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Everything posted by BennySouthSt

  1. BennySouthSt

    Bulldozer Launch Error

    I'm currently trying to get O2 and Bulldozer working, mainly in order to attempt some re-texturing, but the Bulldozer viewer always crashes on me. Initially I get a "glide3d.dll is not present" error (which is pretty much self explanatory), but then i'm hit with this error message ErrorMessage: Cannot create 3D device: Adapter -1 () Fullscreen Resolution 800x600, format X8R8G8B8/D16, refresh 0 Hz. Error D3DERR_INVALIDCALL Any tips on how to fix this? My hardware is relatively... well, shitty, but I don't feel that would be a major issue when its runs OFP reasonably well.
  2. BennySouthSt

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    Is there a way to delay the initialisation of HAL until a trigger is fired? I'm working on a defense mission, but don't want the AI advancing until a certain trigger is reached.
  3. BennySouthSt

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    Does anyone know if this works with a Headless Client? My community is considering it as a DAC replacement - nothing had come close to DAC until this came along and seems to blow it out of the water - but headless client support is nice to have, especially on bigger missions.
  4. Beowulf Strategic Operations is an EU based tactical realism community that plays every Wednesday and Sunday at 19:00 BST. You can find out more at www.beowulfso.com, or keep scrolling down for a look at what we do and how we play. We average between 20 and 30 players per-session and play every Wednesday and Sunday at 20:00 UTC. We're primarily EU based, with members from England, Finland, Denmark, the US and more. What is "Tactical Realism", and why do we enjoy it? Tactical Realism is the term best used to describe how we at Beowulf play - We aren't a conventional Milsim group who follow strict rank and procedure, nor are we a totally laid-back disorganized group of mates playing Arma together; we exist in a sweet spot, a middle-ground that we call "Tactical Realism". We don't have any present ranks or roles, and don't restrict ourselves to representing a singular force in a singular conflict - the average session may consist of two, three or even four missions in a variety of terrains or as a variety of forces. You may go from a USMC M60 Machine-gunner, deep in the jungles of Tanoa to a F/A-18F WSO supporting a Special Forces raid in Southern Sahrani - The only roles we limit are mission-critical roles, such as Piloting, where messing up could mean the end of the mission for everyone; new members can jump in as pretty much anything else available in that mission. We also provide some completely optional training in a variety of skills - If you're new to Arma 3, feel free to pop along to one of our basic induction sessions, or if you're into the real hardcore s**t, turn up to one of our advanced JTAC courses. Just remember that none of these courses are necessary, and are completely optional if you want to attend them - the same goes with our sessions too! We have no unnecessary attendance policy, and average between 20 and 30 players every session. We're a friendly bunch, especially towards new players, so if you've ever got any questions you can ask anyone in game, on steam or through our Slack chat. What mods do you use? Beowulf uses a variety of mods to enhance the Arma 3 experience. We use a variety of community-proven mods such as: -RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation -RHS: United States Armed Forces -RHS: Serbian Armed Forces -RHS: Green Forces -CUP Terrains -CUP Terrains CWA -NIArms -Advanced Combat Enviroment 3 -Advanced Combat Radio Environment 2 -3CB as well as a variety of other mods that add more terrains, assets and some custom in-house assets. All of our mods are handled by our costume made mod-installer, the Beowulf Sync Utility - a lightweight tool that we hope to eventually share with the wider community. Contact Us You can find out more info at https://beowulfso.com/. If you're interested in joining us, visit https://beowulfso.com/join and send us a little bit about yourself - we'll reply with the information to join our slack chat and download the mods as soon as possible! If you want to speak to one of our members, you can message one of our members on steam - they'll be sure to answer any questions! BennySouthSt - http://steamcommunity.com/id/BennySouthSt or join our steam group.
  5. Beowulf Strategic Operations wishes you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We're excited to keep playing into the new year! With the the usual post-Christmas player boom and some interesting events in the works, Beowulf is still going strong and preparing for our 7th anniversary in May! All screenshots are taken from live Beowulf sessions. BEOWULF SITREP #14 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================= INCOMING TRANSMISSION.... SUBJECT: Beowulf Sitrep #14 DATE: 01/01/2019 FROM: Walker Previous SITREP So for those who may remember the previous SITREP, there were a lot of topics of plans moving forward. A lot of ambitions projects that the host team and others were gearing up for, which unfortunately didn’t all come to fruition. Most of this is down to the very sudden and massive decrease in time that some of the host and admin team could dedicate to ArmA. All of the previously mentioned projects include the possible revamp of our Medical System, Mission Framework, and plans StratOps are all still in the works. We also STILL have plans for some WW2 sessions and another preset update. We just sadly didn’t have the time to implement them. Rest assured, when the time comes all of the above will be announced, and any progress will make its way to the relevant channels on Discord to discuss. The one peice of good news looking back on SITREP 13, is our move to Discord has been largely a success! Even the Beowulf Bot made it over… eventually… Future of Sessions As some of the regulars may of noticed, we’re in a bit of a bumpy spot with numbers attending sessions. While we’re still averaging a lot more people than we did back in the past! Between the host team we think this is largely to do with people just being busy, and the burnout of ArmA 3. We’re not the only ones in the wider ArmA community seeing a slump on players, but of course we want to try and fix any issue we may have. I invite you all to give some feedback in the form of the Google Form below, which has only a few questions. The emphasis is on if we should continue with our current format of 2 sessions a week, or