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Found 472 results

  1. jimgun

    Running and shooting at the same time.

    ok rap, if it was luck then it very lucky to be able to play a 30min game and maybe get 25-30kills from this tactic. cheating, yer im same as you here, i wouldnt know how and thirdly, my comp is plenty fast enough, as are the rest of my squads...and for lag to be happening as you explain it would have to affecting the whole of my squad at the same time.
  2. westy-SWAF-

    Mc ofp battle

    Rap about OFP
  3. Renagade

    Mc ofp battle

    someone should mmake a rap video with the tank guy MC Hammer
  4. Dauragon

    Mc ofp battle

    Someone's been watching 8 mile? in fact do soldiers during war at ease moments rap to pass the time or anything, or just read books?
  5. ralphwiggum

    Man wakes up after 19 year sleep

    internet, GW1 & 2, 9-11, Bush jr && sr, fall of Berlin wall and cold war's end. hip-hop and rap, better cars and better dresses, all the movies he missed, all the celebs, all the change in laws, rules, and the list goes on and on.
  6. sanctuary

    Good music

    I didnt remember the Barber's adagio was present in Platoon , ok : i saw this movie only one time in my life, years and years ago Time for watching it a second time i think ;) Between the string and the choir version , my preference goes for the choir one , there is more feeling in it and it seems more deep. A great music , that gives a lot of atmosphere to describe a specific situation I will try to find this somewhere , i always hated techno and rap musics, maybe there is a chance this one can make me to reconsider my position , even if i highly doubt it
  7. sanctuary

    End of the usa

    Actually , because of the rap-techno-rave and other stupid things ( ) proliferation , usa is living his last century. Beware the day where you will find only those awfull musics , because you wil not have a defense against them anymore !!!
  8. sanctuary


    Some of the Seventh songs were very interesting for some of my own created mission. Especially Lifeless. I hope to see some good productions from Seventh in OFP2 . I will prefer that instead of rap/techno and these modern "MTV songs" etc... Â that my ears can 't tolerate . Classic music and eastern themes were good in OFP too and add to the atmosphere in some of my mission, i hope to see same kind of great choice in OFP2
  9. I know that you can have a config.bin inside your island's pbo, but what can you actually do with this file? All I have ever really seen in user made islands is this: raP AddOnsOpt\IslandName\config.bin Does anyone know what this line actually does, and can the uses of a config.bin for islands actually do much? Like executing scripts, setting/searching for variables, etc etc? Please post if you've tried it.....
  10. blackdog~

