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SMD_Sara_A2 Full Sahrani Map Port - Initial Release

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++Download/changelog available below++



M1lkm8n's SMD_Sahrani_A2 - Is a community project I started dedicated to improving Sahrani and it's native buildings. This project was made possible firstly by the gracious generosity and sharing spirit of Bohemia Interactive. Source files for the Sahrani Terrain from Armed Assault (Arma 1) were obtained via direct contact with Ota Vrťátko and Ivan Buchta prior to their inclusion in the revised Public Data Release.

M1lkm8n began work immediately and has since painstakingly imported , configured, and improved every single object from Arma 1 that exists on Sahrani and is not available in the Arma 2 library.

- Signs - All given proper fire lod material definitions for A2

- Vegetation - All model errors fixed

- Walls, Gates, Fences - All model errors fixed, many functionality improvements

- Buildings - All enterable and un-enterable buildings model errors fixed and DOZENS of interiors created

After having created interiors for over 30 Arma 1 buildings, and correcting countless issues for existing enterable buildings, terrain objects, and placement errors, M1lkm8n has moved on to a completely new project for Arma 3. He and Smokedog are creating Jalalabad, Afghanistan from scratch for Arma 3.


M1lkm8n is still actively guiding me through the process of taking up the work myself, and I have since added 5 new enterable buildings, and animated several of the world assets (dumpsters, wells, and garbage cans) myself.

With the same spirit of sharing knowledge and assets that has enabled this entire project from the beginning, I have recently begun a series of Intro to Modding in Arma tutorials.

Further, M1lkm8n and I will be sharing ALL of our buildings with @CUP, and will provide source files upon request for any terrain makers who wish to use them on their terrains.

Below are the "standard features" of the SMD Sahrani Terrain, and their buildings as implimented by M1lkm8n:

- Normalized/corrected Resolution LODs (This ensures buildings, trees, and bushes do not "flicker" or "pop" visually as you approach them or move)

- Individual shattering panes of glass (there is a limit in Arma 2 for 24 panes of glass, but there are only a few of the buildings that have more than that)

- Corrected/Improved AI Pathing for buildings, sidewalks, retaining walls, and docks

- ALICE/SILVIE module support (ALICE needs improvement)

- NUM/NUM grid coordinates to ensure proper Artillary Computer function

- Animated doors, shutters, and windows (with the exception of the very large buildings. SMD_Panelak, SMD_Panelak2, SMD_Panelak3, and SMD_Hotel)

- Properly defined materials to ensure realistic interaction with weapons fire and players

- Ground textures have been replaced with higher resolution textures (from cgtextures.com) and the blend has been customized by M1lkm8n

- Grass and Clutter blends have been customized

- Ocean has been recolored to a deep blue

Further to above there are several buildings that have one or more of the following features:

- multi stage animated destrcution with custom particle effects

- Animated door breaching with multiple part doors

- custom sound effects

- "rollup" doors

- interactive furniture or world objects

Check out initial test of BOTH Door Breaching and Animated Building Destruction as shown HERE:


Note that the door comes apart with the .50mg fire, but not the walls. Tank rounds, Grenades, RPG's etc all destroy the walls of the one story opened building shown in the above video (both variants). This is just an initial test build, stay tuned for coming improvements to the building destruction, which we plan on integrating into as many buildings as possible.

And Now for v1.1.0 note the particle effect created by Bad Benson, as well as the more robust model destruction by M1lkm8n:








Check out the images available in full size on our Imgur Page


Older Posts:

[28 Mar 2014]


++Download/changelog available below++

SMD_Sahrani_A2 - A community open source project dedicated to improving Sahrani and it's native Buildings. We have extended the reach of this project to include custom assets, units, and vehicles as well.

What's the Difference between smd_sahrani_a2 and Caa1 Sahrani, or even A1 Sahrani?

1. There are Dozens of opened, or improved variants of the native BI Buildings. SMD Building Features include:

- Animated doors (and in some cases) shutters, and windows.