change it up before we completely burn out you the players and the host team. **CLASSIFIED DATA REDACTED** Goodbye Finnish Moose Our ambassador from the cold, vodka fuelled North will be leaving the host team. I and the rest of the host team are of course sad to see Vallu go. He has been an excellent host, and is one of the reasons that Beowulf managed to reach the success it has and got this far! Vallu has decided to step away from the host team purely because he currently doesn’t have enough time to serve the community as much as he’d like. He has promised to continue to attend sessions when possible, and contribute where he can to the group. As one of the originals from the re-birthing, it is a sad day. But of course real life comes first, and he’ll always be welcome at Beowulf sessions. Conclusion If anybody is interested in helping out the community and becoming a member of the host team, in particular as the leader of the Training team. Please let me know, or speak to anyone from the host team. Thank you all so much for being a part of this group, and a special thanks to the Patreon Supporters for keeping our servers going. Merry Christmas to all, and a happy new year! Cheers, Walker ...TRANSMISSION TERMINATED... ...CLOSING TRANSMISSION... ...TRANSMISSION CLOSED... ================================================================================================================================================================================================================== PRESET UPDATE R21 Another year, another update! Our 21st preset update brings us up to date on our core mods, such as ACE and ACRE, as well as adding a whole host of new factions - most notable, the Germans! - Added Kleiderkammer Bundeswehr Mod (not BW mod) - Added South East Angola Map - Added Anizay Map - Added ACRE Transmission Animations Mod - Added BSO Bundeswehr Faction (Various eras) - Added BSO NVA Faction - Added BSO US Army Faction (Various eras) - Added BSO Malden Armed Forces "70s" faction - Added BSO Abramian Nation Guard (Cold war era Abramian Army) - Updated CBA - Updated ACE - Updated ACRE - Updated CUP Terrains (Core, Terrains + CWA) - Updated 3CB Mods - Updated VCOM AI - Updated Ares Achilles Zeus Mod - Updated Rosche Map - Updated Duala Map - Updated Abramia Map - Updated Ragdoll mod - Fixed AAF Faction bugs (Pilot uniforms + RH Weapons) - Fixed BSO Flag - Fixed hidden RH Weapons - Fixed NIArms RPK Firemods - Adjusted RH Pistols + reworked sound for all pistols - Adjusted Lee Enfield for .303 POWER - Removed Immersed Weather mod
  6. You and your community are formally invited to OPERATION BLUE DANUBE and Arma 3 multi-community event in late July. Is your community interested in large-scale, combined arms warfare on a scale unseen in most community Arma sessions? Are you looking for a chance to interact with the wider arma community as a whole? Do you want to get your community name out there, and attract new players with massive events unavailable elsewhere? Operation BLUE DANUBE intends to be an open event primarily catering for the tactical-realism community, but with the flexibility to cater to almost any Arma 3 community background. Built on the principles of teamwork, co-operation and providing a great experience, BLUE DANUBE hopes to be one of the most exciting events in your Arma 3 calendar. Using a selection of cherry-picked mods, hand selected for quality, size, community compatibility and realism, BLUE DANUBE will require very little work on the part of any communities that wish to be involved - simply confirm your attendance, ensure your mods are updated and turn up! All logistics and mission management is being handled by the Beowulf Host Team, although we're still keen to accept and help, ideas or tips that you or your community can offer. The initial mod list is as follows: - ACE - ACRE - RHS:USAF - RHS:AFRF - RHS:GREF - Project OPFOR - Beowulf Joint-Ops The mod list aims to offer a full variety of assets and equipment to use, without crippling a user with excessive downloads. The Joint-Ops folder will contain the single map we intend to use for the session, as well a some small files that relate to our mission framework and mod compatibility. Interested in attending? Contact me on Steam (https://steamcommunity.com/id/BennySouthSt/), or join the BLUE DANUBE Discord at https://discord.gg/qGmnhTf
  7. ARCOMM/BEOWULF JOINT SESSION ANNOUCEMENT We're happy to announce the first of hopefully many Joint Operations with the ARCOMM Community. We've got two sessions on the books, scheduled for the 27th and the 28th of January. More information can be found here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zrNFDaq2n7uzyzwOoYf-B27z4kn0UrbsDPtRu5LiSB8/edit?usp=sharing And we hope that this is the first step in a long, exciting history between the two groups, and look to play more in the future!
  8. =================================================================================================================================== INCOMING TRANSMISSION... Subject: Beowulf Sitrep #10 Date: 27/12/2017 From: Walker Seasons Greetings and I wish you all a messy Chris-Mas! … Survey First of all a massive thank you to all who took part in the Beowulf Members Survey a few weeks ago! The turnout was great, and I’m quite happy to see very similar responses across the community, as well as some lovely curveballs that we didn’t expect to see. Without listing the responses for all of the questions, there are some highlights I wanted to share. -Lots of interest in the Beowulf Meetup 2018. 50/50 UK/EU location. -StratOps and APEX sessions have a lot of love. -Most think we should continue to NOT require APEX for standard sessions. -Nobody thinks the preset is too big, and 50% want more islands (maps)More than half want more equipment variety in the preset and missions. -Only 23% are happy with the variation In missions -82% would like to see campaigns and story driven missions -90% have interest in a themed large mod session/week Nearly -80% think we use Light Vehicles too much. -Near an even split in preference between Regular/Irregular/SF preference. -Some people think we use too much Russian Kit. -One person hates Cold War missions... Rest assured, all the results have been taken on as serious feedback and moving forward the Host team will meet to discuss these and the rest of the results and how we are going to tackle them in the new year. Preset Update The last couple of weeks have seen some hush hush brewings of massive changes for the Beowulf Preset, which I can now properly reveal with the release of R15. This as seen a huge jump from the venerable