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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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If it was called anything but Operation Flashpoint 3, people would be congratulating it for keep the tactical shooter alive on consoles, possibly increasing interest in realistic games and perhaps Arma 2.


The community needs drop the emotional connection with that name.

BIS knew exactly what they were doing when they signed over the rights. Its likely we would not have played OFP or be playing ArmA 2 today if they had not, people have such short memories these days.

ArmA as a brand does not need OFP as a crutch.

Edited by xmongx
Broke up the first sentance so im not putting words in maturins mouth

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Agreed. The community needs drop the emotional connection with that name.

I didn't say that. CM deserve to be punished severely for their blatant lies over DR. And now the voiceovers of the RR trailers made me want to gouge my ears out.

So even if that lawyerly divorce was a long time ago, they're still pissing on the Operation Flashpoint name in one way or another.

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Agreed. The community needs drop the emotional connection with that name.

BIS new exactly what they were doing when they signed over the rights.

I bet there's a lot of hidden pain somewhere along this line, you better not continue! :eek:

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my favorite quote from Knox is " do you know what a select a fire is bitch-tits?"

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Before i go to bed I'll just leave you with a quote from a BIS press release around the time DR was called "Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising" rather than "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising"

"Bohemia Interactive says: “No! What matters is the game, not the name.â€"

never a truer word spoken

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You're onto something there. I remember someone saying a few days ago: if only BIS had the OFP name back. But people now associate Flashpoint with Dragon Rising and so on, so it's already been soiled. Besides, regular people recognise the Arma titles now too, and even if they're not fans, they respect BIS as developers.

It's just a shame Dragon Rising got so much press.

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Yeah, instead of pissing on codemasters, let's generate press coverage for ARMA

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I have already drop my emotional connection about that single name since OFPDR, but that doesn't wash out the fact that RR is just yet another soulless frankenstein zombie game that should have been dead but only to be revived\keep alive by bean counters.

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Yeah, instead of pissing on codemasters, let's generate press coverage for ARMA

We are. Arma 2 comes up incessantly in youtube comments flaming CM.

Make's us look like jerks, but hey, we're elitist PC gamers anyway.

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Yeah, instead of pissing on codemasters, let's generate press coverage for ARMA

Pissing on Codemasters ends up generating press coverage for BIS anyways, especially when Codemasters' titles are released, suck, and people then point unsatisfied customers in BIS' direction.

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I guess those who joined the community with ArmA or ArmA 2 don't care about the flashpoint name. The olders do.

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I guess those who joined the community with ArmA or ArmA 2 don't care about the flashpoint name. The olders do.

I do, consolemasters only uses the name to hijack people who have heard of Operation Flashpoint or played it and now wanna try the latest.... which now have turned into a simple console shooter with some tactical elements.

So yeah let's keep this thread alive and spread the message wherever we go :cool:

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I guess those who joined the community with ArmA or ArmA 2 don't care about the flashpoint name. The olders do.

But BI themself said they don't care so much about the name but moreso the soul, besides there are plenty of other things to dislike them for.

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I care because everytime I read some twelve year old post "oh hai im a fan of da orginal fleshpoint" and then it turns out that they believe "da original fleshpoint" is DR, it makes me want to forcibly rotate said twelve year old's head 180 degrees.

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I care because everytime I read some twelve year old post "oh hai im a fan of da orginal fleshpoint" and then it turns out that they believe "da original fleshpoint" is DR, it makes me want to forcibly rotate said twelve year old's head 180 degrees.

it takes 360 degrees to convice them of the truth ;)

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I care because everytime I read some twelve year old post "oh hai im a fan of da orginal fleshpoint" and then it turns out that they believe "da original fleshpoint" is DR, it makes me want to forcibly rotate said twelve year old's head 180 degrees.

Operation Fleshpoint: XXX Crisis

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-Ziggy-;1904902']it takes 360 degrees to convice them of the truth ;)

Geez, Ziggy! That reminds me The Exorcist.

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I bought it, its a decent game.

. At least this time they didnt attempt to lie about what the game was going to be, it ended up being pretty much what i was expecting.

