PiZZADOX 47 Posted December 29, 2015 The core patch was necessary because loads of bis content was spamming rpt after the 1.63 patch release, with undefined variable reports. This reduced fps in game by about 10 unless you played with -nologs, as we all do. Unfortunately most mods dont have proper variable definition either so they continue to spam rpt, but at least now the bis stuff is fixed. Would have been nice to simply not put that stupid script interpreter update that broke most of our scripts at the end of the development cycle. Sure, there were errors, but it logged it as an undefined variable and dealt with it instead of stopping execution of the script. I thank goliath and the people like opus that did great work reporting errors. This is all in response to BI's errors in missions and modules having tons of errors according to their own new script interpreter... what a joke. This is completely different from content changes. Patching the invisible but beneficial updates for BI modules and scripts is great, and no one could be upset about that... Changing frankly minor parts of the game that break a ton of mods which will most likely never be updated anymore is just simply stupid. Breaking tons of optics, especially via ACE workarounds for muzzle changes (not to mention many scripts that rely on muzzle detection) is just ludicrously stupid. How anyone can even think there is as big of a modding community in A2 as there was before is beyond me... not to mention we dont have access to any of the keys or authorization to update ACE or the like. Maybe the crazy person saying this was all a ploy to get people over to A3 was right. Ever since 1.62 literally every single thing BI has done to A2 has been ruining it. Sure, the server browser hosting was not their fault, but such a simple edit to the reporting server could have fixed that (Halo 1 update for gamespy outage) but instead we get a shit script interpreter and a bunch of changes that ruin things. Great job bohemia. Top fucking notch. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theduke77 17 Posted December 30, 2015 Would have been nice to simply not put that stupid script interpreter update that broke most of our scripts at the end of the development cycle. Sure, there were errors, but it logged it as an undefined variable and dealt with it instead of stopping execution of the script. I thank goliath and the people like opus that did great work reporting errors. This is all in response to BI's errors in missions and modules having tons of errors according to their own new script interpreter... what a joke. This is completely different from content changes. Patching the invisible but beneficial updates for BI modules and scripts is great, and no one could be upset about that... Changing frankly minor parts of the game that break a ton of mods which will most likely never be updated anymore is just simply stupid. Breaking tons of optics, especially via ACE workarounds for muzzle changes (not to mention many scripts that rely on muzzle detection) is just ludicrously stupid. How anyone can even think there is as big of a modding community in A2 as there was before is beyond me... not to mention we dont have access to any of the keys or authorization to update ACE or the like. Maybe the crazy person saying this was all a ploy to get people over to A3 was right. Ever since 1.62 literally every single thing BI has done to A2 has been ruining it. Sure, the server browser hosting was not their fault, but such a simple edit to the reporting server could have fixed that (Halo 1 update for gamespy outage) but instead we get a shit script interpreter and a bunch of changes that ruin things. Great job bohemia. Top fucking notch. Thanks for calling me a crazy person LOL but i know my points were valid and make sense. In no way you can compare GTA to arma, but if they want to bring realism as a topic..lets debate it LOL we could be here till arma 5 comes out. (probly gona skip 4 because its too close to 3 and 3 is horrible) LOL sound familiar? cough cough 8 to 10. Have you ever heard of "theres 3 kind of people that tell the truth" Kids, drunk people and angry people. I think everyone can figure out which one most of the players in this thread are leaning towards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revolverocelotkjb 13 Posted December 30, 2015 The USMC/Russian base defense units and CDF M16 rifles are WF doing config defaults. The mission uses a custom common script and custom structures config, but doesn't use a custom teams or loadouts config to change those particular things. The end-of-game loop may be a dedicated server issue. Are you encountering that on a dedicated server? I ask because the server update condition to end the loop (checking victory conditions) has always been variable "gameOver" being made true. But it seems the variable gets set true locally on clients. I don't find it getting set true in the server update, which on a DS would continue looping since a DS doesn't process the client scripts. If fixed for 2-sided missions, it would have to be conditioned on only one side remaining active (for 3-sided missions, where one side gets defeated but two sides keep battling it out). There are a couple other considerations I can think of where 2-sided v. 3-sided would have to be accounted for. Hosted locally on my own computer. Upon immediately completing a Warfare mission the Blufor / Opfor Win message appears along with an end game graph of multiple team categories such as Soldiers Recruited / Killed etc.and in addition to this graph an end game camera angle will pan out while calculating the stats. However the end game graph will upon completion of its team calculations restart multiple