ASR AI, to the VCOM AI system. This will have some interesting changes for our missions/sessions in the way the AI behavior and react to players. Alongside VCOM, I’ve spent a lot of time working on our own in-house mods such as the new BSO AI, which tackles the dispersion values of all weapons and how the AI will employ them. As well as the BSO Arty mod, which will make Artillery a lot more of a realistic choice for mission makers in their use against players… The shiniest change is the addition of three brand new islands, including Prei Khmaoch Luong. This map goes against our standard BSOMap pack brief, and is a beautiful map themed around the Cambodian Jungle and will be prime for ‘NAAM missions in the future. For the players, check out the changelog for a full list of the changes. For mission makers… there are some big changes to how you will be making missions… these have been detailed in a brief I will be posting in #missionmakers ASAP. In short time this will be posted to the Wiki as part of our planned renewal of the MissionMakers area on the wiki with help from DappaBear. Do not ignore these changes… you will regret it when your missions are declined... New Year With the huge changes to the preset and the great feedback from the survey, I and the host team are eager to go into the new year with a new found enthusiasm to continue growing the community, and providing the great sessions it seems you have all come to enjoy. I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday season, and have a messy new year. See you in 2018! Walker ...TRANSMISSION TERMINATED... ...CLOSING CONNECTION... ...CONNECTION CLOSED.
  9. =================================================================================================================================== INCOMING TRANSMISSION... Subject: Beowulf Sitrep #9 Date: 09/06/2017 From: Walker Once again, a long time overdue… Some interesting stuff moving forward as always with Beowulf! For those who weren't at last Sunday’s session, if you have any concerns, problems or ideas you wish to put forward for sessions. Please PM me on Slack in the first instance. In particular myself and host team want try and increase attendance at sessions. This covers both in player count, and the length of time players able to join the session. So if you have any ideas that aren't mentioned below, feel free to suggest something. But I’m afraid no, i can’t get you out of family gatherings or other real world commitments that stop you from attending sessions… Sessions/Missions/Generator For this week (WC 06/11/2017) all sessions (Wednesday, Friday’s TvT and Sunday) will begin at 1900hrs UTC. The aim of this is to allow players who can join earlier, remain in a session longer. The general format of late has been a long mission, followed by maybe a shorter mission, usually due to most players leaving because of the time. However we don’t really have a set format, instead we play unplayed missions, or replay older missions. We hope to make this a lot simpler, smoother and easier to organise through an upcoming Mission Database we are working on behind the scenes. We established Beowulf with the idea that players could simply join the server and play missions with whoever else is around. To this day there is no requirement that missions can only be played on Session Nights. We just use the Session Nights as a focus for larger organised play for players to attend. Further to this, we don’t see a need for a specific structure for sessions. The intention is to play missions until there are no players left on the server. This also means when we have more players waiting to join or in the Spectator Box, we should be considering ending missions that are doomed to fail, and starting new missions allowing more players to get involved (more on this below). The only thing we want to keep constant is the quality of our own brand of Tactical Realism on our Main Server. If you join the main server. You are joining a Tactical Realism Server. Joining the server, and using it as a Zeus “spawn all the shit i can find and blow stuff up” platform, is not acceptable. We are now even considering removing the Vote Admin functions to ensure non-trusted players cannot ruin a session for other players and put them off, before it's even begun. But hopefully it won’t come to this… In short, we are taking measures to hopefully increase attendance, and the amount of missions played. Further to the above, if you have any suggestions. Please don’t hesitate to PM myself in the first instance. Mission Framework v2.0 Myself, the host team and a supporting cast are taking some time to improve the mission framework. Moving forward we are discussing ideas such as casualty caps, better Join In progress (JIP) functions and better admin tools. We hope some of these ideas and others will speed up the flow of missions, allowing players to get more time in-game playing, instead of waiting. If you are interested in making suggestions or helping with the framework development, drop a message in #arma, #missionmakers or PM myself. Alternatively you can see the progress and report bugs and feature requests on dev.beowulfso.com. Joint-Op We keep talking about it, because its still going to happen! Soon… I won’t go into the exact reasons for the delay, but as many of you know the wider ArmA community is a collection of groups who like to play how they play, and have almost no room for collaboration and/or compromise. I am however happy to say @bennysouthst is still in talks and planning stages with several groups. More info when it's solid, but we soon hope to have our first Join-Op planned out and announced…. Soon…. Soon Training As always if you have any suggestions for new training topics, or want courses to be repeated, don’t be afraid to ask in #training or ask @vallu directly. Of course courses are all subject to instructor availability etc etc etc Generator Along with a new Mission Framework, we’ll be revisiting the Generator framework to provide some long awaited updates and alternate versions. The intention for the new version will be to provide a framework allowing others to make version of the Generator missions to allow for some very quick to create but dynamic short missions, as well as the larger Generator Missions as we know them now. This is a complex project… so please bare with me while i sell my soul to the devil to earn the willpower to even start this task… but I will do it! That’s it for now children. Happy ArmA’ing and watch this space for future news. ...TRANSMISSION TERMINATED... ...CLOSING CONNECTION... ...CONNECTION CLOSED.
  10. BennySouthSt