    Operation flashpoint 2

    <blackdog_> 1. BIS might make it more counter-strike, half-life styled. You can't move your head around freely, instead it might be glued to your shoulders. The guns might be too accurate. <blackdog_> 2. BIS might add JIP, which is a terrible idea... it will attract the CS kiddies especially if it isn't as hard as the orginal. <blackdog_> 3. Addons might not be backward-comptible.. <FW200|RSS|> 1. Yup <FW200|RSS|> 2. Perhaps.. now drop outs are annoying too.. *** Signoff: Ghos7Scop3 (Ping timeout) <blackdog_> 4. They might combine 1 and 2, just for more money. Remember guys, gameplay over greed. <FW200|RSS|> 3. They will be.. atleast the models.. i know for sure they use p3d's .. maybe not mlod/odol.. but im pretty sure they use p3d's <blackdog_> 5. Immature players because of that <FW200|RSS|> 4. I know BIS well enough to know they wont do it.. maybe under pressure from Codemasters but not by themselfs.. <blackdog_> 6. They might tone down the graphic quality for lower end systems, which would REALLY suck for me (I love nice graphics)... *** Raptor-Man is now known as Rap[Away] <blackdog_> 7. They might make it _too_ hard to fly helicopters <FW200|RSS|> 6. Dont think so.. im sure you can adjust it as much as you want.. graphics wont be a problem (look at the 0.38 demo / 1.00/ and resistance and at VBS) <blackdog_> 8. They might adopt a COMPLETELY new scripting style, mission editor, etc etc. This would be terrible for those of us who are 'pros' at scripting in the current enviroment. <FW200|RSS|> 7. Perhaps.. i like em the way they are now.. planes need to be adjusted though.. *** Vodka1 (BAS_User@DL1.colossus.cat2.com) has joined channel #ballistic-studios <blackdog_> 9. If the counter-strike/half life players come into play, there needs to be an anti-cheating anti-lamer system. *** BAS_User (BAS_User@1Cust82.tnt1.calumet-city.il.da.uu.net) has joined channel #ballistic-studios <blackdog_> as for the things that I want <FW200|RSS|> 8. The same as with the models.. i dont think so.. not unless it gives them great advantages.. after all.. they are pros too.. they need to learn the same again.. and if i was a developer.. i would be too lazy to do it.. <Vodka1> Hey DM that MH-47 looks awesome <FW200|RSS|> 9. If they include checksum or so.. not much cheating will be allowed.. and if they build in that the server files (addons) are also checked then there wont be a problem.. <blackdog_> 1. Yes, I know that this is OFP... but the "Admin Mod" for Half Life (search it at google). This would be a very welcome addition for server addons everywhere. admin_slap people, to punish them, admin_slay them to kill them for tking, admin_kick PERSON TIME REASON *** DeadMeat is now known as DeadMeat|Workin <blackdog_> 2. Addons can be downloaded like the maps are downloaded in half-life... or through something like the auto updater. The game gets alt tabbed automatically and goes to an updater where you can decide if you want to download the addon, and from where. <blackdog_> 3. Chatlogs and server statistics. Nuff said here *** Signoff: [21st]Boldhead (Signed off) <FW200|RSS|> 2. Good idea.. poor 56kers however.. i recall someone from BIS didnt like this .. (or was it someone else) <FW200|RSS|> 3. Isnt it possible now? *** Signoff: Vodka1 (Ping timeout) <blackdog_> 4. The same customizable faces but SEAMLESS, not with seams and lines that you can tell where the face wraps around the model. Also customizable other things such as hats bandanas glasses boots and the optional accessories held by soldiers around their waists <blackdog_> 5. The ability to carry objects inside objects <FW200|RSS|> 4. Good idea.. <FW200|RSS|> 5. Will be added.. im sure.. BIS learned their lesson.. im also pretty sure they will make the engine more open.. <blackdog_> 6. The ability to use the mission editor to add backpacks, extra ammo clips, glasses, masks, goggles, boots, ghillie suits, night vision goggles and what type of these items they want. All with a simple dropdown menu. <blackdog_> 7. Seperate ADDONS - WEST and ADDONS - EAST or somethign to that effect menus <BAS_User> Blackdog i entirely agree with 6. <blackdog_> 8. New stuff that comes out every week, like in Soldner. Maybe a new gun every week, a new soldier every month, a new vehicle every month with the new soldier. <BAS_User> an ingame init field command thingy 2. <blackdog_> 9. Small addition to 6, the ability to pick the type of guns mounted on to vehicles. For example if you have an M151 with a default M2 machine gun. You would be able to give it a TOW launcher, an M60, without having to addmagazine addweapon it... that way it actually LOOKS like the thing. <blackdog_> 10. Ability to carry things in vehicles like what I just said. You could replace an M60 with a TOW launcher or javelin. <FW200|RSS|> 6. Yes.. something like with IL-2 sturmovik for vehicles too.. so you can select the load out.. *** Signoff: DeadMeat|Workin (Ping timeout) <FW200|RSS|> 8. no rather not.. id rather want it like the ultimate upgrades.. <FW200|RSS|> 9+10.. yes.. <blackdog_> 11. Tank treads fall off when overstressed. A wrecker or recovery vehicle wold have to come in and fix it.... *** Signoff: ofp|food (Quit) <blackdog_> 12. Deformable terrain (DUH) *** benus_essen is now known as benus <FW200|RSS|> 11. perhaps <blackdog_> 13. It's own editor update. If #2 isn't adopted, they need to have all the houses trees rocks already coded into the game instead of having to have an addon <FW200|RSS|> 12. Not if it causes smaller terrain <FW200|RSS|> 13. yup <BAS_User> if ofp2 is about vietnam... the more urban combat thing will be decreased <blackdog_> 14. The ability to have something like a tree mount. A soldier carries it on an ATV or something of that type, and can mount a tower into a tree <blackdog_> 15. Snowmobiles, ATV's, Snow Cats ((Link: http://www.leavenworthsnowcat.com/snowcat....pg)http .com/snowcat.jpg). <FW200|RSS|> 16. The ability to change the CPP from within Scripts.. <FW200|RSS|> 15. Vietnam <blackdog_> 16. Customizable camoflague options on soldiers AND vehicles. You can easily pick if you want desert camo, winter, urban, jungle etc. <blackdog_> 16. That is, from the mission editor <blackdog_> 17. Customizable weather. You can have it snow and the ground be white, it rain and the ground be muddy. Also the ability to change seasons - example: during fall, the trees have leaves falling off of them, during winter, its snowy and now leaves on trees, during summer lots of leaves and flowers blooming and the same with spring. <blackdog_> 18. The ability to FLOAT or SWIM for at least a small length of time. <blackdog_> 19. BAS working for BIS <blackdog_> 20. BIS hosting its own servers around the world, for people like us, forum groupies, addon makers. Heh... <blackdog_> 21. No gayspy browser. <blackdog_> 22. Different divisions of soldiers, customizable patches, customizable patches on vehicles. <blackdog_> 23. No codemasters as publisher, a bit late... sniff. <blackdog_> 24. CLEAR credit to the REAL people who made this game the game it is, not the people who are taking the credit (codemasters). It should say something to the effect of "THIS, THE BEST GAME EVER, WAS MADE AND DEVELOPED BY BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIOS"
  11. blackdog~

