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Mystery Missile launch off the coast of California.

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Pentagon officials say they cannot explain reports of a missile launch off the coast of California on Monday.

A CBS News helicopter captured what looked like the vapour trail of a missile rising from the water about 35 miles (56 km) offshore.

"Right now all indications are that it was not [defence

department] involvement in this launch" Pentagon spokesman Col David Lapan said.

The Pentagon does not consider the missile a threat.

Another source claims it could be an optical illusion. Bloody good one if it is.

Correct me if im wrong, but in the second half of the vid (@ 25s) does that not look like a Chinook?


Edited by Bascule42

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May be a chinook.

Here what really happened acording to my guess ^^

:Some Idiot on a Uss Submarine accidentaly pushed the red button and launched a missile. Now noone wants to admit that this happened and therefore this is declared an optical illusion

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:Some Idiot on a Uss Submarine accidentaly pushed the red button and launched a missile. Now noone wants to admit that this happened and therefore this is declared an optical illusion

Sounds likely....I can't see anything that could cause an optical illusion like that. Other that a jumbo jet flying an MC Escher flight path...

Aliens? Wrong direction :D

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One would have thought that having been recorded from a news helicopter there would be much clearer clarity and stability, I’m pretty sure they got fairly decent recording equipment on them?

Another thing I did notice was the speed of the missile, looked fairly slow so one can assume it’s a pretty big missile?

Or it just could be Iron Man :bounce3:

The real question is, where the hell did it land???

Edited by Smiley Nick

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or maybe some small team trying reach N-prize :)

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lol, "not a missile"

Another thing I did notice was the speed of the missile, looked fairly slow so one can assume it’s a pretty big missile?

Well, Once coming out of water its speed is reduced quite alot, plus the fact any missile launch starts slow like that. So it would be going slowly whether it be big or small...

The real question is, where the hell did it land???

..... * looks out window *

Now, that really is the question we should be asking. :p

He told CBS News the object could not be a rocket because it appears to alter its course and concluded it must be an optical illusion.

lol "it alters its course so it cannot be any kind of missile"

Yeah, cause missiles cannot do that....


Edited by Ben_S
Lots of edits of posts/news topics.

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It's the dolphins, they've had enough and are leaving.


I'll take 1980s movie trivia for a thousand, Alex. :)

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apparently it's some sort of plane. a top secret one.

I'll take 1980s movie trivia for a thousand, Alex.

oi, it's not a movie.

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Oh hell, abovetopsecret will be going barmy over this...

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oi, it's not a movie.
Uh, it's radio show, a tv show, a computer game (with extra cool gimmiks - and actually the first computer game I bought!), a book triology in six parts, and - for the young ones - a movie... And I'm pretty sure someone probably made it into a theatre play and a musical, too!

Anyways, current 'official' explanation for the cloud is an approaching airplane. Might be possible, especially if the original recording was done with heavy zoom. Still images look (for someone without any factual knowledge) very much like a missile, tho.

Edited by Daddl

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I still think that I´m rigth with my theory of an accidental launch. And Im gonna prove it and publish over the whole web, somebody will loose his job because of this for sure and....hang on someones at the door.....HELP they come to ge.....

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I still think that I´m rigth with my theory of an accidental launch. And Im gonna prove it and publish over the whole web, somebody will loose his job because of this for sure and....hang on someones at the door.....HELP they come to ge.....

They got Tonici87. The Bastards!

On reflection, Dawrden has the best suggestion as of yet. Unless it's a very very late entry for the X Prize.

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How much ya wanna bet it was some dumb ass who went to get coffee and wasnt watching were he was going and slipped and hit the "red button" by accident.

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Are you sure its not some crazy ivan who somehow were able to sneak up close and launch a test missile? :p

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Hi all

Straight up it does not look like an aircraft at all.

The lighted area is too bright for aircraft engines and it is orange not white so not head lights on an aircraft in the landing phase. Contrails are ice crystals formed in the very high atmosphere an aircraft in the landing phase is too low for that. The smoke widens to a big chunk of its width immediately after leaving the object body. Aircraft contrails take longer and widen steadily and in a linear fashion.

The full video shows a vertical lift phase followed by a roll, typical of submarine launch. The speed of this phase particularly the first bit is too fast to be a slow moving civilan aircraft slowly rising over the horizon and approaching the camera.

Most of the media sites pushing the aircraft contrail theory are not showing the full video and are showing cut down photographs that do not include the length of smoke or indeed the launch phase.


Also curiously.

The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced


Last updated at 00:13 10 November 2007

When the U.S. Navy deploys a battle fleet on exercises, it takes the security of its aircraft carriers very seriously indeed.

At least a dozen warships provide a physical guard while the technical wizardry of the world's only military superpower offers an invisible shield to detect and deter any intruders.

That is the theory. Or, rather, was the theory.

Uninvited guest: A Chinese Song Class submarine, like the one that surfaced by the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk

American military chiefs have been left dumbstruck by an undetected Chinese submarine popping up at the heart of a recent Pacific exercise and close to the vast U.S.S. Kitty Hawk - a 1,000ft supercarrier with 4,500 personnel on board.

By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the carrier...

As always follow the link to the full story in context


Are the Chinese not just rattling the sabre but pulling it half way out of the scabbard?

If so why? I know of no major disagreement unless it is about trade and the value of the Chinese Yen.

Of course one never knows what is going on in deep level conversations.

In the cold war the US used to rattle the sabre by launching off the atlantic seaboard.


Edited by walker

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It was a Chinese SLBM in international waters, 34 (~50?) miles off LA. There were no notifications for civilian mariners/air crews - the missile was not launched by the US Navy, nor was it an accident.

If you're following Bernanke's QE2 and the bullshit that preceded it, you know it's a Chinese sub.


Edit: Trajectory was NNW, NORAD knows it, Pentagon knows it.

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From that article:

What do futurologists think about it? In the end of the 20th century, a group of specialists formulated the following scientifically-based predictions for 2010:

- Solar activity will drop.

- There will be a large flood in South-East Asia

- Birth-rate in Europe will decrease.

- Russia and Belarus will experience economic upturn.

- An era of matriarchate will commence to last for 23 years.

- A new union will be formed involving the US, Europe, and countries of the Pacific basin

- New political and economic theories will start to form, and they will drastically change the future.

- New robots-androids will appear and will be introduced to day-to-day life

- Scientific evidence of the existence of soul will be discovered.

- Hadron collider will crash and form a black hole of artificial origin.

Predictions of Lev Melnikov, Russian futurologist.

- A possibility of development of virtual human nature will be researched.

- Cloning will be banned.

- A cluster computer of the world scale will be introduced.

- Households will use robots to help with chores.

- The UFO mystery will be solved, and our planet will be visited by guests from other planets.

I just laugh.

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Mysterious missile launch in the USA´s front lawn, yay! Next message will be russia calling for help from the US, planning invasion on .. oh wait, that´s another story...

US security must be pissed about this.

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Richard Branson!

No, actually it's a plane. With a sunlit contrail.

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