    23rd Realism Regiment

    23rd Realism Regiment Tactical, Organised Game-play in Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: Cold War Assault Who are we? We're the 23rd Realism Regiment. A relatively recently created group, the 23rd Realism Regiment attempts to build and maintain the tactical, organised style of game-play that Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: Cold War Assault in known for. With over 50 member, about 20 of which play with us regularly, we're able to hold relatively large scale co-op missions and, if we keep growing, eventually hope to host large scale, tactical PvP missions. We have a whole range of members, from traditional Operation Flashpoint veterans such as Alex to newer players such as myself. The same goes for ages and nationalities - our players are from countries across the world including but not limited to America, England, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Singapore just to name a few. As long as you're mature and can understand basic English, you're welcome within our ranks. We usually have weekly Sunday sessions at approximately 12:00 EST, with smaller, lighter sessions sprinkled in at other times in the week. Our WW4 EXTENDED server is up 24/7, as is the TS server we use to communicate and organize ourselves. Slightly interested? Give us a shot, and check out our steam page! All screenshots are taken In-Game and are of the 23rd Realism Regiment Minimum Joining Requirements - MUST have a Steam account that is in regular use. - MUST be running ArmA:Cold War Assault V1.99 (Steam version is already updated to this). - MUST be mature and possess the attitude described in this post. - MUST have a working microphone and Teamspeak 3 installed. - MUST understand basic English - it doesn't have to be perfect, but you gotta understand what's going on. Recommended - OFPMoniter is a great asset - it allows you to browse and join any public servers after the GameSpy closure and can launch the appropriate mods for any servers you join (assuming they're installed already). - CrossTalk for Teamspeak 3 - Only really necessary as a leader for distinguishing whispers from squad chat, but pretty cool/useful none the less. - The Mod - we'd appreciate it if you could get the mod installed before you join, but it's understandable that people would be hesitant to download something before they're part of the group. Need help installing it? Feel free to ask us! Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/23rdrr Want to join? Add Dan_The_Man or BennySouthSt on Steam, expressing your interest. We'll run you through the basics and invite you to the group. Server IP: TS3 Server: TeamSpeak 3 is our primary method of communication on our games. I'd recommend installing the CrossTalk Teamspeak plugin - It allows you to set radio effects in Teamspeak. Although it's not necessary, I find it very useful when receiving whispers; if they have radio static, it's easy to tell you're being whispered to and aren't listening to chatter in your channel. Plus, it sounds freaking cool! YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJgSRjRHTZUJoNDA7tI2Thw Not sure if the group is right for you? Take a look at our YouTube channel, organised by Saroonva! It currently features some snippets of some of our operations (and, i'll admit, a lot of me talking over the radio by accident!) Mod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/efh9k10nvh1v13d/23rd_WW4.7z We're currently running WW4 EXTENDED with a few extra maps thrown in - All credit goes to Kenoxite and Sanctury for WW4 and it's expansion, WW4 Extended! A 23rd tailored version of WW4 EXT is currently under development by yours truly, but won't be around for a while - even then, it's mainly back-end stuff i'm doing. For the average play, you won't notice the difference; enjoy the joy that is WW4 Extended! Admin Steam Profiles: BennySouthSt - Group 1IC - General Administration and Mods Dan_The_Man - Group 2IC - Recruitment and Operation Organisation Saroonva - Group 3IC - Youtube and Media ​Eazy - Server Maintenance Kotakulu - Missions and Scripting Got any questions about the above categories? Feel free to contact any of the above people! If it's not on the list, get in touch with me - using steam is preferable, but i'll respond to you on the forums too! Organisation and Gameplay The way we operate depends on a few things: The number of players in the session, whoever's acting as IC (Dan, Saroonva and I have very different command styles!) and the mission at hand. For example, if Dan was leading one of our weekly operations and we had a large player count, you could expect an open net between team leaders and command. I, on the other hand, would (probably) operate with a closed net, with fire-team leaders only communicating with the other fire-team leader and squad lead, who then communicates with command - trust me, it makes sense in game! Similarly, our more casual "Assassinate the President" mission would be significantly more relaxed than an organised "Zeus" mission (and yes, that is ArmA 3 Zeus in OFP - Check out this link for Kotakulu's amazing mission!). Generally speaking, your first few sessions will have you operating as a team member - you won't have to worry about the command structure or setting up whispers for a while. It's important you balance a decent level of initiative and discipline; whilst running off towards the T-72 might work, it's not the reason we play the way we do and will be frowned upon (and probably shot by some guy sat in a bush). Similarly, nobody is gonna object to you running 50m to that low wall to get a great flanking position on the hostile squad - it's better than clinging to you Team Leader and all getting wiped out by that lucky AI grenade, right? The ranks structure exists as a way to demonstrate leadership and experience - Simply having a load of hours in the game will not guarantee a rank,nor will topping the score board every game - you need to show an understanding of the best tactics and strategies for the mission as a whole as well as demonstrate your leadership abilities. Don't worry about a load of bollock-y "Sir, yes Sir" stuff - having a rank system simply makes it easier when determining who's taking what roles and what positions. You'll be granted "Cadet" once you join the group and will be promoted to "Private" once you complete your first large operation (or a series of smaller, weekly sessions if no op is running at the time).
