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TGW Vehicle Fixes

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See my post above. He lacks ammo in LAV25 because WarFX overwrites magazine class names with its own (but only in M242 weapon case) and thus when some addon tries to use vanilla class names to add magazines it can't.

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Ok, I figured out what the issue was. The "aiRateOfFire=1.500000;" was the culprit; it cause the AI to fire a round every 1.5 seconds when the target was at optimal range. Reducing this to 0.15 fixed the issue. This is the same rate of fire as the HighROF mode (600rpm) of the 2A42 cannon of the Ka-52. Since the ROF of the M230 is about 625rpm, it's close enough.

Updated file in first post.

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Yeah I figured out that my find about ranges was wrong. Changed the rate of fire setting as well instead yesterday and it worked well.

Thanks for updating.

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Hi xeno,

does this addon work with mando missiles didy ou try it togheter with mando suite?

thank you for release and updates ;)

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

I mean if change something in confing of vehicles that could interfeer with mando script.

for T90 Rocket launcher for example

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Yeah I figured out that my find about ranges was wrong. Changed the rate of fire setting as well instead yesterday and it worked well.

I'm actually fiddling around with the range settings to get the AI to fire in 10 and 20 round bursts, like it does in real life. I'll probably release a small update when I get it working satisfactorily.

Hi xeno,

does this addon work with mando missiles didy ou try it togheter with mando suite?

To my knowledge it does. I primarily play on the TGW Warfare server, which runs Mando, and I've not heard any complaints about it. The change to the T90 missile isn't an issue because Mando replaces both the missile and its targeting system.

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I plan to use some of your addon on next warfare tournament ;)

thank you for answer of course I will try if all works fine before add to the addon package !


Edited by Rubberkite

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Is there a reason why it changes the zeroing on the GP-25 and the like? Make it impossible to use them with their normal sights.

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The only change made to handheld grenade launchers is to increase the lifetime of their projectile. There are absolutely no other changes to the GP-25, M203 or even the M79, as they are outside the scope of this mod.

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For all who are having trouble using TGW Vehicle Fixes with WarFX: Blastcore I have created a signed .pbo addon to get the two to work together.


Download: MultiUpload.

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For all who are having trouble using TGW Vehicle Fixes with WarFX: Blastcore I have created a signed .pbo addon to get the two to work together.


Download: MultiUpload.

thanx for that! fix works perfect!:)

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You forgot to write that the "bigmike's action menu" refers to the C-130 too.

What about the Cargo Ramp of the MV-22 ?

Why iT can´t be useed.



Edited by (ST6)Predator

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You forgot to write that the "bigmike's action menu" refers to the C-130 too.

BigMike's Aircraft Built-in Action Menu was added, insofar as the action menus for the C-130J

What about the Cargo Ramp of the MV-22 ?

Why iT can´t be useed.

I'm still getting myself familiar with the scripting system, so I haven't been able to do that yet.

On further investigation, I don't even think those things are animated.

Edited by Xeno426
spelling fix

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Small news update:

I discovered that my changes to the AH-1Z so that it could fold the rotors weren't working correctly, which I've and fixed. I've also figured out how to do the same to the UH-1Y.

I'm still stuck trying to prevent people from turning on the engine while the aircraft is in folded position. I'm trying to use an event handler to get the script I think might work to run. Here's the entry I've placed in the vehicle config:

	class eventhandlers {
		init = "_this execVM '\TGW_VehFixes\Scripts\MV22_folded.sqf'";

The script in question has the following:

_mv22= _this select 0;
while {_mv22 animationphase "turn_wing" !=0} do {_mv22 engineOn false};

This does not seem to do anything. Would anyone have an idea what I might need to do so that this works?

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How come I can't get the new AH64 thermal sights to work? What's new?

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In what way do they not work? The AH-64 thermal sights should be green now instead of black/white; that's what's different about it.

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Originally Posted by (ST6)Predator

What about the Cargo Ramp of the MV-22 ?

Why iT can´t be useed.

I'm still getting myself familiar with the scripting system, so I haven't been able to do that yet.

On further investigation, I don't even think those things are animated.

Actually they are animated:


Also this info I copied/pasted from a thread but did not record the source:

_xtype = [this,1] execvm "\ca\air\Scripts\AH1Z_fold.sqf"

_xtype = [this,1] execvm "\ca\air2\UH1Y\Scripts\fold.sqf"

_xtype = [this,0] execvm "\ca\air\Scripts\AH1Z_fold.sqf"

_xtype = [this,0] execvm "\ca\air2\UH1Y\Scripts\fold.sqf"

MV22 Side Door;

X1 animate ["door1_top", 1]; X1 animate ["door1_bottom", 1];


X1 animate ["door1_top", 0]; X1 animate ["door1_bottom", 0];

"AI1 animate[""Ani_Ramp"",1]";

pretty sure you just put this in the init for it to open

this animate ["ramp_top", 1];this animate ["ramp_bottom", 1]; for it to open and

this animate ["ramp_top", 0];this animate ["ramp_bottom", 0]; for it to close (this works for the osprey too)

you would need to make a script to open/close it using the action menu

I wonder if you could set a speed for the vehicle when folded using setVelocity? Example "while (vehicle parked variable = true) setVelocity = 0"


I'm looking for something similar for a vehicle deployable camo netting/ground cover.

Edited by hcpookie

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Thank you very much for the help. I'm still working on preventing take-off when in folding position. That setVelocity [0,0,0] works, but doesn't prevent the rotors from spooling up. I'll release an update soon that includes the new bisign system.

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Update to mod. See first post. Please note that the signature file has changed!

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Xeno, nice addon thanks for making it. Hopefully you can find a way to not start while packed eventually.


Edited by vengeance1

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Not start while packed? What?

The problem I have right now is that if the rotors are packed, the engines can be started. I would like to script it so that this cannot happen.

As a stop-gap measure, I have it scripted so if your rotors are packed, you will simply not be able to move. Your engines can still be started, but you won't be able to fly.

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