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Dogs of War launcher available

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I am at work at the moment. But I will verify this evening when I get home. Maybe I was thinking the opposite this morning when I replied. (didn't have coffee in my system yet) ;)


Hi Blakord,

I just checked my ARMA2 shortcut and it is the following:

E:\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 339

It is the opposite to what I mentioned this morning. :j:

And my preview in the DOW launcher is showing this:

E:\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 339

Sorry for the wrong info. :a:


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Ok I will release a new version next week resolving the following reported problems

Bug: Window cut

DoW Arma launchpad can deploy and undeploy the server list, and the main window will resize for adjust this case, for some reason this resize is working wrong for some people maybe for the resolution


Next version will provide the server list deployed and visible all time for make the window size fixed

TIP: While new version is available, try using shortcut ALT-S (show server list) and ALT-H (hide server list) maybe you can get correct display using server list deployed


Bug: Steam version issue

I thought Steam ID assigned for Arma 2 was the same for all the world, but now I know we have several Steam ID for Arma2, at the moment we got 2, 33900 for america, and 33910 for rest of the world (if some one have another steam id or another criteria please tell me ASAP) I have no more information at the moment.


Next version will provide both Steam ID switchable in the DoW-Launcher config, and the option for add more Steam ID


Bug: Server list connection error

Some people tell me about an error using a server port in "My Favorites" list, but now they test using the parameters into normal shortcut to Arma2 box, and Arma 2 Steam and get the same error, this is not really a DoW Launcher bug maybe the syntax is now different


No solution available yet, DoW launcher is using the parameter -connection=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:*port, if some one know if this is not correct and/or have the solution please tell me about

Edited by Blakord

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I have a problem. When I config everthing and then launch the game for "arma 2 on steam" which I have...it loads up steam but does not load up the game. How can I fix this?

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I have a problem. When I config everthing and then launch the game for "arma 2 on steam" which I have...it loads up steam but does not load up the game. How can I fix this?

Joined the party late didja? ;)

Seems Steam uses more than one game id for Arma2; DOW is hard-coded to use 33910 whereas some folks Steam setups use 33900 like mine (and probably yours) which is why Steam launches but Arma2 doesn't. The Blakord is working on a fix for this, but in the meantime you can use the following workaround (from page 2 of this thread):

"I managed to get around this by creating a custom profile. From the "Custom Game" list I chose "Custom" instead of the "Arma II Steam Version" option. For the "Select custom Arma folder" I used "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe" (click the folder icon and navigate to the location of the arma2.exe file).

When I click the red "Engage and Play" custom game button, Steam launches followed by Arma II!!"

Hope that does it for ya! Keep checking back to this thread - at some point I assume Blakord will post when he releases his next update for DOW.

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Rawhide send my info about how work the server name, i can add this option in next version but i dont know if work with same sintax of IP param, tell me an example please
The server I play the most, has this address: play1.nopryl.com. I do not has the servers IP, so I would like to enter that URL instead.

Would love to see that option i a future release!

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Rawhide you got a Private message :)

Ok i have a problem using -connection parameter using a port, using IP without port is working fine, but in server with more than 1 game hosted, is necesary use the port, then, if i dont use port the game still waiting for the server for ever, if I use the port then return an connection fail error

This error is also using standar shortcut with this parameters

The sintax is -connect=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:number_port

Any suggestion about what is wrong?

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Rawhide you got a Private message :)

Ok i have a problem using -connection parameter using a port, using IP without port is working fine, but in server with more than 1 game hosted, is necesary use the port, then, if i dont use port the game still waiting for the server for ever, if I use the port then return an connection fail error

This error is also using standar shortcut with this parameters

The sintax is -connect=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:number_port

Any suggestion about what is wrong?


You may have found out about this already, but in case you haven't...

Apparently the correct syntax for connecting to a server is:

-connect=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -port=yyyy

I tested this using a shortcut and it worked fine. Then I tested it using DOW with custom parameters and it worked as well. So I guess it's just a matter or recoding DOW to use this format when creating a favorite in DOW and in theory it should work as well.