  11. =================================================================================================================================== INCOMING TRANSMISSION... Subject: Beowulf Sitrep #8 Date: 09/06/2017 From: Walker BSO’s Birthday! Quick note to acknowledge that 28th May 2017 was Beowulf’s 5th birthday! That's 5 years of the Beowulf group playing ArmA in some way shape. Of course the early days were horrifically strung together ArmA II “missions”. But personally I'm quite proud of what Beowulf has turned into, especially over the last 12 months. StratOps Some of you have already heard me whitter on about this. But I am proud to officially announce our first ever Strategic Operation. The first “StratOp” night will take place on 25th June (Sunday). This will be a session dedicated to a pre-made and planned large scale operation. Beyond our normal missions, this operation will involve some more strategic level thinking and tactics from the players, in order to complete the objectives set out in the pre-released briefing. For our future operations, we plan to release the briefing for the next operation at the end of a StratOps night, as well as confirm the date that the next StratOp will take place. These briefings will be beefed out versions of our standard mission briefings to include information about the upcoming operation, including full lists of mission slots and equipment info and maps where necessary. For these operations we will look for volunteers in advance to be our mission leaders. This allows the mission leaders to plan their mission ahead of the night, in order to reduce the time spent preparing for the operation. We hope these StratOp missions will give you, the community, some different approaches to the standard ArmA formula. Allowing for new challenges, more interesting and intense missions and of course more and bigger explosions! Details of our first StratOp will follow this SITREP... TvT Nights To some, Team Vs Team (that's ArmA speak for Player Vs Player) missions are the complete opposite of what they want from their ArmA experience. To others, TvTs are a way to manifest the skills and tactics we have learnt to challenge other players on the virtual battlefield. Offering the ability to take on a real opponent who thinks and does not stand in the open looking the wrong way… pulling off headshots 500 meters away with a 360 no scope… etc. We’ve realised that playing TvT missions in session can sometimes completely split the player base, especially with lower numbers. To allow those hungry for TvT action to get their fix, we are going to trial our first ever TvT Night on 16th June (Friday). This will be an organised session outside the normal Wednesday and Sunday sessions, completely dedicated to TvT Action. When we talk about TvTs, these are typically standard ArmA missions, but in a Player Vs Player enviroment. TvTs can also be fun deathmatch and other popular shooter game modes and we intend to explore them all! To kick off our first TvT night, we plan to run a couple of “Standard” tactical missions in a TvT format, and then finish off with some more arcade style missions, including the venerable "Storage Wars: EXTREME". There's no sign up, and no requirements as per our normal sessions. Just turn up and GET SUM! Generator & pre-session For those who don’t know, Generator is the term given to our pre-session warm up mission Generators. These are dynamic Mission Generator missions which use an in-house created system to dynamically create a mission on the spot. The pre-session window between 1900-2000 UK time is a chance for players to warm up and play some smaller scale, on the fly dynamic missions. This is NOT the time for players to decide to start shooting each other in the spawn, not allowing others to take part in the warm up. This is NOT the time for players to fly helicopters aimlessly round the map and not take part in the mission while the guys on the ground are desperate for some air support. I raise these points as over the next few weeks we intend to revisit the Generator framework, to expand its potential, the available maps and themes, and various other planned changes. We also want to try and start using the pre-session time to run small scale missions. These are the kind of missions which might take the form of 30 minute insurgent stand offs, or Special forces lightning raids. For these kinds of warm up missions to work, we need to ensure players are all on board for using the pre-session time productively with the other members of the community. If you require facilities for aimless killing or hovering. Please checkout KoTH servers - I hear they are fabulous! Training Vallu and the team are preparing to kick off some JTAC and CAS training. For those of you who don’t know, these are the acronyms for “special flying wizardry that make things go boom”. Also known as Air Support, air strikes, bombing runs etc. etc. etc. June 9th (Thursday) will be the JTAC training. This will involve understanding what the job of the ground controller is, and how to call in airstrikes on the enemy and not your friends. VERY IMPORTANT! June 15th (Thursday) will be the CAS training. In this event you will learn how to use the aircraft in ArmA to deliver ordnance where its needed. YOU MUST ATTEND THE JTAC TRAINING IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CAS TRAINING! June 22nd (Thurdsay) This will be an organised opportunity for players to practice their new skills in JTAC and CAS wizardry with the training team on hand to help organise the mess. Vallu will release more details on the #training page of slack leading up to the events. But if you have any questions give him a poke. That's all for now folks. I’ll see you at the events. This month is going to be a busy one for Beowulf! Walker ...TRANSMISSION TERMINATED... ...CLOSING CONNECTION... ...CONNECTION CLOSED.
  12. Beowulf Strategic Operations Needs your community for joint sessions! Beowulf Strategic Operations is looking to host joint-group sessions in the near future! If your community is interested in playing some larger-scale sessions, get in contact with us! Smaller communities never really get to experience massive, large-scale operations that can make Arma 3 even more epic - it's one of the limitations of running sessions with no more than 20 or 30 players. By joining together with other groups for joint-sessions, us smaller Arma 3 communities can experience these massive missions whilst maintaining our independence from the larger, more numerous Arma 3 groups. We're hoping to create and host a large scale co-op mission, with as many as 50 or 60 players working towards the same goal against the AI, as well as a smaller PvP mission, where two elements of about 25 fight against each-other - a great chance for our players to fight against a smarter foe, whilst still having something larger than the squad-vs-squad scenarios that we're used to. Are you and your community interested in playing with us? We're looking for communities that can play in an EU timezone, with the ACE, ACRE, RHS and CUP Terrains mods. Ideally, you should also match our play-style, although we can make something fit if that isn't the case. The mission creation and hosting will be handled by the Beowulf team - all your community needs to do is turn up! Get in contact with us at: - recruiting@beowulfso.com - BennySouthSt on steam. We hope to hear from your community soon!
