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[R3F] - Projet FELIN (W.I.P)

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Always mindful of quality and realism, the R3F team took his courage in both hands and has decided to create his own pack.

This package that will be available soon.

This addons contains :

Famas F1

Famas F1 Aimpoint

Famas F1 Eotech

Famas F1 J4 M203


Famas FELIN Eotech

Famas G2

Famas G2 Eotech

Famas G2 J4

Famas G2 Aimpoint M203

Famas surbaissé

Famas surbaissé Eotech SD

Famas surbaissé Aimpoint SD

Famas surbaissé Eotech M203

FrF2 J8

PGM Hecate II J10


Minimi Para Eotech

Minimi Para J4

Jumelles Jim LR

Tablette SIT COMDE

Caisse d'armes R3F


More informations at : http://projet_felin.team-r3f.org/


HD : http://projet_felin.team-r3f.org/images/scrome-j8_2.png > 100kb


HD : http://projet_felin.team-r3f.org/images/famas-f1-j4_2.png > 100kb


HD : http://projet_felin.team-r3f.org/images/pgm-hecate-II_1.png > 100kb


HD http://projet_felin.team-r3f.org/images/frf2_1.png > 100kb


HD http://projet_felin.team-r3f.org/images/scrome-j8_2.png > 100kb


Edited by ~Vagabond~
5 images > 100kb

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These weapons look really cool, i'll be waiting for these

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Wow, great job. :)

Although I'm more of a traditional guy. So given a choice (to have one), I would pick a FRF2. Plus the scope fits it really well. Love the detail on the scope.

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With the HEXAgon team releasing an updated pack for CO/OA and now seeing this, all I can say is wow! :cool: About time we got the French in CO.

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Wow i love so much your Video Editing - really great done!

May I ask which apps you used for that?

Thanks guys ;)

Video Editing has been made with Sony Vegas 9 by Vagabond.

Edited by Nanucq

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Thank's for all you nice comments guys :)

new WIP screen soon ! :p

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nice video but have you put some effects on the video ? because the texture of the famas (and all weapons) are really nice ! oh and a last thing : bien joué continuer ce super projet ;)

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Yes, i put some light effets and some color filters, but that's all ! :)

It increase a little the SMDI texture, but when you are in front of the sun in the game, there is the same thing !

But on the screen, you can see weapons as they are in ArmA 2, there isn't any effects :p (I took the photos in the game).

Sorry for my bad english :o

Edited by ~Vagabond~

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bravo for your trailer Man !

that let me down when I think about what you will do in the future...

And Nanucq, you are the king of all effects !

Edited by killjoer3f

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HEXAgon already have this...

And I won't say what everybody thinks of R3F team in France...

Boycott spotted!

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marc shepard stop it's anoying ... everybody on the R3F team isn't an a** **** , and you need to judge the work not the team ...

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New screenshots !




( these screenshots were taken in game, cut and paste on a gray background exept the last one :p (light effect) )

Edited by ~Vagabond~

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R3F is the only french ArmA Squad i know, and they had some pretty awesome releases like the Revive, the Artillery & Logistics system, plus some really cineastic videos on their YT Channel, so GTFO or encourage them to make more AddOns ;)


I am thrilled to play with these babys, even as a german :)

Have you spoken with the Hexagon Team to get these weapons on some proper units?

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Wow...some of the nicest stuff I've seen in a long while. Top notch work, gentlemen. Looking sexy! :D

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Have you spoken with the Hexagon Team to get these weapons on some proper units?

Outrageous, R3F doesn't mix with inferior races.

(R3F doctrine :

O.E.L.M.E.O.L.E = "On Est Les Meilleurs Et On Les Emmerde"

translation : "We Are The Best And We F*** Them All").

According to R3F, HEXAgon work is too poor quality (HEXAgon test by R3F).

Edited by Guest

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i'm not a R3F but it's not the question nico ! you create a "polemic" . and in french sorry i don't know the good transaltion for this citation ... but L'invicitive ne désonore que son auteur. don't play the same "game" with R3F

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@ M1n1d0u : I don't play, I don't create controversy, I advise readers how to think R3F.

I explain to Mr.Charles why a partnership R3F/HEXAgon is impossible.

No games, no controversy, just facts.

Mr.Charles asks a question, the principle of a forum is to answer the best possible.

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Who is fooling who?

No secret the R3F hate everybody who is not part of their team or don't abide by their principles.

These guys are against the French community as a whole.

BTW I highly doubt the WIP screenshots were taken in game. It looks more like 3DS with some Photoshop.

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BTW I highly doubt the WIP screenshots were taken in game. It looks more like 3DS with some Photoshop.

Really? Did you found that out all by yourself?

Please take your fighting elsewhere. This thread is about [R3F] Projet FELIN and not the team's internal affairs.

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i don't care about how they speak or bashing all french member, i'm not a kid i can make the part of work and mentality .... i judge the work and only the work i think if you want speak about different conversation than the work you can change forum or go to a private forum. i'm really sick to see all this discution turn about a team and not about the work. yeah i think their model is better than ado (especially the frf2) but i don't say that ! i'm only here to judge their work.

And for the finish i'm not a R3F friend , i don't accept how they react.

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