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Thanks tldspectre22 I post a new treat yesterday asking this, and I get answer, i think now is working, in few day new version with this issues repaired and few new features will be release

Now I'm just waiting an answer from Valve about the steam ID for Arma2, I request to Valve the list of all Steam ID used for Arma2

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I cannot seem to get any servers to show as active. Am I doing something wrong? I have the correct addresses and ports...the servers are online.

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New Dogs of War 2.1 released, Change log with fix and new feature list, and new download URL on main post (first page)

Change log version 2.0 to 2.1:

  • Fixed: Main window cut on some resolutions, the server list deploying effect was causing wrong window size for some resolutions, in 2.1 this effect has been removed and main window show the server list alway deployed, no more window cut on main screen.
  • Fixed: Steam version launching issue, few people have diferent Steam ID, now Valve confirm me they are using 2 Steam ID for Arma II, both Steam ID are now included on switch box available on DoW 2.1 config screen, now is working for every Steam users.
  • Fixed: Issue launching connecting to servers using especific port, now the connection is working fine with or without port on server setting, the port is requiered for some server depending of they configuration or how many games are hosted in same IP, in another cases is not necesary.
  • New feature: Now on config screen you can select your correct Steam application ID for Arma II asigned by Steam, 33900 and 33910 (default), help for Steam version setting included clicking a help icon there - (Arma II Steam version only)
  • New feature: Now you can force to use SLI on windows vista and windows 7 - (Arma II only)
  • New feature: Now you can force the number of core usage for Arma II, by default autodetection - (Arma II only)
  • New feature: Now you can include server password on "Managing my favorites screen", private servers requiring a password now can be launch from DoW 2.1.
  • New feature: Now you can use URL address of server if you dont know the IP.
  • New feature: New smart paste for server list, you can copy URL and IP (control-C) from any web or text box to the clipboard, using the following formats xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx, www .Server.com and www .Server.com:xxxx, and use the paste button editing a server on manager, the smart paste will try fill all fields correctly.

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Excellent piece of software. I had 21 shortcuts on my desktop for mods and servers. Now I have only ONE... Works great and easy to use. I recommend this for anyone who likes to have different layouts for different startups. Guaranteed to serve you well.

Thanks Blakord


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tested this... very nice.

thanks for the resize fix.

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Hey guys, i am a bit of a newbie to Arma2, having just bought it yesterday. I have followed the instructions in the DoW launcher readme as well as the instructions on the Armaholic FAQ, but i can't seem to get any mods to work in-game. Do i still need to play with the command line if i'm using a launcher?

Sorry if this isn't in the right place.

Thanks in advance :)

Edit: I've discovered i need to highlight the mods on the launcher main page, I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the readme. Am i right in thinking i can only use one sound mod at a time in Arma2? That seems a bit odd, as i have one for helicopters, one for weapons and one for tracked vehicles.

Edited by Nosedive

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I cannot seem to get any servers to show as active. Am I doing something wrong? I have the correct addresses and ports...the servers are online.

Same here, so I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I can still connect to servers using DOW, just would be nice to see this working properly. Blakord?

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Am i right in thinking i can only use one sound mod at a time in Arma2? That seems a bit odd, as i have one for helicopters, one for weapons and one for tracked vehicles.

When you add the mods to the launcher, just add one as a sound mod (vopsound for me), and the others as regular mods. Eventually there will be more 'main' sound mods that aren't compatible with each other so you will need to choose one or the other. For now the few out there all work together more or less...

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Nosedive you dont need click on addons for highlight every time you launch the game, we have no much addons now, but the addons rain will come soon, common users need several addons combination for several cases, for examples, clan servers usually select an addons pack for their server, common public server have an Addons restrictions for prevent cheats, if you play offline maybe you prefer use all addons you have, is you are mission developer you can use your clan addons for you projects but need compile mission without addons for publish

For this you can make all player profiles you need, just clicking at profiles button, and you can select the addons, and parameters preset for each profile, making an profile for each case you need, is the correct an easy way to use this launcher, and the main screen you can select or unselect al option on the fly without save changes on your profile preset.