times along with the camera angle zooming back in and panning back out multiple times. My apologies for misstating before as the end game loop is not perpetual it does end to where I can view my personal statistics for the mission but the multiple recycling of the team stats graph and camera angle just didn't seem right. A very minor detail compared to all the massive fixes you compiled for the Warfare Module which by the way a huge thank you for that work! Ignore the whiners mateAdding backpack function to a2 units is a similar fix that can be done to port oa functionality to a2 content.Adding zeroing to a2 weapons likewiseThese are function ports rather than bugfixes, and deserve to be in the core patch.Mod makers like dayz epoch or our rangemaster mod will soon work out what we like and what we dont like, and modify our mods to patch your righteous patch.Guys if you want something changed go ask your mod maker to do itThough its fair enough to revert stuff like the minigun arcsKeep up the good work. Quick question eggbeast on one item you mentioned in your post. You specifically mentioned adding backpack function to a2 units from oa. Is it in the core patch agenda to eventually do this? To where the backpacks will actually show on the Arma 2 unit models? That would be awesome along with maybe proper AI function for the AI units to actually rearm themselves from their backpacks? :) These features were in ACE 2 and also your released mod eggbeast and I'm all for mods that add content and revisions to ARMA 2 and OA but at the same time there are features that should be inherently native aspects of the core game that currently are not and honestly should not have to be scripted or modded. For example: Having OA backpacks ported to ARMA 2 unit models Having AI units actually be able to rearm themselves from their backpacks Maybe even perhaps finally having AI actually be able to use smoke grenades which is a long overdue feature in my opinion :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PiZZADOX 47 Posted December 30, 2015 ACE 2 handles backpacks in a different way than base OA. In fact in ACE there is an effort to remove the combined player + backpack models entirely and simply use separate attached models to display backpacks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 What was the point of removing zeroing for DMR and KSVK? If you're used to use mil dots on DMR or graduation on KSVK, than continue to do so, nobody forbids you to do so. Those, who want to use zeroing that was added will be able to use it as intended as these weapons can be zeroed in real life. Adding zeroing made these weapons closer to their real counterparts, made them more usable and gave choise to both categories of players, to those who are used to how it was before and to those who have waited a very long time for zeroing to be added as it should be. If you want to continue to use mil dots or graduations, just don't touch zeroing leaving it at it's default value of 300m. That's it. If DayZ players complain that they die due to DMR with zeroing, than we should remove all weapons that can make them die, due to zeroing or powerful ammo type or good rate of fire or almost no recoil. You get it? Remove everything that can kill anybody! Uninstall ArmA, because in this game you can kill somebody. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hololand 27 Posted December 30, 2015 I fail to see how adding zeroing to guns, Fiddling with gunning angles and making vehicles go crawling speed off-road reduces bugs and increases fps... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hork 2 Posted December 30, 2015 Still very confused honestly, this company with multi millions, 200+ employees, and looking to hire more than 20 new ones, is having volunteers do this? I am really trying to understand it all, they sold over 3 million copies of the dayz stand alone game based on mods from this right? And it still does not have zombies after 2 years right? So this is still probably the most popular game in the portfolio or high on the list, its just not earning much money I assume? The developer on here has this horrible attitude about the mod community and what 90% of the people are playing and they allow this behavior? I am totally new here so the patch and everything related is almost meaningless to me, the attitude shown or lack of respect is what has me appalled. I would never accuse anyone of anything without proof, but yeah maybe the person you thought was crazy is not so crazy LOL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted December 30, 2015 Can we get back on topic please lads 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisb 196 Posted December 30, 2015 What was the point on removing zeroing for DMR and KSVK? If you're used to use mil dots on DMR or graduation on KSVK, than continue to do so, nobody forbids you to do so. Those, who want to use zeroing that was added will be able to use it as intended as these weapons can be zeroed in real life. Adding zeroing made these weapons closer to their real counterparts, made them more usable and gave choise to both categories of players, to those who are used to how it was before and to those who have waited a very long time for zeroing to be added as it should be. If you want to continue to use mil dots or graduations, just don't touch zeroing leaving it at it's default value of 300m. That's it. If DayZ players complain that they die due to DMR with zeroing, than we should remove all weapons that can make them die, due to zeroing or powerful ammo type or good rate of fire or almost no recoil. You get it? Remove everything that can kill anybody! Uninstall ArmA, because in this game you can kill somebody. Agreed.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hololand 27 Posted December 30, 2015 Agreed.. Why should 90% of the community have to make a compromise because 10% wants something different?... That is not how it works sorry boys. I seriously don't understand why you cannot go and play ACE 2... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