- Several buildings with SFX to accompany the door movement (Ammo Bunker, All Garages, and Aircraft Hangar)

- Individual shattering panes of glass

- Improved pathings, roadway, and other LOD's

- Animated Destruction for Doors on 2 buildings with 2 variants each

- Animated Destruction for 1 Building from roof to foundation. Blow it apart bit by bit

2. Countless object placement issues have been addressed 1 by 1 making for fewer misplaced or overlapping objects/buildings

3. The Ground textures have been replaced with higher resolution textures (from cgtextures.com) and the blend has been customized by M1lkm8n

4. The Grass and Clutter blends have been customized.

M1lkm8n has really gone above and beyond on this latest update (v1.1.0). Check out the Changelog for details but we have several newly opened buildings as well as a complete round up and standardization of the LOD's for ALL the previously opened smd_ buildings.

[07 Oct 2013]

We have now packaged and released our v0.8.0 of Sahrani, it is almost where we want to be as a starting point for the major changes we have planned for future versions. We now have a MUCH higher percentage of open buildings, and the map is looking gorgeous in it's new textures. Functionality seems to be great, and the new buildings M1lkm8n is adding are AMAZING!

Rahmadi has gone from ZERO enterable buildings to only 2 or 3 that are left un-enterable for now.

I have not done the math as yet, but percentage wise I believe Sahrani is now more open than Chernarus in terms of buildings.

There is NO question that we have more feature building objects, the animated hangars and ammo stores M1lkm8n has done are amazing. Not to mention the dozens upon dozens of fixed or animated, or now opened other buildings.

We should have the building pack put together in another couple weeks, but any terrain makers wishing to use what is there now please feel free to contact us.

Pliskin did an Opfor for the Asset pack, but I need to do a lot of configuring to get it all buttoned up. I have all the units done, but want to change the way some things are structured, and include some objects that are not currently selectable in the editor.

Here is a not so short video of the majority of the buildings:

[20 Sep 2013]

We have quite a few improvements waiting to be published, and a few fixes.

M1lkm8n has finished up 2 more buildings and put them down on the map.

Next Stage is to start with the A2 building additions, and some blanket changes, just as the removal of all burnt out buildings, and all evidence of the Sahrani Conflict.

We feel United Sahrani feel a bit short on delivering an accurate representation of a Southern Victory.

ALL SLA propaganda will be removed, ALL tank traps, and Barbed wire will be removed, and as mentioned above burnt out/bombed out buildings will be replaced with normal ones.

As previously advised our plan is to reflect many years of peace on Sahrani. This coupled with the immense oil wealth of the South and the ever present influence of the United States and it's Black Ops attache left on the island to oversee some Top Secret tests carried out on the island....

In our next update we aim to have not only the map changes effected in United Sahrani, but CLEAR evidence of the Island evolving under a peaceful wave of high finance and western influence across both mainlands.


We have updated the map with some quick fixes, there was a glitch where you could not resume a user generated mission, Whoops. All better now.

Given the need for a fix, and his coal miner work ethic M1lkm8n went nose to screen for a few painstaking nights and:

1. Sorted out pretty much EVERY placement issue in the map. Town by Town, house by house,

2. Raised houses with doors sunk in the ground on one end or the other, and put stairs if needed in front of any questionable entrances.

3. Added ShermanFTW's opened up dum_istan apartments

4. Fixed the above mentioned bug with resuming missions

I have updated the changelog with the above changes, as well as the majority of original changes/fixes/additions for the initial release, this too though is a WIP and M1lkm8n needs to review it and give me some additional info. The A1 Wooden Guardhouses for example have the "climb ladder" option fixed, however the model needs some editing in order to put the "hook" for it a little lower where it's more intuitive/standard.

I have also begun/almost completed the work on the SMD Units/Vehicles addon. I have all the units working and placeable, however still need to so some work on getting all the vehicle configs setup. Should be done by tomorrow evening or so.


