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Exploiting The Game?

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Do we subconsciously by nature exploit weaknesses in ArmrA II in order to gain the upper hand? Answer: Of course we do! It's in our DNA. Although something tells me that the developers will sooner or later use reverse phychology to its full potiental to ass rape us... Eh.... Bring it on! :D

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I have to say, our community and developers aren't in the same team @ the end of the day..

But I think they still love us enough to at least ask us to be raped..? lol..

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what do you mean with exploit weaknesses of arma 2? using exploits in a game to take some advantage is only for noobs

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what do you mean with exploit weaknesses of arma 2? using exploits in a game to take some advantage is only for noobs

Exploiting, not exploits. Exploits=cheats=Losers

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What exactly are you referring to...

Good question/reply. Do you manipulate the AI? I.e, Do you anticipate the AI's predictable action/movement/reaction in order to gain the upper hand?

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Good question/reply. Do you manipulate the AI? I.e, Do you anticipate the AI's predictable action/movement/reaction in order to gain the upper hand?

To be honest the AI looks more confused and lost than they actually are, but that does make it quite hard to predict what they will do next. :p

Except for messing with the AI's tracking mechanism (which barely helps and you do roughly the same as when trying to confuse humans where you will pop up next) i cant think of alot you can do to gain an (unfair) advantage over them.

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I can sort of understand what you mean. After playing OFP (without mods) for a long time i found that i the AI used the same sort of behaviour in combat makeing them easy to decide what to do. So as an example, say you (a single infantry man) engage an average group the AI will automaticly go prone and return fire. This is then followed by engage orders to individial units who will then move to the flanks often running like mad men. Meanwhile the group will (depending on what mood they feel in) will slowly move toward the threat while firing.

Although its effective as a single group, when in combat with multiple groups the, AI doesnt take in consideration they are near friendly units so when they try to flank, they end up running across friendly fire, and the flanking force even for an army of 100men would end up only being two - three men running to the sides haha!

This lead to me taking out the individial flanking or rushing soldiers until the only threat came to the front leaving me to easly create flanking assaults.

However AI in ARMA2 i would like to praise (sure every1 can find faults) but this is what i have found. So as an example me vs 10 man gorup next to a forest. Firstly once under fire, the majority of the group will move into cover (the forest) while a couple of men will cover and return fire. Thats another aspect i love about arma2. The AI can keep you pinned. So while you hear the mass of rickeches landing around you, the enemy group will move along the forest towards you. The next thing you know you will have enemy AI running towards you, however because of the buddy system you can almost gaurantee that while theres a guy running theres another guy waiting for you to open up behind.

The main problems is the AI abiltiy to realise whether on not they are in a good position. No doubt we've all seen AI go prone on the side of the hill and get wiped out. So if they could realise this and when under fire they realise they are in a bad spot they could retreat very quickly to an area of cover. This would improve the AIs already great Behaviour.

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I know risked being lynched for making this post, because people don't like to believe that they do subconciously exploit games. I've found myself trying to find that 'chink' in the AI's armour so to speak - although I'm pleasantly surprised to find exploiting them can have an adverse effect. Take the first single player scenario mission BAF. I knew those 2 cars come from the right at a certain point in the mission so I anticipated their arrival by taking up the prone position at a good vantage point - I only got away with it a couple of times, after that I get got fataly shot from a good distance with remarkable accuracy.

I don't think it's so much to do with cheating, but more to do with finding fault with the game - the more I can't get away with the more happier I am with the game. Being able to exploit the mechanics of a game is a big let down in my eyes from the developer.

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I don't think it's so much to do with cheating, but more to do with finding fault with the game - the more I can't get away with the more happier I am with the game.

Couldnt agree more. It's like when Arma2 first came out i wouldnt enter buildings because "i knew" that the AI could'nt see/shoot me while in one.

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Exploit.. shooting the tires.

Vehicle wheels are sensitive in the armaversum, 4 or 5 shots are enough to make the a.i. abandon any wheeled vehicle, even if said vehicle's armor could still provide safety and the range/firepower of a high caliber mounted weapon..

