hawk_silk 49 Posted June 1, 2012 Or alternatively if you would rather not use extra scripts where they are'nt really needed edit d_init.sqf and i_client.sqf like below. For Aircraft Red is what you add to. d_init.sqf Line 466 is the location. case (__OAVer): { [color="#FF0000"][[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600],[ch7,307,true],[ch8,308,true],[ch9,309,true],[ch10,310,true],[ch11,311,false,600],[ch12,312,false,600],[ch50,350,false,1500]][/color] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf" }; As you can see I've already edited mine. i_client.sqf Line 259 is the location. case (__ACEVer || __OAVer): { GVAR(choppers) = [ [color="#FF0000"]["HR1",0,"chopper1",301,"n_air","ColorWhite","CH-47F Lifter",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_7")], ["HR2",0,"chopper2",302,"n_air","ColorWhite","CH-47F Lifter",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_7")], ["HR3",2,"chopper3",303,"n_air","ColorWhite","aaaa3",""], ["HR4",1,"chopper4",304,"n_air","ColorYellow","CH-47F Recovery",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_10")], ["HR5",2,"chopper5",305,"n_air","ColorWhite","MH-6J",""], ["HR6",2,"chopper6",306,"n_air","ColorWhite","MH-6J",""], ["HR7",2,"chopper7",307,"n_air","ColorWhite","UH-60M",""], ["HR8",2,"chopper8",308,"n_air","ColorWhite","UH-60M",""], ["HR9",2,"chopper9",309,"n_air","ColorWhite","UH-60M",""], ["HR10",2,"chopper10",310,"n_air","ColorWhite","UH-60M",""], ["HR11",2,"chopper11",311,"n_air","ColorBlue","AH-6J CAS",""], ["HR12",2,"chopper12",312,"n_air","ColorBlue","AH-6J CAS",""], ["HR50",2,"chopper50",350,"n_air","ColorBlue","A-10 Thunderbolt",""[/color]] Once again, already edited mine. For Vehicles Red is what you add to. d_init.sqf Line 479 is the location. // editor varname, unique number //0-9 = MHQ, 10-19 = Medic vehicles, 20-29 = Fuel, Repair, Reammo trucks, 30-39 = Engineer Salvage trucks, 40-49 = Transport trucks [ [color="#FF0000"][xvec1,0],[xvec2,1],[xmedvec1,10],[xmedvec2,11],[xvec3,20],[xvec4,21],[xvec5,22], [xvec7,23], [xvec8,24], [xvec9,25], [xvec6,30], [xvec10,31], [xvec11,40], [xvec12,41], [xvec13,42], [xvec14,43], [xvec15,44], [xvec16,45][/color] ] execVM "x_server\x_vrespawn2.sqf"; Once again, already edited mine. i_client.sqf Line 274 is the location. // vehicle varname, unique number (same as in init.sqf), marker name, marker type, marker color, marker text, vehicle string name #ifndef __TT__ GVAR(p_vecs) = [ [color="#FF0000"]["MRR1",0,"mobilerespawn1","HQ","ColorYellow","MHQ One",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_12")],["MRR2",1,"mobilerespawn2","HQ","ColorYellow","MHQ Two",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_13")], ["MEDVEC",10,"medvec1","n_med","ColorRed","UH-60 MEV",""],["MEDVEC",11,"medvec2","n_med","ColorRed","Stryker MEV",""], ["TR1",20,"truck1","n_maint","ColorGreen","MTVR Repair",""],["TR2",21,"truck2","n_support","ColorGreen","MTVR Fuel",""], ["TR3",22,"truck3","n_support","ColorGreen","MTVR Ammo",""],["TR6",23,"truck4","n_maint","ColorGreen","MTVR Repair",""], ["TR5",24,"truck5","n_support","ColorGreen","MTVR Fuel",""],["TR4",25,"truck6","n_support","ColorGreen","MTVR Ammo",""], ["TR7",30,"truck7","n_service","ColorGreen","MTVR Engineer",""], ["TR8",31,"truck8","n_service","ColorGreen","MTVR Engineer",""],["TR9",40,"truck9","n_armor","ColorBlue","M2A2 Bradley",""], ["TR10",41,"truck10","n_armor","ColorBlue","M2A2 Bradley",""],["TR11",42,"truck11","n_support","ColorWhite","HMMWV GPK M2",""], ["TR12",43,"truck12","n_support","ColorWhite","HMMWV GPK M2",""],["TR13",44,"truck13","n_support","ColorWhite","HMMWV TOW",""], ["TR14",45,"truck14","n_support","ColorWhite","HMMWV TOW",""][/color] Once again, already edited mine. There is one major thing to bear in mind however, your aircraft and vehicles need to be numbered the same or it won't work, below is an example to hopefully explain it well enough. Here we will add an aircraft, inside d_init.sqf we add [ch18,[color="#FF0000"]318[/color],true] inside i_client.sqf we add ["HR18",2,"chopper18",[color="#FF0000"]318[/color],"n_air","ColorWhite","UH-60M",""] As you can see the numbers in red are the same in both files, this is the vehicles unique variable number, now you would add a new helicopter to you mission via the editor and call it "ch18" and the helicopter would now use the domination vehicle respawn. I hope I have explained it well enough, if not just give me a shout and I'll be happy to assist. Regards Hawk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 1, 2012 Hawk's way is BY FAR the best method for adding vehicles and having them respawn. The Domi scripts allow for modifications