  13. =================================================================================================================================== Beowulf is looking for groups to play with! As mentioned in the above SITREP, Beowulf is on the lookout for other similarly-minded groups to play occasional, large, joint sessions with - We're hoping to host sessions in an EU evening timezone, and running ACE, ACRE and a compromise of any mods both groups share - no downloading entire mod sets for one night! If you or your community are interested in this, drop an email to recruiting@beowulfso.com and we'll discuss the details! =================================================================================================================================== =================================================================================================================================== INCOMING TRANSMISSION... Subject: Beowulf Sitrep #7 Date: 01/03/2017 From: Walker I'm getting really good at forgetting to do these... but heres another SITREP of the STUFF going on in dark corners of Beowulf PRESET UPDATE As I hope most of you know by now, we recently did a large preset update which included some massive updates for CUP Terrains, RHS and our own map pack. For some it's been quite easy, and others are still having difficulty. If you need help PLEASE ask someone on slack, TeamSpeak or Steam so you can get it resolved before turning up to session. Remember the best way to test you’ve got everything working is to join the server and make sure it doesn't kick you! One issue with the BSU tool which seems to of been caused due to the CUP switch around of their files between different folders is currently being worked on by Jsm. We will at some point in the next few weeks (hopefully when the BSU issue is resolved) be dropping another hotfix to R11, for the CBA update which adds the much anticipated fix for the “dancing defensive AI” (mission makers rejoice!). More on that closer to the time. HOST The mysteries “Host” role in the community has been linked to the dark arts and shadows. It is in fact perfectly simple. The Hosts are here to help the admin team (JSM and I) run Beowulf. Most have a field or role they specialist in. But they are all more than capable of “Hosting” a Beowulf session, and helping out with the general running of the community. Moving forward The Admin team will ensure all the Hosts are trained up on the basic server stuff so they are more than capable of running sessions in my or JSM’s absence. MISSION MAKING The last few weeks have been fantastic for mission making. So many more mission makers making regular submissions, with our database on track to cross over 200 unique missions since it started nearly 12 months ago! Once again if you are interested in getting involved with mission making, all you need is some experience with the 3D editor, the attention span to watch the seminar video i created on YouTube, and get yourself on the #missionmakers channel on slack! Moving forward I’m already working on plans to make some changes to the framework. These include better “GameOn” and TvT “Ready” functions, easier to use admin interface and better support for the Weather systems in We are also in the process of improving our “Mission Database” to be a lot more functional, and accessible to all, to checkout the missions we have lined up for future sessions, and the past missions we have run. To assist in the administration of Mission Making and testing, ScopeRunner will be joining our Host team. Initially he will work alongside myself hopefully making a great improvement on the quality and turnaround of mission testing. TRAINING The last few weeks has seen a lot of action for the TrainingTeam, putting together and delivering our first Familiarization Course, a Helicopter Training session and I’m pleased to say the start of our basic Certification system. The Certification system is still being finalized, but the basic concept is to ensure that specialist roles that require skills beyond the norm are managed a little better when we slot missions in sessions. Pivotal roles such as Transport Pilots can be incredibly important in a mission. The risk with allowing any new or old member slot a pilot slot, is that sometimes we don’t know if they can indeed fly that helicopter without killing everyone on “landing” for example. We here at Beowulf want to be inclusive, and allow all members the chance to play the roles they wish. We’ve decided the only way we can have the best of both worlds is to have a certification system. The first role we have selected to apply the system to, is the Helicopter Pilot role. From now on in all Beowulf Session Missions, if you wish to slot as a Helicopter Pilot, you will have to have passed a very short certification course to prove to the rest of the community that you are capable of performing that role (this applies to new, old, admin and host members). For the Helicopter Pilot role, you will perform a series of landings under different conditions with different aircraft from the main classes, while being observed by one of the certified Training Team members. Once you hold your certification, you will be able to slot those roles in missions. Accidents happen, we are only human and… yaknow… ArmA! So if you fail that's fine. You can always repeat the certification at the Training Team’s discretion. If accidents or blatant buffoonery continuously occurs during sessions, the Training Host or Admins may remove your certification which will require you go back and proove to the community you have what it takes to “take on helicopters”. Moving forward we currently only envision a few roles requiring a similar certification. For example we will most likely do a separate certification for CAS and JTAC roles. Any role we intend to move to a certification requirement, will first have a training course developed and delivered by the Training Team. The Training Team plan to re-run courses, record them, writeup about them and some are even kind enough to give 1-2-1 support in their spare time. Rest assured, if you want to fly. You will get your chance in session once you have passed the simple test. For the time being, if you wish to get help with flying, know when the next helicopter training session is, or if you’re ballsy and want to get yourself certified. Drop a message in the #Training channel on slack. Moving forward we will come up with a better solution. From today, Vallu will be heading up the Training Team as the Training Host. His previous experience with running training for other games and dedication to the role already will give the training team the direction they need to fulfill the heavy burden of making us all better! COMMUNITY SESSION Finally a exciting note! BennySouthSt has been working to find a community for Beowulf to take on/work with in a friendly session. We are still working out the specifics, but we are working with one group already and will continue to look for groups with similar tastes in ArmA who want to do COOPs and/or TvTs with us. Rest assured, we are going in (like most other communities) and refusing to download their mods. Instead we are finding communities willing to compromise. This will most likely be a case of both communities coming together on one server running the common mods such as ACE, ACRE, RHS etc. Hopefully in time, we might be able to open that up further. But baby steps.... More info on that when it comes! Standby for horrific Asymmetric warfare ideas!!! END BROADCAST Walker ...TRANSMISSION TERMINATED... ...CLOSING CONNECTION... ...CONNECTION CLOSED.
  14. As someone who loves WW4/WW4 EXT and is a utterly dreadful 3D modeller, this is the best thing. Thanks for releasing this stuff!
  15. BennySouthSt