    Operation flashpoint 2

    <blackdog_> 1. BIS might make it more counter-strike, half-life styled. You can't move your head around freely, instead it might be glued to your shoulders. The guns might be too accurate. <blackdog_> 2. BIS might add JIP, which is a terrible idea... it will attract the CS kiddies especially if it isn't as hard as the orginal. <blackdog_> 3. Addons might not be backward-comptible.. <FW200|RSS|> 1. Yup <FW200|RSS|> 2. Perhaps.. now drop outs are annoying too.. *** Signoff: Ghos7Scop3 (Ping timeout) <blackdog_> 4. They might combine 1 and 2, just for more money. Remember guys, gameplay over greed. <FW200|RSS|> 3. They will be.. atleast the models.. i know for sure they use p3d's .. maybe not mlod/odol.. but im pretty sure they use p3d's <blackdog_> 5. Immature players because of that <FW200|RSS|> 4. I know BIS well enough to know they wont do it.. maybe under pressure from Codemasters but not by themselfs.. <blackdog_> 6. They might tone down the graphic quality for lower end systems, which would REALLY suck for me (I love nice graphics)... *** Raptor-Man is now known as Rap[Away] <blackdog_> 7. They might make it _too_ hard to fly helicopters <FW200|RSS|> 6. Dont think so.. im sure you can adjust it as much as you want.. graphics wont be a problem (look at the 0.38 demo / 1.00/ and resistance and at VBS) <blackdog_> 8. They might adopt a COMPLETELY new scripting style, mission editor, etc etc. This would be terrible for those of us who are 'pros' at scripting in the current enviroment. <FW200|RSS|> 7. Perhaps.. i like em the way they are now.. planes need to be adjusted though.. *** Vodka1 (BAS_User@DL1.colossus.cat2.com) has joined channel #ballistic-studios <blackdog_> 9. If the counter-strike/half life players come into play, there needs to be an anti-cheating anti-lamer system. *** BAS_User (BAS_User@1Cust82.tnt1.calumet-city.il.da.uu.net) has joined channel #ballistic-studios <blackdog_> as for the things that I want <FW200|RSS|> 8. The same as with the models.. i dont think so.. not unless it gives them great advantages.. after all.. they are pros too.. they need to learn the same again.. and if i was a developer.. i would be too lazy to do it.. <Vodka1> Hey DM that MH-47 looks awesome <FW200|RSS|> 9. If they include checksum or so.. not much cheating will be allowed.. and if they build in that the server files (addons) are also checked then there wont be a problem.. <blackdog_> 1. Yes, I know that this is OFP... but the "Admin Mod" for Half Life (search it at google). This would be a very welcome addition for server addons everywhere. admin_slap people, to punish them, admin_slay them to kill them for tking, admin_kick PERSON TIME REASON *** DeadMeat is now known as DeadMeat|Workin <blackdog_> 2. Addons can be downloaded like the maps are downloaded in half-life... or through something like the auto updater. The game gets alt tabbed automatically and goes to an updater where you can decide if you want to download the addon, and from where. <blackdog_> 3. Chatlogs and server statistics. Nuff said here *** Signoff: [21st]Boldhead (Signed off) <FW200|RSS|> 2. Good idea.. poor 56kers however.. i recall someone from BIS didnt like this .. (or was it someone else) <FW200|RSS|> 3. Isnt it possible now? *** Signoff: Vodka1 (Ping timeout) <blackdog_> 4. The same customizable faces but SEAMLESS, not with seams and lines that you can tell where the face wraps around the model. Also customizable other things such as hats bandanas glasses boots and the optional accessories held by soldiers around their waists <blackdog_> 5. The ability to carry objects inside objects <FW200|RSS|> 