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Yeah, and what i basically said was that the AI gives the impression of amateurs while there is a somewhat logic and consistent code behind it.

A (long) while ago i read an article in which 2 groups of people had played HALO1. The first group got the normal, unmodified game. The second group got the same game, except that the AI didnt give any feedback about what they are doing. If you played HALO you know that the AI is constantly yelling (Even the aliens, in English...) what they are doing. When they retreat they have their hands waving in the air while screaming 'run away', its clear when they attack, throw grenades and similar things.

The second group did not have this feedback (/effects) and they rated the AI as significantly dumber, even though the AI routines themselves werent touched. (I tried to google it but failed, i did found this about the illusion of intelligence though)

Basically, i think that if BI would make the AI give more feedback about what they are doing, by, for example, letting them play nice animations once in a while (Like in CoD), half of the complaints about the AI would dissapear.

They would still suck at driving though. :p

Edited by NeMeSiS

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Exploit.. shooting the tires.

Vehicle wheels are sensitive in the armaversum, 4 or 5 shots are enough to make the a.i. abandon any wheeled vehicle, even if said vehicle's armor could still provide safety and the range/firepower of a high caliber mounted weapon..

Right. Got an idea. What about to have the gunner stay in the vehicle if the gun is not damaged and only the other crew of the vehicle gets out if the tires get shot? Maybe a good feature request. What you guys think?

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Hang on think about this /\

Your in a vehical that is getting hit by something big enough or close enough to render your vehical imobile, would you get out??

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Hang on think about this /\

Your in a vehical that is getting hit by something big enough or close enough to render your vehical imobile, would you get out??

Well, seeing as how in ArmA, an MBT can be immobilised by shooting a few SAW mags into it's tracks, that's not really a well-modelled argument unfortunately. In real life, you have a good point, but it doesn't really translate all that well into ArmA.

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Well, seeing as how in ArmA, an MBT can be immobilised by shooting a few SAW mags into it's tracks, that's not really a well-modelled argument unfortunately. In real life, you have a good point, but it doesn't really translate all that well into ArmA.

I think he might have pointed out the opposite... That the most reasonable thing to do would be to stay inside, due to the fact that you are a softer, more squishy target outside the vehicle in contrast to inside of it. Render a vehicle unmovable is not the same thing as penetrating its armor...

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Yeah, but... in modern warfare, I think being a static target is more dangerous than a fighting withdrawal. Or, it is probably a 50/50 proposition. Pick your poison: die in a metal box, or die fighting....

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I'm confident that I mostly try and anticipate the AI, which I believe is easier now I've seen them in action since 1.00 vs a real human I most likely only see once (in RL).

But that's part of the game I guess, the learning curve inevitably also taught us how to deal with the AI.

Shooting the tires is also one of those things I do to 'survive' (win)

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Yeah, but... in modern warfare, I think being a static target is more dangerous than a fighting withdrawal. Or, it is probably a 50/50 proposition. Pick your poison: die in a metal box, or die fighting....

Remember Sgt George Long? He was the British soldier who abandoned his armoured vehicle in Basra after a local mob threw petrol bombs at it! The armoured vehicle was actually a Warrior. I have good knowledge of the Warrior he was in as I use to kit them out & drive them short distances. Knowing how tough the really are for the life of me I cannot understand why he leapt from the safety of his vehicle. I'm guessing he smelt the smoke and panicked. Mind you, I also remember my depot taking receipt of that burnt out Scorpion from Bosnia and somberly glaring at it. 3 British soldiers were tragically killed in it when they strayed into a minefield. The mine blew a gaping hole in its side & the interior was just a burnt out shell :(

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Ouch. :( I hadn't heard the story of the good sergeant. But, based on your anecdotes, it seems like either choice is a bad one.

(Thanks for your service to your country, too.) :thumbs:

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To be honest, I think by 'exploiting' the game, you mean knowing the game. I don't know if getting to know something and adapting to it counts as an exploit. I think they call that life.

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This is true /\

However the AI cannot learn and adapt to new styles of combat. Thus once a weakness is expposed, it will remain expposed (untill a mod/patch helps).

Alot of the fun comes from having to find new ways to win a firefight etc.

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