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ACE 1.6 (Advanced Combat Enviroment) for OA/CO

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And I know, i was just giving an example... the number was off by 1, I think 1.644 instead of 1.645 ?

425 is the current version number of ACE core :)

Btw, saw somebody writing something about the "splash screen" in another thread...

The "splash screens" that you see have a reason (could also be a black screen, it's the A2/OA loading screen and not a "splash screen").

With A2 BIS introduced the so called script scheduling, means scripts executed by execVM or spawn can be delayed,

worst case not only for a few frames but for several seconds

(when called, their execution starts allready one frame later compared to non scheduled script environment).

While the loading screen is shown the simulation is halted thus leaving the engine the time to process all scheduled scripts.

If this wouldn't be the case then the mission could allready be running and scheduled scripts would still wait for processing.

Not only ACE/other addons scripts but also mission scripts.

As you can imagine, that would break quite a lot of things and is not a wanted behaviour.

I know that there are still a lot of modders who do not know about it and how to work around it.


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Ok I noticed this for a while now and I can't find any other threads or info regarding the Tunguska,Bradley linebacker ect.. Why can"t you lock aircraft with the missiles when running this mod? Is it a bug or am i doing something wrong?

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I have a question, why do you replace all the SCAR Variants with the M4 ? I would really like to play the OA campaign with the SCAR rifles and ACE.

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I have a question, why do you replace all the SCAR Variants with the M4 ? I would really like to play the OA campaign with the SCAR rifles and ACE.

For realism maybe? I'm sure even by 2012, No one will use the scar.

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Well thats also what I thought, the Problem is that some Mission makers have the intention to give you this particular Weapon and not an M4 Variant of it, ACE breaks this.

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Isn't the SCAR replacement optional? Or was it made mandatory in an update?

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It is optional? How can I disable it?

EDIT: @Sickboy, I want to play missions already designed with the Scars, not make them myself.

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Wait, what am I supposed to do with that config? Where does it belong? And will ACE work with the new Patch?

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Ähm I really hate to say this, but sickboy your small config addon doesn´t really work. I still get the M4 rifles instead of the Scars......

I tried giving the SCAR addon a higher Priority than ACE, but this wont work too.

Just to clarify what I did:

Created a Folder named @ACESCAR and an addons folder inside it, placed pbo in there and launched together with ace

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Just a question, where can I find more information about the wounding system in ace? More specifically how to trigger those animations like when a flashbang is being thrown?

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Could some1 maybe tell me simply how to use my parachute? Didn't find anything in the ace options or in the ingame scroll menu.

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