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maps under construction:

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Looking very promising Xantog...

Is it your first map?

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Looking very promising Xantog...

Is it your first map?

Yes, this is my first for the Arma series!

I have made already for OFP and IL-2 maps, but I must say, these maps were much easier to make as this one!

Btw: Many thanks for your summerplants addon! I will use it for the map! I also wanted to use some types of roads of your Hürtgenwald map, if I may?

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@Gunny: I saw you went for l3dt right? it looks promising!

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Yes, I went for l3dt as my previous project ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/jarl_hruodbhert/sets/72157625168087247/ ).

It was the only solution because the terrain is a modification of a dem from 3 country (Italy/France/Switzerland). I am thinking also to modify the LCO.png with photoshop because i would like to insert field/farmland tiles, a little difficult to do with l3dt.

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I have started working on 29 Palms Marine corps Air Ground Combat Center. Alot of the area is pretty flat so I am moving arond trying to find the best terrain for the game. I may end up not getting the airstrip there where the urban combat area is, but there are about 5 other airports in the area and still a big hunk of the base. It's hard to see where the terrain is in global mapper, I guess I won't see how it looks until it's half way done.

I have a question though. Does everything have to be so copied? Looking at tutorials I pretty much end up with a recreation of everything. Can't I just get the terrain and put things where I want? I don't want the same street settup, or really the vegetation. I would rather it be my own island rather than 29 palms. Is it possible or practical or easier?

I also have a small area in Corona California where S.C. village paintball park is. It's got a lot of good terrain around it for a small map. Maybe a good place to start my first map.

Also have had a greek island Aegina and another one around Corinth. Some land in southern Israel and tunnisia. Trying to see which has best potential. May wait for the greek stuff until Arma3 since it's same relative area and use those buildings.

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I'm pretty sure that Phaeden already did that with his "29 Palms" map for A1/A2?

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Yup, it was showed few times around here and personally I have beta of it (among numerous other ppl). phaeden did an awesome job with custom buildings and all. :)

But that Israel part sounds nice ;)

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@ Gnat thank's mate it means a lot just sorted the new bi tools out and mikero has arma2p for the new tools to work with the bi 1s so all is good.

And it has stopped a crash I was getting lately of out of memory since I got a new gfx card a week ago so ill be completing it in the next couple weeks just got to tidy the mask up add some more clutter and maybe some more textures and im there.

@ Xanton thank's and yours looks cool to mate well done mate

Edited by SmokeDog3PARA

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good to hear.


I think a greek island is still a very nice place to play, with or without ArmA3.

Tunnisia could be cool too.

....... *now waits for someone to PM him a 29 Palms DL link* ;)

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Making an island thats approx 200km by 200km, with very little on the map, going to have 2 huge airbases, each with 2 runways, and giant (oversized bis) hangers. The runways are like 3.7km long, and each airbase has 2, parallel, about 200m away from each other with taxiways another 200m away on each side, so plenty of room to operate big aircraft, gonig to put some small towns, some roads on the map, allowing people to use the town gen for missions or puttting buildings down themselves as objectives. It'll be perfect for using aircraft and having long range (and time) op's with more of a realistic feeling to it. Hnagers are big enough to get a c130 in and turn it around at 30. The runway is so long, that you can get enough speed up, so that the plane takes itself off.

Link to a video of some of it:

Edited by [EVO] Dan

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Looks nice Frosty

Finished 22 Sept might be a LOT ambitious but see how you go.

BTW, keep in mind ALL water only forms at 0 meters high.

Rivers that climb into mountians will be a problem.

Small bodies of water can be done with the Pond object

Good luck!

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Thanks Gnat!

22SEP11 is a bit ambitious. But, I just happen to using 12 "use or lose" military leave days starting Monday. With the wife at work and the kids at school for a majority of that period I should have some huge blocks of map making time on my hands.

Thanks for the tips too! If I might ask a favor of you... would you mind if I ping you for answers that I may not be able to find here in the community?

Again, Thank you and take care.


Edit 23AUG11: Map is up and running in Buldozer (partially) I can't seem to get these damn folders set up right. With so many people and differing ways to set up folders its a bit of a nightmare. SGT ACE's got me the closest to in game load with his tutorial map. Still had errors PBOing it.

Edited by frostybowman

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Guys, try to focus on 5x5km project first, its more than enough for infantry/vehicle combat. And then once you learn all the tricks, move to bigger ones.

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Sorry Frosty, I rarely do PM help.

Reason: If the answer isn't here in the forum(s), then the question should be asked and answered in public so everyone can learn.


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Heya, not really a project that is going to be released, but I thought I might share some findings with you blokes:

I fiddled around with the "Pixel Per Ingame Metre" ratio, and basically doubled it:





The second picture shows a 5120px x 5120px texture on a 2560m x 2560m terrain, the first one just a 2560px x 2560px texture.

The project itself is a part of the inner German border from the 80's, and I made it for a machinima I am currently working on.

If you need the terrain, PM me and I'll send you the terrain and source files, if needed.

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