such as these. Adding respawn scripts is likely to cause troubles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heigou 10 Posted June 1, 2012 (edited) Thank you both Collin and Hawk. 3 More questions, sorry if they were already answered but it's hard to tell when it's scattered through so much pages unfortunately. I play with small groups of friends, so we're very far from filling domi servers, how would I reduce the amount of Armor at side missions and AOs? Like 2 per side missions and 4 for AOs. How would I go about adding physical backpacks to the map? How would I go about filling the ammo box with respawning every weapons and ammunitions in the game? And the unanswered question from my last post, is it possible to mess around with the AI that spawns when Side and Main missions are generated? I'd like to give them my own setSkill Array to customize the AI to our liking. I feel bad asking so much questions. Edit: Right, how to disable sabotage? I absolutely hate it. I do it in parameters but they still Sabotage us with troops and jets. Edit: Agghh, just piling questions up, I also want to disable artillery completely because AI doesn't even react to it, breaking immersion and when they use it, you just blow up, artillery doesn't physically exists, it just makes stuff blow up. Edited June 1, 2012 by Heigou Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawk_silk 49 Posted June 2, 2012 (edited) Not a problem Heigou, afterall if you didn't ask questions how would you ever learn anything eh? Plus as I've already said I'm happy to assist where I can, now I can answer 3 of your questions and possably a further 2, so get comfortable here comes a long post. Filling Ammoboxes The file you need to edit is called x_weaponcargo_oa.sqf, it can be found in x_client and looks similar to this. if (GVAR(player_side) == west) then { [color="#FF0000"]__awc(M9,1) __awc(M9SD,1) __awc(Colt1911,1) __amc(BAF_L109A1_HE,30)[/color] etc... You add your extra weapons and ammo like the Red parts. __awc is "AddWeaponCargo" so you add guns that way. __amc is "AddMagazineCargo" so you add ammo for your guns that way. This link will give you the classnames over the first 3 pages for everything http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73241-ArmA-II-amp-OA-Classnames-No-questions-no-discussion-here! Or if you would like pictures with your classnames try here http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/index.php?confirm_code=hxryo except this one does not include DLC weapons such as BAF or PMC. Disabling FAC Artillery The file you need to edit is called i_client.sqf, location is line 314. // is artillery operator // please be aware that Dom 2 only supports two artillery operators in the non AI versions // in the AI version everybody can call in artillery though only one arty is used [color="#FF0000"]GVAR(can_use_artillery) = ["RESCUE","RESCUE2"];[/color] Change the Red to GVAR(can_use_artillery) = []; I actually have mine setup to call in a limited number of AH-64D support runs instead of artillery. Adding Backpacks Now I'm not entirely sure what it is you want here so I'll go over the way to add backpacks to the Domination ammobox aswell as the way I've done it in my version I'm working on. Adding to Domination ammobox The file you need to edit is called i_client.sqf, location is line 477. GVAR(backpackclasses) = [ [ // US [color="#FF0000"]"USBasicBag", "Tripod_Bag", "M2StaticMG_US_Bag_EP1", "M2HD_mini_TriPod_US_Bag_EP1", "MK19_TriPod_US_Bag_EP1", "M252_US_Bag_EP1", "TOW_TriPod_US_Bag_EP1", "US_UAV_Pack_EP1", "US_Assault_Pack_EP1", "US_Patrol_Pack_EP1", "US_Backpack_EP1", "DE_Backpack_Specops_EP1"[/color] Red is what you change or add to. For example say you wanted to add a BAF backpack instead of a US UAV backpack you would replace "US_UAV_Pack_EP1" with "BAF_AssaultPack_RifleAmmo". My edit Now my version does not use the Domination ammobox at all, instead I'm trying out a armoury style thing instead so to add backpacks I did the following. In the editor I placed a wooden cabinet from "Empty" and "Objects (Furnature)", and added this to it's Initialization field. this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; this enableSimulation false; this addAction [("<t color=""#FFCC33"">" + ("Armoury: Take ACU Assault Pack") + "</t>"),"Scripts\Custom_Scripts\Backpacks_Equip\Pack_1.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"]; this addAction [("<t color=""#FFCC33"">" + ("Armoury: Take Coyote Patrol Pack") + "</t>"),"Scripts\Custom_Scripts\Backpacks_Equip\Pack_2.