Original Post


After almost exactly 6 months from the birth of what we thought at times was an impossible dream, we are pleased to announce our initial release of our full Arma 2 map port of the Armed Assault classic map Sahrani.

The Goals for the project and any bug reports for this build can found or made in the "Work in Progress" thread.

In Short we aim to provide a higher quality Sahrani in terms of textures and features for Arma 2 enthusiasts to use. It should be more friendly to Arma AI, artillery computers, and the player's eye.

This project was made possible only thanks to the open modding environment and map source files provided by Bohemia Interactive.

We can not begin to thank them or this community enough for the generosity of knowledge, assets, and time they've shown us.

Since I stumbled into the Armaverse by way of the DayZ Mod, I have been amazed by the wealth of mods, modders, and communities willing to share their knowledge and experience with us.

Our Team is comprised of many members, but this map, and the majority of opened buildings on it, are largely the work of only one of them.

M1lkm8n has worked tirelessly to do justice to this amazing map, and to treat the source files provided by Bohemia Interactive with the utmost respect and reverence.

His work on the terrain in Visitor, as well as his modelling, configs, and work on animated destruction, and more interactive buildings, with all the LOD's that allow for a more immersive experience for the player.

ShermanFTW and EHDSeven have also contributed by way of building models, general advice, and guidance as M1lkm8n went from newbie modeller to being one of the teams top producers of buildings as well!

Pliskin ShermanFTW and Yoshi have done some AMAZING work on textures thanks to the generous spirits of Bohemia Interactive, Icewindo, and Vilas, with surely more to come.

These as well as all of our assets will be open for use as a separate addon, and also packaged within the next map release. We are working on buttoning up the configs now.




We have MANY people to thank for their help who are documented in further detail in the package.

PLEASE consider donating to any one of these pillars of the community to help ensure future works, and keep the machine moving forward!


HUGE Thanks to:


Bohemia Interactive - Makers of some of the Most AMAZING Video Games in the World!

We can't thank the following enough:

- Ivan Buchta (Edge)

- Ota Vrtatko

- David Foltyn (Dwarden)

CG Textures - PLEASE NOTE we have used textures from http://www.cgtextures.com/ they are a wonderful resource for non-commercial game textures

Bohemia Interactive Forums - We can't thank the following members enough:

- BadBenson

- Bushlurker

- Dslyecxi

- Icewindo


- Mikero

- Mondkalb

- Smookie

- SnakeManPMC

- W0lle

- Wld427

- Vilas


Our Team:



The Sahrani Mod Dev team:


Founding Members:


M1lkM8n - Terrain Lead - Art, Modelling, Terrain Editing

Seven - Art, Modelling, Programming

ShermanFTW - Founder - Art, Modelling, Programming

NonovUrbizniz - Project Coordinator - Permissions, Tester

Team Members:


CyberSam248 - Modelling

Grafzahl - Programming

J3T - Programming

Pliskin - Art, Testing

Yoshi - Art

Xerxes - Modelling

ZombieDanceLeader - Art

I am NonovUrbizniz btw, CiforDayZServer, is the steam account that got the supporter edition of A3, so it's the account I used to register on the forums i/o my normal "player name" NonovUrbizniz




Thanks to the years of hard work and dedication of so many members we are able to bring you a fairly large library of both vehicles and units included in our full package, however if you are craving Authentic reproduction of the Citizens, RACS, RSPD, US Troops, and SLA units of yesteryear you can NOT beat:

Marseille77's SLA, US, RSPD, and RACS Troops:


The AMAZING All In Arma Project:


I use Play With Six's new custom modset assembly to launch it with our SMD_Sahrani_A2 with CBA, and AiA..




Paradise is only a Click Away....

Latest UPDATE!!

UPDATE - UPDATED 02 May 2015 - v1.6.5 Please update your mirrors!