4. Good idea.. <FW200|RSS|> 5. Will be added.. im sure.. BIS learned their lesson.. im also pretty sure they will make the engine more open.. <blackdog_> 6. The ability to use the mission editor to add backpacks, extra ammo clips, glasses, masks, goggles, boots, ghillie suits, night vision goggles and what type of these items they want. All with a simple dropdown menu. <blackdog_> 7. Seperate ADDONS - WEST and ADDONS - EAST or somethign to that effect menus <BAS_User> Blackdog i entirely agree with 6. <blackdog_> 8. New stuff that comes out every week, like in Soldner. Maybe a new gun every week, a new soldier every month, a new vehicle every month with the new soldier. <BAS_User> an ingame init field command thingy 2. <blackdog_> 9. Small addition to 6, the ability to pick the type of guns mounted on to vehicles. For example if you have an M151 with a default M2 machine gun. You would be able to give it a TOW launcher, an M60, without having to addmagazine addweapon it... that way it actually LOOKS like the thing. <blackdog_> 10. Ability to carry things in vehicles like what I just said. You could replace an M60 with a TOW launcher or javelin. <FW200|RSS|> 6. Yes.. something like with IL-2 sturmovik for vehicles too.. so you can select the load out.. *** Signoff: DeadMeat|Workin (Ping timeout) <FW200|RSS|> 8. no rather not.. id rather want it like the ultimate upgrades.. <FW200|RSS|> 9+10.. yes.. <blackdog_> 11. Tank treads fall off when overstressed. A wrecker or recovery vehicle wold have to come in and fix it.... *** Signoff: ofp|food (Quit) <blackdog_> 12. Deformable terrain (DUH) *** benus_essen is now known as benus <FW200|RSS|> 11. perhaps <blackdog_> 13. It's own editor update. If #2 isn't adopted, they need to have all the houses trees rocks already coded into the game instead of having to have an addon <FW200|RSS|> 12. Not if it causes smaller terrain <FW200|RSS|> 13. yup <BAS_User> if ofp2 is about vietnam... the more urban combat thing will be decreased <blackdog_> 14. The ability to have something like a tree mount. A soldier carries it on an ATV or something of that type, and can mount a tower into a tree <blackdog_> 15. Snowmobiles, ATV's, Snow Cats ((Link: http://www.leavenworthsnowcat.com/snowcat....pg)http .com/snowcat.jpg). <FW200|RSS|> 16. The ability to change the CPP from within Scripts.. <FW200|RSS|> 15. Vietnam <blackdog_> 16. Customizable camoflague options on soldiers AND vehicles. You can easily pick if you want desert camo, winter, urban, jungle etc. <blackdog_> 16. That is, from the mission editor <blackdog_> 17. Customizable weather. You can have it snow and the ground be white, it rain and the ground be muddy. Also the ability to change seasons - example: during fall, the trees have leaves falling off of them, during winter, its snowy and now leaves on trees, during summer lots of leaves and flowers blooming and the same with spring. <blackdog_> 18. The ability to FLOAT or SWIM for at least a small length of time. <blackdog_> 19. BAS working for BIS <blackdog_> 20. BIS hosting its own servers around the world, for people like us, forum groupies, addon makers. Heh... <blackdog_> 21. No gayspy browser. <blackdog_> 22. Different divisions of soldiers, customizable patches, customizable patches on vehicles. <blackdog_> 23. No codemasters as publisher, a bit late... sniff. <blackdog_> 24. CLEAR credit to the REAL people who made this game the game it is, not the people who are taking the credit (codemasters). It should say something to the effect of "THIS, THE BEST GAME EVER, WAS MADE AND DEVELOPED BY BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIOS"
  12. ralphwiggum

