehow and thus making my Bon's Tforce "construction" scripts not working. I'm not allowed to build anything in the RTS style view when joining a dedicated server using WarFX and JSRS.

I've also posted to Jarhead's JSRS thread about the issue. I'd really like to see these two mods work together well, as they are perfect for each other.

Other than this, fucking fantastic mod.

EDIT: NVM For some reason it didn't break it this time. Disregard my post!

I'm still having problems with A-10 and other various vehicle loadouts. Some of the ammo is just missing (like mavericks, sidewinders) but GAU8 is working fine.

I'm not sure if it's JSRS or yours or both. I'll do some more testing to figure out.

Edited by zuff

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Theres a unoffical fix floating about here somewhere, which might fix the issue.



As for the update on the mods itself

Made some changes to the magazines and ammoclasses which may fix some of the major issues currently being reported, not yet tested but will be doing some testing during next week proberly. Also started doing some sidework on user control over some of the effects like muzzleflashes and stuff. But obv most of my efforts are currently focased on fixing the current issues which is a tough one because i cant see it nor can i test it myself as it only seems to happen in multiplayer games?

Thx optical, i will give this today a intense try....

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Optical, can you see if Fire&Smoke works with BC, if your using F&S?

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Where can i get this ?


Hi, Muecke.

My fix was made on the (apparently mistaken) understanding that the TGW Vehicle Fixes addon was the only one creating the problem.

If you wish to use that addon it can be found here: Armaholic.com.

If you are experience the same problem while utilizing another addon, but do not wish to use TGW Vehicle Fixes, I think it may be best for the creator of that other addon to address it. I don't wish to create new problems by assuming my fix, intended to address a conflict with a single addon, can solve all the conflicts with Blastcore's new magazine classes.

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Yep that sounds ok.

I will wait for a new version of opticalsnare.

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OpticalSnare, please let me know if you want this taken down.


Notes: This is NOT a proper fix, the download will fix the issue of enemies not dying on the dedicated server, so most people will enjoy it.

HOWEVER the downside to this addon is that Blastcore Muzzle flashes will be removed, along with shell ejection locations on some vehicles (although ejections still work, just not from opticalsnares location).

If you AGREE to not hassle opticalsnare and spam his thread you can download the fix here


It is signed with the HC bikey for use on dedis.

Edited by rexehuk

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Hi. I´m interested in what that enum thing is that you´ve added to the config? Compared both configs, yours and the one i use from warfxweps.pbo, and the only difference is that enum thingie which OS also used to some extent.

Just curious :confused:

On a sidenote, we´re using Blascore on a dedi w/o problems (clientside).

Muzzle effects and shell casings work just fine, enemys die alright, great explosions and so on..

Useing Sickboys fixed warfxpe config from pastebin, removed warfxveh pbo due to some error i forgot and might have played around in the other config aswell. Works just fine, minus the hugeass burning plane flames.

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Hi. I´m interested in what that enum thing is that you´ve added to the config? Compared both configs, yours and the one i use from warfxweps.pbo, and the only difference is that enum thingie which OS also used to some extent.

Just curious :confused:

On a sidenote, we´re using Blascore on a dedi w/o problems (clientside).

Muzzle effects and shell casings work just fine, enemys die alright, great explosions and so on..

Useing Sickboys fixed warfxpe config from pastebin, removed warfxveh pbo due to some error i forgot and might have played around in the other config aswell. Works just fine, minus the hugeass burning plane flames.

I was the one to produce the fix and relay to sickboy... It's simply an edit to remove the CfgMagazines from the weapon definitions, stopping the spawning of custom ammo types that are invisible to the server (that is not running blastcore). This fix has been in private for a few weeks, I thought I'd release it to stop people asking questions here about it and confusing it with the vehicle fix that was produced.

This is only a temporary solution until the proper rework is done. Please don't put pressure on OS to get it fixed etc, I believe things are being sorted out behind closed doors, and will be done when they're done.

Edited by rexehuk

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I was the one to produce the fix and relay to sickboy... It's simply an edit to remove the CfgMagazines from the weapon definitions, stopping the spawning of custom ammo types that are invisible to the server (that is not running blastcore).

This is only a temporary solution until the proper rework is done.

Oh, didn´t know it was you. Thanks for the fix then! :bounce3:

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Useing Sickboys fixed warfxpe config from pastebin

Ehrm, I haven't made anything available. (Or am I getting senile?)

I still need to get in contact with OS for real solution.

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What i need is a alternative way to running/ excuting the scripts insted of using the custom magazine & ammo classes that insted of being called from the ammo class itself via the fired.sqf is insted called from the weapon or executed from a fired weapon that can be customized to that specific weapon in the actual script itself.