SMD_Sahrani_A2 - Full Package (includes units, and assets)

Google Drive

smd_sahrani_a2_lite - Recommended for A3 use via All in Arma

***UPDATED 4 - Please update your mirrors!***

This package excludes the units and assets, and the scenes. Intended for server hosts, or those who have no interest in the units/vehicles.

Google Drive

*****UPDATED 07 Aug 2014*****

SMD_Buildings standalone package

This is for terrain artists, and advanced mission makers (no configs for making the buildings place-able in the editor).

(all building names are contained in the smd_artif_obj/buildings/config.cpp)

Terrain artists can now download JUST this package and use the buildings on their terrains:

I'm not packing/UL'ing a separate addon anymore for the buildings standalone, simply use the one from the lite or full package.

Issue Reporting: https://github.com/SMDDevs/smd_sahrani_a2/issues




UPDATE 02 May 2015 - v.1.6.5

[FIXED] - Presto - Dum_istan_Maly placements

[FIXED] - Presto - Dum_istan_olez_open placement

[FIXED] - Corinto - Previously closed Olez replaced with open version

[FIXED] - Paraiso - Several placement, and a few un-enterable versions replaced with enterables

[FIXED] - Iguana - Several placement, and a few un-enterable versions replaced with enterables

[FIXED] - Ortego - Several placement, and a few un-enterable versions replaced with enterables

[FIXED] - Bagango - Several placement issues

[ADDED] - Bagango - Missing Panelak2

[ADDED] - Pita - Fixed A1 Pub to replace bombed out pub

[ADDED] - Pita - Dum_mesto replaced with opened version

UPDATE 11 Apr 2015 - v.1.6.0

[FIXED] - Doors not working

UPDATE 22 Mar 2015 - v.1.5.5

[Added] - AIspawnpos_1 _2 etc, AIDoor_1 _2 etc to most buildings

[Added] - Updated Midrange Texture

UPDATE 07 Aug 2014 - v.1.5.0

[Added] - Building - smd_ss_hangar_withdoor - replaces ss_hangar - Green Version of the previously done SMD Desert Hanger with animated door

[Fixed] - Buildings - Entire artificial objects pbo gone through to reduce section counts of models

UPDATE 02 Aug 2014 - v.1.2.0

[Added] - Building - smd_dum_olez_istan2_maly_open - replaces dum_olez_istan2_maly & dum_olez_istan2_maly2 (animated doors and shutters, as well as shattering glass)

[Added] - Building - smd_Panelak - replaces Panelak (2 story Brick Apartments) - All rooms now enterable, and closet doors previously closed are swung open

[Added] - Building - smd_Panelak2 - replaces Panelk2 (4 story Brick Apartments) - All rooms enterable, Elevator lobby, and shaft with ladders too each floor and roof

[Added] - Building - smd_Panelak3 - replaces Panelk3 (8 story Brick Apartments) - All rooms enterable, Elevator lobby, and shaft with ladders too each floor and roof

[Added] - Feature - Animated Dumpsters - (x4 smd_dumpster_trash _paper, _plastic, and _glass) give "open dumpster" and "close dumpster" option

[Added] - Feature - Animated Well Pump - (smd_water_pump) gives "Pump Water" option, which triggers 3 pumps of the handle

[Fixed] - Several previously prevented buildings have now been swapped to their enterable counterparts.

[Fixed] - Misc. Placement issues

UPDATE 28 Mar 2014 - v.1.1.0

[Added] - Versions - Standard (Full) and Lite - Lite is the Terrain/Scenes only Full includes smd_units.pbo and smd_assets.pbo

[Added] - Feature - ALICE Module Support

[Added] - Feature - Missions - 3 Missions are now included to show the units/vehicles/buildings/misc objects

[Added] - PBO - smd_assets - Includes ~130 custom textured vehicles, many unconfigured "loot objects" from our DayZ project, and some

[Added] - PBO - smd_units - Includes ~50 "units" all have been modified to show backpacks (all Sahrani and Chernarus male citizens)

[Added] - PBO - smd_sahrani_a2_scenes - Arma 1 Intro Scenes WIP modified BI misc objects.

