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Low Fat Milk

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About Low Fat Milk

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  1. Hello all, I have been trying to set up a script that destroys specific class names within an area for a community I am in. The idea is to eventually get the script as part of a module but I am unable to get the base script working yet. Any help reviewing my errors would be appreciated. PolterDrones = ["212th_UAV","212th_UAV_ATK"]; DeadDrones = PolterDrones; NearbyDeadDrones = nearestObjects [Jammer1, DeadDrones, 500, false, false]; { ExplodedDrones = typeOf _x; if (ExplodedDrones in PolterDrones) then { _x setDamage 1; }; forEach _NearbyDeadDrones; };
  2. Thanks for the improvements, I really appreciate it! Curious though is hide object global not useful in this situation or just that particular line?
  3. Thank you so much. I missed that dang thing for hours
  4. I have been working on this for a few days now following some other examples I've seen but cant seem to get this to work. Trying to make a addAction that hides an object for a limited time, hides the interaction for a longer time, but re-enables both. Using the syntax of the wiki stops the addAction from even showing up on the object however. If anyone has some pointers or even better a fix I'd appreciate it. this addAction [ "<t color='#FF0000>WARNING Shield Override WARNING</t>", { params ["_target", "_caller", "_arguments"]; _target setVariable ["ShieldReset",false]; [Shield_1, true] remoteExec ["hideObjectGlobal", 0]; Sleep 10; [Shield_1, false] remoteExec ["hideObjectGlobal", 0]; sleep 10; _target setVariable ["ShieldReset",true]; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "_target getVariable ['ShieldReset',true]", 5, false, "", "" ];