The only thing im having trouble swallowing is the constant bashing the game gets on this forum (with even the mods joining in). It seems very immature and counter productive, this is the only 'AAA' FPS in the last few years ive seen try to take a step back towards the kind of play we were used to with OGR etc, its a step in the right direction (albeit a tentative step) and it puzzles me that its met with such hostility.

Nothing to do with the name for me:


Its pathetic really - keeping the player within a 50M radius of where the Game wants you is just poor game design. I only tried the game for maybe 40 minutes and every time I tried to do some maneuvering -the fuzzy brain screen of death comes to kill you -why? because it hates creative!!!!

If CM made a real tac shooter instead of this Army porn drivel, I'd buy it.

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Wow, did someone really just call the original OFP less realistic for not fencing you in? That's pretty twisted logic. Talk about wearing blinkers...

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Wow, did someone really just call the original OFP less realistic for not fencing you in? That's pretty twisted logic. Talk about wearing blinkers...

This is a dizzying logic that seems to inflict many over thar -take something away (feature) "Thats actually better and more real because....."

Developer and Used Car Salesmen dream clients.


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Well normally I'd expect a 4-man Marine fireteam to have a very limited AO (basically where their squad/platoon CO tells them to go), so the walling-in that's in OFP:DR and RR makes sense. You're just a ground trooper, and you will be charged with AWOL/disobeying commands if you decide to attack from a completely different direction. That's why OFP:RR is so similar to CoD. It does the planning for you.

ArmA 2 is a different story because in ArmA, you are often in control of an entire platoon, sometimes more. In OFPRR, you're a grunt, in ArmA you can command entire armies.

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Army porn drivel

This pretty much sums up what it is, but its probably one of its strong points.

Heres a list of military themed games i play fairly regularily in descending order:









Heres the list of military themed games i play when im drunk/feeling lazy:


Theres a huge fucking hole in my drunk/lazy repertoire, whilst BF:BC2 makes me rage at the spamfest i encounter i still play it because its marginally less irritating than COD.

RR has filled the hole and offered a middle ground that i can feel comfortable playing, has some semblance of tactical play, and makes me giggle whenever "ballsdeep-motivating-hardcore-action" is mentioned.

I think they did a good job, i hope they do well with it. CM have got far less money from me than BIS have over the years so im totally o.k. with that.

Edited by xmongx

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RR has filled the hole and offered a middle ground that i can feel comfortable playing, has some semblance of tactical play, and makes me giggle whenever "ballsdeep-motivating-hardcore-action" is mentioned.

I just bought BF:BC2 and I must say I found it rather easy. Most people have no idea how to use tanks (defiladed position, hull-down, etc) so it's fun owning them.

I think OFPRR's graphics would be enough to keep me away from the game. Too much postprocessing to hide the crap models and shoddy texture work.

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Well normally I'd expect a 4-man Marine fireteam to have a very limited AO (basically where their squad/platoon CO tells them to go), so the walling-in that's in OFPR and RR makes sense. You're just a ground trooper, and you will be charged with AWOL/disobeying commands if you decide to attack from a completely different direction.

Im sure this is true but I'm also pretty sure that if you did go outside 50M from the point of an Officer's "Defend" order that you'd not suffer from an immediate and deadly brain aneurysm.

Forget comparing it to a BI game, this felt like another tightening of the choke collar a notch above DR. If they wanted to really "keep it real", then allow you to go where you please and face the military court depending how your wild rebel ways resulted -I'd probably buy that for the lulz.

Again, similar to them declaring that the tether was added in DR due to engine limitations, not, realistic fireteam distance -I belive this to be a smoke and mirror act to "protect" player from seeing the enemy spawn.

That's why OFP:RR is so similar to CoD. It does the planning for you.

Absofreakinlutely -thats why its not a Tac shooter imo.

Edited by froggyluv

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Wow, I didn't know the walling in was that bad :eek:

I thought it just gave you the blurry screen of doom when you left the area or something.

Absofreakinlutely -thats why its not a Tac shooter imo.

Yep. I don't know why people thing a game is "tactical" and "difficult" when it has realistic recoil or doesn't have CoD-style perks. In a real tactical game, you assess your intel, plan an approach and execute the plan. The funnest part is when your plan goes to s*** because then you'll have to improvise and find a way out.

OFP:DR just holds your hand, if the mission goes wrong, it's because the guy who scripted it told it to go wrong.

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