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Leaning in certain helicopters

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After flying around for a while with my spanking new trackIR 5, and though it greatly increases my ability to land in difficult areas without the use of auto-hovering.

But i still cant see what is underneath my helicopter when i try to land, like small trees/bushes etc because obviously the bottom of the helicopter blocks my view.

However, i think one would be able to lean out of the helicopter a bit (perhaps a bit out of window, or out of the open side of a Little Bird) and check whats under you.

I dont know how realistic that would be, but it might help with not landing on a treetop :o

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I think what you want is more degrees of freedom. The game engine doesn't support head movements like that, though some games do. GRID, for example has 6 degrees of freedom which allows the functionality you want.

So, in short, TrackkIR does what you want, but the game doesn't.

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Now where would i find Mykes YT Video showcasing his F-16 with (methinks) implemented leaning for the pilot which makes it, basically, into a ghetto 6-DOF ...



edit: oh wait, this is the suggestions section.

In that case, even though i don´t use headtracking devices..

Such a simple change can have huge impacts on how players percept their game, go for it BI!

Edited by Mr Burns

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First Before you land, always take a look at the LZ

Normally in real life, there will be a traffic controller on the ground to guide you to land

In Battlefield (Warzone) any soldier on the same Radio Frequency Channel may guide you towards your land

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It would be handy for inside armoured vehicles too, so you can see a bit more out of the windows, Instead of having a forward view forced on you.

eg leaning to the right while looking left to see more of what is to the left of the vehicle while driving.

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there is no leaning possibilities at most of helicopters in real world.

you have to learn to learn your landing spot while aproching it...

im telling it as a pilot..

have fun

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Don't know if its realistic or not, but

is really one of my favourite wishes for arma².

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it is possible to lean in all vehicles, as myke has proved it. I for one am eager to push some time in my projects so i can get to the point where i can make it happen ;)

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Don't know if its realistic or not, but
is really one of my favourite wishes for arma².

This proves it can be done relatively easily so BIS should implement it to all aircraft.

Yeah I wish we could look around a bit more when in a tank or armored vehicle. Its true that the view is very restricted but not THAT much. Leaning forward, left and right would help alot.

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there is no leaning possibilities at most of helicopters in real world.

you have to learn to learn your landing spot while aproching it...

im telling it as a pilot..

have fun

I call BS I've seen plenty of photo's/film with the pilot leaning around to see what he's doing...

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It would be nice to lean the entire helicopter over with the flight controls and just look out the side.

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Yeah I wish we could look around a bit more when in a tank or armored vehicle. Its true that the view is very restricted but not THAT much. Leaning forward, left and right would help alot.

There was another request for 6DoF in the past. Like DMarkwick posted, its not so easy to implement this (at least for vehicles, tanks) cause of missing geometric detail.

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Shouldn't the loadmaster be able to look under the helicopter?

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Atless the pilot and the door gunners should have 6DOF support

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