[Changed] - Feature - Grass and Rock Clutter mixes

[Changed] - License - APL-SA now applies to our entire package with the exception of the purchased CGTextures and Vilas Units

UPDATE 20 Jan 2014 - v.1.00

[Added] - Building - smd_budova3_open

[Added] - Building - smd_dum_mesto3

[Added] - Building - smd_garaz_long_open

[Added] - Building - smd_garaz_open

[Added] - Feature - Armory Support

[Added] - Feature - Glass (individual shattering panes) to more smd_ Buildings

[Added] - Feature - Building LODs for ALL smd_ Buildings normalized

[Added] - Feature - Animated Destruction! for smd_dum_olez_istan2_open & smd_dum_olez_istan2_open2

[Added] - Feature - Door Breaching! For all smd_dum_olez_istanx_openx buildings both 1's and both 2's

[Added] - Feature - Improved Ground textures with _nopx files

UPDATE 07 Oct 2013 - v.0.80

[07 Oct 2013]

[Fixed] - Object Name - Incorrect model name used zidka03 changed to zidka_branka

[Added] - Building - smd_dum_olez_istan1_open (2 versions)

[Added] - Building - smd_dum_olez_istan2_open (2 versions)

[Added] - Building - smd_bouda_plech_open

[Added] - Building - smd_dum_mesto_in_open

[Added] - Building - smd_hangard_withdoor (Desert Aircraft hangar with animated front doors and roll up door with SFX)

[Added] - Feature - Glass to many of the smd_ Buildings

[Fixed] - Building - smd_budova4_in (A1 Enterable Army Barracks) (fixed and animated doors)

[Fixed] - Conflict - Skybox altered to prevent conflicts

[Fixed] - Object Name - Incorrect model name used zidka03 changed to zidka_branka

[Fixed] - Object Name - All Land Classed Objects renamed to include smd_ ofpec tag prefix to prevent conflicts

[Fixed] - Structures - Docks at Corazol placment issue

[Removed] - Building - dum_istan_02_open

UPDATE 31 Aug 2013 - Version 0.55

[31 AUG 2013]

[Added] - Building - dum_istan_02_open (4 Story Grey Stone Apartments present in Southern Sahrani

[Fixed] - BUG - User Created Missions crashing on "Resume"

[Fixed] - Object Placement - Blanket fixes, Town by Town sweep for Objects and Vegetation Clipping into each other and buildings

[Fixed] - Object Placement - House heights blanket adjusted with stairs placed at entrances when require

INITIAL RELEASE 24 Aug 2013 - Version 0.50

[24 Aug 2013]

[Added] - A2 Alpha/Alpha Grid Number Scheme (allows for use of Artillery Computers, and normal readouts on GPS)

[Added] - A2 Object Pathing (all possible A2 replacement Objects are called instead of packing them with the map)

[Added] - A2 Roadways

[Added] - Building - benzina_schnell_open

[Added] - Building - dum_olezlina (Replaced with identical building with interior)

[Added] - Building - garaz_mala (RENAME TO garaz_mala_open)

[Added] - Building - house_y (interior added WIP)

[Fixed] - Building - army_hut_int (Collisions Issues Fixed)

[Fixed] - Building - army_hut2 (Collisions Issues Fixed)

[Fixed] - Building - army_hut2_int (Collisions Issues Fixed)

[Fixed] - Building - army_hut3_long_int (Collisions Issues Fixed)

[Fixed] - Building - hospoda_mesto (A1 Pub Collisions Issues Fixed)

[Fixed] - Building - strazni_vez2 (Collisions Issues Fixed)

[Fixed] - Objects - zavora (Guardhouse gate no animates open/close with action menu)

