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Here is an updated M1151 HMWWV for those interested in the addon. I've also included a very early stage WIP of the M-ATV that I have been messing around with. Its not really useable at the moment. Needs just about everything done to it. Its mostly just 1 visual lod an nothing more. But give it a try an let me know what you think about.



M1151 M2 Woodland = US Army/USMC

M1151 M2 Desert = US Army/USMC

MATV M2 Desert - Early Alpha = US Army

M1151 M2 = UN

M1151 M2 = PMC Variants


M1151 M2 = Taki Military Police


ARMA:2 Combined Operations PMC Lite or Full for M1151_Misc1.pbo Vehicles

Discussion Area:

-=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

WIP Notes: The class name has changed "NZX_M1151D_M2" to "NZX_M1151D_M2_US_Army" "NZX_M1151W_M2" to NZX_M1151W_M2_US_ARMY".

This will be perm. It will not change again. Needed USMC class names for these Vehicles.


BIS - Model/Everything

NZX - This an That...

Ebolax - Reference






File Size: 40.71 MB


Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Modify Permission Granted to:

ShOcKeRoS = Retexture

Sakowski = Retexture


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Looks real nice ill give this a go and will keep the feedback for myself :D Thanks a lot!!

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hey you release it ! nice , futur version planned ?

From the last bit of writing he posted in the first thread it sounds like there will be. In due time of course. ;)

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simply amazing, I loved this addon in ArmA 1, so glad you made a new one for ArmA 2, please MAKE THE REST

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Just edit the mission.sqm manually and update the classname. That should work I think.

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Er no, I edited, and at the start it pops out a error when I loaded the mission. The mission seems as though there is nothing wrong, but when I go preview I am missing a chopper which was previously seen in the editor, and a wall as well. I did not delete it.

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Where might I find NZX.bikey?

Would like to permit this on our server.

Oopss..I forgot something. Soon as I get home I will get a server key up. Still trying to contact OFPEC admin to link my tag to my account an have keys there.

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wow nice hummers...same there made on the less detailed arma1 models, maby if you wanted to you could ask bis for permissions to use the OA hummers? its possible and from what i remember bis does let a select few use there models! IIRC one of the alsome weapons packs(i think by RH) used the bis oa models and was giving permission from bis to do so! cause i would love to have an good pack of OA quality hummers in the proper uparmorment kits(as u have done)! now..im not saying yours aint good..its great but from what i saw compared to the OA m1151, the detail is not as good and the colors dont match up as good, well atleast it didnt on my computer!

so no one try to come bake my ass for thinking im saying these aint good enough, or they lack quality(which IMHO with using oa models the detail would be better), but this is where im confused, on my rig in-game this model looks less detailed compared to the OA ones, but yet aitn the OA\Arma2 models the same models as the ones from A1(just like these models)??? if so then why is one more detailed???

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wow nice hummers...same there made on the less detailed arma1 models, maby if you wanted to you could ask bis for permissions to use the OA hummers? its possible and from what i remember bis does let a select few use there models! IIRC one of the alsome weapons packs(i think by RH) used the bis oa models and was giving permission from bis to do so! cause i would love to have an good pack of OA quality hummers in the proper uparmorment kits(as u have done)! now..im not saying yours aint good..its great but from what i saw compared to the OA m1151, the detail is not as good and the colors dont match up as good, well atleast it didnt on my computer!

so no one try to come bake my ass for thinking im saying these aint good enough, or they lack quality(which IMHO with using oa models the detail would be better), but this is where im confused, on my rig in-game this model looks less detailed compared to the OA ones, but yet aitn the OA\Arma2 models the same models as the ones from A1(just like these models)??? if so then why is one more detailed???

I get what your saying an this is exactly why I don't release my personal addons to the public. Because they are not visually good enough an completed to play around with. Maybe you could google some M1151 images an tell me what doesn't look like the version of an M1151 I offer verses the BIS OA M1151. Or maybe show me an example. Head over to the -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=- . Fill me in on what your wanting to see change or updated? I dunno lets do something cause Im about to say goodbye to the M1151's an say hello to the M-ATV?

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Ah not everyone cares about visual quality, I for one am happy to see that you released part of your hmmwv pack, had been eyeing it for awhile and was saddened to see it fall into silence.

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Ah not everyone cares about visual quality, I for one am happy to see that you released part of your hmmwv pack, had been eyeing it for awhile and was saddened to see it fall into silence.

x2 love the up armored hmmwv's hope you stick with them.

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Ah not everyone cares about visual quality, I for one am happy to see that you released part of your hmmwv pack, had been eyeing it for awhile and was saddened to see it fall into silence.
True, but I can´t wait for M-ATV. I have to agree with NZX, it´s time to say hello to the M-ATV! :coop:

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