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Everything posted by Midnighters

  1. chopperOne action ["autoHover", chopperOne]; example from biki. rotors are 90?
  2. I'm not quite sure there is any way to necessary check if a plane has launched via the carrier as if it's a boolean. bump.
  3. Midnighters

    script restriction #0

    *looks around* surely this just started with me "stating my opinion" ?
  4. Midnighters

    script restriction #0

    No that opinion doesn't just belong to me, it's shared quite frequently among those who have played the game for what it is for a long while now. A quick "google search" would've solved the thread starters problem. That's a part of the lifer mentality, no initiative to solve their problems.
  5. Midnighters

    Virtual Arsenal in Prowler

    make sure also that the requiredAddons[]={}; field references the pbo in which contains the prowler, so in that it makes a dependency and you can reference it in a config.
  6. Midnighters

    script restriction #0

    I find it very annoying that despite these being features of battleye not pertaining specifically to Dayz clones and Exile servers. Observe the trend of different players over the years and their behaviors, all boils down to Dayz clones, Exile, Altis Life, and KOTH. It's not necessarily an opinion, because a monkey with half a brain can see the same.
  7. Midnighters

    [Solved] TFAR & OPEX

    Do you have a radio on your unit? If so, what type?
  8. Midnighters

    Garbage collector exception

    Just like crewt said: removeFromRemainsCollector[unit1,unit2,unit3,unit4,unit5,unit6,unit7]; //etc
  9. Midnighters

    script restriction #0

    Oh god, of course it's altis life
  10. Midnighters

    Titans in 1.7. Forwards or backwards?

    Are you firing at the new planes possibly? Your best best is to get someone to designate for you. Otherwise, you're going to want to be closer. The AA rockets do some serious damage if hit in the right place.
  11. Midnighters

    How to view speed of sound?

    a visual indicator? You're gonna have to do that yourself. No real way of debugging "sounds" :P if possible, you could just check to see if the player can hear the sound or if the sound is played
  12. Midnighters

    How do I get my old helicopter controls back?

    What I'm saying is: There is nothing in the Spotrep that has anything to do with it.
  13. Midnighters

    Freedom issue

    Indeed. It's a compilation of multiple structures. Not a vehicle.
  14. Midnighters

    How do I get my old helicopter controls back?

    Nope. Good luck on your search for something that doesn't exist in terms of changes :) read the sitrep one more time. *spotrep*
  15. Midnighters

    Missile won't fly of rail.

    Definitely a config issue, different ammunition systems from Arma 2 to Arma 3. Bump.
  16. Midnighters

    Missile won't fly of rail.

    ported from? Arma 2? Arma OA? OFP? Combat Ops? What? Because the method has changed since the different releases.
  17. Midnighters

    Freedom issue

    Ever think about engine limitations, rather than just assuming it's based off of how lazy or proactive bi developers are?
  18. custom ammo? Maybe, I don't think that's necessarily requiring a model for the ammo.
  19. well that goes all the way down to modeling and memory points. Might want to do a request on the forums,
  20. BIS_fnc_respawnTickets can be used to gather total tickets and BIS_fnc_endMissionServer will tell the server to reset the mission, so it'll go back from the very beginning Example: mid_fnc_tickets = { waitUntil{(([west] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets) isEqualTo 0)}; ["SideScore"] call bis_fnc_endMissionServer; }; Just a little example, I'm not at my pc right now. Can't really double check for syntax erorrs, but take a look at that.
  21. Midnighters

    Field of view changes with increasing speed

    Nothing in the UI options as far as I'm aware would fix this, if it hasn't already. I don't know if camSetFOV is applicable to the player camera or not.
  22. Midnighters

    Key modifiers, shift, alt etc?

    Looks like you guys already have the only way to override default engine behavior Is this some sort of bug?