    Cold War Enhanced

    Hell yeah, i'm gonna be following this very closely. Installing it now, looking forwards to playing with it! EDIT: Had a bit of a play, and i'm impressed! Its obviously not finished, as a load of units still use default BIS models and weapons, but I can tell that this could be awesome if it was continuously worked on. I noticed a few bugs during my really short 30-min play around in the editor: Here's what I found, and I hope it helps you fix anything! Note: I have some weird changes to my control scheme that I just realized, so that might be something to do with it. One suggestion: I love the ambient sounds when firing - the cracks and stuff - but it might be worth working through them and tweaking some of them. Its weird and pretty immersion breaking when the sound of a heavy MG is heard when it's just you and a CZ75. I'm loving it so far though, even taking the bugs into account, its an amazing achievement that seems to be pushing the engine to its limits.
  16. BennySouthSt

    Custom M16 Error

    Thanks man, ill take a proper look when I get home. I know about the over-complicated weapon, I put a load of the stuff already defined in M16 so I could mess around and see what effect changing those things have. I completely forgot about cfgModels though :-S. I appreciate the help, ill let you know how it goes when I get home.
  17. BennySouthSt

    Custom M16 Error

    I've gotten back into learning how to mod OFP/CWA, and its interesting yet infuriating at the same time. I've been messing around trying to create a custom M16 with some custom mags. I've fixed some of the problems I had on my own, but i've hit a brick wall. Whenever I try to add my weapon to a unit with this in the init field: this addweapon "23RD_M16A4" however, it comes up with the error: noentry 'CONFIG.cpp/cfgweapons.23RD_M16A4'. Again, this is my first attempt at getting a weapon and mags in game, but i'm okay with units and i'm pretty sure i've defined what I need. Here's some elements from the config. class CfgPatches { class 23rd_Blufor_Weapons { units[]= { }; weapons[]= { "23RD_M16A4", "556W_GTRACE_30RD_SB", "556W_RTRACE_30RD_SB", "556W_BTRACE_30RD_SB", "556W_BALL_30RD_SB" }; requiredAddons[]= {"BIS_Resistance","BIS_WeaponPack","LaserGuided","6G30","Kozlice","G36A","MM1","Steyr","Bizon","XMS"}; requiredVersion=1.85; }; }; class CfgWeapon { class Default {}; class MGun: Default {}; class Riffle: MGun {}; class M16: Riffle {}; class 556W_BALL_30RD_SB: M16 { //Mag is defined in here, i'm pretty sure its fine and it shouldn't have any bearing as far as I know, unless the mag has to // be defined with the weapon - but then how does JAM work? }; class 23RD_M16A4 : M16 { opticsZoomMin=0.30; opticsZoomMax=0.30; optics = true; model="m16_proxy"; //Using the default model and such until I get it in game. modelOptics="optika_m16"; displayname = "M16A4 (Black, Covers)"; drySound[]={"weapons\M16dry",db-40,1}; magazines[] = {"556W_BALL_30RD_SB","556W_RTRACE_30RD_SB","556W_GTRACE_30RD_SB","556W_BTRACE_30RD_SB"}; }; }; Here's a link to the full thing: http://pastebin.com/TEdA9mzr Like I said, whenever I try to spawn the "23RD_M16A4" into the editor, it gives the error I posted. I've been working on this for a while and had a load of bugs that i've figured out and worked around, and I wouldn't come here unless I was out of ideas - you guys are always really helpful :) I'd massively appreciate it if you could let me know what i've fucked up, although (unless its massive) don't bother spending time correcting any other mistakes and such - I wanna try figure them out myself, it's the way i've learned up to this point. Thanks!
