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[SOLUTION] Create player markers and update location every 10 seconds
_Clockwerk posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
So I've been working on my first hand-written script to place markers on the map where players are every 10 seconds, with a line drawn between the squad members and the squad leader. I was having some trouble with undefined variables but just making the variables private within the script got rid of that error. Now I'm stuck with a perpetual missing semi-colon error which tells me that my script is just wrong somewhere. I'm very new to this and I've been scouring the examples on the biki, but just can't seem to get this to work. I can't tell if I'm just doing things out of order or defining variables in the wrong place etc., etc. ... Bottom line: I'm lost. If anyone could just point out where I might be going wrong that would help. And yes I realize that the game already has map markers, just humor my ridiculousness if you will. //////////////Definitions////////////// private p1 = zCurator; private p2 = ar; private p3 = gren; private p4 = at; _p1POS = getpos p1; _p2POS = getpos p2; _p3POS = getpos p3; _p4POS = getpos p4; createMarker ["mkrPos1", _p1POS]; createMarker ["mkrPos2", _p2POS]; createMarker ["mkrPos3", _p3POS]; createMarker ["mkrPos4", _p4POS]; _p1Array = [p1, "mkrPos1", _p1POS]; _p2Array = [p2, "mkrPos2", _p2POS]; _p3Array = [p3, "mkrPos3", _p3POS]; _p4Array = [p4, "mkrPos4", _p4POS]; _delta = [p1,p2,p3,p4]; _deltaUnder = [p2,p3,p4]; //////////////Draw black lines between squad members and squad leader////////////// { while {alive p1} do { (_this select 0) drawLine [_x,p1,[0,0,0,1]]; sleep 10; }; } forEach _deltaUnder; //////////////Create and set approximate locations of players////////////// _posMarkers = ["mkrPos1","mkrPos2","mkrPos3","mkrPos4"]; { _x setMarkerType "mil_dot_noShadow"; _x setMarkerColor "#(0,0,1,1)"; } forEach _posMarkers; //////////////Update player location markers every 10 seconds////////////// { while {alive _x select 0} do { (_x select 1) setMarkerPos (_x select 2); sleep 10; }; } forEach [_p1Array, _p2Array, _p3Array, _p4Array]; EDIT: Spent the 6 hours between this post and now trying to diagnose this. I managed to clear all errors after about an hour, but the script still wasn't working. I found drawLine to be a lost cause to I just settled for map icons that update every 10 seconds. Here's the code if anyone is interested. p1-p4 assignments are just the variable names I gave to each of my squad members (Squad Lead, Auto Rifleman, Grenadier, Anti-Tank). _p1 = zCurator; _p2 = ar; _p3 = gren; _p4 = at; _p1POS = getPos _p1; _p2POS = getPos _p2; _p3POS = getPos _p3; _p4POS = getPos _p4; _mkr1 = createMarker ["mkrPos1", _p1POS]; _mkr2 = createMarker ["mkrPos2", _p2POS]; _mkr3 = createMarker ["mkrPos3", _p3POS]; _mkr4 = createMarker ["mkrPos4", _p4POS]; _posMarkers = [_mkr1,_mkr2,_mkr3,_mkr4]; { _x setMarkerType "mil_dot_noShadow"; _x setMarkerShape "ICON"; _x setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; } forEach _posMarkers; sleep 2; while {isServer} do { _mkr1 setMarkerPos (getPos _p1); _mkr2 setMarkerPos (getPos _p2); _mkr3 setMarkerPos (getPos _p3); _mkr4 setMarkerPos (getPos _p4); sleep 10; }; EDIT 2: Noticed that the script was stopping after respawn or death, referencing the players' positions as an array seems to have fixed that. _p1 = zCurator; _p2 = ar; _p3 = gren; _p4 = at; _p1POS = getPos _p1; _p2POS = getPos _p2; _p3POS = getPos _p3; _p4POS = getPos _p4; _mkr1 = createMarker ["mkrPos1", _p1POS]; _mkr2 = createMarker ["mkrPos2", _p2POS]; _mkr3 = createMarker ["mkrPos3", _p3POS]; _mkr4 = createMarker ["mkrPos4", _p4POS]; _posMarkers = [_mkr1,_mkr2,_mkr3,_mkr4]; { _x setMarkerType "mil_dot_noShadow"; _x setMarkerShape "ICON"; _x setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; } forEach _posMarkers; sleep 2; while {isServer} do { _mkr1 setMarkerPos (getPos (units group player select 0)); _mkr2 setMarkerPos (getPos (units group player select 1)); _mkr3 setMarkerPos (getPos (units group player select 2)); _mkr4 setMarkerPos (getPos (units group player select 3)); sleep 5; }; -
Script to destroy specific class name(s) in radius
Low Fat Milk posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello all, I have been trying to set up a script that destroys specific class names within an area for a community I am in. The idea is to eventually get the script as part of a module but I am unable to get the base script working yet. Any help reviewing my errors would be appreciated. PolterDrones = ["212th_UAV","212th_UAV_ATK"]; DeadDrones = PolterDrones; NearbyDeadDrones = nearestObjects [Jammer1, DeadDrones, 500, false, false]; { ExplodedDrones = typeOf _x; if (ExplodedDrones in PolterDrones) then { _x setDamage 1; }; forEach _NearbyDeadDrones; }; -
Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