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"]; this addAction [("<t color=""#FFCC33"">" + ("Armoury: Take Coyote Backpack") + "</t>"),"Scripts\Custom_Scripts\Backpacks_Equip\Pack_3.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"]; this addAction [("<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + ("Armoury: Remove Current Backpack") + "</t>"),"Scripts\Custom_Scripts\Backpacks_Equip\Pack_Remove.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"]; The scripts I wrote for it are all below if you yourself wanted to use them. Pack_1.sqf _activatingPlayer = _this select 1; _activatingPlayer addBackpack "US_Assault_Pack_EP1"; Pack_2.sqf _activatingPlayer = _this select 1; _activatingPlayer addBackpack "US_Patrol_Pack_EP1"; Pack_3.sqf _activatingPlayer = _this select 1; _activatingPlayer addBackpack "US_Backpack_EP1"; Pack_Remove.sqf _activatingPlayer = _this select 1; removeBackpack _activatingPlayer; What you get for all this trouble is: I have not explained how to get the notification in the top right however, but will if you want to know that aswell, just ask. You can however just place as many backpacks as you need on the ground via the editor under "Empty" and "backpacks" if that is what you wanted. Now the questions I think I can answer. Disable Sabotage I believe there is an option under parameters when you are in the lobby to turn it off. Same with the amount of armour you face at targets, just set it from "Normal" to "Less". Hope that wasn't to long winded for you and helps. Regards Hawk. Edited June 2, 2012 by Hawk_Silk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heigou 10 Posted June 2, 2012 Thank you, this is absolutely amazing. In the parameters though, the Sabotage doesn't seem to work, even when turned off, our base still gets sabotaged. Also, does that only remove the Artillery for us or also for the enemy AI? I kind of hate it when I blow up out of nowhere because instead of Artillery being physically there, there's just kind of explosions spawning around you and you're dead. I assume it's impossible to edit the generated AI like in the editor? I'd like to tweak them a bit like let's say setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",0.6] since I like playing on Expert but the AI's Accuracy is really crazy (Pretty sure it's around 0.9 on Expert) and since we're not a big group of players, we get lit up like crazy because of how overwhelmed we have and how skilled the AI is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawk_silk 49 Posted June 2, 2012 I'm not sure your base is still being sabotaged, that could just be the roving patrols of hostile AI from Domination. If it is stuff like BDRM/Shilka etc then that is the AI patrols, stuff like Spec Ops soldiers would be sabotage which the parameter should disable. If it bothers you to much you could build your base into an actual base like I have, or add a few static weapon defenses around the area with this code in their Initialization field. This addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; This addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]; That will make your static weapons both invincible and unable to run out of ammo. As for disabling hostile AI artillery, no the code I posted in the last post will not disable it, that code only disables your own. I think there is a way I shall have to take a look later. I'm afraid there isn't a way to edit the AI generated by Domination within the editor that I'm aware of, but I do believe I once noticed the area within the domination scripts to alter AI skill levels, however once again I will have to take a look later for you. Regards Hawk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colinm9991 20 Posted June 2, 2012 Anybody got any ideas about my question? The "Saving System" so that statistics and missions progress won't be lost upon choosing another mission in my dedicated server? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 2, 2012 Anybody got any ideas about my question? The "Saving System" so that statistics and missions progress won't be lost upon choosing another mission in my dedicated server? There isn't saving as such in Domination, but if it's your server you are playing on, running it as 'persistent' will mean the mission doesn't end when the last player leaves and everything will be as it was when you rejoin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colinm9991 20 Posted June 2, 2012 There isn't saving as such in Domination, but if it's your server you are playing on, running it as 'persistent' will mean the mission doesn't end when the last player leaves and everything will be as it was when you rejoin. I already have that done, but when I put down