    The Iraq Thread

    A reality check </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">War ousts sex, music in Web searches LONDON, England (Reuters) -- War toppled sex and music as the most popular search term among Web users as the conflict in Iraq captured the attention of the online crowd. "Iraq" knocked female country music group "Dixie Chicks" out of the top spot on Yahoo's Buzz Index of popular search terms among U.S. Internet users. The Dixie Chicks sank on the Yahoo index behind Iraq and rising rap singing star "50 Cent." The country group Dixie Chicks have had their chart-topping songs, including current number one single "Travelin' Soldier", pulled from many U.S. radio playlists after they criticized President Bush's war plans in Iraq. The Iraq conflict has also apparently lowered libidos of online Britons, top Internet service Freeserve said. "War was our top search term today, taking over from perennial favorites -- sex, Britney [spears] and travel," said Nadia Schofield, a spokeswoman for Freeserve, the U.K.'s largest Internet service provider. Sites such as Freeserve track day-to-day changes in popular search terms as a means of following changing fashions on the Web. Sex-related terms have long dominated the most searched-for subjects on the Web. <span id='postcolor'>
  13. Othin

    Would you like some freedom fries with that?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (OxPecker @ Mar. 11 2003,15:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Mar. 12 2003,00:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What's wrong with the word "sorceror"?<span id='postcolor'> Nothing, but it's not the name of the book. (And the fact that a philosophers stone is an actual object from mythology). The company that released the movie thought the word philosopher might be a little intimidating for US audiences (anti-intellectualism at it's best). Anyway, here's a little quote from Becker that I love: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Y'know? All right. I don't like rap music. Is that okay with you? Y'know, I don't like polka music either, but I like Polish sausage. I hate Chinese checkers, but I love french fries. I hate Belgian waffles, love German Shepards, can't stand English muffins. Here's a real puzzler: hate Danish cheese, love cheese danish." -Becker<span id='postcolor'><span id='postcolor'> Offtopic here, but that would be wrong. First of all, the name was changed before the book even hit the shores. It was changed because of a fundamental difference in the meaning of philosopher from shore to shore. To me a philosopher is someone like Plato, not an old man who practices magic. Someone who practices magic or sorcery is either a magician or a sorcerer (by definition). Someone who practices philosophey is a....philosopher. And according to dictionary.com a philosophers stone is "an imaginary stone which the alchemists formerly sought as instrument of converting the baser metals into gold." http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=philosopherhttp://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=sorceryhttp://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=magician
  14. OxPecker