  18. I'm doing a few tweaks with WW4 Extended for use in a small OFP group. I've created a few units, but have based them off the standard WW4 units, not the WW4 EXT units. This means that they can't use any of the great Extended features, in particular disposable launchers. In order to enable this, I need the units to run the "sq_infantry" (or something along that line, ill find the correct name later) script. I've tried adding it under the EventHandler class in a units config, but to no success. I'm not that experience with modding, so I'm pretty sure its my syntax. What would I add under class EventHandler in a units config so that it runs the "sq_infantry" script on the unit?
  19. BennySouthSt

    class EventHadler in Config

    Ahha, perfect. Thanks for all the help!
  20. BennySouthSt

    class EventHadler in Config

    I can't see any repeated members, but maybe i'm being blind. I'll post the includes now. First, here's "usarmypack.hpp". This just defines the backpacks and I haven't define any weapons here, so I doubt its the issue, but i'm not ruling anything out:http://pastebin.com/bB47GSD1 This is where the problem may lie: http://pastebin.com/xmWu9qya. The weapons are defined here but, again, I don't see any repeats. Do you have to 'end' a define somehow before you move onto the next one or something? If so, that's probably my issue - that or I mis-spelt "define" somewhere and it continues including the info in the line below. Any help is appreciated!
  21. BennySouthSt

    class EventHadler in Config

    Sure, here's a link to it: http://pastebin.com/jbNjLJgF NOTE: It's not entirely finished - a load of WW4 things need to be re-named to clear out any conflicts.
  22. BennySouthSt

    class EventHadler in Config

    I don't know whether this is best served in a new topic, but its the same file, so I thought i'd ask here. After spending a few weeks troubling over a problem which turned out to be a spelling mistake :( i've managed to get everything together and in the right places. HOWEVER, upon launching the game with the mod installed, I get this error: ww4_23rdusarm\config.cpp.weapons: Member already defined Now, due to my time tinkering with other mods for private use, I know what this means - it pretty much explains itself, "Weapons" is already defined. The thing is, I haven't defined any weapons in the config - the phrase "weapons" is not present anywhere apart from in the original defines, as they've been added using #include. Curiously, i'm pretty sure that if a units weapon is already defined, the error would include the unit class name (it's been a while since i've had this though, so i could be wrong.) leading me to believe that its something I haven't experienced before. All units inherit their properties from "23RD_ARMY_BASE" (which has no weapons defined) which in turn inherits from "SoldierWB", which I believe is a BIS class. This effectively rules out it being a problem in the units. So; anyone know where this "weapons" define is?
  23. BennySouthSt

    AI Taking RPG from dead teammates

    You need to tell the AI to pick it up manually - Select a single AI member with the F-keys, then press "Action" by pushing on the 6 key. Look around the list and you should see "Take *thing you want them to pick up*. Select that, and the AI should go do it.
  24. BennySouthSt

    Bulldozer Launch Error

    Ahha, perfect - I copied my "ColdWarAssault.cfg" file and renamed it, and that gets Bulldozer starting fine. I've got a "bad serial key" error now, but that's due to my install being CWA 1.99 rather than an earlier OFP version - I should be able to deal with this though :). Thanks!
  25. BennySouthSt

    CWA Local VOIP?

    Simple question - is there anything out there that can get local voice chat working in game (v1.99)? Apparently using DirectPlay has the option, but apparently that can cause problems such as ripping apart parts of your hard drive (citation needed!), so thats outa the option. Any mods/plugins that do this, or is it totally out of the question?