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  1. Persistent Data World Lastest version: 0.91 by Code34 Want to contribute by donation ? Github: https://github.com/code34/oo_pdw.Altis Reference: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167980-Object-Oriented-SQF-Scripting-and-Compiling Download : https://github.com/code34/oo_pdw.Altis/releases Armaholic : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24548 Description OO PDW is a class (object oriented) that permits to save & restore world and players datas and make worlds persistent. This object uses Object Oriented SQF scripting of Naught and can use INIDBI2 addon or server/client profiles. Features: Save & restore all objects Save & restore players Save & restore infantry groups (AI) Save & restore inventory Filters options to include / exclude somes objects, etc Licence: Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author Documentation: Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_PDW - Pesistent Data World This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _pdw = ["new", "inidbi"] call OO_PDW; Create a new pdw object with a specific driver inidbi requires inidbi addons (only avalaible on windows) Parameters: string - can be "inidbi" or "profile" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setSaveName", "nameofsave"] call _pdw; Set the name of the save Parameters: string - name of the save Return : nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setDbName", "mydb"] call _pdw; Set the DB name for inidbi (Not avalaible for profile) Parameters: string - name of the inidbi db Return : nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["savePlayer", _player] call _pdw; Save playable unit informations: position, damage, dir Parameters: _player - playable unit object Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["loadPlayer", _player] call _pdw; Load playable unit informations : position, damage, dir Parameters: _player - playable unit object Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["saveUnit", _unit] call _pdw; Save unit : type, position, damage, dir Parameters: _unit - unit object (MAN unit) Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _unit = ["loadUnit", [_label, _group]] call _pdw; Load unit : type, position, damage, dir Parameters: _label - string label for the unit _group - group object where the unit have to be restore Return : unit otherwise false; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["loadInventory", [_label, _unit]] call _pdw; Load a preset of equipment (all stuffs in backpacks, weapons, etc) Parameters: _label : string label for the preset _unit : unit object which will load the preset inventory Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["saveInventory", [_label, _unit]] call _pdw; Save in a preset all the equipment of the unit (all stuffs in backpacks, weapons, etc) Parameters: _label : string label for the preset _unit : unit object which will be used to save the preset inventory Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["clearInventory", _unit] call _pdw; Remove all the equipement Parameters: _unit : unit object where the inventory will be clear Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["clearObject", _object] call _pdw; Remove all the cargo Parameters: _object : object where all cargo will be removed Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "savePlayers" call _pdw; Save all players informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "loadPlayers" call _pdw; Load all players informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = "saveGroups" call _pdw; Save all AI groups informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "loadGroups" call _pdw; Load all AI groups informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "saveObjects" call _pdw; Save all objects informations : type, position, damage according the filters If no filters, all objects are saved (except soldiers & logics) filter methods (describe above): setIncludingMarkers setExcludingMarkers setAroundPos setExcludingTypes setIncludingTypes setExcludingObjects setIncludingObjects Parameters: none Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIncludingMarkers", _array] call _pdw; Set array of markers containing objects to save Parameters: _array : array containing objects Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setExcludingMarkers", _array] call _pdw; Set array of markers where objects don't have to be save Parameters: _array : array containing objects Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setAroundPos", _array] call _pdw; Set array of positions of x distance perimeter, where objects have to be save Parameters: _array : array containing [[position, distance], [position, distance], ..] Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setExcludingTypes", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects type, dont have to be save. Parameters: _array : array containing types of object ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"] Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIncludingTypes", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects type to whitelist Parameters: _array : array containing types of object ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"] Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setExcludingObjects", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects, dont have to be save. Parameters: _array : array containing object Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIncludingObjects", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects that have to be save Parameters: _array : array containing object Return : none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: _array = "loadObjects" call _pdw; Load and return all objects loaded Parameters: none Return : array of objects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["saveObject", [_label, _object]] call _pdw; Save object, and all its cargo Parameters: _label : string label of the object to save _object : object Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _object = ["loadObject", _label] call _pdw; Load object and return object loaded Parameters: _label : string label of the object to load Return : object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["delete", _pdw] call OO_PDW; Destroy the pdw object Parameters: object - pdw object Return : nothing Readme: /* Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_PDW - Pesistent Data World This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ Create a main bus message between clients & server Usage: put the "oo_pdw.sqf" and the "oop.h" files in your mission directory put this code into your mission init.sqf call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; See example mission in directory: init.sqf Licence: You can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author logs: 0.91 - fix including / excluding objects (duplicate objects) 0.9 - update oop.h - add setIncludingTypes method from contributor: [LTC] Vegas =21st= - add debug entry points 0.8 - fix private keywords - fix array reference - fix clearcargo - add setSaveName method 0.76 - Add setIncludingMarkers method - Add setExcludingMarkers method - Add setAroundPos method - Add setExcludingTypes method - Add setExcludingObjects method - Add setIncludingObjects method - Delete saveObjectsAroundPos method - Delete saveObjectsInMarkers method - Delete saveObjectsOutOfMarkers method - Delete saveObjectsExcludingObjects method - Delete saveObjectsExcludingTypes - Control type methods parameters 0.74 - fix magazines count for infantry - turn off gps add - fix binocular not assigned - Add saveObjectsAroundPos method - Add saveObjectsInMarkers method - Add saveObjectsOutOfMarkers method - Add saveObjectsExcludingObjects method - Add saveObjectsExcludingTypes 0.72 - fix return values of methods - add savePlayers/loadPlayers methods - add saveGroups/loadGroups methods - fix initServer.sqf example for MP servers - update documentation 0.7 - add support inidbi2 DB - refactory setFileName to setDbName - only compatible with inidbi2 - fix saveObjects method 0.6 - add setFileName for inidbi DB - fix save file with inidbi - use UID instead of name of players 0.5 - add drivers support - add profilename support - add loadPlayer & savePlayer methods - fix loadInventory method 0.4 - re factory saveUnit, loadUnit, saveObject, loadObject - add saveObjects, loadObjects - add saveInventory, loadInventory, clearInventory - add more doc 0.3 - fix function name - fix reload weapon - fix example code 0.2 - Fix typo error, fix adduniform 0.1 - OO PDW - first release Examples call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; sleep 2; private _pdw = ["new", "profile"] call OO_PDW; ["setSaveName", missionName] call _pdw; hint "save AI infantry groups"; "saveGroups" call _pdw; sleep 2; {deletevehicle _x;} foreach allunits; sleep 1; hint "load AI infantry groups"; "loadGroups" call _pdw; sleep 2; hint "Save all players"; "savePlayers" call _pdw; sleep 2; hint "Restore all Players"; "loadPlayers" call _pdw; sleep 2; //Filters example //_aroundpos = [[position player, 100], [position chopper, 10]]; //["setAroundPos", _aroundpos] call _pdw; //["setExcludingTypes", ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"]] call _pdw; //["setExcludingMarkers", ["test1", "test2"]] call _pdw; hint "Save all objects"; "saveObjects" call _pdw; sleep 2; hint "Delete all objects"; { if!(_x isKindOf "MAN") then { deletevehicle _x; }; }foreach (allMissionObjects "All"); sleep 2; _objects = "loadObjects" call _pdw; hint format ["Restore all objects %1", _objects];
  2. Hey, i'd like to create and modify a database with inidbi without putting the code inside initServer.sqf. I tried using remoteExec but it won't work. Here's my code: iniPlayerLocal.sqf _Nombre = name player; _BD = ["new", _Nombre] call OO_INIDBI; [_BD, _Nombre] call Mech_fnc_login; fn_login.sqf _BD = (_this select 0); _Nombre = (_this select 1); [["write", ["test", "test", "test"]], _BD] remoteExec ["call", 2, true];
  3. Hey guys, I keep seeing the same topic of 'How do I get x-cam working with 64bit Arma?' coming up on the Arma 3 discord #terrain_makers channel, so I thought I'd post up this quick guide so it is documented somewhere other than discord and to save me having to repeat myself over and over, anyway here goes... This quick guide assumes you already have X-Cam installed and working with the 32bit version of Arma 3, if you do not then please run through X-Cam's install instructions prior following this guide and validate it is working with the 32bit version of the game first. I will not be offering any support for this since it is simply updated dll's and nothing to do with the inner workings of inidbi nor X-Cam which are both discussed at some length within their own forum threads. Grab the new dll's (iniDB.dll & iniDB_x64.dll) from my github page https://github.com/Uro1/-inidbi (You only need the dll files, the rest of the repository is exactly the same inidbi addon that you should already have installed). Grab make_file_x64.dll from @killzone_kid 's website here - http://killzonekid.com/arma-64-bit-extensions/ Drop the iniDB.dll & iniDB_x64.dll into the Arma3\@inidbi folder. Drop make_file_x64.dll into the \Arma3\ root folder. You may have to 'unblock' the dll files in Windows depending on your systems security setup, to do this right click on each DLL and select 'Properties', go to the 'Security' tab and hit 'Unblock', Click 'Apply', and then 'OK'. Do this for each of the DLL files you have just installed and you shouldn't have any issues with those files in relation to Windows security. In the Arma 3 launcher DISABLE BattleEye. (FYI - You do not need BE running for offline work and there is a chance it will block DLL's used by addons causing you more grief down the road, remember to re-enable BE for online play). Congratulations, You can now launch X-Cam with the 64bit Arma executable as you would with the 32bit version. NB: You may need to grab the Visual Studio 2015 redistributable's (both x86 & x64 versions) from Microsoft's website for the dll files to be compatible with your system, modern versions of Windows should have these installed already but just in-case you run into issues I have linked the download page here - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 For those interested I forked the original inidbi repository on GitHub, updated the code-base to VS2015 and compiled both x86 and x64 dll's from the updated code all of which you can find on the GitHub page linked above. I have not updated anything else within the inidbi addon other than creating new DLL files so you can stick with using the default X-Cam install instructions and inidbi setup, then just drop the DLL's into place as described above. As for BattleEye compatibility, I did contact BE via email and requested they white-list the DLL's used by IniDBI & X-Cam and provided the source code to the iniDB DLL's, but they weren't interested and the reply I got wasn't exactly what you would expect from an outfit touting themselves as a professional anti-cheat vendor, so just disable BE to keep your sanity. Hope this helps some of you out on your quest for x64 glory!