    Would you like some freedom fries with that?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Mar. 12 2003,00:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What's wrong with the word "sorceror"?<span id='postcolor'> Nothing, but it's not the name of the book. (And the fact that a philosophers stone is an actual object from mythology). The company that released the movie thought the word philosopher might be a little intimidating for US audiences (anti-intellectualism at it's best). Anyway, here's a little quote from Becker that I love: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Y'know? All right. I don't like rap music. Is that okay with you? Y'know, I don't like polka music either, but I like Polish sausage. I hate Chinese checkers, but I love french fries. I hate Belgian waffles, love German Shepards, can't stand English muffins. Here's a real puzzler: hate Danish cheese, love cheese danish." -Becker<span id='postcolor'>
  15. brgnorway

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Feb. 28 2003,05:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You mean of course, Bill Clinton. Who, I might add, committed perjury on national television. <span id='postcolor'> Thats the man! I agree that the Lewinsky-story didn't do him any favour in the integrity-department. But, he did try to broke a peace deal between Israel and the palestinians. Also, he did not share his government with politicians that declare that he couldn't care less if Arafat was hanged. Sorry, but Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the gang leaves something to be desired. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think you all can excuse me when I point out that your line of reasoning is fucked up to a degree not previously known in my experience. <span id='postcolor'> That was not a particulary nice thing to say - however I'll restrain myself from replying because saying something like that is so fucking stupid! </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Blix reported that Iraq still isn't doing enough to comply with 1441, as well as demanding that the Al-Samud missiles be destroyed, which Iraq has yet to comply with. <span id='postcolor'> Not yet, but soon maybe! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2806795.stm </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And, if you might notice, we haven't kicked off an invasion yet, so I would not say we haven't given the inspectors a fair chance. <span id='postcolor'> Well, the last thing Bush & Co needs is Britain leaving the "coalition of the willing". So no war until Britain says go then. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I mean, they've been there for about 4 months now, and if Iraq were truly cooperating to the degree 1441 requires, that would have been more than enough time to either disarm or provide the proof that they have already disarmed. <span id='postcolor'> The inspectors asked for more time! Why do you think they did that? Could it possibly be because the whole mess would take longer than an average american working day? </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">He did indeed say that. However, if you would take the time to actually read what I typed, you would see I never said that he wouldn't, merely that it would be a very bad idea as far as his re-election prospects are concerned. <span id='postcolor'> Fair enough! </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">He is lying. Or is the massive shortfall in his own accounting of military arsenals, blatant propagandizing, and mile-long rap sheet not enough? Hiding WMD's? I think so. Large quantities of nerve and biological agents are still unnacounted for, in addition to his unwillingness to come clean with weapons inspectors from either UNSCOM or UNMOVIC now. <span id='postcolor'> This could very well be - but that is perhaps why the inspectore are there in the first place! </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The Al-Qaeda links are questionable, we already established that, but that was never a reason to go to war in the first place, and is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. <span id='postcolor'> It was not questionable - it was utter crap! And it was indeed meant one of the factors to be building a foundation for going to war. Why the hell do you think Colin mentioned it in the first place. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And according to 1441 (this is the universal interpretation, not just America's), Iraq has the onus, the burden of proof. They have to trot out the evidence, they have to supply evidence, and they have to convince us that they are now in compliance with 1441 and 687.<span id='postcolor'> Yes, but politics sort of change that a bit doesn't it! Why do you think there is no war yet? Don't you think that has a wee bit to do with other nations resisting such an act?
  16. Tex -USMC-