[Fixed] - Structures - Molo_beton (Dock/Pier) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - Molo_krychle (Dock/Pier) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - Molo_krychle2 (Dock/Pier) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - nabrezi (Dock/Pier) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - nabrezi_najezd (Dock/Pier - Railing) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_cornL (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_cornP (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_cube (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_cube_long (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_mid (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_mid_cornL (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_mid_cornP (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_stairs (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_stairs2 (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_stairs3 (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Fixed] - Structures - podesta_1_stairs4 (Retaining Wall) (AI Pathing Fixes)

[Removed] - Single roadside Post in a field NW of Bagango (Seven's Post)




With the exception of textures sourced from cgtextures.com and the Vilas Units the entire package is shared under the APL-SA License.

Terrain Artists wishing to use the buildings for their terrain work under their own OFPEC tag please contact myself or M1lkm8n directly and we will get you sorted out.


Edited by CiforDayZServer
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Looks fantastic. Thank you and congratulations to all of you who contributed.

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Thanks to M1lkm8n for informing us about the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You (your mod team) are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

** Note: since this is a project on which more people are working we will contact you in the future to discuss how you want this to be setup on Armaholic.

Edited by Guest
Requires, Arma 2: CO. Pages adjusted

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Good job thanks for sharing. This will be played for sure !:bounce3:

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Downloading it right now. :) thanks!

Wonder if it works in Arma 3 too. :rolleyes:

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Firstly I wanted to say, I forgot initially to mention Wld427 in the 1st post credits, that's been rectified now. But PLEASE know that he was one of the 1st members I was in contact with here about Sahrani, and his Project RACS (If you don't know about this CHECK IT OUT) he really took the time (along with W0ll3) to set me straight in terms of attitude, and knowledge regarding author's rights. Without those two having been guidings lights in the formation of our teams attitude I can say FOR SURE, we would not have lasted long, and would not have gotten the map...

These 2 (and so many others in the credits) deserve an incredible amount of thanks not only for their amazing contributions over the years to keeping the legacy of the Armaverse alive in future version, but for their countless contributions of intellectual property, effort, and time solving problems and adding to the astounding library of assets, terrains, and tools available in the Arma modding Universe.

Having said all that...

We were so honored to be given the chance by Bohemia, and all the sage advice and guidance by all the folks here!

It's a VERY different experience releasing for the DayZ crowds, and the great folks here, and THAT is why you guys will ALWAYS get first release.

Even if that means (and I trust it eventually will) us having our "exclusive", or specially permitted products used by others in DayZ before us. We in the group all knew that this may eventually happen and frankly are not too concerned.

We would rather you guys get the stuff first and be able to enjoy it, instead of allowing the poor conduct of others punish the great folks over here. We will not let the brats ruin it for everyone, you guys are a classy bunch and deserve to reap some rewards for having been (and continuing to be) so patient through the growing pains that the DayZ Mod explosion, then split to community run mod project and BI Standalone Title development has and may well continue to cause.

I for one think that the two communities will eventually merge to one degree or another, and a nice equilibrium may well be reached, where DayZ folks are giving back ALMOST as much as we're taking.... lol... well maybe.

Please enjoy the map. and feel free to post here your bug reports, suggestions for fixes, great missions or addons you come across for the map! We are media whore's so feel free to post vids, screenies as well!

OH and I will do my best to get the textures pliskin did sorted into a proper PBO for arma, but frankly I have NO clue how to set them up as place-able units in the editor or how to/what logic to use to set their factions.

If someone here would like to join the group for helping with addon integration into Arma only we'd LOVE to have more folks on the team!