Questioning posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Howdy! I've made a function for an Ai commander that I'm working on that checks all of the Blufor groups + vehicles and categorizes them into four categories: "Car", "Car Armed", "Infantry" and "Infantry AT." The problem occurs in the debug section (> Line 45) where I'm trying place a marker on all of the groups to represent their category. It works when I'm marking less than ~5 groups, but when I try to mark more I get the error: "0 elements provided, 3 expected." The issue is with line 47 (commented "Our problem child"). Thank you! Here is the code: // This is the script/function that determines the types of units a commander has. fnc_unitTypeCheck = { params ["_side", "_position"]; _comPos = getMarkerPos _position; _availableGroups = groups _side; //All units/vehicles near _comPos. _availableVehicles = _comPos nearEntities ["Car", 150]; _cars = []; _armedCars = []; { if(typeOf _x in carSet) then {_cars pushBack _x; _availableVehicles = _availableVehicles - [_x]}; } forEach _availableVehicles; //Finds all cars { if(typeOf _x in armedCarSet) then {_armedCars pushBack _x; _availableVehicles = _availableVehicles - [_x]}; } forEach _availableVehicles; //Finds all armed cars _infantryATGroups = []; //[west, "HQ"] sideChat "All groups: " + str(_availableGroups); //Checks unit in blufor to see if they have an AT launcher. If they do the group is marked as AT capable and added to the Infantry AT group. (Checks for AT infantry) { _groupATCount = 0; _currentGroup = _x; { { if((_x in ATLauncherSet) && (_groupATCount == 0)) exitWith {_infantryATGroups pushBack _currentGroup; _groupATCount = _groupATCount + 1; _availableGroups = (_availableGroups - [_currentGroup]);}; } forEach weapons _x; } forEach units _x; } forEach _availableGroups; _infantryGroups = _availableGroups; // Initilized after infantry AT groups - sets the infantry groups to the _available groups. (Only groups that are available still are infantry groups) //Debug -- Issue is here { _mkr = createMarker ["InfantrySquad " + str(_forEachIndex + 1), _x]; //Our problem child _mkr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _mkr setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _mkr setMarkerText "InfSquad " + str(_forEachIndex); } forEach _infantryGroups; //Creates a marker identifying every infantry group { _mkr = createMarker ["ATSquad " + str(_forEachIndex), _x]; _mkr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _mkr setMarkerColor "ColorOrange"; _mkr setMarkerText "ATSquad " + str(_forEachIndex + 1); } forEach _infantryATGroups; //Creates a marker identifying every infantry AT group { _mkr = createMarker ["car " + str(_forEachIndex), _x]; _mkr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _mkr setMarkerColor "ColorGrey"; _mkr setMarkerText "Car " + str(_forEachIndex + 1); } forEach _cars; // etc. { _mkr = createMarker ["armedCar " + str(_forEachIndex), _x]; _mkr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _mkr setMarkerColor "colorRed"; _mkr setMarkerText "Armed Car " + str(_forEachIndex + 1); } forEach _armedCars; }; -
[NEED HELP] Show video to players via addaction
sina alex posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
hello there i have a question about show video on billbord for players who are infront of it via add action, so we create a trigger and add below code on it: vp is name of the Addaction object call{[vp, "Pakhsh", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_search_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 2", "_caller distance _target < 2", {}, {}, { _video = "V\reza.ogv"; _screen = namayeshgar; _screen setObjectTexture [0, _video]; [_video] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_playVideo", ([0, -2] select isDedicated), true]; m1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"P\rs.jpg"]; m2 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"P\ma.jpg"]; }, {hint "Laghve tanzim";}, [], 5, 1000, false, false, true ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true];}; when i test this code i just find it the video is just visible by who call add action and not somebody else. how i can do it for all players infront of that billbord? -
Help with advanced editing (Trying to modify spotting distance)
flyingmadpakke posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I'm making a mission in which you control the camera of the MQ-4A-Greyhawk drone. It's flying at about 1000m altitude above an enemy base. You are supposed to identify a certain target and call a strike. The problem is the AI keeps spotting the drone, but I don't want them to do that. So what can I do to change that? I have tried editing with the advanced Eden mod, but I don't think it has the needed features. Ty :) Edit: more details on the symptoms (idk, maybe it's important). When the drone arrives you can see two patrols and some stationary dudes (more arrive by truck later). After some time they start looking up into the air in the direction of the drone (This is what I interpret as them spotting the drone). A little while later they break patrol and crouch/go prone while still looking in the direction of the drone, but From what I can tell, they never shoot at it though. -
Question/Request on making a "RHS ESCALATION" Type mission?
White_Zombie posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
So I have been looking for a new mission for my dedicated server for me and some buddies to play with the RHS Escalation Mission. Loved the similar missions in Arma 2 OA but, Since it is no longer updated, and I have no scripting knowledge, I had a few questions? First would be, All I want is to update the units to the new ones RHS has added, change the map, and the teams, I have a wish to try out the RHS Serb forces, but as this is something not originally created with the mod, I have no Idea what to do? Would this be simple or very complex? Is there a stand-alone tool like ADAM that I could use? At this point, I would even compensate(if that is allowed, or donate) if someone could just edit the mission for me. Just for private use. Any thoughts? :\ Thanks, WZ