8LacK5naK3 192 Posted December 30, 2015 Can we all try to remember that this patch is for the base game. All previous patches altered not only things like realism but things that perhaps should have been tweaked from the earlier versions too. Every single time, all mods had to be altered to accomodate the changes, or they were ditched and forgotten. It`s just how it works when you`re modifying games. If changes are not realistic (i.e the restrictive chopper side gun angles), then it`s a discussion. If it`s just since the mod you play every day suddenly doesn`t work due to base game changes, that`s up to your mod maker to update the mod to alter things back to how your mod had them before. Take a look at the bafx/rangemaster mod. That thing is large and complicated. It was altered very shortly after the update entered the non-beta updates. Even if 70% of people are playing some dayz mod variant that are the main users of the base game now, it`s their mod that has to be altered to accomodate the base changes. It would be much nicer to hear reports of any bugs in the base game from these changes, and much less moaning from mod users that their favourite mod doesn`t work properly anymore. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 Why should 90% of the community have to make a compromise because 10% wants something different?... That is not how it works sorry boys. I seriously don't understand why you cannot go and play ACE 2... Can't you read? If you want to use mil dots, than use them. Nothing has changed regrading this that would alter the way you are used to play like. There was just and addition that allowed players to zero. But you don't have to use this "zeroing" feature if you don't want to. Is this difficult to understand? Games get updates -> mod makers have to update their mods. ArmA updates policy is like that since 2001 and this counts not only for ArmA but for all the games that have mods. It always went this way for all the games and it won't change any time soon. So you and other DayZ MOD players basically suggest to not update a game, so "lazy?" mod makers don't have to update their mods for compatibility with latest game version??? Are you serious? Don't patch GTA 5 because modders would have to update their mods. Are you serious? It won't be normal if a game would not get updates in order to not brake mods made by 3rd party people. It won't be normal if 3rd party mod makers would not want to update their mods to the latest game version for compatibility reasons. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 @ hololand & co. I've been playing ArmA game series since 2001 and ArmA 2 since july 2009. There was no zeroing for nothing since 2009 for ArmA 2 and for it's earlier iterations as well up to the day BIS have released THE "update" in june 2010, where they have added zeroing to a lot of weapons, aircrafts and armor and have changed the way how the radar looks like and how the targets are represented on it, the way fired missiles fly and their speeds and dammage level and so on. Nobody was complaining about these changes! BIS developpers have introduced these changes - players got used to those. And this are just few changes I've mentioned among hundreds of others that players had to get used to. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 I've never complained either.I didn't when BIS have added flairs to aircrafts back in June 2010, by bashing on them, because I've spent countless hours to learn to fly without them. I had to learn by heart the whole island landscape to use it for cover flying low behind the mountains, in valleys or elaborating escaping tactics when followed by enemy jets.I didn't when BIS have completely change radar appearance, by bashing on them, because I just figured out how to understand how faraway and in which directions were the targets located on it. I had to learn everything from scratch with the new radar.I didn't when BIS have changed missiles' flying speeds, damage and flying trajectory, by bashing on them, because I just figured out with which missile from which distance at which speed and angle to attack different targets. I had to relearn everything from scratch.I didn't when BIS have changes some armor strength values for some armored vehicles, by bashing on them, because a just had figured out which armor to shoot in which part of it from which side from which distance with which type of ammo and how much times.Guess what? I'm still playing this amazing game and enjoy playing it even more due to all these changes that first were irritating and seemed to be so wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dodovici 0 Posted December 30, 2015 Why did u emptied the medical supplies from the medical cardboard boxes ? I guess 80% of the Arma 2 players are playing Dayz Mod ,now those missions that would give u medical supplies as a reward give nothing now , because the medical boxes are empty now. About DMR zeroing i really see no problem to that.If u dont want want zeroing just dont use it ,use only the mildots. Please fix the medical boxes problem . Thank you for your work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theduke77 17 Posted December 30, 2015 Can't you read? If you want to use mil dots, than use them. Nothing has changed regrading this that would alter the way you are used to play like. There was just and addition that allowed players