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CBA: Community Base Addons for A2, OA and CO

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Im sure at least one person can grab it from SU and distribute it to the rest.

Otherwise the next Stable is coming soon.

Exactly. I can provide a server if people want to avoid time-limited or bandwidth limited hosters.

Looking forward to the next stable version!

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Any chance someone could upload the latest CBA (Build 168) ?

As I can't seem to download it from the ACE 1.12 Update 2 page on DevHeaven and we don't use SixUpdater [fireproof suit/on]

If no-one can upload the latest version (b168?), could someone email it to me? The previous version (b167) zipped up is less than 400kb.

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If no-one can upload the latest version (b168?), could someone email it to me? The previous version (b167) zipped up is less than 400kb.
What is the problem? You or none of your friends cannot grab it off Six Updater, nor can you wait for the upcoming Stable release?

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If it's a problem then I'm sorry I bothered you.
No I am asking what is the problem with grabbing the current dev-build from SU, by yourself or one of your mates, if you wish to get the current dev-build that badly?

If you did, you would be done by now - and save 4 posts, and me 4 emails, so please help me understand :)

Edited by Sickboy

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So here's the latest and greatest @CBA v0.8.2rc1 hot from the press :)

http://www.multiupload.com/M5YLFCUIQ0 (please do not mirror)

Changelog included and available at: http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/973db6b6-a754-11de-b50f-0021855d3b6d

CBA v0.8.2 Milestone

Stable should be coming in next few weeks.


Edited by Sickboy

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Hello guys,

I am running the latest version (#169) of CBA downloaded from Six Updater and I am encountering a quite serious problem while using it.

Whenever I have another human player with me, he will have the the remaining even or odd-numbered units following him.

Let me elaborate a little more.

My friend and I are both running identical ARMA 2 CO versions as well as identical CBA versions. Whenever he logs into my server and he selects the second soldier, for example, he'll also have all the other even numbered soldiers following him and not me. So if we have let's say 10 soldiers, and he takes control of soldier number 2, he'll have soldiers numbers 4, 6, 8 and 10 following him and not me, who is the actual squad leader.

Another problem arises whenever I give a move order. If I select all the soldiers and give a move order, no one will move. However, if I select the whole squad, except for my friend-controlled soldier, the soldiers will move to the destination I've designated.

This problem occurs with all the three friends I regularly play with.

So, is this a known fact? Or is this the first time this has been posted? IS there a fix or workaround for the fore-cited problem? :o :o :o

Most of the good mods out there require CBA to run, ACE included, and I'd not like to miss the opportunity to play them because of this problem we are having with CBA. :( :( :(

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There should be nothing in CBA causing the behavior you are describing.

What other mods are you running? Sounds like you are running an additional addon that might cause this behavior and perhaps requires CBA to initialize.

Please create a ticket and attach the RPT file from you and your friends, and if possible the repro mission and steps on how to reproduce the issue.


Edited by Sickboy

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Hello Sickboy and thanks for the reply,

I have quite a considerable number of mods, but all of them are properly installed in their respective "@Folder" and I load them using "Arma II Launcher".

I've just finished a thorough testing session with two friends of mine, and we tested every possible combination of mods. We then finally narrowed it down to CBA for loading the vanilla ARMA 2 CO with CBA would cause this problem.

We also tested with odd-numbered soldiers and the same problem occurred. If my friend took control of an odd-numbered soldier, the remaining odd-numbered soldiers would follow him instead, and not me, the squad leader.

We then tried loading the game using each individual mod and CBA and the situation was reproducible in every single situation.

It happens with all the missions I've tested and only when I have another human player in.

I've been playing ARMA 2 since the very first day it came out and I've been using CBA for a long time, as well. This problem only started occurring very recently. :( :( :(

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Thanks, please provide the requested details in a ticket and will get on it.

---------- Post added at 09:13 ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 ----------

Just reviewed the source diff since 01 October, so 1 month ago - and there again is nothing that would even seem remotely related to the behavior you are describing.

Do you know what CBA build and/or date it started happening? Are you (or your buddies) using OA v1.60 beta patches - perhaps there were related changes?