Atm il be honest im just bewildered, as to how to do that. :icon_rolleyes:

Heres what this bloody mod reminds me off

Edited by Opticalsnare

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What i need is a alternative way to running/ excuting the scripts insted of using the custom magazine & ammo classes that insted of being called from the ammo class itself via the fired.sqf is insted called from the weapon or executed from a fired weapon that can be customized to that specific weapon in the actual script itself.

Atm il be honest im just bewildered, as to how to do that. :icon_rolleyes:

Heres what this bloody mod reminds me off

LOL, love your mod tho! its my absolute favorite


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What i need is a alternative way to running/ excuting the scripts insted of using the custom magazine & ammo classes that insted of being called from the ammo class itself via the fired.sqf is insted called from the weapon or executed from a fired weapon that can be customized to that specific weapon in the actual script itself.

Atm il be honest im just bewildered, as to how to do that. :icon_rolleyes:

Heres what this bloody mod reminds me off

Lol. So what, you programmed your mod in a different way... you have your reasons and that's that. If no one did anything different, there would be no learning and nothing innovative produced.

:cancan: Rest assured you still have a mod that fills a huge gap in the market for Arma 2.

I can't wait to see the sound system you're producing, I've wanted something more flexible for some time now.

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What i need is a alternative way to running/ excuting the scripts insted of using the custom magazine & ammo classes that insted of being called from the ammo class itself via the fired.sqf is insted called from the weapon or executed from a fired weapon that can be customized to that specific weapon in the actual script itself.

I believe Sickboy already posted one possible solution some pages back, but here's a short recap:

  1. Give the ammo/magazine/weapon it's own WarFXPE-effect in config. This can of course be anthing, but most likely it'd be a script or a set of parameters for a script the creates the effect.
    class SomeBISWeaponClass
    WARFX_fired_effect = "WarFXPE/mycustomeffectscriptforthisweapon.sqf";

  2. Add a "fired" eventhandler to all units, via config. The EH then fetches the custom effect script from the config and runs it. This way you can easily alter the effect depending on ammo, mag, weapon and other factors.
  3. Subdue default BIS effects? Can't say how to do this out of the top of my head.

I'll see if I have time to write a proper example later on, but that's how it should basically work.

It'd be great to see your mod go MP compatible, ie. no custom classes :ok:

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I believe Sickboy already posted one possible solution some pages back, but here's a short recap:

  1. Give the ammo/magazine/weapon it's own WarFXPE-effect in config. This can of course be anthing, but most likely it'd be a script or a set of parameters for a script the creates the effect.
    class SomeBISWeaponClass
    WARFX_fired_effect = "WarFXPE/mycustomeffectscriptforthisweapon.sqf";

  2. Add a "fired" eventhandler to all units, via config. The EH then fetches the custom effect script from the config and runs it. This way you can easily alter the effect depending on ammo, mag, weapon and other factors.
  3. Subdue default BIS effects? Can't say how to do this out of the top of my head.

I'll see if I have time to write a proper example later on, but that's how it should basically work.

It'd be great to see your mod go MP compatible, ie. no custom classes :ok:

I know what u mean, i have been trying to get the script to run from the cfgweapons using the fired event from the main config as done before on the ammo classes so basicly the same just the script is being called from the cfgweapons not cfgammo as defined in the new fired.sqf


class Extended_Fired_EventHandlers {
class CAManBase {
	class WarFXPE {
		clientFired = "_this call WarFXPE_EH_Fired;";

the init.sqf seems correct with the new created entry

waitUntil{not isNil "BIS_Effects_Init"};
if(isNil "WarFXPE") then

WarFXPE_EH_Fired=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\warfxpe\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\fired_event.sqf";

so then onto the new fired_event.sqf

private ["_amm"];
_amm=_this select 4;
_this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _amm >> "WeaponEffects"));

im unsure what _amm means?

so onto CfgWeapons

	class M249 : Rifle {
   WeaponEffects = "WarFXPE_m249";

But my knowledge of scripting is crap anyhow...

Edited by Opticalsnare

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A firedEH returns the following array:

[unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo]


_amm=_this select 4;

Would be the type of ammo fired, which goes under cfgAmmo

Since you define your example effect in cfgWeapons under M249 you need:

_amm=_this select 1;

edit: Nvm

Edited by Fincuan

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A firedEH returns the following array:

[unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo]


_amm=_this select 4;

Would be the type of ammo fired, which goes under cfgAmmo

Since you define your example effect in cfgWeapons under M249 you need:

_amm=_this select 1;

edit: Nvm

Well i think we mighta fixed it.... the muzzleflash script is working from the cfgweapons not cfgammo, ive removed all the custom ammo and magazine entries so its def progress in the right direction. I just need to get the other effects working like the smokelaunchers from vehicles and rocketblast from the rockets, i think anything that was prev BIS_Effects_EH_Fired needs to be fixed. Il begin adding it the rest of the weapons and stuff and see how it goes, thanks Fincuan.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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