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I trusted actually trusted your former government.<span id='postcolor'> You mean of course, Bill Clinton. Who, I might add, committed perjury on national television. I think you all can excuse me when I point out that your line of reasoning is fucked up to a degree not previously known in my experience. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh dear! No matter what kind of progress there has been made (as Blix reported a few days ago), US find a reason to claim Iraq is not complying. If you ask me - and I suppose a few others - US had decided upon this strategy long before the inspections took place. <span id='postcolor'> Blix reported that Iraq still isn't doing enough to comply with 1441, as well as demanding that the Al-Samud missiles be destroyed, which Iraq has yet to comply with. And, if you might notice, we haven't kicked off an invasion yet, so I would not say we haven't given the inspectors a fair chance. I mean, they've been there for about 4 months now, and if Iraq were truly cooperating to the degree 1441 requires, that would have been more than enough time to either disarm or provide the proof that they have already disarmed. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, I've got to give your president this though - he certainly isn't afraid of taking chances! And how do you explain that he stated that USA would go in alone regardless of UN support or not? <span id='postcolor'> He did indeed say that. However, if you would take the time to actually read what I typed, you would see I never said that he wouldn't, merely that it would be a very bad idea as far as his re-election prospects are concerned. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It is certainly a very good reason. Just take a look at the rethoric used by his administration during the whole crisis? "he's lying - he's hiding wmd's- he's hiding terrorists- Colin's dubious "evidence" presented in UN- He has links with Al Queda etc.- US & british intelligence first holding back the so called "evidence" only too deliver the "goods" wich by the way turns out to be outdated and wrong! In my book that is fairly good reasons altogether! <span id='postcolor'> He is lying. Or is the massive shortfall in his own accounting of military arsenals, blatant propagandizing, and mile-long rap sheet not enough? Hiding WMD's? I think so. Large quantities of nerve and biological agents are still unnacounted for, in addition to his unwillingness to come clean with weapons inspectors from either UNSCOM or UNMOVIC now. The Al-Qaeda links are questionable, we already established that, but that was never a reason to go to war in the first place, and is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. And according to 1441 (this is the universal interpretation, not just America's), Iraq has the onus, the burden of proof. They have to trot out the evidence, they have to supply evidence, and they have to convince us that they are now in compliance with 1441 and 687.
  17. Assault (CAN)

    Mtv dismissed

    After seeing all the anti-MTV replies, I don't think that there's a whole lot to be concerned about. Everyone here seems to think about the 'unknown dumb majority' but they fail to realise that they have alot in common with alot of people that don't post here. That's understandable though, we can't read people's minds,...........yet. Yes, there are crass, materialistic, and shallow people out there, but I don't think that they are as numerous as we like to think. Or maybe MTV and things like it really do represent the downfall of western civilisation. Who knows? I will agree with you guys on a number of thing's though. Young kids today do dress like they are going to apear in a GAP commercial, or a rap video, and young girl's clothes are getting more and more revealing. When I was that age, jogging pants were all the rage and there was only a couple of fat people at our school. We I was young, me and my buddies would hike about 4k to go out to the back 40 and play soldiers with our paintballguns and playdough 'C4'. Today, there are video games for that, which is unfortunate. Parents should tell their kids what their 'culture' is all about. Change the myth, and the values will follow. Oh yeah, MTV sucks anyway, Much Music actually plays music, but even that is getting too 'poppy' nowadays. I miss the mid '90's when they played good 'ol Canadian rock. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">On an entirely unrelated note, I'm going through some old albums (Credence Clearwater, etc.) and I realize that the music today really sucks which is probably the strongest reason that we need a protracted conflict in Asia: makes for good tunes <span id='postcolor'> LOL, so true. Why do I always think of doing helo inserts when I hear CCR? BTW, Undergrads is a good show Tovarish, ever see 'Mission Hill'? Tyler
  18. PiNs_Da_Smoka