the server for updates, or if we change the mission, well, you know what happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 2, 2012 but when I put down the server for updates, or if we change the mission, well, you know what happens. Don't do that then. :) Saving simply doesn't work in Domination because it's a very complex mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted June 2, 2012 Yes you can add the save function to the domination mission it is very simple. I give the infomation and the code line you need to add multiple times in this thead (: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heigou 10 Posted June 2, 2012 Thank you infinitely for your help, I'll finally be able to play without one of my friend (Who's rage is infinite) raging constantly about absolutely everything. And it was just an exemple, if there's a way to do it LIKE the editor, not IN the editor. I should be set after you find these codes, it's all I need and after I'm good and thank you again. Oops, Quoting didn't work, that was to Hawk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pawelkpl 29 Posted June 2, 2012 Hi guys, It s/b easy for editing aces like u guys, ;) , I`m trying to increase number of enemy (AI) paratroopers dropped by MI8 over Main Target but lost few hours and I`m lost and need help. Anyone willing to save my day ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawk_silk 49 Posted June 2, 2012 No promises this will work PawelKPL but try. i_server line location 823. // enemy parachute troops transport chopper GVAR(transport_chopper) = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { switch (GVAR(enemy_side)) do { case "EAST": {["Mi17_TK_EP1"]}; case "WEST": {["CH_47F_EP1","UH60M_EP1"]}; case "GUER": {["UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1"]}; }; }; }; Change it to. // enemy parachute troops transport chopper GVAR(transport_chopper) = switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): { switch (GVAR(enemy_side)) do { case "EAST": {["Mi17_TK_EP1"]}; case "WEST": {["CH_47F_EP1","UH60M_EP1"]}; case "GUER": {["UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1"]}; }; }; }; [color="#FF0000"]GVAR(number_transport_choppers) = 2;[/color] (or whatever number you desire) That is just a wild guess by me though, may do nothing or may break your mission. Regards Hawk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted June 3, 2012 It does work just fine Hawk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pawelkpl 29 Posted June 3, 2012 It does work just fine Hawk. hmmm, maybe I do something wrong or something else, but when I change figure to 3, 4, 5 or more, there are still only 2 transport choppers, anyway thx for trying to help me :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
case1489 10 Posted June 4, 2012 i am looking for Domination_2_60zc_West_.Chernarus mission file and can not Find it can sum 1 help me ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawk_silk 49 Posted June 4, 2012 Can't say I've heard of a "zc" version however try here : https://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/files Regards Hawk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heigou 10 Posted June 5, 2012 Aghh, how do I disable this 30 minutes before being qualified stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matosh 34 Posted June 5, 2012 in game lobby parameter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4m0n 1 Posted June 5, 2012 hi guys, im trying to modify dom 2.61 for our server and have some questions: 1. is it possible to change the time it take for a wreck being repaired? 2. there is an option in the parameters with "only pilots can fly". how does that work actually? because what i want is 1 or 2 pilot slots which you can choose in the screen where you choose your team etc.. so with such a slot only those who have chosen pilot can actually fly. is that possible? how?` 3. i have added some helis in the mission editor and noticed the message "you are qualified etc.. in 15mins" although i turned the "autovehic. kick time" off in the parameters 4. is it possible to have a chase cam when dead? so that you can see what your team is doing? regards and thank in advance r. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
case1489 10 Posted June 7, 2012 how do i get backpacks on co40 Domination 2.60 CO ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HazJ 1289 Posted June 8, 2012 Is it enabled in the mission parameters ? HAZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
case1489 10 Posted June 8, 2012 yes but no backpacks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites