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Brik_xt : an extended version of Brik now 24 km x 24 km featuring a part of Jutland country but without any ocean due to issues with "OutsideTerrain" procedure ... . Only terrain and vegetation built

Ooohh, really? I hope you don't cancel it completely. I really liked Brik Island.


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I have some good news and bad news.

The good news is, while not 100%, the map can be released and be used now.

The bad news is I have yet to receive permission from Berghoff to use his Africa Foliage in the map. If anyone has an alternative contact method with him, help would be appreciated.

I will continue to bring Da Nang up to 100% as I wait for permissions to arrive.

Still to be completed....

1) Airport is just a vacant place holder. No runway or ILS.

2) Tighten up urban locales.

3) Config map names and locations.

4) Sound zones need to be placed.

5) Drink some beer tonight.

Thanks to IceBreakr, Bushlurker and SGT Savage for assistance and helpful input.

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frostybowman: I'm pretty sure Berghoff would like to see another map with his awesome addon. So, use original file of his and you're safe. Unpack to P:\brg_africa and you're clear.

Since I'm quite busy with RL currently (newborn boy, business deal, meetings) I'm not working that fast on map updates. But I have another project (besides Lingor/Duala/Balkania) that I will also release for a special type of missions ;)

Edited by IceBreakr

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Well, I'm going to at least finalize my roads. I had to do a term paper first so it's taking me a tad longer than I would have liked.

I'll say maybe Saturday the 8th of October.

It won't be 100%, but it'll be close.

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Nice map Frostybowman.

How did you manage to get such nice watery rice paddy fields and tight transitions of water in general?

I'm also working on a river-map and using sealevel as a workaround to get my river. However I'm having a trouble with the combination of low lying land and the seasurface shining through the ground, eventhough it's 1 meter or more above sealevel.

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Water and rivers are a tricky job in general... searching this section for "rivers" will reveal theres been a fair bit of discussion on the topic.. (eg: here, here, here, etc, etc...

As you'll see - no real solid solutions... it all comes down to using either, the sea - or a "water object"

Both have their disadvantages...

The big problem with the sea is - there's a tide! - twice a day!... Damn BIS and their accurate World-modelling! ;)... I wouldn't be surprised if theres extra-high tides in the Spring and Autumn too...

This can play havoc with carefully-set sealevel heights...

The other alternative is the "pond object".... this has it's own problems... the main one being, the AI don't actually SEE it, or understand it, or indeed react to it at all - unless they get too deep into it - in which case they suddenly find themselves swimming - and losing their gear...

In small areas this can be OK - keep the depth under 1.4m and they'll simply wade across as if it's not there...

That might not be what you want, of course... and, for example, a bridge over a pond object river will be mostly ignored - the water isn't "there" to the AI, so they don't see it as an obstacle...

theres a 50mx50m snappable pond object on my website (Resources & Tutorials section) which you might want to play around with - just so you have an iidea of both alternatives... That object was made by Randy Stratton, and it'll snap together with other pond tiles nicely to create a seamless water surface...

Guess that's all for now on the basic options available... As you've noticed, Frosty is currently struggling with Water... Icebreakr spent a lot of time fussing with river-fords - and tides.... they might turn up with a few words on the subject...

good luck!


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Thanks again for the info Bushlurker. Still can' t believe how I missed this section of the forum, somehow I completely focused on the OA section.

I hope BIS reworks this water business in the future, since it leaves a rather large part of the populated areas of the world out of the equation. Holland for one, here a lot of the land is well below sealevel and most certainly below the elevated canals and rivers. That's where all the water from the land is pumped into. Hurricane Katrina, Bangladesh and the recent floodings also kind of illustrate just how much of the heavily populated areas are below 0 meters.

Fortunately the terrain I'm working on is mostly designed to be flooded, albeit less frequently than the tides. Could make the map more interesting if you're not always able to take the same routes. I'll just have to be creative with the surrounding area and figure out a way to fool the players.

There may be a workaround for the AI not seeing the pond objects though. Just as the ponds are invisible to the AI, the opposite can also be true. What I mean is that the AI is able to detect and react to certain objects, but that does not mean that the object has to be visible to the players. ... Aha found something, in a thread I had completely forgotten I ever started. This was for armed assault however, so I'm not to sure if the things I discovered there also apply to the Arma2-engine.

Damn never did get to finish that project, because of a stupid mistake I made, think along the lines of " format c:".

Anyway there are a couple of things to try to block the AI from pond-objects in the form of "invisible" LOD's. Either by modifying the current pond p3d, or as a separate object to be placed in the same location. I've no idea if this could work for very large area's, I only tested it on that building which was just a bit over 100 meters long.

Another option would be to find a willing arma AI scripting guru, to help us find a way around (water)obstacles for the AI. Compared to some of the demonstration videos I've seen on Armaholic, you would think that it should be easy enough. Otherwise there might be another chapter in your tutorial about adding custom LODs to your map so that the AI moves as it should.

Edited by DualJoe

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What I mean is that the AI is able to detect and react to certain objects, but that does not mean that the object has to be visible to the players. ...

... there's three different "invisible barrier" objects in "misc 3.pbo" which you can use... Invisible to players, but not to AI... there's some invisible roads too... I haven't messed much with them myself as yet...


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You've already asked once, by not getting an answer that's probably your answer, or at least a hint to try asking in PM.

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I already got an answer when I asked it the first time.

frostybowman :I'll say maybe Saturday the 8th of October

That date is past so I ask again when the next release date is?

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I can tell you when the next release is, even if I have no idea what that map is.

When the creator is done with his work and think its ready to release. Not one minute earlier and even if you ask a hundred times, it won't change anything

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My mistake, I thought there were forums to ask questions, stupid of me

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During a conversation with Wolle and Mondkalb about small scale hi-res terrains earlier today I put together a little "Afghan-style" test terrain so we could try out some of the ideas we were talking about...

At first I started with a 2048x2048 x 1m terrain... that looked pretty good in the heightmap editor...


It imported into Visitor no problems either, and displayed OK with a 10240x10240 Sat & Mask layer... even binarized OK...

However, in-game it immediately bombed with an "out of render range" error or something...

I tried again, dropping that 10km viewdistance to 1.5km... ;)

This time it previewed OK in the editor, although when I tried to take an AH-6 up for an overall look it bombed again with a different "out of memory" warning...

So much for 1 meter ground cells...

Since we were discussing 2km x 2km terrains specifically, the next obvious size was 1024x1024 x 2m...

No problems again with the Visitor & binarizing stages, and in game it previewed fine at that "safe" 1.5km VD...


Switching to a more "usual gameplay" viewdistance of 5km was OK too...


... though I did notice that FPS wasn't exactly fantastic... Normally I'd be expecting to be roofing out at 60FPS and staying there regardless on such a small terrain - instead, I was averaging around 45-50... not bad, but less than I'd expect on such a small & empty map.

Now I come to think of it, maybe a more "sensible" 3.5km or 4km viewdistance would have been a fairer test... I must try that sometime...

Anyway, another interesting experiment I suppose, and I was quite pleased at how the final terrain turned out considering it took less than an hour to make from scratch (including time spent on biscuits, of course) :D The FPS hit at this scale is definitely noticable, though perhaps not too significant, and it's interesting to note just how well the small-scale ground detail survived resampling to 2 meter resolution...



Edited by Bushlurker

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Hi everybody,

I am in the research and development stage of my first Arma2 project. The plan is to make an underground tunnel and bunker complex under the military base in Zargabad, for infiltration missions ;).

It is early day's yet so i didn't want to make a thread saying W.I.P without even knowing if it is even possible to do this, so i am glad i found this thread.

I can probably make the 3D model in max in about half a day, but then spend six months learning the scripting side of it and how to actually get it in to the map. I am after all a noob to Arma2 and i have a few questions, if anybody is willing to help me out a little give me a pm, it would really speed things up.

Here is my first sketch....


Edited by freeman83

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hi all im working on a new island

Sierra Leone is a 10 x 10 km map it focuses on the areas of operation Barras, from were the west side boys captured some members of the UK forces. The villages will be as good as the game allows for accuracy.


Terrain types

Dry dusty red soil

Dense Jungle

High grass


Low palm fields

Few main roads

Few small villages

Uk base to work from

Is there any round houses addons out or up for use to make it feel more african as there part of the village that got attacked and would look great i am making some but thought why invent the wheel again.

Idid see some in the arma1 african map pictures did it ever come to fruit bushwars

@shezan finnaly got WT working and may i say thanks for what you have made i have put more objects down in a couple of hours than the time it took to do sangin 7-8 months now is there any plans to have min max size added for trees and bushes say 50 -125 randomne's

Also have a winter sangin thank's to bushlurker for the texture ill drop them in a week or 2

Edited by SmokeDog3PARA

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Great job SmokeDog. I've made a Op Barras map for another engine game. If you need any help with research and data, let me know.

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hi all im working on a new island

Sierra Leone is a 10 x 10 km map it focuses on the areas of operation Barras, from were the west side boys captured some members of the UK forces. The villages will be as good as the game allows for accuracy.


Terrain types

Dry dusty red soil

Dense Jungle

High grass


Low palm fields

Few main roads

Few small villages

Uk base to work from

Is there any round houses addons out or up for use to make it feel more african as there part of the village that got attacked and would look great i am making some but thought why invent the wheel again.

Idid see some in the arma1 african map pictures did it ever come to fruit bushwars

@shezan finnaly got WT working and may i say thanks for what you have made i have put more objects down in a couple of hours than the time it took to do sangin 7-8 months now is there any plans to have min max size added for trees and bushes say 50 -125 randomne's

Also have a winter sangin thank's to bushlurker for the texture ill drop them in a week or 2

Can't wait for these maps Smokedog. Sangin is an absolute masterpiece, so I assume Sierra Leone and winter Sangin will be too.

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Hi ice breaker and thanks mate any intel you have ill be glad to take i have the exact area but am lackin on the actual village lay outs and building type i saw there were 2 round houses in the village and would like to make some if i can

@tpw thanks buddy I hope so too it will be my xmas prez to you all as a thank you to all who have helped and guided my way to learning the Map making nightmare that is arma2

Is there an addon maker out there that would like to join us to make some enemy to fit these new islands IRA Taliban and west side boys

1 Could do with some help for sounds for sangin walking on snow sound and help to set it in cfg

2 Any ILS information to set an airstrip in Sierra

3 Winter grass and trees if there is any

Also we got the belfast Ardoyne area a small pvp map that me and Sleepingbag from 3 PARA are working on ill post when we have something worth showing.

Edited by SmokeDog3PARA

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Hier a little overview from the map i am working on with an clan mate:)

A Province somewhere between Afghanistan and Pakistan

20.48 km x 20.48 km

i hope the first beta is ready before Christmas:bounce3:


Edited by Fogu

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1 Could do with some help for sounds for sangin walking on snow sound and help to set it in cfg

PM Bushlurker, he's got a nice variety of snow sounds we used for CWR2 Nogova and CWR2 Winter Kolgujew.

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Hello everyone,

after my litte starting problems I am now working on my project for about 2-3 weeks.

I wanted to get into a deep desert valley with an oasis and some older colonial structures.

Now there I am a littlebit confused, on the one side I think it looks pretty nice for an really desert atmosphere but on the other side I think it would be unplayable when playing on times the Sun ist standing high.

I tested a littlebit with the satmask but if I make it darker it doesnt look like a desert to me, and other colours going to be orange and so on..

Is there another way to say how the sun fall down to the valley?

Here are 2 pictures of the gloomy shining, I got the bloom on low, so I dont want know how it is with high ^^

I have set the time to 1200 midday and august.



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