Here is the link and a quick couple pics it includes (all texture work done by Pliskin (Sherman and Yoshi may well have some fun with them for aged/weathered/bloodied versions(we want to add rotor collisions and camo reveals to reflect having hit/killed a player like Dean Hall's Maule Civilian Prop Plane does)):

Vehicles (texture reskins for BI vehicles) : UN, RACS, RACS Digital Camo, Black Ops, Black Ops Digital Camo, ATACS Camo

Units (based on Vilas Police Units) : US Special Ops (black ops), RACS, RACS Digital Camo, RSPD, RPSD Digital Camo, Tiger Camo

Units (based on BI Models) : ATACS Desert Camo, ATACS Urban Camo

I have to repackage the rest of the skins. and re-link it. but here is the one that's up there now.

Some Pictures:


http://i.imgur.com/iduTtfJ.jpg (186 kB)



and one for fun....


As with all our work based on BI source, these may be freely used/modified/distributed in Arma and it's Sequels only, credits to Pliskin are welcome but not required. We take no credit for the original work and thank Bohemia for the generosity in allowing their use for hidden selections!

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Nice! I can't wait to get home and try it. Does it work with A3 AiA?

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Congratz for the release.

Downloading it now. :)

Many thanks to all involved in this project. Your efforts are really appreciated.

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Great map, thanks for sharing! This and the PRACS mod (for the Vulcans ofc) is just awesome... :681:

Dirty Haz

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Thanks to everyone involved porting Sahrani to A2:OA, crossing my fingers it also works in kju's AiA!


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We are in contact with kju, I know he has been VERY busy, as have we. So right now I'm not entirely sure on AiA support/functionality, I will have to spend some time looking into it myself, as I have been shoehorning it into A3 by way of the A2 addons method just out of shear laziness.

Too many projects, not enough time.

We REALLY would love to have anyone from the community here who wants to help with cutscenes, missions, porting the A1 campaign in full, ANY project like that team up! We have a few groups running right now which you can find some detail about in the other thread as well as my sig.

Thanks for all the kind words folks! We can't wait to hear your reactions to playing the map!

As a Sahrani LOVER I can say personally I'm quite happy with where it is considering we take this as the STARTING point for the map in A2, and a great staging ground for where we want things to be when we do a full A3 version for all to enjoy!

I am not sure how we will handle issue tracking but I'm thinking Dev-Heaven might be the way since that is the go to here.

Thanks to kju, mikero, sickboy, snakeman, and Foxhound for providing all these amazing external resources.

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I have just took a walk around the island, and I really need to praise your work.

It's awesome!!!

I'll now try to convert a couple of CTF missions that my squad use to play with ArmA.

Again, thanks a lot for all your work.

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First off let me say this is a awesome map!

I am seeing an error when I use Multiplier missing content Vilas_wwp_co I see in other postings it has something to do with Day-Z which I don't have? Is this addon part of the map?

Thanks for the help.

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You might be trying to join DayZ Sahrani multiplayer missions which are DayZ, not Arma 2, those give that error right now.

Right now I doubt there are any multiplayer servers running our version of the map.

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You might be trying to join DayZ Sahrani multiplayer missions which are DayZ, not Arma 2, those give that error right now.

Right now I doubt there are any multiplayer servers running our version of the map.

No I am running MSO/Domination on my Dedi Server but I also get it on the Local Server. Not joining any Day Z

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First off let me say this is a awesome map!

I am seeing an error when I use Multiplier missing content Vilas_wwp_co I see in other postings it has something to do with Day-Z which I don't have? Is this addon part of the map?

Thanks for the help.

That's strange as this version has nothing of vilas's content in it. I'll look into the cause.

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Cfor I hope you got my PM confirming a conflict with Island Esbekistanv1.3, error ca\plants\jablon_3_non.paa

Thanks for the help I will continue to look for reason. Some missions do fine however I suspect a AddOn conflict I will research further.


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Cfor I hope you got my PM confirming a conflict with Island Esbekistanv1.3, error ca\plants\jablon_3_non.paa

Thanks for the help I will continue to look for reason. Some missions do fine however I suspect a AddOn conflict I will research further.


This is a completely separate island right? and the error confirmed is caused by the other island right?

I'm not entirely clear why it would be loaded as an addon to ours? Can you clarify?

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