Sound Mod: Sound Mod is a big modification of the game sounds, and you cant use 2 sound mod at the time, in best cases the game will get only 1 sound mod or in some others cases the game will get crashed, if you have an small sound file then is an addons, not a sound mod, you can put it on addons list and test if work, the launcher dont know for what is every addon on the lists, you must use both with your own organization, if you get a game crash using 2 sound mod, then put that files in sound mod list for prevent errors selecting your launch options

Servers Offline: I already know that problem around 10% of the servers are reporting offline or no available (n/a), and I'm sure is around 10% or 15% of servers, you will know why on last announcement of this post :), sorry I have no idea for what, I think is because I have a very short answer time for wait the server answer, on next version, I will try use the ping functions as background task, if this work, I can increase the wait time without stop the launcher usage.

New Bug report:

I have important notice from Rawhide about big bug, please read the problem

I see you have released the 2.1. But Leftie over at NoPryl found an error, and also a solution. Perhaps something for 2.2?

I have not found the typo he is referreing too, I guess you have updated the 2.1 link you gave us.

Testing DOW Arma Launchpad under 64-bit Win7.

I encountered a problem related to the installation itself.

The first time I started DOW AL after installing, I was met with three error messages:

"Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Blakord\Dogs of War Launcher\SteamID.cfg' is denied."

"Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Blakord\Dogs of War Launcher\servers.cfg' is denied."

"Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Blakord\Dogs of War Launcher\Profiles' is denied."

After which the application exits.

This happens regardless of whether I install into the default directory or specify my own directory (under "C:\Program Files (x86)\" that is)

The reason for this, is that all files under 'Program Files' and 'Program Files (x86)', are owned by the System, and not the user.

Thus, a quick and dirty fix for this, was to take ownership of the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Blakord\Dogs of War Launcher' folder and all underlying files, and give myself full access to these files.

However, this is not the correct solution, and is to be considered a really dirty hack.

The proper way to solve this, is to store config-data in the %Appdata% folder. (By default on Win7, this is 'C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\')

I believe this system variable exists on both Vista and XP as well, so it should be usable.

In order to actually test the application, I did grant myself full rights to the files though.

(In hindsight, I could probably just have installed the app onto a different disk, of whose folders I'm the owner. That would also work, I guess.)

The application itself works like a charm, and I met no snags during the actual testing.

I only have one comment: In the 'Config' dialog-screen, there are both misspellings and a grammatical error in the phrase "Interface Language" (top right)

Otherwise, thanks for a great app! :)

- Leftie

I'm sorry for this, alway I install my DoW in D: games path not in application programs, I never see this error.

In next version I will try use "My Documents" folder for save DoW Arma Launchpad files, the we got easy solution for this version, just install the launcher out of the default "application programs" folder, for example c:/DoW launcher/

If you are getting acces denied error, then just uninstall DoW Arma Launchpad and reinstall it on a folder out of "Program Files"


Here and screen shot of Dogs Of War Arma Launchpad 2.2 and the big new feature, and yes, is and real time server network browser for launch to internet game :cool:


Edited by Blakord

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Fantastic - just what I've always wanted for MP play. Is there an easy way to add a server from the main list to the favorites - for example, right-click on server name, pop-up menu appears with option "add to favorites"? More importantly, when can we expect its release (or am I missing a link somewhere)?

EDIT: Nevermind about the question regarding adding to favorites - just noticed the button on the lower right! :icon_redface::rthumb:

Edited by tldspectre22

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Nosedive you dont need click on addons for highlight every time you launch the game...

This confused me for a while. I did not know I had to edit a profile to set default mod selection.

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Please don't make me start making 'Where's the update?' posts... :eek:

Just checking in on it, it is my favorite launcher by far, thanks!

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Very nice launcher Blakord. I am now going to hold my breath while waiting for 2.2, so it's all up to you! :icon_redface:

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