    Mtv dismissed

    The reason MTV has opted to play so much non music related crap is because they have multiple other channels to cater to that. Mainly is MTV2, which is music 24 hours a day, and nothing else. There are also a bunch of smaller mtv networks which are dedicated to certain music. My favorite is MTVx, whic my friend has at his house, 24 hours of METAL!!!! But anyways.... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">A second subdivision of the show only caters to afro-americans..so you basically only see (excuse that expression) black participants in a wannabe-queens environment.<span id='postcolor'> That statement is not true. First, let me say i hate the show, and can't stand it. And second, i don't think its on in the US anymore, the new thing is Taildaters. But anyways. That is not true. Its not a "subdivision" where they only have balck people on there. Actually, i've seen episodes where it was pretty racially diverse. Not once have i seen anything in which it was put off to the side to show black people. I mean, i watch MTV occaisionally, and one of the main reasons i don't is because its so full of this bubblegum pop shit, and rap and R&B. Thats just not my thing. Considering they have this playing most of the time, i doubt they would have to purposely try and put black people on, thats just dumb. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">You wanna know what a racist channel is ? It's called BET,Black Entertainment Television.I wonder what would happen if some white guy made WET(white Entertainment Television). <span id='postcolor'> I have to agree with that statement, in sorts. In no way am i racist, or do i let it bother me when other people are, i have my beliefs, and if others want to be ignorant, that is there problem. But if someone made a channel called White Entertainment Television, no matter what was on the channel, no matter what kind of shows they played, it would become engulfed in controversy, simply because it pushes white culture. But again, its perfectly alright for black people to do it. There is also a show on aroun 5am called "The Black Forum". Its a small show where 4-5 black people of power, politicians, musicians, celebrities, get together and discuss world issues, with a black perspective. Same example here, if a show came out called "The White Forum", no matter what the discussions were made up of, it would be flamed and torn apart by the media, simply because of the name. I'm not trying to start a whole other topic here, but i find that disgusting. Its ok for blacks to seperate themselves from white people to form there own "clique" worldwide. But if white people even attempt it, they are automatically racist and biggots. This is a double standard that has no place in todays world. I only wish i had a better and bigger way to express my voice because as we all know, discussing such things on an OFP forum isn't going to do much. And if you decide to, for some reason, flame me at all, just remember my statements are NOT racist in the least. Simply observations of reality.
  19. STS_SolidSnake

    Awp sniper rifle by smith !

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eviscerator @ Feb. 04 2003,21:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">edit: rap, it doesnt look like a reskin to me, looks like a brand new model<span id='postcolor'> You can download the cs model here, http://www.counterstrikecenter.com/
  20. Raptor-Man

    Awp sniper rifle by smith !

    evis it's a Counterstrike custom skin made for the awp. rap
  21. Eviscerator

    Awp sniper rifle by smith !

    this addon is not the normal sniper rifle found in cs, the awp is a 7.62 (and varius other calibers, .338 etc) rifle, the AW50 (what the model is) is a 50 caliber rifle edit: rap, it doesnt look like a reskin to me, looks like a brand new model
  22. Raptor-Man

    Tales of war rangers released...

    Personally I think it's foolish to go back and forth trying to rip each other's addons and team members apart. The main thing that keeps me into ofp is the community especially the addon community. We shouldnt be fighting and competing with other addon teams to be the best because it aint gonna happen a. once your "best" get's released anybody can take it and rearrange it to be their "best" b. we should be helping each other to produce high quality addons as a whole. Take DKM mod team for an example they've come up with alot of new stuff i.e the rotorwash addon and the commanche with all it's features including retractable landing gear but are they being stingy and saying they are the best and nobody can use their work? The answer is no. They release quality addons and they share their resources if you had a problem im sure they'd help. What im trying to say is we are working for a community that loves and wants our addons they dont want to see 30 diff ranger packs or 50 diff marine packs trying to out do each other. my .02 rap
  23. Renagade

    The Iraq Thread

    Interesting site why is it whenever someone critises the US government or talks about the US forign policy in a negative way some ppl seem to think its an attack on their nationality or a personal insult. Its like saying rap music sux then some idiot calls u racist
  24. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Raptor-Man @ Jan. 05 2003,02:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">www.ofp.info says it all they arent ofpgwc's they are reworked versions from their TOW pack. rap<span id='postcolor'> TOW pack? what TOW pack? TOW Marines pack? (Tales of War) just asking, cuz i dont think anyone asked us to use our models
  25. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Raptor-Man @ Jan. 05 2003,02:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">www.ofp.info says it all they arent ofpgwc's they are reworked versions from their TOW pack. rap<span id='postcolor'> so who reworked them and are they released?