  4. Hey guys, i think i m doin a little mistake in my addon creation. The addon i try to create is called inidb. I know that there is a downloadable release but its library (inidb.dll) is for windows only. I downloaded the library linux sources from git hub (https://github.com/newtondev/inidb-linux) and compiled them to the needed inidb.so file for my virtual linux server. The unpacked addon is part of that download and consists of a config.cpp file and a init.sqf. config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class iniDBI { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; init = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\inidb\init.sqf'"; }; }; Those 2 files are the content of the folder inidb which i packed with cpbo to inidb.pbo My folder structure at server is as described at git hub: @inidb (folder) db (folder) inidb.so (file) addons (folder) inidb.pbo (file) Im starting my server with the option: -mod=@inidb Generaly my dedicated linux server is able to handle mods. I have other mods (not self created) which are running fine. In my mission which should use the addon i ve the following init.sqf file: init.sqf if(isServer) then { call compile preProcessFile "\inidb\init.sqf"; }; The log file at server produces the following line: Warning Message: Script inidb\init.sqf not found I think there are 2 things which could cause this message and i need your help to get a clue whats goin wrong. It could be that i did a mistake with the path to the addons init.sqf file. The other thing could be that the addon is not loaded by the server for some reason, but i dont know. I googled that problem fo a week and i tried other pathes as described above and i tried to autostart the script by setting up a module in config.cpp and in my mission. But nothing helped, i cant get it working. Edit: Ok, 24 hours r gone since i posted this, 50 views and no little answer. I think i m doin something wrong with that thread. For that reason i try to simplify it to some questions: How defines an addon the path to its scripts? Is it defined by the folder which was packed with cpbo? What does that $PREFIX$ file do i read about? Do i need those file in my case and which content would be correct? The script file in the addons pbo-file should be called from a script in my mission with call compile preProcessFile "\inidb\init.sqf"; what is to do that this works? Are there any reasons which could cause a server to not load an addon? Guys ur help would be very appreciated cause i m stuck with the creation of my mission and cant do a little step forward until the problem with that addon is solved. ********************************************************** code container for WIP: if (!isServer) exitWith {true}; /* Author: Sarogahtyp Title: SSSS - Sarogahtyps Simple Server Statistics Description: Arguments: number - refresh time in seconds Return value: boolean - true if script has been finished */ _admin_check = []; _admin_obj = objNull; while {true} do { // wait for a logged in admin waitUntil { sleep (20 + random 20); _admin_check = (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F") select {(admin owner _x) != 0}; (count _admin_check > 0) }; _admin_obj = admin_check select 0; //throw infos as long as admin is logged in while {(admin owner _admin_obj) != 0} do { // collect server infos _s_fps = str diag_fps; // frames per second _s_just_players = allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F"; // all player objects _s_plyr_num = count _just_players; // number of players _s_just_HCs = entities "HeadlessClient_F"; // all HC objects _s_HC_num = count _just_HCs; // number of headless clients _s_a_grp_num = {local (leader _x) and alive (leader _x)} count allGroups; // all groups where alive units in _s_e_grp_num = { (count units _x) == 0 } count allGroups; // empty groups _s_d_grp_num = { ({!alive _x}count units _x) > 0 }count allGroups; //groups where only deads in _s_unit_num = {local _x} count allUnits; // living units _s_vec_num = {local _x} count (vehicles - entities "WeaponHolderSimulated"); // living vecs _s_wh_num = {local _x} count (entities "WeaponHolderSimulated") //weapons on ground _s_al_ent_num = {local _x} count entities [[], [], true, true]; // alive entities _s_de_ent_num = {local _x} count entities [[], ["Logic"], true]; //dead entities except logic //collect HC infos //request not available info from HCs remotely if (_s_HC_num >0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (_s_HC_num - 1) do { _str = format ["Saro_HC_report_%1", _i]; missionNamespace setVariable [_str, []]; [_str] remoteExecCall ["Saro_fnc_report_stats_to_server", (_s_just_HCs select _i)]; }; //wait until all HCs responded with desired info waitUntil { sleep (0.1 + random 0.1); _sum = 0; for "_i" from 0 to (_s_HC_num - 1) do { _str = format ["Saro_HC_report_%1", _i]; if (count (missionNamespace getVariable _str) > 0) then { _sum = _sum + 1; }; (_sum == _s_HC_num) }; }; }; sleep (15 + random 15); }; // info while end }; // endless while (end) /* Author: Sarogahtyp Title: SSSS - Sarogahtyps Simple Server Statistics Function Name: Saro_fnc_report_stats_to_server; Description: function used via remote execution by server to recieve some statistical infos Arguments: String - name of global variable which should returned to server by publicVariableServer Return value: true */ params ["_ret_string"]; _tmp_info_array = []; _tmp_info_array pushBack diag_fps; missionNamespace setVariable [_ret_string, _tmp_info_array]; publicVariableServer _ret_string;