Edited by Sickboy

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Are you sure it's not the same without the mods ? I think that's default game behavior, often the AI will split and follow higher ranked players around.

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Hello guys,

I've just done another testing session with another bud of mine. He loaded his Combined Operations and the only enabled mod was CBA. His mod is also updated to the latest version using SixUpdater. I loaded my absolutely Vanilla game using the original OA "EXE". I didn't even use Arma Launcher just to be absolutely sure no mods would be loaded on my side.

We loaded one of the vanilla BAF missions (CO10-HEAT) and I got control over soldier #2. Just as I mentioned before, all remaining even-numbered units (4, 6, 8 and 10) began to follow me and not my friend, the squad leader.


If pressed on a date to when it started occurring, I'd have to say it started about 20 days ago. I can't be precise on that, though.

I am the only one who uses the Sprocket Version of the game and mine is manually patched to 1.59. My friends all have the Steam Version and theirs is automatically patched. None of us is using Beta Patches, Sickboy. :)


EDIT: I have just tested it with one more friend and the findings are even more interesting.

We did every single combination of CBA enabled/disabled with all three of us. I've also tested with only my two friends playing and myself out of the server to cross out the possibility of me being the culprit. The same problem occurred.


I got the RPT files from my friends, and I'll open the ticket and upload the necessary files.

Thanks for the help so far. :o

Edited by henrique_rp

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Cheers. Your response however does not clarify if the issue occurs _WITHOUT_ CBA.

One more important note; many people install addons not to modfolders but into the official game's Addons folders (addons, and expansion\addons).

So "No modfolders loaded" doesn't have to mean that no "Addon/Mod" is loaded.

---------- Post added at 17:07 ---------- Previous post was at 16:34 ----------

Thanks for adding the ticket!

BTW first thing you aughta really wanna change up is

> SixUpdater version 0.24.12.

You really want to change that to Six Updater v2.7 mate :)


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Hello Sickboy,

Sorry for not thoroughly explaining. My bad.

I have never installed mods in the "Addons" folder, because the "@Folder" system in infinitely more practical to enable and disable them.

For that reason, all of my mods are neatly organized and are loaded using THIS VERSION of arma launcher.

I have also tested the game in its absolute vanilla state. Under these conditions, there are no problems with the "AI Following" behavior. The game plays perfectly.

However, if at least one player has CBA enabled, the problem occurs.

I'll try and get my friends online later tonight and I'll make a descriptive video illustrating the problem we are having. :)

Meanwhile, thanks for the help. :o

A link to the ticket I've opened. :o http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26091


Thanks for the headsup on Sixupdater, Sickboy. I never bothered to update it since that old version has always worked perfectly. But, I'll download the new version and start using it.

Edited by henrique_rp

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Thanks mate!

But, as expected, the behavior is not caused by CBA, I can reproduce it with basic repro mission (attached to ticket) on a modless deddy with 2 clients.

Repro steps included: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26091#note-3

PS hope you enjoy the SU upgrade - strong Server Browser and launching capabilities ;)

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Thank you Sickboy for the support and attention!!!

Indeed it is not CBA-related.

I did further testing with my buddies and the problem does occur in quite a number of missions while using no mods at all.

So, is there any chance of a fix for it being added in a future patch? :bounce3:

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NP. :)

I think the behavior is fine and as intended, probably controllable by assigning different subgroups (red, green, black, white) etc, or perhaps even scripting.

However this does not really fall within the scope of CBA - BIS on the other hand welcomes feedback at the CIT: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/wiki/CIT

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i recently updated my ace files an cba through six updater, and now i get an error on startup:

"Inclide file x\cba\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found"

or the same for "script_macros_common"

tried rolling back to previous versions and still no dice. is this a problem at my end or a cba problem?

any help would be appreciated, cheers

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iv tried redownloading from everywhere i can find cba, still getting this error

my modline is starts with -mod=@CBA;@etc etc

so i ave no idea what in the hell is going wrong

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How about reading what he wrote?

How about keeping your mouth shut unless you can help?

I read what he wrote and have followed his advice, i was simply saying that i had tried redownloading and that i had no idea. So, therefore, im probably going to file a ticket arent I?

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