to zero. But you don't have to use this "zeroing" feature if you don't want to. Is this difficult to understand? Games get updates -> mod makers have to update their mods. ArmA updates policy is like that since 2001 and this counts not only for ArmA but for all the games that have mods. It always went this way for all the games and it won't change any time soon. So you and other DayZ MOD players basically suggest to not update a game, so "lazy?" mod makers don't have to update their mods for compatibility with latest game version??? Are you serious? Don't patch GTA 5 because modders would have to update their mods. Are you serious? It won't be normal if a game would not get updates in order to not brake mods made by 3rd party people. It won't be normal if 3rd party mod makers would not want to update their mods to the latest game version for compatibility reasons. everything you said is true, about updating a game. but this is not what the corepatch did. The corepatch did partially what you mentioned. Obviously you didnt read the whole thread, otherwise you would of noticed the insults the community got coming directly from devs. Someones opinion towards realism was the other part of the corepatch. Don't believe me? Read the thread again about the part with the venom, going back and forth changing his story. And why would you change core variables in the first place. Slow down SUV because its more realistic in a fews opinion, when in REALITY they are too slow. Hence why people created mods to make alot of the stuff more realistic. Basically its a old game and leave it alone. Want to add new stuff, do it to the newer game, arma 3. Your argument is so vague. All you talk about is "updating the game" In this case it wasnt just updating the game, it was also what a few people wanted as what they thought was realistic. when in reality its not for most of the stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 And if there is something that can be fixed or even added to a game this old by it's enthusiastic and loyal players, scripters and modders by spending countless hours of their time for free to make our favorite game even better without us having to install 1001 mods that you have to figure out which are allowed and which not on which servers, where to get them, how to install them, how to update them and how to configure and use them... I'm all in for as much things as can be done/included in the game by default to avoid all the annoyances mentioned above. I just want to find a server, connect to it and begin to play straight forward. And I doubt that I'm the only one to want this to be this way. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theduke77 17 Posted December 30, 2015 Why should 90% of the community have to make a compromise because 10% wants something different?... That is not how it works sorry boys. I seriously don't understand why you cannot go and play ACE 2... the devs arnt even responding to this thread anymore. I honestly think this ridiculous "patch" was to push people to arma 3. Luckily for behemia i already have it, otherwise i would of never bought it after this "realism" and bug patch. Stick with bug fixes, not what you think is realism, devs. they obviously dont care for the majority. and the players that are behind the devs in this argument, try to actually think of the majority too, not just what you like, or how you use mil dots, but what the community likes and we obviously didnt ask for "realism" fixes, based on your opinion. Because after all without a community, theres no profit. If you think that only the people here are the people that are frustrated at the update, you are wrong LOL. i dare you to visit servers and talk to admins and server owners and ask them how much of a headache this update has caused them. and of course the players experiencing many new bugs, worst ones than before. And well the only thing I can say as a server owner is, I link them here :) or tell them what kind of update you actually did. How did you expect players to react when you slowed down a SUV offroad when they are already too slow. When someone creates a mod specifically to make them more realistic, faster. You make them slower. It does not add up. (when i say "you", i mean the devs) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theduke77 17 Posted December 30, 2015 And if there is something that can be fixed or even added to a game this old by it's enthusiastic and loyal players, scripters and modders by spending countless hours of their time for free to make our favorite game even better without us having to install 1001 mods that you have to figure out which are allowed and which not on which servers, where to get them, how to install them, how to update them and how to configure and use them... I'm all in for as much things as can be done/included in the game by default to avoid all the annoyances mentioned above. I just want to find a server, connect to it and begin to play straight forward. And I doubt that I'm the only one to want this to be this way. Then if thats the case, behemia should of never realeased tools to create mods or allowed players to create mods in the first place. But without mods behemia would of never been what it is today. So ok, lets remove the mods. GG. and lets ALL play jsut arma 2 LOLz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 I fail to see how adding zeroing to guns, Fiddling with gunning angles and making vehicles go crawling speed off-road reduces bugs and increases fps... If you & co. didn't know that this last patch is inteded to fix config only related issues and not game's engine, animations or net code, because volunteer people doing this are not up to do more than this and are also not allowed to, than you should know it by now. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 Why should 90% of the community have to make a compromise because 10% wants something different?... That is not how it works sorry boys. I seriously don't understand why you cannot go and play ACE 2... You're not the right person to tell people where and what to play. Following your "logic": I seriously don't understand why you cannot go and play DayZ Standalone or even a completly other game. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 Then if thats the case, behemia should of never realeased tools to create mods or allowed players to create mods in the first place. But without mods behemia would of never been what it is today. So ok, lets remove the mods. GG. and lets ALL play jsut arma 2 LOLz Mods always gave and will no doubts always give more than vanilla game. But you can't deny that it's always good to have as much as possible in the game by default. Why not. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theduke77 17 Posted December 30, 2015 You're not right person to tell people where and what to play. I seriously don't understand why you cannot go and play DayZ Standalone. same goes for you, you're not right for telling the majority to suck it up. You know im starting to believe this 10% deserves it LOL wow And again you are ONLY discussing the fact the did bug fixes and spent volunteer hours on this. Well, i've spent countless hours (yes volunteer) myself running servers. Im one of the many keeping arma 2 alive. As a matter of fact im one of the most popular pve servers in dayz mod. (not many left) So am i angry they are willing to spend time and fix bugs? not at all, im also glad people are willing to spend time on this game. Am I angry that they insulted us when were voiced our opinons about the "realism" update that actually also messed up alot of core variables. Of course im angry that I spent countless hours and many others and they do this. Your argument has no point, when you only talk about the time they spent working on this. Thats just scratching the surface of what was part of the update. and dont forget about the 70% 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groove_C 267 Posted December 30, 2015 For people who didn't pay enough attention, this thread is to discuss or report issues related to the ORIGINAL/CORE GAME ONLY and not for mods based on it. Here it's not about DayZ, Life, Epoch, Ovewatch, Overpoch, A.C.E. 2 and so on. I agree, that Issues like minigun rotation angles, night vision goggles compatibility with different scopes or SUV slowdown offroad even further have to be adressed in original/core game of course. But concerning zeroing to be or no to be present based only on your personal preferences instead of being based on weapons' real life counterparts is just so wrong here in this thread. As stated earlier -> mods need to be updated once the original/core game receives updates itself as it always was the case. You better would report "issues" or desired changes to revert back to the previous state in threads dedicated to the specific mods used on your servers or on servers you are playing on in order to "fix?"/modify/update them to be more in line with your personal preferences based on nothing more than just the way you would like it to be. Oh... I almost forgot. I'm also admin on several servers since several years. So next time when you raise your voice, speak for yourself only, because you don't represent the majority, but only and only yourself. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theduke77 17 Posted December 30, 2015 For people who didn't pay enough attention, this thread is to discuss or report issues related to the ORIGINAL/CORE GAME ONLY and not for mods based on it. Here it's not about DayZ, Life, Epoch, Ovewatch, Overpoch, A.C.E. 2 and so on. I agree, that Issues like minigun rotation angles, night vision goggles compatibility with different scopes or SUV slowdown offroad even further have to be adressed in original/core game of course. But concerning zeroing to be or no to be present based only on your personal preferences instead of being based on weapons' real life counterparts is just so wrong here in this thread. As stated earlier -> mods need to be updated once the original/core game receives updates itself as it always was the case. You better would report "issues" or desired changes to revert back to the previous state in threads dedicated to the specific mods used on your servers or on servers you are playing on in order to "fix?"/modify/update them to be more in line with your personal preferences based on nothing more than just the way you would like it to be. Oh... I almost forgot. I'm also admin on several servers since several years. So next time when you raise your voice, speak for yourself only, because you don't represent the majority, but only and only yourself. ahh ok, so you are also stating that mods dont matter even though thats what made arma 2... but its ok to be in denial. cause i really dont care what happens with bohemia further on. after seeing a dev can insult players after players complained about the minigun issue, even after you agreed that it shouldnt of happened. yet you still fall behind the devs. I would like to see where you learn your logic lol ohhh thats right, arma flawgic haha GG Ok so the mods make up 90% of the arma community the remaining 10% is sole arma 2 players. But your logic is to make the 90% adapt the the recent core changes. instead of having the 10% download their opinion of realism in a mod or optional update. you know 2+2=4 not 0. You are going backwards in your logic, if you have any Share this post Link to post Share on other sites